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25611825 No.25611825 [Reply] [Original]

Allright fags, i have 2k to throw into crypto rn. I will add 1k each month by DCA'ing half of it every two weeks. I know it is not early but there should still be enough juice left in this bullrun. Show me your insights on how to become rich, i will know if you are full of it. Will respond to legit responses. Maybe others can take advantage of the strategy too. How do i turn 10k into 100+ to a million?

>> No.25611894
File: 1.53 MB, 1080x1528, 1609688181229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy lcx, goodbye fren

>> No.25611971

alt season just started. eat a dick and sell your ada faggot.

>> No.25611982

Only by leverage could you turn 10k to 1 million when you're this late.

>> No.25612029

Get Freedom Reserve


>> No.25612143

I knew about WEF ages ago and they are not into the business of making others rich. I dont dab in government endorsed slowcoins.

I will settle for 100k+ too.

Bought months ago and watched my 50 bucks dwindle to 12.

>> No.25612149
File: 54 KB, 750x511, CrrzNpKWcAAm2Jz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're too late to turn 10k into 1 million, but you can probably still get a 10x by just buying BTC and ETH

>> No.25612214

the fuck? how is that possible?

if you bought it months ago you would be 10X up

>> No.25612269

Btc and eth will at max do x3 from now. Plus i have a history like you would not believe in both. They have made me suicidal.

>> No.25612451

Where are the true crypto visionaries?!

I bought at close to the top. Literally half a day after the moon. It is a funny quirky top meme project and the telegram is top banter but not something i will stick tons into.

>> No.25612500

>10k into 100+ to a million?
not gonna happen unless you go full ape into extremely low mcaps and they come good. maybe bonded could get you there (50b mcap from current), but even that is highly unlikely. most low mcaps are just vaporware or scammin' shills

if not gambling, then I'd go balls deep into blue chip defi if i were you: snx & aave basically. having a couple eth on the side couldn't hurt either (need it for gas anyway).

other mid caps to consider prq, inj, and icx. you might make up to 10x's on some top 10s that grow (eth, xlm, btc) - but probably not much more.

disagree fren, btc is in for a 4-5x, eth a 5-10x -- summer '22 top

>> No.25613238

I dabbled into smallcaps and almost bought rfi before it went x20 but my funds were not cleared in time. I do not have enough faith in bonded (lol waves platform) or enough patience to sift through all the scams in hopes of striking gold.

I will look into aave, snx, prq, inj, icx provided they havent already mooned a lot already. Buying eth and btc at this price makes me suicidal for personal reasons.

Thanks, you sound like you have a decent grasp on coins.

>> No.25613318

>Show me your insights on how to become rich
>i will know if you are full of it
you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.25613396

we've been shilling crypto for years. where the fuck have you been?

>> No.25613533
File: 180 KB, 848x556, faggitorsbtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about to be the most bitter pill you're ever going to swallow in your life. If you came here from the site in pic related, you are genetically pre-disposed to be a cucked normie for life. You are literally retarded. Don't think we haven't noticed you asking stupid questions, trying to use our lingo, and pretending to be one of us. Why are you doing it? I can't say for sure, but you probably heard somewhere on your faggity site that this place is good for finding investing advice and crypto moonshots. You couldn't be more mistaken. The truth is, this place is filled with scammers, niggers, street shitting pajeets, and autists.

The reason why the people that naturally gravitate to 4chan succeed is because we are unironically autistic and see the world in a completely different frame than you. You come here and no matter how hard you try to fit in, you stick out like a sore thumb because your future is already written on the wall. You will be a slave to your government, corporations, and bosses for the rest of your pathetic existence. You will live under a guise of happiness, but ultimately die having done nothing even remotely significant in your life.

You will hang around here for a couple weeks, probably lose money gambling on shitcoins, and then run back to the comfort of your faggy home, where you will warn other plebbitors to avoid this place: how we are all retarded, gamblers, racist, and misogynistic. You will collect your upvotes for the warning, and then jerk off to the thought of feeling important, not having realized you failed the most basic of internet shittests.

You will read this post, flame me for the direct confrontation of challenging your intelligence. The reality is you aren't, and never will capable of coming up with an original thought in your pathetic existence. Any words you speak are the equivalent of a sheep going
>bah bah bah

>> No.25613769

No u.

In crypto and suicidal.

Zzz. You are clueless.

>> No.25614412


>> No.25614465

That's because nobody on this board has MADE IT , you are are all clueless , neet incels with welfare income at best and a few hundred buck's in portfolios lmao

>> No.25614585

There are definitely people here who have made it. I can know because i could've made it 3 years ago already if i hodled. It is quite doable with enough time, dedication and a decent wallet.

>> No.25614758

>original thought
>neet incels
I kekked

>> No.25615394

a bunch of people here became multimillionaires in 2017, particularly from ETH. some of which cashed out

check the archives from 2016 and look at the amount of users shilling ETH when it was $10 or less. goes for a bunch of other coins too


>> No.25615610

Buy BTC, wait five years.

>> No.25615768

This picture is so omnious.

>> No.25615961

I was here for that /biz/raeli. Its why i am suicidal everyday and now despeeately need a x100.

I know. And marvelous.

>> No.25616382

This is how i want my friends to be around me once i truly make it. Fuck, i shouldve already been there. So give me some legit moonmissions senpai.

>> No.25616839

i have some severe 2017 regrets myself. at least i've made some profits (15x or so), but im not even close to making it