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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25579777 No.25579777 [Reply] [Original]

Is nursing still considered a good profession in 2021?

>> No.25579820


Its an awful profession underpaid and overworked. Dental assistant is superior if you are looking down this route

>> No.25579857

RNs are all low key white trash sluts with pitbulls and pot smoking, stay-at-home, cuck husbands.

>> No.25580145

If you enjoy cleaning other people's excrement then yes.

>> No.25580194

its still a women's world. 90% female.

>> No.25580237


>> No.25580240

I want her to nurse my cock in her mouth if you know what i mean

>> No.25580310

>tfw already do this as a group home caretaker but only make $15k, 80% of my night shift i just fuckoff and shitpost on 4chan until everyone wakes up
Did i fuck up? Or is this max comfy?

>> No.25580336

wtf 15k where do you live

>> No.25580353

bitch please

>> No.25580366

Utah, also have a degree but its in psychology kek

>> No.25580385

why is that? easy access to chad doctors?

>> No.25580398

Retard retard retard.
1. Nurses are overpaid
2. Every whore I know who's a nurse is taking mimosa swimsuit pics in front of their pools twice a week, they are not overworked
3. Dental assistants are a MASSIVELY oversaturated field, should crash soon enough. Just look around, there's a dentistry on every other street corner

>> No.25580408

For the shifts they pull. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.25580423

can't be serious

>> No.25580431

Nothing comfy about making $15k/yr to clean shit out of assholes anon

>> No.25580443

Alright alroght, I haven't looked into it. I just know a few nurses, and they dont like the fucking 13 hour shifts. Maybe they are paid the right amount.

>> No.25580459

My sisters is a nurse and she's annoying

>> No.25580500

>nursing at the height of a world wide PANDEMIC

topkek, /biz/ is really full of bad advice

>> No.25580519

I mean she's attractive in one sense, but I'd literally refuse a coffee from a broad like this.

>> No.25580549

how come this is so accurate what the fuck

>> No.25580763
File: 72 KB, 634x1127, 34418592-8842709-In_some_of_the_images_Hunter_Biden_is_seen_with_a_crack_pipe_han-a-1_1602749569849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know how many meth heads there are in america? bad teeth ain't going nowhere, pal

>> No.25580855

hope you have a big bag of chainlink bro because that's fucking dire
seems like you're fairly happy though so ymmv

>> No.25580857
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i fucking hate nurses

>> No.25580883

why do you and he know this?

>> No.25580895

>mimosa swimsuit pics
idk bro
i've known a handful of nurses and that wasn't the case for them

>> No.25580904

Bro how did u know this

>> No.25580949

is this person real? how fake is she?

>> No.25580993

all of the girls from my highschool and college who became nurses now think they're literally jesus christ because they work in hospitals during covid.

>> No.25580999

your post was too vague, could you be more specific?

>> No.25581071
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>> No.25581135

Making my girlfriend go back to school for nursing. 2 years of school for a fuck ton more money. We'll make $150-200k a year when she's does

>> No.25581277

You don't know any nurses, do you?

>> No.25581335

This is very true, it’s that or fat pompous Latina/black ladies.

>> No.25581413

>nurses underpaid
I work in a nursing home making close to 40 an hour without overtime and all I do is pass meds, and I literally have 5chain open the whole time while I'm at my medcart

>> No.25581458

nurses = roasties

>> No.25581521

Lol this describes three of the four nurses I know

>> No.25581567

>500K+ ID
Bitcoin confirmed $500K+ this year

>> No.25581668


>> No.25581681

how many times does this thread have to be made? Literally the same fucking webm and all. op is a faggot. sage

>> No.25581766

It's finally their time to get TYFYS. As a milfag, I'm happy that they have to experience the awkwardness as well.

>> No.25581827

It's pretty typical. Mostly attractive girl who peaked in high school, not really smart but not a total whore either so tried to wage instead of just spreading her legs. Settled in an okay job but still considers her looks her greatest asset so tries to clasp at the last straws of relevancy in her 20s by posting shit like this for that internet "fame". She'll be burnt out and depressed by the time she hits 20 if she's still single

>> No.25581866

30, my bad

>> No.25581875
File: 7 KB, 241x209, 1595090682355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work with nurses across 5 specialties and this is unironically not true for me.

>> No.25581883

Its 3 days a week retard. Nurses are overpaid.

>> No.25581915
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Nursing is always a good profession

>> No.25581997

Nursing is the shittiest job.
>have to spend time and money in med school
>work on your feet the entire day helping patients, wiping ass, dealing with disgusting fat fucks
>work hours are long
>patients can sometimes attack you if their going through an episode and if you try to push them away or defend yourself you get fired
Ever wonder why every head nurse is a complete bitch? I’m so glad I did not go down this route.

>> No.25582029

My mum's a nurse and knowing her working life experience it's enough for me to discourage every human being I ever meet from becoming a nurse.

>> No.25582033

Finally someone who knows what they're talking about

>> No.25582297

My sister was admitted to the nursing and pharmacy programs at the same uni. She's now a first year pharmacy student. Did she make the right choice?

>> No.25582309
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gonna be really based when she gets pregnant from Dr Steinberg's rancid jewcum

>> No.25582420

radiation tech maybe. but since elective procedures are nixed it's not as good.

>> No.25582428
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>RNs are all low key white trash sluts with pitbulls and pot smoking, stay-at-home, cuck husbands.
fuck this is at least 40% accurate

the rest are "never left hometown, under-achieved after being HS prom queen" NPCs

>> No.25582460

it literally just depends on what she likes. after you have your down payment money can't buy happiness

>> No.25582472

Holy shit nailed it wtf

>> No.25582494

Real fulfilling job.

>> No.25582602


>> No.25582655

I kind of want to get into radiology just to get a qt gf

>> No.25582861

>RNs are all low key white trash sluts with pitbulls and pot smoking, stay-at-home, cuck husbands.
God i wish that were me

>> No.25583014

yeah I wish it was as fulfilling as trading digital coins

>> No.25583076
File: 28 KB, 536x354, did-you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally just deliver pizza and put the proceeds into bitcoin. It's that easy.

>> No.25583113

Does she poop with that?

>> No.25583222

>low iq
>if you're a man you're assumed faggot
>women are all sluts trying to marry a doctor getting pounded out for 10 years then the doctor marries another doctor
>wow it pays slightly more than most other jobs but I have to wipe old mans assholes and dicks off
>clean vomit from alcoholics
>take blood from homeless people
>get sexually assaulted by dementia patients
>90h a week but look I make 1.6x national average
>manual labour
>exposed to millions of random diseases every day
>ptsd from watching people die everyday
>surrounded by dying or sick people

I'm pretty sure actual prostitutes working in brothels have better jobs, and are certainly better paid.

>> No.25583250

>thinks girls poop
Ngmi incel

>> No.25583375

checked, I can at least say this is all true although typically one nurse isn't doing this whole list unless they're in trauma. Regardless, all nurses end up miserable.

>> No.25583526

All you guys shitting in nursing job, while not wrong, are for sure, not nurses

>> No.25583550

why would I pay for a real nigga

>> No.25583620

>3. Dental assistants are a MASSIVELY oversaturated field, should crash soon enough. Just look around, there's a dentistry on every other street corner
Seems to me like people will always need someone to unfuck their teeth.

>> No.25583666


>> No.25583714

Haha nursing is for losers. The girls act like they are cool when they are young they get eaten alive by the older women and become jaded little shitz. Don’t ever ever end up w a nurse

>> No.25584184

The amount they earn in the states is ridiculous.
I dont think most of them have to change old mens diapers.

>> No.25584264

Underpaid and difficult but the hours are unbeatable for work/life balance. I do Saturday and Sunday nights, rest of the week is off unless I want overtime/crisis/call/whatever you want to call it.

>> No.25584968

i was a male LPN for 8 years.
its an incredibly shitty job to do and it isnt worth it at all.
i discovered crypto and dropped $100k into it back in 2015 and needless to say i am no longer wage cucking.

my best advice is dont get into healthcare.
biggest reason not to is that you will be working with almost entirely female co-workers.
if you cant figure out why thats a bad thing maybe one day you'll find out the hard way.

>> No.25585000

Are these things still human anymore

>> No.25585100
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, bog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having a "profession". Imagine justifying your life of marginal slavery by pretending that you "contribute" something. Around 7 years ago I took out $60k of student loans and put them all in BTC when it was $100 a coin. I now have a net worth of over $20M. I have never worked a day in my life. I never will. Fuck wagies, I SHIT ON YOU.

>> No.25585276

I work in healthcare

This is ungodly true. All nurses do all night is bitch and moan about their boyfriends/husbands.

>> No.25585409

This past year has really made me despise heathcare workers of all levels. I can't think of a more arrogant field with such an inflated sense of self-worth.

>> No.25585413

fact, also fuck doctors. I know more than the average doctor I have seen. I know you're probably thinking "bullshit". I am educated, no MD though.

>> No.25585605

My brother's retarded girlfriend makes something like 70k a year as a maternity ward nurse. But she only makes that because he got her to move to a major city and she lucked out by landing a job at a nice hospital. Were she left to her own devices she'd be making like 30k at a hospital you're likely to leave with an infection.

This is also very accurate. Nursing is to women what construction (hard labor) is to men. Nothing against it but it's a job created out of the natural behavior and role of women in society. Being proud to be a nurse is like being proud to be born a woman.

>> No.25585625

>cleaning literal shit from dying boomers assholes while they berate you for 100k
i make 300k and i sit on my ass all day coding

>> No.25585643


>> No.25585651

this is relatable for so many anons because of how many shitty midwestern neets visit this board
imagine the smell of monster energy, chlamydia, and meth

>> No.25585677

She will likely have a problem finding a full time job as a pharmacist right after school. But it'll be super comfy if she can get into anywhere except CVS or Walgreens. I'm a pharmacist and I make over 3x what my sisters who are nurses make lol

>> No.25585691

what an id

>> No.25585737

So glad nurse hate has made its way to this board. /pol/ has the best nurse hate threads.

>> No.25585773

Huh. I genuinely thought nurses made more. I'm just an actuary but I make more than this..

>> No.25585828

....if your job is paying you 15k in the USA you are either a part-timer or a volunteer. What the fuck dude.

>> No.25585871


Nursing for women is an attainable, professional job that earns them enough money to maintain the middle class lifestyle. Women who figure out that they need to earn a living gravitate toward it. Those women usually have cuck husbands who don't make any reliable money, which is why the women feel the need to become earners themselves. Further, because there is a quality salary in the house but they're not classy people or being changed by their work experience, there is little need to increase their living standard.

>> No.25585925

>Med school
Fuck you, they go to nursing school not Med school. Go dance during your shift for TikTok or something.

>> No.25585926

>All nurses do all night is bitch and moan about their boyfriends/husbands.

All women do is bitch and moan.

>> No.25585966

What do you code for that kind of money? Average salary seems to be half that.

>> No.25586072

i work at faang
look at salaries on levels.fyi

>> No.25586209

>Average salary seems to be half that.
Don't get an average gig. Work for FAGMAN or a tier 2-3 company.

>> No.25586213

those are just thinly veiled incel-rage threads

>> No.25586245

Even so, the nurses deserve it for staging elaborate TikTok dance videos while playing COVID martyr on social media in all their other free time.

>> No.25586489

I do not respect nurses. My opinion is important because I’m a Doctor.

- Juris Doctorate

>> No.25586498

What about the 80+ hrs a week that the medical residents work for at $8-$10/hr?

In a hospital, you need 4 nursing staff per patient. One to give meds, one to check Facebook, one to bitch about the doctor, and one who is taking a break.

>> No.25586595

Social media should be banned

>> No.25586673

Or Filipinas that are less trashy but still whores deep down

>> No.25587173
