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25607784 No.25607784 [Reply] [Original]

I'm still waiting on the Hex rugpull everybody says is gonna happen. All I hear is how happy everybody is with Hex. I mean, who has been scammed? There is almost nobody in Hex who isn't up a lot of money and those barely up(because they bought between Oct 20th and Nov 20th because they were greedy trying to get free money from Bigpayday) are still almost certainly up because how high the interest rate is in Hex. Seems to me Hex is chugging along beautifully and working as intended. hex.com has all the tools in knowledge you need to learn instead of being close minded.

>> No.25607852
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Here's some HEX OC, fellow Hexican.

>> No.25607928

What's the make it stack? I have like 30k locked for 6 mo

>> No.25608069

You should lock it up for 5555 days. You're too shortsighted.

>> No.25608478

15 years is way too long for most people. let them dip their toes in hex and see the APY. let them see how smooth and clean everything is. pressuring people into a 5555 stake is not the right way to tell people to hex. Obviously longer stakes pay almost comical amounts of interest but that's a long time commitment and a lot of newcomers don't know that you need to complete at least half of however long you said your stake is gonna be or else you will get your principal impacted by emergency end-staking. That said, make it stack is 1M hex staked for 5 years or more. You'll be amazed how much money that will have made you when you go to collect your principal and interest back when you end stake

>> No.25608498

spread your stakes out. I've got stakes ending every few months going out for the next 11 years and I'm planning on adding on to the end of that to the max 15 years. I'm going to have income for life from HEX.

the payouts for longer stakes is massive. staking for 10+ years gives you 3x as many shares (i.e. 3x as much daily interest) as staking for 60 days would. shares only get more expensive over time so buying long-term shares now while it's still early will give you much higher rewards than waiting. The cost of shares has gone up faster than the cost of the tokens.

Staking will also prevent your weak hands from panic selling. If you really want to make it you gotta stake it.

>> No.25608844

thanks i love it and saved.

>> No.25608873

whats his name? saucee

>> No.25609350

>UP 100%
>Funds locked for 15 yrs.

>> No.25609472

Don't use Kequing for your shilling. Thanks.

>> No.25609530

Yeah, preventing from selling when anything goes wrong lol. That's literally the most retarded idea anyone ever seen. Imagine playing a 1 hand of blackjack for 1/4 of your life

>> No.25609591

That rugpull is likely to happen *when* ARPA overtakes HEX and BELLA is on the headlines of FT

>> No.25609771

I gotta try that. It's called a ladder, right?

>> No.25609795

I do whatever I want, faggot.

>> No.25609847
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why are you so certain something will go wrong with HEX? Unlike other DeFi it's totally trustless, no admin keys, no devs changing the code. Over one year in and no probs so far.

by the time something goes wrong in anything it's too late for you to sell, staked or not. I'll keep staking and earning high interest, you keep watching charts and hoping not to get rugpulled

>> No.25609920

>Imagine being that naive to trust Spam king's coin & origin address

>> No.25609928
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men lie, women lie. numbers don't. and this is coming from a project that's been heavily gatekept by btc people and exchanges because hex takes the middlemen out of crypto(the purpose of crypto is no middleman). This thing is literally still at the launch pad and we're already crushing the competition. hex.com its so easy to earn 25-40% apy. If you turn bitcoin into hex and stake it for 1 year you are already up 25% or more on that trade. its so simple even /biz/ can understand it

>> No.25610057

so I gotta ask anon, who is getting scammed here and how? you always come into hex threads with the same article from 20 years ago but nothing to actually say how hex is a scam and who has been scammed. sounds like you are just salty. hex.com earn high trustless interest and get on youtube and simply listen to what people have to say about hex. dyor

>> No.25610087
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>> No.25611044

>those barely up(because they bought between Oct 20th and Nov 20th because they were greedy trying to get free money from Bigpayday)
How would buying before BPD make one "barely up"? You mean people who sold right after BPD? I bought and held, and I'm up more than 5x.

>> No.25611291

This is the first time I'm seeing your pic related but my IQ is 140-something and I literally posted the exact words "Number go up" in a HEX thread last weekend.

>> No.25611521

The meme is real. The people trashing hex are mostly midwits who think they are smart. They see HEX has some superficial similarities to a scam e.g. a website that talks about gains, and so their instinct is to assume it must be a scam. Because the defining characteristic of a midwit is unwavering self assurance in their own intelligence they don't bother to look into it further or question if they might be wrong.

Times like this I'm glad I was born a dimwit. Keep teeing yourself you are smart for missing out on the gains of a lifetime, midwits. Haha number go up.

>> No.25611807

just looking at the chart there is a time from Oct 20th to Nov 20th that was above the current price. so only those people aren't ahead but most people are way way way the fuck up. even those people though are either break even or still ahead because hex pays high interest

>> No.25611963

We are actually all downplaying the world changing invention hex made. Once people start to understand it they will be amazed at the ramifications of it btw. Richard says he should get a Nobel Prize in Economics for it and he's more than correct. This is 'THEE' thing that's all other things are going to have to figure out a way to compete with. Its a beautiful system for humans to store value with. give it time though boys the mega crypto bullrun is just starting

>> No.25612712

Oh I see now. Duh.

>> No.25613460

What's the point of holding this stable coin? Everything else is mooning and HEX just sits there. Pathetic.

>> No.25613535 [DELETED] 

so how much money has that fat spammer made from this so far?

>> No.25613631
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zoom out

>> No.25614196

hex is up 267% in the last 30 days. sorry if you have the patience of an animal. people also made high interest on that 267% maybe try a little harder with your FUD. one thing you'll soon realize is that hex people are smart and they will be able to see through your lies and fud

>> No.25614557

Past means absolutely nothing. If you exclude the HEX youtube cultists no one is showing even mild interest. Exactly how were you planning to pull this thing through - where are you going to find the people buying your bags?

>> No.25614784

you aren't buying hex. we get it. you aren't who these threads are made for. not sure why you are here. let other people make money how they want. the fact that you come into every hex thread hating only solidifies that you aren't out there making money yourself. hex is going to dominate btc and eth like it did in 2020

>> No.25614797
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RH has millions in ETH & a big mouth. He knows marketing and how to get attention, and plays to win. You'd be dumb to bet against him. Consider also how passionate and devoted HEXicans are. Few other crypto have this sort of enthusiasm from its devotees. The virus will spread. Doesn't hurt that HEX is also an awesome product and once the gatekeeping stops and more people find out about it a lot of them are going to want a piece of the action. this train is picking up steam and there ain't no brakes

>> No.25614956

this guy came in and said 'past means absolutely nothing' lmao. ok i guess charts mean absolutely nothing to any crytpo or stock now. the best indicator of how amazing hex is has to be the complete retards that come in here and are anti-hex. actual dumb people i'm not just saying it to be edgy, they are actually low iq humans

>> No.25615005

lagging behind much...

>> No.25615199

>best indicator of how amazing hex is has to be the complete retards that come in here and are anti-hex

yes that's one of the things that makes me so bullish on HEX. The people trashing it are all mouth-breathing morons who can't make a coherent argument (other than calling it a scam). Every time I see these fuckwits flailing with their anti-HEX screeds i buy more HEX

>> No.25615372

Ok, I want to ask. What is the worst thing that can happen to HEX?

>> No.25615515

the worst thing that can happen to hex is either bitcoin and/or eth failing. it would dump the entire crypto market. other than that nothing really. the price can have a shitty month or year but how do you prognosticate that? it can also easily MOON and you get left behind. Hex is a completed product. No admin keys, no 3rd parties. just a working product with 2 security audits and one economics audit by the best auditing companies in the space.

>> No.25615564

Hex is great. Watching the latest Richard Heart stream right now.

>> No.25615741
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you're all going to be watching the HexChange conference starting tonight, right?


>> No.25615769

go into their tg group, you will have a slight idea on what kind of people are in there. Spoiler: retards who got into it because of all the shilling going on.
With your logic: Why is humanity not ended yet, why are people still alive. You told me asteroid will hit earth at one point in future.

>> No.25615841

No new money coming in and ooks like it is already happening. Everything is stagnating - except endless live streams where they try to convince each other that people will come. Surely the buyers must buyers will miraculously show up. Well it's not looking good.

>> No.25615863

go on crypto twitter and look at the iq of the average maxi. oh shit look at those retards better sell.

that telegram chat is to help newbs. that's how you get new users on board: by helping them and answering their questions

>> No.25615953

>posting chart of coin on which yourself yourself got tugged on.

all of you retards use the same chart setup and cant even come up with anything original (expected)

Your memes fucking suck, youre positing it at least 3 times a day in your hexcirclejk twitter cult

So many people yet none (except the founder) knows how hex works and read from script (they literally say same shit and cant use their own brain to for a sentence) and throw catchy slogans all over the place.

>> No.25616006

all i see is you retards posting "HEX gives 100% ROI" under every single crypto related and politician's post. Along with pictures of it being mentioned in newspapers / taxi and all that shitty ads.

>> No.25616054

every single negative thing that was said about hex in this thread was said about btc 10 years ago
am I saying hex is like btc
hell no

>> No.25616136

If you believe that your twitter cult with thousands of shitty btc vs hex scam memes reformated to make it seem like you're original is better than actual community that that isnt strictly based on convincing people their project isnt a scam.

>> No.25616235

hex has paid me amazing interest. hex has scammed exactly zero people. name 1 person that has been scammed by hex...i'll wait

>> No.25616236

Bitcoin never promised high returns nor any financial gains, people found value in decentralization. Satoshi never shilled it like a bitch in newspapers / livestreams and all the bs hex does. You can literally go check out bitcoin whitepaper, whole goal of it was "decentralized peer 2 peer" cash system. Hex is "get rich quick, lock your fund for 15 years"

>> No.25616332

this is why you are retarded. hex promises exactly nothing. its directly on the front page. hex promises you nothing. zero promises. not sure why that's hard for people to understand.

>> No.25616335

Re-read what i just said. Bitcoin never had a concern of being a scam as high return wasn't its only promise and had completely different purpose.HEX is literally promising to get you rich quick and put a lot of effort into convincing you it isn't a scam

>> No.25616367

you literally just typed 'hex is get rich quick, lock your funds for 15 years' this is the iq of the hex haters. basically monkeys that have been given access to a computer

>> No.25616425

hex makes no promises. you are simply lying. ask richard, ask anybody thats ever bought hex ask any influencer or anybody in the crypto space. nobody with a brain will say hex PROMISES anything. there are zero promises in hex. why are you so stupid?

>> No.25616471

So you're saying a project with a website mentioning how much it x'ed, high returns, comparing it to bitcoin and convincing you it isnt a scam isnt "promising high returns". All these different slogans about outpreforming etc. Yeah, we might consider it unconsciously reading between the lines or we/e

>> No.25616573

that's exactly what i'm saying. just because bitcoin doesn't promote how many x its up doesn't mean other cryptos can't. every post you write i'm just going to post that you wrote these words 'hex is a get rich quick scheme, they want you to lock your funds for 15 years. you are barely a sentient human. you are not intelligent enough for crypto sorry to break the news

>> No.25616643

>Bitcoin never promised high returns nor any financial gains
maybe they should have, since gains are the only reason anyone buys this shit. If Satoshi had talked about gains maybe it wouldn't have taken 12 years to get to 36k.

>Satoshi never shilled it like a bitch in newspapers / livestreams
this isn't a good thing. one problem with bitcoin is the tragedy of the commons where no single person benefits enough to want to spend money on ads to pump the price. Advertising will raise awareness faster but somehow you think that raising awareness using marketing people respond to is a bad thing.

>get rich quick, lock your fund for 15 years
hardly quick lol.

HEX is doing things that no other coin is doing. it's the world's first trustless interest-bearing time deposit. It's a complete project whose value isn't based on some vaporware to be delivered at some undermined later date (like most other things in crypto) but rather people using it as intended right now. It's totally decentralized code with no admin keys and no dependence on a third party. and so much more. But you ignore all of these things and only talk about the ads.

>> No.25616644
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Are you unable to produce a sentence without giving away the fact you're personally offended and having to extremely cope over some comment on anonymous board.

Also: Learn definition of cryptocurrency before calling HEX one, thanks,

>> No.25616696

here's what you posted. 'hex is a get rich quick, they want you to lock up your funds for 15 years' lmao. cmon bro we can't take you serious

>> No.25616795

Your'e missing my point, defending HEX isnt a scam by saying ETH and BTC was called a scam (which btw wasnt as much as you think) is stupid. The values of ETH and BTC were never around $ value of a token. HEx literally "promises high returns" after that you have a chart and "buy" button right next to it.

>> No.25616803

>Bitcoin never had a concern of being a scam
lol bitcoin has been called a scam for 12 years. go on r/buttcoin and people are still calling it a scam.

>HEX is literally promising to get you rich quick
HEX has no promises. Everyone is HEX is clear on that, the only people who think otherwise are low iq haters

>> No.25616914

>The values of ETH and BTC were never around $ value of a token
Yes they are. The higher the price the more economic energy that the network contains. Price is critical for any of this shit achieving its ultimate design intention. and number go up is the primary reason that people are buying

>> No.25616923

You're the same pleb who created all previous threads. I'm finished here. You previously showed you're unable to use logic, get personally offended, use words like "nigger, retard,idiot,faggot" as main argument in any discussion.

>> No.25617011

see ya lol. i'm gonna screenshot this because i know you are the same guy. 'hex is a get rich quick scheme, they want you to lock up your funds for 15 years' lmao never forget. this is the guy talking about 'logic' hahahahah

>> No.25617209

Then again, none of them ever focused on investors returns (where idea of HEX is only based on future returns). They had completely different purpose, none of them have a price chart of token and buy button right next to it.

>HEX is literally promising to get you rich quick
I think we all can agree on the fact that it is, shilling it mainly focuses by spamming past performance and that's the only reason anyone would have bough it. You will bring up that "but people buy bitcoin and eth because numbers go up, yes thats true ofcourse, but it has an actual use case in and none of those projects said anything about positive nor negative returns.

>> No.25617270

Hex is literally Bitconnect of 2020 lmao

>> No.25617287

level of coping is unbelievable, go back to your cult sharing shitty memes so your buddies can retweet and like it giving an illusion anyone is actually interested.

>> No.25617393

>none of them have a price chart of token and buy button right next to it
maybe they should have. Can you tell me why having a price chart on the website is bad, given that price is the thing that people who buy crypto care about the most? Past price performance is the exact thing that people thinking about buying HEX would want to know but for some reason in your brain giving people information they'd want is somehow bad.

Can you tell me why having links to where people can buy on the coin's website is a bad thing? Not having that stuff is almost like you don't want people to use it. Imagine if Apple had a website for their products but didn't have a "Buy now" button.

hex has an actual use case. You lock up your coins and you get more coins at the end. It's a store of value but one that also pays you for not selling. It's a bit like saying a CD at the bank doesn't have any use case since you can't do anything with it other than earn interest. Just shouting "but it has no use case" doesn't make it so. People say the exact same shit about bitcoin

>> No.25617420

"But you said they will rugpull, you gay fudder, it didnt rugpull". Its designed to be unconsciously read between the lines and make you come into conclusion "I should all in and lock for 15yrs" Richard had a marketing company and knows how psychology of naive people works. He wont ever go behind bars, because he never actually promised any returns even though their website 100% focuses on that. Its also a security, so sooner or later it will be going down.

>> No.25617643

>Satoshi never shilled it like a bitch in newspapers / livestreams and all the bs hex does

Satoshi is not even a real person you fucking mong. How stupid can you be.

>> No.25617761

It isn't use case nor it is store of value. "Maybe they should, maybe", what are you even debating about. Bitcoin solved 1 problem, ETh did another. Comparing HEX to apple, ok whats your point? HEX is looking for audience and "investors", No investor is looking for hex, and that explains the ads and cult community on twitter.

>> No.25617787

i thought you said you were out of here? btw this id literally posted this 'hex is a get rich quick, they want you to lock up your funds for 15 years'. imagine listening to someone so dumb

>> No.25617841

Refering to satoshi as creator of bitcoin you flatface

"If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry."

HEX is literally doing the opposite so stop comparing your shit to anything of Fundamental value.

>> No.25617889

if the goal is adoption, which is the goal of all cryptos, then raising awareness, providing relevant info, and making it easy for people to buy is the best way to get it. why exactly can't crypto use the same sort of effective, proven techniques that are used to market other products?

Who are you to decide for someone else if something is useful? I am getting a lot of use out of HEX, so fuck you for telling me I'm wrong. you don't get to decide that.

>> No.25617906

>covered armpits

>> No.25617985

HEX says turning 1k$ into roughly 5m$ withing 15 years could be a possibility. If you don't see a get rich quick scheme in this, idk what to tell you.

>> No.25618053

15 years isn't "quick" and turning $1k into $5 mil is a possibility in crypto. If you bought $1000 of Eth at launch at $0.15, you'd have over $8 million today. And that's in only 5 years. So don't act like it's not possible because it is. It's not guaranteed. May not even be likely. But it's definitely possible.

>> No.25618065


>> No.25618149
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nice answer, retard. you sure showed me.

I'm more convinced than ever that HEX is going to be a huge success given how woefully stupid your average HEX critic is. But no matter how big HEX gets these losers will still be calling it a scam

>> No.25618181

hex literally doesn't say that lol. you are digging a deeper hole. also, imagine saying anything with a timeframe of 15 years is a get rich quick scheme. you are embarrassing. simply embarrassing. hex advertises zero gains to anybody it simply points out the amazing gains that have already been made in crypto and hex is way better than other cryptos soooo maybe it does better. zero promises though. pls go embarrass yourself and your family in a different thread.

>> No.25618190

average person makes around 1m$ in their whole life, hard working that's said. 1k$ into 5m$ in 15 years by doing nothing smells fishy to me lol. Sooner or later HEX will go bust and we all know it what are we even talking about here.

>> No.25618253

Kys hexfag. No one's falling for your scamcoin

>> No.25618260

>1k$ into 5m$ in 15 years by doing nothing smells fishy to me lol
and yet it's happened over and over again in crypto. explain that

>Sooner or later HEX will go bust
every seething nocoiner says the same thing about bitcoin. they've been wrong and continue to be wrong. just like you will be with HEX

>> No.25618329

>"nigger, retard,idiot,faggot"
No U.

>> No.25618395

Yeah i know youre from that twitetr cult lol, dont have to prove it to me. We started repeating ourselves with you missing my point so i replied with kek as i didnt want to spend any more time typing the same shit.

Imagine being so disconnected from reality not to realize that turning 1k$ into 5m$ in 15yrs by doing nothing isn't possible

You literally wore fedora, hex shirt and orange glasses to your family gathering, your whole life is focused on hex and shilling hex under every tweet that might be relevant on twitter/ Now tell me, who's bigger embarrassment. Also, Cope dude, you're so fucking tilted

>> No.25618458

Start reading and understanding comments

>> No.25618469

>Imagine being so disconnected from reality not to realize that turning 1k$ into 5m$ in 15yrs by doing nothing isn't possible

imagine being so fucking stupid that you think something that has happened numerous times in crypto (in less than 15 years) isn't possible

>> No.25618645

his only purpose is to waste our time. he's gonna hate hex no matter what. dont cast your pearls to swine. educating people like him doesn't work, some people are just low iq and only exist to lose in life. its just the way it goes. he literally said 15 years is a get rich quick scheme lol

>> No.25618767

yes you're right. I know you can't get through to nohexers & the best thing to do is ignore or mock them. maybe I'm hoping other people reading will want to learn about HEX after see how idiotic its critics are