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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25608757 No.25608757 [Reply] [Original]

The only coin that’s still fucking bleeding, even fucking top 10 boomer coins are mooning right and left. I’m literally missing out on more of the bull run with each passing moment. Fuck you biz for shilling this absolute piece of shit I’m fucking ruined

>> No.25609047
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>> No.25609139

don't buy heavy shilled coins

>> No.25609210
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Just swap your stack for PNK and you will be fine fren

>> No.25609246

Imagine buying something shilled on biz lmao

>> No.25609390

Don't care, not selling. Statera will have its run

>> No.25609442

>Sell and take the loss
>Buy Band
>Thank me latet

>> No.25609882

Pnk is a 20 year hold

>> No.25610025
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you can make it back stautists

>> No.25610291
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No need to stress. If you pooled 50K STA/wSTA you are guaranteed to make it.

>> No.25610463

I told the speculation chat to convert statera to eth and link at start of alt season

You could have x2 or 3 your sta stack

>> No.25610562

Mystically based, 83.7M supply that is ever decreasing we will break double digit dollars when we get going

>> No.25610605

True, you won't need to sell since you make so much money by being a juror.

>> No.25610619

You actually believed pajeets kek.

>> No.25610726

Holy shit man, every time I open biz there’s a new super organic Statera fud thread up.

I can guarantee this schizo had made multiple threads every single day since August when he fomo’d into the pump at 40c and lost his mind after the price dumped.

Take your meds schizo and move on, it’s sad how you cannot let go. If you spent even 25% of the time and effort on other things than trying to fud STA you could have made the losses back already.

>> No.25611292

I dont understand this coin
A few months ago it was advertised here as some kind of index fond and when those coins in the index moon it will also moon.
Now coins like SNX are mooning and this shit is bleeding. Why is that?
(I am not invested, but just currious because I liked the idea of an index, but the shills very too retarded for me)

>> No.25611351

Buy freedom reserve mate. its one of the altcoins that will pump hard as fuck as soon as gas fees die down


>> No.25611503

Should have bought ALGO annon. I know it's good because biz isn't shilling it. Canada is making their central bank coin on it.

>> No.25611556

That’s the problem with this coin, to be honest. People aren’t understanding it just yet.

It’s literally just deflationary money. It can be tied into an index fund to increase the price pressure. At its heart, it’s just a money that burns itself any time it’s spent. It sounds completely fucking stupid at first, until you read the use cases laid out in the white paper — and then you see Statera is inevitable.

I bought a huge stack ages ago and will pool it forever. I don’t DCA into this like blue chips. This is a ticket to explosive, exponential wealth though. Not a 2x-5x, but an eventual 1000x.

>> No.25611653

Honestly people are sleeping on this one because wrapping an erc-20 token using metamask, providing liquidity to pools, etc. is fairly high IQ shit in the crypto world at this point. Average crypto investor has no idea what the fuck even DeFi is and that will be a HUGE loss for them in the coming decade.

>> No.25611804
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time to buy

>> No.25611992

I lost ETH on this shit

>> No.25612038

deluded maybe time to move on, i get the idea completely but its basically gambling if it will pick up or not.

>> No.25612190

based and truthpilled

>> No.25612413

Problem with STA isn't the concept, its that the people running it can't pull it off

>> No.25612657

Stop being a pussy. Own your decision

>> No.25612775

This right here. Statera may not be ready for the run up just yet. But eventually it will take off and it will make Chainlink’s gains look pathetic in comparison. Mark my words. Statera will be the face of DeFi. It is exactly what DeFi stands for, no companies or third parties involved. Much like Bitcoin, it just exists. But there’s also the use-case of it magnifying your other crypto gains by a metric ton. Statera is essentially what Bitcoin aimed to be.

>> No.25612895

This as well. Many people even into crypto have no fucking clue what liquidity pools are. Eventually they will start to hear about it and research it more. At that point the Statera ecosystem is so developed that there is no way for it not to get adopted. It already outperforms even some of the biggest liquidity pool while having such a small volume. It’s revolutionary and sad that people fomo into other projects just because they may or may not suffer alternative cost. THAT is gambling. (>>25612038)

>> No.25612981

The liquidity and volume is still too low for it to moon. But it has already stabilized because of the pool. It has mostly dumped this much because of profit taking and unfortunate events. It’s following early Bitcoin almost picture perfectly, it just needs time.

>> No.25613066

what pool are u in?

>> No.25613149
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>> No.25613197
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Hey anon, just wait a little bit and hear me out.
I know you are a no-coiner and are seething that you didn't make it in time for Statera or this bull run.
But the situation is not bad as you might think, we all were there (I wasn't).
Your feeling of resentment towards Statera is totally sane and explainable.
You see people pooling and earning money left and right, while you got the short end of the stick.
Tomorrow or any day of the week when you head to work, you will remember all the anons that will
never work a single day in their life. As you view your wagie-cagie you cannot but internally cry.
This internal pain fills you with agonizing hatred towards the people with good gains.
So you decide to lash out on the only platform where you actually have some sort of control over
your opinion (maybe not). What you just said maybe makes sense in your head,
but to us, be it an early buyer oldfag or not, your opinion is laughable and in actuality pretty retarded.
So in this self-induced psychosis you indulge yourself, looking maniacally at the charts
and posting screens of virtual currency that you don't even own. If this is not insanity
I don't know what else it can be. You had numerous chances to buy low and even that you
could not accomplish in your worthless life. You let a chance of literal free money
pass in front of you, some people are indeed meant to be poor. This is how life is,
for someone to win, someone else needs to lose, if we all win, no one wins at all.
The reason I'm telling you this is not because of disdain to you or your sub 80 IQ.
You still have a chance, the lower lows are still going to appear but you will,
like every fuder here, for second time in your pathetic life, not buy a single STA again
or sell with those limp-wristed paper hands and proceed to make a new FUD thread
of a coin you are not part of, like sub-human you are.
Literally, unironically and undeniably Not Gonna Make It.

>> No.25613249


>> No.25613252

It's what you get for coming to this shithole for advice.

>> No.25613258

People are not ready for DeFi yet because it's so filled to the brim with scams institutional money eludes it. Average crypto investor has no idea what the fuck "Statera" is just yet and the use case for deflationary currency is mind melting. Most people also have no idea how to read etherscan to realize something is not a scam. Currently this has a lower market cap than fucking Dentacoin and has a better use case than the infinite number of shitty half-baked eth killers selling their layer 1 as a paradigm shifting tech coming to market.

Nicer website, fixed dashboard, and a little time. Statera is inevitable. If RSR and Kleros could make me 10x with their total fucking scam as the best reward this year, I'm going to stop reading white papers and eat my fucking hat. Statera is the king of /biz/.

>> No.25613399

As soon as people get interested, even the slightest amount of wealth willing to take a "chance" in diversifying their portfolio into this DeFi gem -- seeing it as not being a scam, etc -- it will fucking explode endlessly. It's how the tokenomics work. It's about more than just token value, but it's an incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly, incredibly fucking interesting crypto with no competitor.

>> No.25613497

And yes, I did smoke dmt -- became the universe, saw all consciousness. Lived every single life a thousand times and watched humanity live out the course of it's existence, evolving from apes, going to the stars, and experienced the heat death of the universe, chilled to the bone -- in tears, crying.

A figure came to me in flames and told me deflationary tokens used to increase price pressure in algorithmically balanced liquidity pools was the future of crypto and to simply pool wSta and Sta endlessly until the bull run of DeFi.

>> No.25613694

>And yes, I did smoke dmt -- became the universe, saw all consciousness. Lived every single life a thousand times and watched humanity live out the course of it's existence, evolving from apes, going to the stars, and experienced the heat death of the universe, chilled to the bone -- in tears, crying.

>> No.25613779

Ah, I see the high IQ bizlets have already started our montly meeting. I think people don't seem to realize that even if for some reason (I don't think this is likely) statera was to crab for the entirety of the bullrun, it is inevitable. DeFi is basically a newborn baby and the bitcoin maxi-type of people have no fucking clue what it even is. DeFi might very well become completely un-correlated to the rest of the crypto market. Essentially the death of classic crypto (99% of the coins) and the birth of decentralized finance which has a massive chance at changing the financial world, where statera is at the front. The fact that it's not a scam and has a proper use-case, already makes it invaluable. People are going to rip their hair out in a few years when they didn't listen to those who actually devoted time to understand how huge STA is.

>> No.25614591

Unironically have sex.

>> No.25615131

Remove yourself from life.
Also, you will literally never be a women, so just buy rope and end your existence once and for all.

>> No.25615341

Have sex.

>> No.25615463

>110 iq: the thread
You’re smart enough to come up with “dudebro indexfun but with burn!” ideas but way too retarded to not see how stupid it really is
Also please don’t forget that this started as a literal meme coin on biz for a PnD alongside a million others like h3x and BRAP
Enjoy missing out on the bull run

>> No.25615536

/biz/ is nothing but shitcoin faggots. Some are HIV-positive, some aren't. They're all participating in a giant orgy of trying to fuck each other up the ass. The non-pozzed ones are dumbfuck noob faggot shitcoin bugchasers who think they'll get lucky, avoid AIDS, and finally make it by being fucked up the ass by random strangers. The already-pozzed ones are just assholes who want to infect everyone else with their strain of shitcoin meme super HIV, like those South African niggers who think that they can cure their own woes by "giving away" their disease.

This also explains all the tranny pics.

What the non-pozzed ones don't realize is that they are outnumbered by 99:1 and that they're gonna get pozzed and rekt almost immediately.

>> No.25615718

>like h3x and BRAP
Where are those projects now? How did a supposedly dead project go up over 200%? It’s still up 100% from a month ago and almost 10x from the hack bottom.

>> No.25615764

why would it pump during a bull run lol it doesnt do anything its so fucking balanced right now hahaha

>> No.25615852

aaannnd still not a women.

>> No.25615857

I said it started there, and the fact that you’re not denying its origins should tell you and everyone else all they need to know.
Yes, there is a small community of eternal bagholders, but the people who matter (the project and dev team) are nonexistent because this was, literally, a scam pump and dump made out of thin air to fleece newfags. Just because you and a dozen others are still hanging on doesn’t mean it isn’t dead

>> No.25615993

I lost 5 eth to this piece of shit.

>> No.25616131

>but way too retarded to not see how stupid it really is
Go ahead. Elaborate.

>> No.25616462
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>> No.25616559

Have sex.