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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 250x250, Graph_Token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25614609 No.25614609 [Reply] [Original]

What is /biz true opinion of this hype coin? What are the pros and cons? How does it compare to some of the 2017 moon coins? Can it make it?

>> No.25614721

>What is /biz true opinion of this hype coin?
must buy
>What are the pros and cons?
all pros, except big supply but the real usage will outweigh it
>How does it compare to some of the 2017 moon coins?
will pull ICX within a few weeks
>Can it make it?
yes, it's unironically gamechanging project

>> No.25614783

It's a good project, useful. Token supply is fucked and mcap is already high though. Decent coin for large portfolios, not great for the rest who will need higher risk / reward to make it. Just my opinion of course.

>> No.25615184

unironically the next link, although link will always be a bigger deal. It's hilarious that newfags and moonboys are selling at 30 cents. Same thing happened with link in 2017/18, people were selling make-it stacks for pennies.

>> No.25615272

sirs how long is wait to make it with 200k stack?

>> No.25615479

Define 'make it'?
>t. hold 200k stack as well

>> No.25615511

best altcoin currently in terms of risk/potential growth, we only need more spicy memes now

>> No.25615711


This, and yeah thw tokenomics are shit but once it gets past the initial distribution everything else is smooth sailing. Still think it has way higher shirt term potential than LINK seeing as its a smaller mcap and is already in full use now. Make it stacks are still cheap but not for long.

>> No.25615766

think so too
meme phase hasnt arrived yet
lead dev is not so memeable as
big mcserg
its like a teflon token
nothing sticks
just like john gotti

>> No.25616172
File: 89 KB, 1089x1336, 20200514_195650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna buy in until the meme phase is in motion.
>yes, it's unironically gamechanging project
Why do you think it's game changing? Just cause you're holding?

>> No.25616272


make it one million United States dollars, so 5 United States dollars per unit

>> No.25616407

Can we do $1 this month?

>> No.25616717

>200k stack
In case your not larping I hope for your sake you already have 1 btc, 32 eth, 1k link before you're keeping upwards 50k in a shitcoin.

>> No.25616866

Possible at EOY

>> No.25616902
File: 40 KB, 638x298, streetshitters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pajeet shitcoin sir

>> No.25617432
File: 64 KB, 784x317, GOVERNMENT GRAPHS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millions of dapps will be built on top of this protocol.
The biggest names in crypto already are.
Stablecoins approved by US banks are running subgraphs.
The graph is appealing to governments now.

The combined volume and revenue generated by all this will be absolutely insane.
Every single query costs a fee.
10 billion queries are being done a month.
We're about to see a TRILLION queries a month, before the end of the year.
Simply due to the necessity of the graph to query blockchain data, and the absolute monopoly it has.
There is no competition.
It is the standard.

GRT staking is about to be come the best inflation proof, passive income generating, money printer in the whole damn market.

who gives a fuck about 10 billion coins, when i'm making 6 figures a year off staking 10k GRT?

Short sighted brainlets will never make it.

>> No.25617475

Yeah definitely a longer term hold but it’s definitely promising. You’ll need at least 10k stack to make it though

>> No.25617967
File: 318 KB, 1741x987, 127DFF96-70C2-4136-9341-309D30820E62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll just leave this here. Reflect, anons.

>> No.25618059

Even if all 10B tokens were in circulation and the price stayed around where it is now, GRT would be #10-20 in market cap, which sounds pretty fair desu. Don't believe the "but muh 10B tokens" fud.

This won't "pull a LINK", it already has too much hype for that. But I think it will follow LINK's movements from here on out.

>> No.25618280
File: 150 KB, 1433x903, 1608859198187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repent ye unbelievers

>> No.25618377
File: 318 KB, 1152x2048, grt-acquired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably good coin in the long term, might not even pump in this run at all who knows
we will have to see how the token dumping will affect it

>> No.25618381

What are you retards doing? smart money has already bought into this thing. Now we have fud the shit out of this so we can laugh at retards when they inevitably miss the moon mission

>> No.25618383

What hype with everyone fuding like you

>> No.25618400

Basically, if you aren't delegating your GRT, you're going to be left in the dust when they start to choke off the rewards later on in the cycle. Get in now and get some more tokens so you can swap them in for (even more) obscene amounts of money

one year and it'll be great

>> No.25618482

i only have 350 grt is it worth it?

>> No.25618515

I'm not delegating for one simple reason: its crypto and you never know when something is gonna blow. If this goes on a 10x run in a 3 day period, you bet your ass im selling that top

>> No.25618590

get a job, unironically

>> No.25618595

For now REAL suppy is about 103m tokens. Rest are staked now with 28 days unstake period. So real MC is about $37m. AMA tomorrow, any news and it will explode

>> No.25618656

Based Cthulhu poster, although I think GRT has bigger upwards potential than PRQ. Both are legit projects, though.

>> No.25618706

Fucking hell I can’t wait until the total stake amount is over 1.25B so this shit can die.

Noncirculating coins can be staked so stop subtracting the current amount from 1.25B

>> No.25618730

I've been in crypto long enough to know that these 'AMAs' are usually a straight nothingburger
>t. 40% of pf is in grt

>> No.25618856


True, the only hope is some whales time the pump to make it look less manipulated. Slim chances.

>> No.25618880
File: 77 KB, 960x720, armango.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, seriously

>> No.25618884

just a wallet

>> No.25618911

that's fair enough if that's what you want to do, but it might be like selling bitcoin at $8. so much missed opportunity for such a small amount of cash in comparison.

>> No.25619298

>1k link

>> No.25619355

no way. 100k GRT = 10k LINK

>> No.25619753

True. 100k is the make it stack. 10k is the suicide stack.

>> No.25619762

What are the chances this reaches a tempting price to dump at like $20 and never rises past it again? I'm talking about years in timescale, of course. Just wondering how long I should hold to make it most worthwhile. Like, could it someday hit over $1000, ever?

>> No.25619807

every important protocol in the space uses and relies on the graph already

all you really need to know

>> No.25620317

melee and shitcoins
I love it here

>> No.25621293


ICX was my baby back in the 2017. Now I have to buy this.