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25619932 No.25619932 [Reply] [Original]

It’s surreal that I’m going to be a millionaire this year

>> No.25619962


>> No.25619970

Fuck you.

>> No.25620012

I had $30k just a few months ago I lost everything, I barely have $2k now...
Leverage trading boyos... Gonna do it again either I win it all or lose the little I have

>> No.25620014

Hey can you please help me. I made an account with Coinbase that had 16000$ worth of ETH to an account that allowed Chainlink. This was in 2017. I might be rich but I can't find it.Is there a way to find out where I sent my etheruem?

>> No.25620040

additionally, I'm on my coinbase account right now and I see my history on the right and when I click it it shows the number that I sent it to and says ETH for LINK

>> No.25620075

Hahaha seethe harder jelly nolinker

>> No.25620076

Are you a burger? Did you send to Binance?

>> No.25620110

I am a burger yes. And i actually did create a Binance account around that time. I'm going to check right now. Wish me luck.

>> No.25620149


it's not 2018 anymore friendo, get something with potential

>> No.25620221

I know you own link lol

>> No.25620271

I wouldn't worry about that

>> No.25620302

Don’t think so, i’m seeing a lot of overlaps from 2017 indicating that this indeed is the top.

>> No.25620307
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You scared the absolute living fuck out of me because the amount of LINK I have generating interest in AAVE is really close to that number.

I started hyperventilating and started thinking "oh no what the fuck did I do"

But it's cool lol. See you at the yacht party fellow "close but no cigar" stacklet

>> No.25620315

Feels good man. I bought at ico and I'm still holding.

>> No.25620336

Or just fucking learn your lesson and don't, retard

Good luck fren

>> No.25620358

I don’t hold any link, and never plan on holding it either. But fuck me there’s a lot of fags on here. I hope you make it fren. Hopefully Link reaches your desired price and you become a millionaire.

>> No.25620371

Whats your username and password? I'd be happy to assist.

>> No.25620389

I remember these threads in 2018.

>> No.25620412

how do i to this anon
t. oldfag

>> No.25620439
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Cheers nolinker. You're alright. Hope you make it with whatever positions you have (unless it's statera)

>> No.25620444

Okay so I haven't logged into my binance in lord knows how long and am having to go through a number of security prompts that I am having trouble maneuvering. This isn't fun. I really hope I didn't lose everything.
I'm actually trying to figure out my password and username right now. I'll send it right after thanks fren

>> No.25620455

You keep posting this and some jealous linklet is going to dox you and furiously suck your dick. Be careful anon.

>> No.25620481

bro im also all in link but you posting this shit is the most bearest thing ive seen in a while. could u stop pls

>> No.25620499

You'll be a millionaire in zimbabwe

>> No.25620512

You got lucky.

>> No.25620527

Parsnip HODler yepyep

>> No.25620539

the interest for depositing link in aave is basically negligible... lol
which makes no sense because exchanges charge me 40% to short link on margin so it just goes to show how much alpha there still is in defi...

>> No.25620586

How does 500 million dollarinos sound?

>> No.25620594

Adding to this. Does anyone have any recommendations as to how I can access my wallet given that I have the seed phrase from coinbase? Is there a work around?

>> No.25620610

Where did you buy art ico?

>> No.25620619
File: 492 KB, 768x1024, comment_1609953114uXMMcYK1kQvY9sXA7p88Im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And? Are you choosing lambo rims atm,

>> No.25620634

Go to aave. Connect wallet. Deposit LINK. Enjoy your 0.03% apy top fucking kek.

Mostly not worth it if I can be honest but if you have a huge stack (more than me for sure) that could be a viable strat to get some extra free link (which will inevitably be $1000 each)

Gas is whack right now though so the transaction cost will be likely over $100 so you'll need to commit to a good sized deposit and hold for a while (a few months) for it to be worth the transaction cost

Cheers faggot

>> No.25620664

I'm having trouble logging in to my Binance account. See
Both of those are my posts. Do you have any suggestions?

>> No.25620699
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ok, seriously. stop larping. nobody here has more than 1k chainlink. MAYBE a couple whales have 2k. but that's it

>> No.25620741

Never used any trade sites but wouldnt your seed phrase just work with any wallet like metamask? Sorry if im writing something like this as a poorfag i just wanted to see anon getting rich

>> No.25620764
File: 346 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210106-182531_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I became one today

>tfw 7 figure hell

>> No.25620834

>tfw got scammed into LCX and now im considering selling very low


>> No.25621129

Based. I jelly

>> No.25621336

holy tits

>> No.25621380

holy fuck, has it even hit you yet? what are you gonna do to celebrate? not blow your money, but celebrate the occasion

>> No.25621426

wake up, we are all waiting for you.

>> No.25621600
File: 20 KB, 211x258, 20201008_143647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t hold any link, and never plan on holding it either.
Can't understand why there are unironically people on this board who still don't own link

>> No.25621650
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I feel the same way


I still don't believe it. I'm just sitting here with a deadpan face. It's like.. now what

>> No.25621655

they know who we are anon.

>> No.25621678

i don't own it for a very good reason and that is that everyone who owns link is insufferably delusional

>> No.25621718

fucking congrats anon
get a fat stack of crypto for what's coming next imo
and try creating multiple streams of income
enjoy it you deserved it

>> No.25621729

yessir buy stonks !

>> No.25621743

Anon I....

>> No.25621751
File: 494 KB, 1125x1797, F48DA227-CCDC-42E7-AF4F-081DACAA5ADD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope to be there this month. 3 years ago I had 200k and was sure I’d be at 1M in weeks didn’t happen. Temper your expectations

>> No.25621853

wait wut. you just put 300k into 1 stock and prayed?

>> No.25621855

To be honest 1M just isn’t much these days. Need to aim for 3-5M then you can be happier but still not satisfied. Need 10M. Just the way it is now. So many of us have 1M portfolios just doesn’t mean what it used to

>> No.25621910

>taking on credit risk for 0.03%

>> No.25621915

aave will be huge, unironically amazon level. Like the swiss bank shit link partnered up with today is based on Aave.
too bad the token is pointless

>> No.25621965


>> No.25622012

Ya what the fuck is the point of the aave token

>> No.25622111

>joo ID
You’re retarded. Might as well go to the casino and pick the prettiest slot machine

>> No.25622546

Fuck off, im making 40k year in shitty job and it sucks ass. Would make more from 1mil interest and never need worry about anything. 1 million assets opens so much doors and get you good loans, 1 mil will also turn to 2 million eventually just sitting on sp500.

>> No.25622598

>not even 10k