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25598439 No.25598439 [Reply] [Original]

Hi biz. I run an American performance sports car company and we recently tried to open an operation in Europe, but haven't received any sales yet. Is there a reason why Europeans look down on American cars? Our research shows a European sports car in the same price point has a much smaller engine. Interested to hear from Europeans.

>> No.25598587

They're not seen as refined. People who own them are perceived as being attention seekers.

>> No.25598619


Did you even think about the gas prices in Europe? People can't afford to drive gas guzzling 5.0 V8's because the gas price is litteraly 3 times as high. Would you drive a corvette if regular gas costs 7.50 dollars per gallon instead of 2.50 dollar? Probably you'd go with something more economical

>> No.25598693

Because they have the interiors of public transport level quality

>> No.25598781

This is it here, increased emissions fees, gas consumption, and the corvette doesn't have the same panache as other euro brands. The vette is a halo car, but it's still a Chevy.

>> No.25598789

They don't have the roads or infrastructure for American cars. Also Europeans think they're better at everything even though they haven't invented a single useful thing in the last 200 years.

>> No.25598792

>Gas prices
>High taxes on huge engines
I pay 700 euro per year in italy for a 3.0 liter engine with 260 hp . I think NL pays even more . A 500 hp car pays 3000/4000 euro per year here in my country . Disgusting

>> No.25598816
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Awww shit here we go.

>> No.25598821

Because American cars are shit. So are European cars. Never buy anything besides Jap cars.

>> No.25598843

Try selling classics and you would have no problem. New Corvette seems unrefined/tacky to me

>> No.25598847
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>> No.25598860

because they are only good in straight lines

>> No.25598898

Tesla is much faster, better image in eurocucks' liberal minds. Much cheaper to run and subsidised most often.

>> No.25598906

>A 500 hp car pays 3000/4000 euro per year here in my country
This is sad

>> No.25598927

Take it to /o/ you queer. Everyone here drives a solid gold Lamborghini.

>> No.25598938

The stingray interior was a big upgrade over prior generations, but that said it went from fisher price to this is better. The corvette is the working man's dream car that could actually happen.

>> No.25599005
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>> No.25599010

>no results found
That your car anon? Show us a pic of the car.

>> No.25599012

I only buy cars I can use to generate shekels with.

>> No.25599018


>> No.25599102

im in germany and grew up in eastern european car dealer clan family so been around cars all my life

Biggest problem are gas prices.
Second thing is that they arent very reliable and not as cheap to fix as in the USA
Third reason is the terrible quality. The gabs between parts are uneven and huge, weldings are like from an one eyed 10 year old kid with parkinson, sharp non processed edges everywhere.

American cars are like all of america just show but nothing of value behind it

>> No.25599118

This. In the netherlands we have a ~50% excise duty on top of 17% VAT on gas. It's insane.

>> No.25599236

Bigger engine doesn’t necessarily mean better performance. I remember watching a video on sports cars and I can’t remember if it was a Japanese or European engine designer that said that American cars have bigger engines because Americans like big engines but they can get the same or better performance with smaller engines if they wanted.

>> No.25599412

Lots of factors at play here. Most likely you're using boost in a much smaller displacement to keep up in power.

>> No.25599846
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 2021-porsche-cayman-mmp-1-1593003674[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why I, Eurofag, should I spent $65k-$70k on a Murrican car when I could buy a Porsche?

>> No.25599933


Ya'll can't design or engineer for shit

>> No.25599954


Not everyone cares about this though. It's not always about being the fastest, at least for me. I just bought a 1985 S-class, V8. I enjoy that much more than some V-TEC Civic that beats my Merc in a race.

>> No.25600027

if you would actually have biz in europe you would know that american sports cars are selling better than ever in europe, before you had to import all cars from america, but nowdays ford is selling mustangs in eurospec here and dodge rams are also available. I dont know what situation about corvettes though.

>> No.25600129

Translation: Europoors are gay.
Thanks for clarifying anon.

>> No.25600169

It's just a bad market fit. Europeans prefer smaller, higher quality and more efficient cars over huge gas guzzling unrefined monster trucks. We got proper roads and dense population, less space and don't need to drive thousands of miles in a straight line. Also infrastructure for US cars is bad, few dealers and services making ownership a pain in the ass.

>> No.25600289

> Is there a reason why Europeans look down on American cars?
The same reasons Americans look down on American cars. They're shit.

>> No.25600495

b-but muh 1,32086 gallon engine

>> No.25600569

Because they are scared of big american V8, I cashed some of my BTC out at 20k and bought a 1991 Corvette. Worth it.

>> No.25600622

>Our research shows a European sports car in the same price point has a much smaller engine.
You have to consider that petrol price is 4X and you have crazy ownership taxes, high cost insurances and so on.
In Italy for example you also pay like 20$ for each horse power above 200.

>> No.25600767

Eurofags don’t understand cars or automotive engineering in general. Just look at how bland and unreliable Mercedes, BMW and Audi vehicles are. They’re still using the same designs and low-quality materials as they were 20 years ago.
The real reason is ego. Eurofags are always strutting around pretending to be more sophisticated and intelligent than they really are. There’s a stereotype over there that all Americans and anything made in America is stupid and uncivilized so they make up bullshit excuses like “muh petrol prices”.

>> No.25600796

what price point? because at virtually every one there are better euro sports car makers, so why would they buy american?

>> No.25600853
File: 877 KB, 1920x1156, porsche-718_100683681_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute cope

>> No.25600912

You're kind of backing up his argument here. Porsche from 20 years ago look like a Porsche bought today

>> No.25600940

>stereotype that all Americans and anything made in America is stupid and uncivilized
it's not a stereotype it's a fact

>> No.25600965

You can't target the same market segment since those cars are a lot more expensive in europe. Not only because of gas prices as other anons already mentioned but initial tax markups etc.
The c8 corvette starts at 60k usd I believe, in my country it's 90-100k€

>> No.25601173

>europeans literally invented everything before US bankster kikes stole it from them after WW2
Americans are the most retarded and braindead "civilized" nation on this planet. Nobody wants your plastic cars, people in Europe arent stupid and wont drive plastic shit with BIG ENGUN.
This is also why Teslas arent liked here as well, because they look and feel like utter plastic garbage, no matter how much AI this south african nigger puts in the board computer. Teslas look like cheap chink cars and Corvettes look like peasant toy cars, made for fat american kids to play hotwheels with.

>> No.25601227

>People can't afford to drive gas guzzling 5.0 V8's because the gas price is litteraly 3 times as high
The Corvette gets 30MPG. Not a single German performance brand comes anywhere close to that.

>> No.25601257

some autist elon is what the fuck

>> No.25601366

Bring me a Lincoln Continental >2016 to europe and I’ll buy it

>> No.25601391

This is a great reply

>> No.25601441

Old Cadilacs: 8.0 V8 - 156 BHP

>> No.25601456

I love american cars, especially old school suvs, unfortunately they are very unpractial for Europe
First of all they are much more expensive than in the US. Gas here is at least three times more expensive. Taxes are incredibly high.
Servicing and repairs can be trixky/expensive.

>> No.25601555

>egotistical eurofag
Thanks for proving my points here.

>> No.25601626

What are you talking about you idiot?
Every single Porsche uses the same amount of Gas.

>> No.25601638

>Eurofags don’t understand cars or automotive engineering in general.

You cannot be serious

>> No.25601688

Based euro gotta admit

>> No.25601692
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>Nobody wants your plastic cars, people in Europe arent stupid and wont drive plastic shit
Pic related one of the most popular cars in Europoor. Cope harder, faggot.

>> No.25601703

There are literal NIGGERS making cars in USA. FAT NIGGERS.

>> No.25601718

nope. corvette is better on fuel economy
deal with it

>> No.25601822

Should American car companies try to get better Nürburgring times?

>> No.25601823

I work with people from all over Europe every day in the telecom industry. I’m also a mechanic, and whenever I try to discuss anything remotely related to cars I see eyes glazing over because they don’t have a clue how cars work and have 0 general repair skills, let alone changing their own oil. Eurofags are all about riding bikes with the tiny rubber seats sticking up their asses as far as possible.

>> No.25601884

Only the kind of people that do 35 in a 50 zone drive Fiats.

>> No.25602311

I get these feeling too

>> No.25602320

because european roads are old and winding and curvy so cars with smaller engines but better handling perform better. This is also reflected in the car racing sports europeans enjoy vs American. Just look at an F1 race vs a Nascar race and it tells you everything you need to know.

Obviously americans like good handling too but it's just not as needed in our long and straight and high speed freeways.

anyways just my two sats.

>> No.25602425

They dont want to embarass you limp dicked, estrogen guzzling, microplastic suckling, HFCS swallowing American swine, that is the reason they avoid talking about cars. You know, us Europeans, we dont give a shit about how to change the oil, because we either do it and shut the fuck up about it, or we let someone else do it and pay them for it, we dont go around prancing on an on how manly we are for eating meat and fixing our own cars, we either do it, or we dont, and stoically keep our goddamn mouths shut. Something you mutts could pick up from us: knowing when to shut the fuck up.

>> No.25602584

Us cars have shitty interior with low quality materials and drive good only on straight

>> No.25602597

Not only that, engines get taxed per liter and corvettes take premium gas

>> No.25602682

>lacht in Autobahn

>> No.25602794

Europeans also drive tiny piece of shit subcompact cuckmobiles. They probably don't have the space to park a regular sized American car.

>> No.25602872

American sportcars from the 70s are a good sight as for the rest they are simply not popular enough for various reasons.

>> No.25603070

EU's buy german cars (BMW AUDI) as these are seen as top tier, pretty much because they are. it's all about the badge though. mid to low tier badges are VW / ford mostly. honestly i think if you offered an EU one of the best ford sports cars on the market or a mediocre audi/BMW they'd take the audi/bmw just because they'd rather have the top tier badge on a mediocre car than the mediocre badge on a top tier car. seems dumb but it's pretty much the case. just be grateful you guys aren't the italians because all their shit breaks and is very expensive to fix and only idiots buy them
-uk guy

>> No.25603403

Do you realise most people couldn't tell you shit about telecom either? Your eyes would glaze too if I tried to explain to you about economics or automation engineering. But I think you are correct in a way, many people live without cars in EU and it is only a tool to get to places for many, nothing more.

>> No.25603485

literally everyone has a tesla here in amsterdam, I don't even consider it an exceptional car at this point
also lots and lots of porsches in richfag areas
If you're a bit above that probably a maserati or something

>> No.25603830
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>i think if you offered an EU one of the best ford sports cars on the market or a mediocre audi/BMW they'd take the audi/bmw
Doesn't know cars

>> No.25603957

Italian here.
European don't buy sports cars because they are a one way ticket to taxland

>> No.25603971

Oh look another plastic car. How cute

>> No.25604035

Name the euro sports car that is faster on a track for the same or less money than
>a Camaro v6 1le ($31,000)
>Camaro ss 1le ($45,000)
>Camaro zl1 1le ($68,000)
And then name the euro car faster in a straight line for less money than the Tesla Model 3 performance.

>> No.25604087

The speed limits like 30mph and insurance is unaffordable for anything above a 2ltr, also tax.

>> No.25604092
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>car guys