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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 832 KB, 828x937, 59DEA84A-CE27-43C5-868C-09AAE6892D13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25573503 No.25573503 [Reply] [Original]

Comes with a massage room

>> No.25573622

Imagine the smell.

>> No.25573683

if we all put our money together after this bull run we could buy it and continue the saga

>> No.25573726


>> No.25573784

/biz/ loli whorehouse when?

>> No.25573792

You just know they summoned Lucifer in that room. Probably still has some demonic entity living there

>> No.25573848

$65 million more than Mr Epstein (deceased) paid for it

>> No.25573926

No one is going to buy that shit, it has bad juju. It needs to be torn down and rebuilt, and the property needs to be professionally examined for secret tunnel systems. I am not even exaggerating a little bit.

>> No.25573937

Cool Proportionality bias, bro. Keep your schizo shit on /pol/

>> No.25573976

Totally normal a guy would just give away a multi million pound mansion for nothing . happens all the time. ....

>> No.25573997

you do realize Epstein was an occultist pedophile who ran a child sex trafficking ring right? You do know that is a real thing... right?

>> No.25574008

Does it still have the dental chair? I will require the dental chair.

>> No.25574039

Prove that he was an occultist and that he trafficked kids under puberty age. No schizo links please.

>> No.25574131

You have to go back.

>> No.25574132

Common sense doesn't need to be proven

>> No.25574158
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>> No.25574179 [DELETED] 

kys dumb fuck. he had occult symbolism all his his pedo island

>> No.25574206
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>> No.25574237

>A fucking townhouse
I cannot imagine paying tens of millions of dollars to still share a wall with another home. Do Coasties really, actually, unironically do this?

>> No.25574248

see: >>25573976
he was given that - one of New York finest town houses - as 'a gift'. Totally legit, amiright?

>> No.25574260

obvious bait. he had symbolism all over the island

>> No.25574276

>child sex trafficking ring
Chicks were 14+ which is legal in my country kek

>> No.25574302

you need to leave here, muhammed

>> No.25574332

>prove he was an occultist
>btw mentioning the occult makes you a schizo, don't be a schizo
nice double bind you midwit faggot deboonker

>> No.25574338

Most of us don't like in Pakistan though

>> No.25574340
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>> No.25574364

>I do not trust myself, I need the guidance of my masters at CNN and NYT
how do people deteriorate as much? Living life as a worm, fucking sad

>> No.25574445

>ywn be wealthy enough to commission people to send their kids to your pool party so you can pretend they are your own and enjoy the wholesome euphoria that comes from simply seeing "your" kids having a good time in the water

>> No.25574527

probably smells like children. no thanks.

>> No.25574557

Im white. I meant fucking girls from 15yo is legal here. I always thought that guy raped babies or something

>> No.25574664

I said a NON-schizo source.

Cute assumption. I don't believe in supernatural nonsense like the rest of you because you have a hard time understanding reality. Super wealthy man uses his wealth to do fucked up shit, true. Why tack one some occult/satanic bullshit to it?

>> No.25574670
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>provide any evidence you have and we'll get to work debunking it
It's all so tiresome posting with pedo enablers.
Usually people are suspicious of crimes regardless but shills always force others to do the legwork then they always turn around and say its not evidence kek.

>> No.25574691


>> No.25574833

You can believe that Epstein had occult shit on his island without personally believing demons exist dummy. Same way I don't believe in more than two genders but I still know you probably chopped your cock off and dilate the wound

>> No.25574874

We never said WE believed it retard

>> No.25574878

That's how reality works. When you make wild accusations then it is up to you to provide the evidence to support it. Not just a bunch of assumptions that hold a shit-load of ambiguity. Again, I'm not saying Epstein DIDN'T do these horrible things, I am saying that there is NO EVIDENCE to say he used some supernatural magic to do the things he did.

>> No.25574889

sometimes I think pizz*g*te is not real but then I remember there actually was a hankie with a map on it that seems p*zza related and I just cannot imagine a normal explanation for that.

>> No.25574919
File: 170 KB, 503x640, The chemical preparation of Aurum Portabile (Sadeler II, Kilian, Geiger).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of these people love the esoteric - it doesn't have to be satanic either. Have a look at the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.

>> No.25574954

>implying anyone was claiming there were actual demons involved
how does it feel being retarded? anyone have that lawyer fucked by shadow screencap?

>> No.25575009

This is 4chan, you numb-nuts. Where the basic theme is that all the liberal elite traffic little kids to do satanic seances and eat their brains for adrenochrome.

>> No.25575033
File: 238 KB, 960x732, 56BA79EF-7D1A-4B33-895B-F5B9C842E5A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you’re either trolling or fucking delusional either way your a faggot

>> No.25575078

>he doesn't believe in weaponized autism
>he demands more proof yet is here on /biz/ enjoying weaponized autismos who tell him how to make gains
>sHOw mE MaGIc
The problem with what you're asking is that institutions exist to traffick humans and the same institutions also cover it up. Plus any in your face evidence would be illegal to post here because it counts as distribution so our hands are tied so to speak.
not to mention the hotdogs and the media saying alls well all the time about the obamas. No one is perfect.

>> No.25575110
File: 199 KB, 1024x830, 8AA7BB71-071A-4C64-B4C4-67CC194F7C79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay in your fucking fantasy brother

>> No.25575203

>There's sooo much evidence of this, but it is hidden because of higher powers!

Fuck, how retarded are you?


Again, another schizo image. Enjoy the tinfoil.

>> No.25575224

i believe in plenty of conspiracies. i also believe the one where rich people fake their deaths. jeffrey epstein didnt kill himself (because he’s not dead).

serial killers and sacrificial demonic pedophile cults are just more hoaxes by the government (like corona), to keep us paranoid and distract us from REAL crimes like manufactured wars for profit and our predatory financial system. research miles mathis’s work before you call me a normie.

>> No.25575257

He was rich kike. Nuff said

>> No.25575287
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I dont care if you believe me faggot your opinion doesnt change the truth you will always be spoonfed bullshit and eat it right up

>> No.25575295
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Best response so far.

>> No.25575373

>Evidence isnt routinely destroyed
>people don't do bad things
>only poor people commit crimes
you need to go back

>> No.25575427

the explanation is that the people who broke the story are also government agents, and they’re doing it to screw with your head. most people aren’t smart enough to understand why the government would want it’s citizens to be paranoid, and even many honest researchers dont want to admit that people who trained a lifetime in psyops might actually be good at their job.

>> No.25575447

What is the minimum investment? For both the secret group and part of the mansion.

>> No.25575455

You don't understand, everything is tied together with our "predatory" financial system. They do it for profit obviously like those manufactured wars. Illegal activities is highly profitable and banking kikes don't give a fuck about ethics.


>> No.25575476

>wild accusations
Epstein was in custody awaiting trial on a number of charges before he "committed suicide". His girlfriend and long time partner in crime, Ghislaine Maxwell, is also now in custody awaiting trial.

>> No.25575586
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>shkreli will be out of prison in 2 years
>all we have to do is keep it on the market until then
He will
He absolutely fucking will
We need to do this for the true king of /biz/

>> No.25575704
File: 75 KB, 315x315, FAEC338A-B920-416A-9FC9-9B3C4D3909A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the citadel now has an address

>> No.25575814

I'm delusional, but you're the guy posting six degrees of separation bullshit that "proves" some conspiracy you read about on an Alaskan king crab fishing forum.

Clearly you are not pure-hearted enough to understand the depths of moe.

>> No.25576053

The best evidence is how many shills come out of the woodwork and feel motivated to fud something they don't even follow that closely.
It's just like shitcoins really: no one would fud something they're not attempting to suppress.