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25606406 No.25606406 [Reply] [Original]

All he had to do was give us the $2,000.

>> No.25606457

Repubs must feel so stupid. Unironically could have won the presidency, the senate and the house if they just sent checks in October. Amazing how they fucked this up.

>> No.25606480

Why are whites from the south so fucking ugly? Stop inbreeding you dumb fucks

>> No.25607608
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yeah, now we'll get $2000 checked forever and hyperinflation

>> No.25607634

this, what the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.25607892

literally this, dems would be coping so hard but couldn't do anything about it because if they tried to block it they would lose everything

>> No.25607931
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>> No.25607967

Fuck off socialist scum. You need to earn that money.

>> No.25608013

Did this turtle fucker get voted out? I don't even keep up with politics anymore unless it relates to my investments. I left /pol/ for /biz/ a long time ago.

>> No.25608015

stay divided goy

>> No.25608017

at this point, fuck it. The real economy is fucked anyway. Anyone keeping their wealth in dollars is getting rekt. It's basically impossible to get a decent job anymore, and even if you did, your salary is effectively lower and lower.

Might as well just take the UBI gibs, put them into crypto, ride the market boost from everyone else doing the same, and make it to the point where you can live off your investments.

>> No.25608041

They’re literally the biggest idiots in history

>> No.25608059

Never underestimate the incompetence of establishment GOP.

>> No.25608154

this. If they're trying to push me to act as jewey as possible, it's working with amazing results

>> No.25608181

> dems say no to every approach trump makes to get you another stimulus
> finally dems come out with a plan
> trump reads it
> trump sees millions of foreign aid including gender program for pakistan
> trump says no because the money should go to amerifags
> everyone hates trump

you are a special kind of stupid in the usa, you are playing yourself

biden will bring back critical race theory that trump banned

you better hire only women and blacks and trans niggers

also, biden will take all your earnings through taxes, so better set your portfolio to display only 40% of what btc, et cetera is actually worth

>> No.25608333

Sad, but true. At this point the only path forward is to get rich off speculation while circling the wagons and living an increasingly disconnected existence from the traditional normie "economy" and all that entails.

>> No.25608367

I thought Republicans hated tax. Why would they not want people getting their tax money back?

>> No.25608378

if you think stimulus checks and the government buying debts with deficit spending are a good thing for the well being of the masses, you will never understand why you are poor and think you need that stimmy in the first place.

>> No.25608424

Well hyperinflation also doesn't win you a presidency. It was a lose-lose

>> No.25608428

Nah, Georgia is eternally lost due to the growth of Atlanta. They're getting Illinois'd. Also look at how much Bay Area money go pumped into the Democrats' coffers there. Senate races have gone truly national.

>> No.25608456

trips of pure truth

>> No.25608464

A lot of people think the GOP are smart negotiators and able to leverage. In reality they're all just obstructionist retards with a completely insane retarded voting base who the GOP think they can do whatever to and not worry about because they're "pro gun anti abortion yay god" party. But they finally pay in a huge way for being so fucking retarded.
Please note I'm not praising the Dems before some retard starts some whataboutism, fuck off.

>> No.25608480
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This satanic turtle kikepitalist freak is unsettling to look at

>> No.25608543

>Well hyperinflation also doesn't win you a presidency.
I would say winning the presidency, house, and senate is a good trade though. Reps got fucked kek

>> No.25608621

The fact that were where we are is depressing as fuck. We now have an entire nation of entitled neets demanding free gibs. It's fucking disgusting. Imagine voting for some solely because you think they'll give you more welfare.

Being dependant on your state for survival should be the most shameful thing a person lowers themself to. You literally aren't even a human at that point, you're basically just your government's pet.

>> No.25608879 [DELETED] 

$PHR PantsOnHeadRetarded is a yield farming NFT project with wrapping capabilities similar to REN and Aavegotchi. That is all. Read more in the Medium article.




Airdrops are given based on effort, go create publicity for the project. Below you can find a few links to telegrams and discords, there's plenty more crypto instagram facebook, twitter, free discord self-advertising channels to pick from.

Website coming soon.

We're aiming for a 1M marketcap current supply starting point before I launch on Uniswap
10% of the current supply will be airdropped.
5 effort-loving lucky investors get to buy tokens -50% cheaper with an exact amount of 2 ethereum per each person and also receive a limited edition pair of pants NFTs.
Presale will start once we get enough exposure and investors.

PHR planned tokenomics
Total supply - 20k tokens
10k presale+airdrop
6k for farming
4k for advertisement funds

>> No.25608889

All Mitch the bitch and republicunts had to was give out the gibs, that simple.

>> No.25608967
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>> No.25609041

Stimulus money entering other assets than BOND is hfsp style lol

>> No.25609184
File: 29 KB, 747x216, OHNONONO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump was a secret double-agent of the Democrats all along! Turns out the "4D chess against the Dems" was actually 5D chess against the Republicans! How else do you explain the Republicans losing everything within four years?

>> No.25609752

He screwed trump out of a re-election and then screwed himself out of his leadership position fucking glorious
Let the stimulus roll

>> No.25610101


You're really dumb. I'm doing you a favor by telling you this. I'm not sure you're capable of self-reflection. But you need to hear it from someone so humility at least has a chance to blossom inside you.

Good luck anon. My suggestion is to disregard politics for at least a few months and see if that improves your state of mind. I promise it will

>> No.25610158

Brainwashed wage slave poster.

>> No.25610386

Republicans fought Trump every step of the way. They had two years of total control and did nothing to stop censorship of their own supporters.

>> No.25610567

$2000 will not bring us into hyperinflation anymore than giving billions to corporations would.

>> No.25610642


Isreal care packages are much more important and don't affect our economy much

>> No.25610653

It’s almost like both parties work together in a sort of WWE esque performance. >PICK A FUCKING TIE

>> No.25610727

It's funny how everyone cares about fiscal spending all of sudden when it means your average American is the one actually receiving the benefit. It was a OK when Bezos and friends and our greatest ally receive billions in handouts.

>> No.25610776
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neocons are traitors glad they lost. Fuck Mitch

>> No.25610790

Trump literally wanted to do all of this but Pelosi kept putting shit about illegal immigrants into the bill. Are you niggers this stupid?

>> No.25610861

It’s all about control. Those billions to billions keep wagies in their place. Free money turns them into dem voter slaves. It’s all a game.

>> No.25610916

>projecting this hard

>> No.25610929

>lose lose
Yeah or just not send billions of dollars to companies that can't run themselves properly and let (((capitalism))) do it's thing and replace them and instead send that money to Americans.

>> No.25610967

I'm quitting my "essential" job largely because of this. I'm sick of busting my hump 40 hours a week in this shithole just so I can pay taxes to support subhumans and their eternal gibs. I have enough saved up to pay my bills for another year or so and might take a part time job off the books to cover some of that

>> No.25610969

end of the day they go to the same billionaire's parties.

>> No.25610993

>you're dumb
>I'm not
>you're not humble
>I am

Found the idiot. You haven't been active on Twitter in 20 minutes you better get to work goy

>> No.25610998

Yeah I've been saying since september that Trump could easily have it won if he offered gibs, had /pol/cels seething and calling me a commie faggot but at the end of the day the retarded American voter wants a direct benefit. I hope every election is just a race to out-bribe the electorate from here on out.

>> No.25611024

These. Ever since things have become so polarize the past five years, goyim have forgotten this even more..

>> No.25611026

does your boss fuck your ass only or your throat as well?

>> No.25611042

You're gonna get doxxed one of these days for being a bragadocious idiot

>> No.25611112
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We live in an incredibly unique and likely infinitesimally small window where bad money is accepted in exchange for good money. You know what the good money is yet your midwit /pol/shart brains are full of so many spooks you don't want the bad money that can be exchanged for good money in five seconds.

>> No.25611145

This fucking tutle faced rat. Ive said this forever that R/D are sides of the same coin (neocons), and we have successfully had 16 yeara of Bush policies followed by 4 years of Trump, now back to Bushbama, but senile and more radical. Gg no re

>> No.25611182

Brah they aren't even sending me the 600

>> No.25611221


>> No.25611276

It doesn't matter if they send it to you or not. If you are invested in solid cryptos the Gov is basically pumping your bags

>> No.25611285

maybe corporations should pay living wages instead

>> No.25611623

They're so incompetent

>> No.25612097

Biden is literally giving us 2 ETH.
Liberty fags stfu

>> No.25613067

I’m glad people are picking up the wwe similarities in the end they Both screw us at least we get checks now

>> No.25613433


Go back to twitter, pajeet.

>> No.25613650

Your post doesn’t make any sense sir

>> No.25613701

>Brah they aren't even sending me the 600
its all bullshit, im just paying for it.
why not 5k?
why not everyone?
why not every month?
Its all the absolute biggest scam in history by far.

>> No.25613716

fuck the old nigger

>> No.25613738

Will the economy crash again?
After all we have a new corona now and Biden will for sure put lockdown.
Wondering if there is another oportunity to buy more shitcoins

>> No.25613796

stop polluting biz with these poorfag /pol/ beggary threads

>> No.25613834

no he rigged his election to stay in office

>> No.25614064

You use retarded twatterlingo like "stfu" and probably post shit like "buy $pajcoin" in random threads.

>> No.25614365

Incredibly based. I bought BTC with both of my stimulus and will buy it with the next ones too. Fuck the USD

>> No.25614743

>Stay divided goy
>Instead divide yourself between us and the Jews
Imagine being almost self aware

>> No.25614798

burgerclapistan truly is doing a zimbabwe