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25573877 No.25573877 [Reply] [Original]

Will there be a foreclosure crisis?
Would it be a good investment to buy as many properties as possible in anticipation of the debt being wiped out from inflation?

>> No.25573897
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>this thread again

>> No.25573919

I see you saved my other webm

>> No.25573923

something about her is very hot
if she lost 25-30lbs that would be PRIME slag pig status

>> No.25573971

You disgust me. What do you think about foreclosures?

>> No.25574003

Housing bubble lol.

>> No.25574061

fuck this gay earth

>> No.25574581

Foreclosure is why mortgages exist. It is a cheap way to get real estate. Borrow out money which they have to pay for in interest and they maintain and upgrade it to make it nice for you and then they can't pay so you can take it and resell.

Foreclosure is the whole reason mortgages exist. Without mortgages then prices of real estate would be so low that people could buy it with money they saved. And there would be no foreclosure.

A society where people are homeless in mass every time there is a disaster is the society we designed. It is a democracy. If they didn't want it then they should have thought about it when they voted.

>> No.25574646

Foreclosures is what the jew likes most about mortgages. They existed before. But definitely the rates dropped or became back loaded as i agree today the jews only goal is to snag a foreclosure

>> No.25574657

You disgust me. What do you think about slampigs?

>> No.25574676

If what she says is true, an oversupply of real estate would push prices down so if you buy now that would just end up with your house underwater.

>> No.25574732

What if i told you her source as an insider is valuable but her opinion at the end is meaningless and should be ignored

>> No.25574739

Is this what a female incel looks like

>> No.25574749

exept people literally didn't get to vote on any of that directly.

>> No.25574758

Lol and who should people have voted for? Its hard to fix the housing problem when the entire system has been fucked for ages. I swear to God if this is a pro trump post I was rage. THAT ORANGE KEK DOESNT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU NOR DOES BIDEN. STOP THIS RETARD THINKING

>> No.25574792

>It is a democracy
its a corporate oligarchy

>> No.25574863


>> No.25574875

Most of them are just taking advantage of that shit. They'll magically have the money again once the gun's actually against their head

>> No.25574885
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why is 'Murica so fucking retarded? I've lived 25 years in a latinamerican country and 11 in Europe.
Not even once have I known of anyone getting evicted, yet it seems in USA it's everywhere every day?

>> No.25574917

This. I work in IT Healthcare for a global EMR provider and can tell you similar stories of impending doom but I'm just a civilian with no high end credentials. Who knows where it'll all end up.

>> No.25574957

>I work at the collections department of a very large financial institution
kek, you guys realize these are brainless minimum wage/slightly better than minimum wage jobs right? And 99% of the time the collections are outsourced to a third party, where it's literally a building of pajeets and white trash underachievers working portfolios for dozens of different companies and aren't actually employed by the people they claim to be calling from.
Her info is valuable, but I just find it funny that someone would use a peasant tier job as a source. I got a job in collections when I was in my early 20s. I literally went to the unemployment office and had a job at one the next day. What an achievement.

>> No.25574981

Fuck off beaner you literally don't know anything about Europe

>> No.25575028

It has always been the point of mortgages. Without the ability to forclose then there would be no mortgages and the price for real estate would dump. All those empty houses and apartments would be worth nothing and just keeping them empty wouldn't make sense. People could just buy a house cheap. Nobody would make money.

They would if they cared. People voted for trump and Biden neither who cares if they are homeless or not.

Ok it is a pro trump post then.

Because the American people vote only for those who take care of corporate interests first. As a capitalist I think that is a good thing. Better with someone who can be bought like Biden than some crazy fringe politician who wants to avoid corporate money. And the American people feel the same.


unicode character u+1F4B0

>> No.25575029

She is a lesbian.

u gay

>> No.25575057


>Fuck order and laws and rules and enforcement and shieett jajaja

>> No.25575084

I know a lot of the country I live in. But agreed, each country is different and maybe Romanians, Bulgarian and the rest of the gypsies get evicted a lot....

But my point still stands, the american system is fucking retarded

>> No.25575099

>an oversupply of real estate would push prices down
Is it really an oversupply if all of it will just be rented out instead? Wouldn't prices just stay high, or go even higher, since there's less houses to buy on the market? Legitimately wondering.

>> No.25575163

Because we have a system that promotes overspending and being financially irresponsible. Most happily accept college loans will cost amount to a national average of 36k once they get their undergraduate degree. Then they also accept a job that underpays while they spend as if they make a lot more. Add to the insane housing prices and there's your answer.

Also unlike in Latin America, the US is less lenient on the the lower middle class. The country wants you to make just enough to where you are kept in your place. If you drop below that then are severe penalties until you're poor.

>> No.25575184


her hypothesis about "big corps buying everything immediately" is just wrong. There isn't a board room of big corp boogeymen conspiring to buy every single property that hits foreclosure. More foreclosures is sheer oversupply, it would depress prices at least temporarily.

>> No.25575242

There was a time that you could only leverage what you own. Its a whole reserve policy and fundamental to good economics right next to the non existence of fiat. Collateralized loans are ethical. Uncollateralized or gradually collerateralized loans are wholly unethical and in a branch of usury if you ask me

>> No.25575303

And trump wasn't bought and paid for you while he gives billions to Israel? Lmao you dumb silly faggot.
>muh daddy trump will save us
He had four years with a republican controlled Senate. Didnt do a thing. Nice try, kid.

>> No.25575351

Most real estate is already empty even if they are unable to rent it out they can just hold on to it until they can. Investors would still fight for any new housing.

There were massive foreclosures in 2008. Prices on property just kept going up since then. It is on average way higher now. It doesn't make much of a difference.

Foreclosed houses might be cheap if you buy them in bulk. But they don't go right back on the market.

Shut up, Muhammed.

Of course he was also bought. Why do you think Americans voted for him?

>> No.25575403

>Because the American people vote only for those who take care of corporate interests first
There's no choice. Every major political party is owned by corporate interests.
>As a capitalist I think that is a good thing.
As a capitalist I disagree.Free markets suffer in the face of monopolies and government intervention.

>> No.25575405
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This is your brain on no argument cope.

>> No.25575437

I am a quaker which is a type of Christian even if we are mostly critical of other Christians, christ, creed, and especially jewish usury. Muslims are not wrong about the jews

>> No.25575885

People could vote for someone hostile to corporate interests. They don't.

>Free markets suffer in the face of monopolies and government intervention.

Free markets is when minimum wage is set so low that people die of starvation until there is so few people left that we have to compete with the survivors and the minimum wage is set exactly at the point where they are able to barely survive. But with governments we can set the wage lower than survival and the workers pay tax for welfare to keep them alive. For the worker it is the same, they live a wretched existence and suffer what they must so they shouldn't have a say in it. For them it is the same. But for the employer we can give lower wages than we otherwise would need to if they kept dying of starvation.

Usury has no meaning in the western or christian world after the French Revolution. Stop living 240 years ago. It is just something that used to be a sin. Now it is only a sin for Muslims. Get with the times.

>> No.25575943

based my fellow slampig enthusiast

>> No.25576060

You cant preach creed to me and talk history all day. What i said is its wrong meaning immoral. Idgaf what historical figures or bishops say

>> No.25576238

If everyone was a religious nut like you and Isis then I would not be able to make good money on idiots borrowing money they can't pay back. They deserve it for borrowing money they can't pay back. It is in the contract, it is perfectly legal. They belong on the street. It is the society people have voted for, I am just working with the limitations that people themselves have put in place.

>> No.25576437

Im probably closer to an athiest than you jew rat. You think you deserve to be a usurer. I think you deserve to be the worker bee.

>> No.25576443

This chink is trolling you, my American friend. Ignore all chang posts.

>> No.25576519

There exists no non-religious reason why usury is morally wrong. Or a reason why I shouldn't take money from people any legal way possible. If it was morally wrong then people shouldn't do it even if they want to do it. And outside religion there is no reason why that is the case.

>> No.25576563

>debt being wiped out from inflation?
If you don't think the banks will just scale the debt along with hyperinflation, you're delusional. You basically want to stack assets that can't be eroded by inflation (pm's, bitcoin or drugs basically) and wait until a housing collapse. Even if inflation is insane, your held assets should be increasing in fiat cost similarly

>> No.25576570

this post is too political and anti-semitic. we are here to discuss shitcoins and shitcoins only.

>> No.25576630

i mean hopefilly free fucking money?

>> No.25576693

All you do is bring down those around you. Youre the definition of a usurer and leech. Yet you sit here and look me in the eye and tell me its not immoral. Fuck off rabbi

>> No.25576726

Take your crypto gains do this:

>buy gov subsidized nigger housing
>get rich

Used the gov money to buy more shitcoins

Life really is that simple

>> No.25576839

>buy gov subsidized nigger housing
can I have resources to do just this

>> No.25576932

dyor if you have the funds do it quick. you wont be the only one. you know whats coming, there is literally zero risk.

>> No.25577219

What's coming?

>> No.25577316

ill do my research what should I google tho it showed me how to be a nigger not how to take advantage of nigger houses

>> No.25577470

Yeah you first off need the money. Secondly you need enough income to hire people to go in and clean up those disgusting places constantly since the eviction rate is literally month to month even on subsidized housing. Oh and you need to hire someone to fix all the shit those monkeys broke so its up to code, even if the standard is low. Oh and can't forgot all those times when they get a leak and you have to hire a plumber to go fix it, which is even assuming these animals would even tell you the place is flooded.

My dad was a slum lord a lot of my life until my late twenties when he converted it all to small houses in nice neighborhoods to people with good jobs. He did all the stuff himself (bookkeeping, handy man, etc) and it about broke him. This was someone who was a farmer doing hard labor from the time he could walk.

You make it sound so simple. Its not at all. Unless you have tons of cash then sure but id argue id still rather rent to intelligent people who won't destroy your property. Subsidized housing still has a ton of pitfalls and costs YOU need to cover. Go out into the real world and do this and get back to me.

>> No.25578175

It's true, real estate is also a huge risk. There is literally no defending it if the country turns socialist, in fact if it does your entire family could end up on a list and might have to flee, that's why a lot of jews like Ludwig von mises had to come the U.S. with GOLD because they couldn't leave the country with their fiat, if it would have even been worth anything leaving, that is why the U.S. won't let you leave with 20k worth of fiat or PM's. The 20k is calculated by how much they profit off of the taxes and airline company profits btw, and beyond this you can still smuggle shit regularly as long as you wrap it on cloth and stuff, learned that trick from a 3rd worlder.

>> No.25578450

rentals have never scaled.
there's a reason there are no apartment franchises traded on the stock market.
t. slumlord

>> No.25578828
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I shit you not, at my first ever apartment moving out, I came home from working 2nd shift 3:15 am, go right to bed and wake up an hour later to reefer smoke, rap music, and a hallway filled with jiggaboos giving me "the stank eye" like i'm fucking Donald Trumps wife? I shit you not I heard the terrifying ontoxicated yowling of some animal. "Deeus Niga gata geeuuun!" followed by a fucking stampede down from the 2nd floor into the parking with trucks doing donuts right in front of my patio. NEVER FUCKING RENT IN A MAJOR CITY.

>> No.25578834

based Oatmeal Man

>> No.25578919
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not again

>> No.25578983

I didn't say a damn thing about the dirty jews

>> No.25579436

I worked as a landscaper for a long time, worked for plenty of slum lords. Guys that owned 10+ houses, not a single one of them was wealthy. Now, the guys who just flipped houses? Seemed happy, healthy, and drove nice fucking cars.

>> No.25579504

Surely they were doing something wrong.