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2557324 No.2557324 [Reply] [Original]

Who here /Ivory/?

Im a bit of a connoisseur myself. Recently it was made illegal in USA though

>> No.2557524

Show me your collection OP

>> No.2557690
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sorry its dark I have no flashlight

>> No.2557711

what is going on in hear

>> No.2557804

what do you wanna know?

>> No.2557904

Where do you buy it from?
Do you care about the killing of elephants for the purpose of the Ivory trade?

>> No.2557930

what's the thing on the left?

>> No.2557981

Chunks shove it up their ass as an aphrodisiac, same thing with bitcoin.

>> No.2558074

haha wtf this thread

I have over 1000lbs of ivory lol
Fossil mammoth, fossil walrus, pre ban elephant, antique sperm whale teeth, narwhale tusk, boar tusk, hippo teeth. Lots of whole tusks, scrimshaw, tons of jewlery

>> No.2558272

I* want to ask you a very specific question anon.

DO you think elephants live forever?

>> No.2558427

No but implying that all ivory from elephants are harvested from their dead carcasses is stupid.
Poaching of Elephants and Rhino Ivory is a serious problem in some parts of Africa.
I just think Elephants are pretty cool animals with high intelligence that don't deserve the shit the human race does to them.

>inb4 go back to greenpeace faggot

>> No.2558441

saved this to my spoop folder

>> No.2558641

Ivory is the most pure substance, the whitest substance. that is all you need to know elephant boy