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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 46 KB, 600x284, the-graph-network.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25619151 No.25619151 [Reply] [Original]

This seems so fucking obvious to me. all Loopring gains are in, all my Eth. everything. Id it doubles I make it.

>> No.25619199

Yeah, with half the stack delegated.

>> No.25619314

About 1/3 in.
115k stack with 85k delegated.

>> No.25619409

Stay strong the pump will come sooner or later. Even with fully diluted supply 10x is coming.

>> No.25619468

How do you make money off ETH? Someone mentioned you can stake with it and make some idle gains. If so I've been missing out on 3 fucking years worth of gains.

>> No.25619480
File: 75 KB, 482x427, fce123148128831ghy321841loe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like DCAing in it every 2 weeks with $1000, but im afraid it will start pumping as I'm doing so. Unfortunately I don't have money to just dump on it. God damn it

>> No.25619493

I have about 200k, which is about 20% of my stack
majority is in LINK

>> No.25619609
File: 64 KB, 784x317, GOVERNMENT GRAPHS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sold all my link for it.
100% all in.

For me seeing that it was already being used by the biggest names in crypto, with over 500 million queries a day, and that it had no competition, a complete monopoly on indexing blockchain data, and solved one of the biggest problems in dapp creation (querying blockchain data)
It really was a no brainer.

Now seeing that US banks approved stable coins, stable coins that already are running subgraphs, and that the graph is catering to government utilities, i am even more bullish and comfy af.

>> No.25619745

I'm 50/50 LINK/GRT for my altcoin positions

>> No.25619811

imagine being all in this piece of shit

>> No.25620263
File: 611 KB, 1226x920, Spaceman 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till people find out about about te tokenomics, its insane. TOKEN NEEDED.

To participate in the network, Indexers will need to stake GRT to provide services in the query market,

Delegators will need to delegate GRT to Indexers,

Curators will need to signal GRT on subgraphs to indicate which subgraphs should be indexed.

Investment strategy is literally just buy blockchain agnostic tools that power up the Web3/smart contract stack and make adoption easier. GRT is the first thing since link to really hit that mark, but with the bonus that it's already running at scale

The Graph has become such a important public infrastructure, when The Graph goes down, DeFi and Web3 go down. Think about that for a second.

>> No.25620318
File: 2 KB, 475x68, bahs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's bags am I buying?

>> No.25620364

>The Graph has become such a important public infrastructure
It has existed for about 2 weeks, how is it important public infrastructure in a market that is a decade old?

>> No.25620431

They a 28 day cooldown on the delegations. So basically if people try to dump on us during pumps they won't be able to do it.

>> No.25620464

if you have to ask you dont understand what you've been buying in crypto

>> No.25620490

the token has existed for 2 weeks, not the protocol itself

>> No.25620837

graph has been around for 3+ years

>> No.25620898
File: 192 KB, 626x442, 1608475436050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slowing trying to DCA my way to 100k, taking profits from other coins
I'm so comfy bros

>> No.25620905

The problem is they have everything covered plus a working product. Shitcoins do a slow hype cycle that pumps the price, this one has everything on day 1. What's next?

>> No.25620955

sure doesnt fucking look like it kek

>> No.25621012

why the fuck would he include sushiswap in that tweet the absolute nigger

>> No.25621013
File: 99 KB, 640x640, 1609968333529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An overnight 10x or a year long crab
No inbetween

>> No.25621049

whats the website for this?

>> No.25621198
File: 483 KB, 2874x508, newfagscapped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25621570
File: 378 KB, 778x537, DEFIBANK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People buying defi coins straight from their bank account... All run on top of the graph protocol.

If only you knew how comfy things really are.