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25570184 No.25570184 [Reply] [Original]

Ask your stupid questions here.

>where do I buy bitcoin?
Kraken: https://www.kraken.com/
Bitstamp: https://www.bitstamp.net/
Bitfinex: https://www.bitfinex.com/
Gemini: https://www.gemini.com/
Do not use goybase.

>where do I buy altcoins?
Binance: https://www.binance.com/en

>where do I trade with leverage?
FTX: https://ftx.com/#a=fornewfrens

>should I trade or hold?
Hold, but if you really want to trade then do so with crypto collateral, so that you are still holding long term. FTX is best for this.

>> No.25570390

My bank is shit and doesn't even do e-deposits
What online one should I use

>> No.25570833

Why should I invest in stablecoins? Isn't the entire point of investing in coins that they aren't stable and go up and down in price?

>> No.25570942

>do not use goybase?
I use goybase, why are they bad?

>> No.25571038

Maybe you want to park some money in something stable? I dunno. Maybe it’s a second form of liquidity on the exchanges. I’m an idiot tho don’t take my word for it

My question is: what is the beat online wallet that i should use. Best interest rates, etc.

Also, how much of your total cash assets or net worth are in crypto?

>> No.25571087

any preference between trezor and ledger?

>> No.25571092

How much GRT for these milkers sir?

>> No.25571097

Does she poop?

>> No.25571111

both my parents just died and left me about 100k and a house. no fucking clue what to do. just lost my job. how can I best use that 100k?

>> No.25571145

Nobody invests in stablecoins long term. They're an intermediary for riding out the pumps and dumps.

>> No.25571172

Then why are people shilling new stablecoins here?

>> No.25571186


>> No.25571191

I must have these Khazar milkers. Bestow upon her many Saxon-Hebrew princes.

>> No.25571280

Hi, I want to be a millionaire, what should I buy?

No rug puller Ponzi bastards reply pls

>> No.25571295

She's Italian.

>> No.25571321

No clue. Maybe it's an attempt to bump this month's latest stablecoin's "legitimacy." Just stick to USDC.

>> No.25571329

No she uses a bag
I'm serious look it up

>> No.25571367

Is the house paid off? How old are you?
Use it to pay down huge chunks of any loans you have, then get rid of any credit card debt. Put 6 months worth of living expenses in the bank, throw the rest on BTC and ETH

>> No.25571422

>why invest in stablecoins?
The stability

>> No.25571458

house paid off, no loans or any debt, only 21 and no real skills. been a wagie for 3 years. idk about crypto but I'll look into it more. thank you.

>> No.25571503

Wow. Well this is a blessing in disguise, anon. Its painful now but you will understand the weight of this circumstance years from today. That is, if you play your cards right. Everyone can fuck up the blessings they've been given, understand that you are no different. That being said, BTC ETH, ADA, LCX is also looking promising. Do your own research before you start investing, but do yourself a favor and drop that whole 100k into your portfolio and immediately get to work finding yourself a 40-50 hr a week wage.

>> No.25571541

>earlier today i put some demo accountmoney(iq option) on bitcoin
>500% profit at end of day
why didnt i just put actual fucking money

>> No.25571556

Stablecoins exist because dealing with real USD is a regulatory pain for exchanges. You don't invest in them, just treat them as real USD.

Trezor is open source, and ledger recently proved that they are incompetent.

>> No.25571590

is trust wallet recommended? which one you guys recommend?
is binance recommended for a begginer?

>> No.25571608

Op include coinbase pro, it's more than acceptable

>> No.25571709

Makes sense. I've just been using USD on Kraken (Was using BNB on Binance before I got the boot). USD seems just as easy to use on Kraken? Maybe I don't know what I'm missing.

>> No.25571724

Why, when there are better alternatives. Coinbase is a scummy company.

>> No.25571747
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Hot. Just got to rinse it out a lil...

>> No.25571868

I'm willing to gamble everything I have, 1200$ savings, ready to live like a true bum in my eastern european shithole doing oddjobs here and there, for the long term game. Tell me what to buy and when to buy, this being the peak of this frenzy I assume I'll have to wait. any altcoins to buy now for some tiny quick gains or did i miss the boat on that too?
She got Crohn's

>> No.25571884
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If these are the two only choices, Ledger.

90% into BTC, 10% into Monero.

she's not even B-tier anon

>pay down huge chunks of any loans you have
Reddit-tier advice. In age of negative interest rates and consumer loans below 5% yearly paying down your debt with cash is stupid as fuck.

>> No.25571905

thanks anon. things are rough but I'm trying to make the most of the cards I got dealt. even with btc mooning right now I should invest?

>> No.25571959

nigger not only are you a newfag but it also says nigger on the ceiling

>> No.25572007

1 ETH, rest into ltc/link

>> No.25572019

That's like asking if I should sell 1 dollar to make 15 dollars. BTC will always be profit. Get some BTC while you can afford it, you have the opportunity to do so.

>> No.25572033

I'm trying to buy bonded.finance on uniswap, it has a 300k volume on there but when I try to swap for ETH it says "PRICE IMPACT TOO HIGH" shows crazy price slippage like 20%+

>> No.25572055

Copy contract id from coingecko

>> No.25572056

no bully. This is a stupid questions thread.

>> No.25572068

Im trying to buy Parsiq via Uniswap with ethereum but i cant find it via the search function, what do?

>> No.25572074

How do stock options work. I understand the basic premise but i cant grasp how it can multiply your gains

>> No.25572116
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Dork stocks will print going forward
Space $ BioTech
Fuck off Chad


>> No.25572121

Should I buy now or wait for how long?

>> No.25572158


If you want to understand why read Nick Szabo and if you want to know when to sell follow RHODL Ratio. Simple as.

>> No.25572187
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Is a Yubikey worth it? im currently using the v5 model for my password vault and accounts on exchanges locked up, but i want to expand it uses like using it as cold wallet. If there is a way to do it how would i go about changing it to do so?

>> No.25572204

Don't listen to that retard, stay away from LTC. It's a shitcoin which is only relevant because it's scummy founder (who sold everything in 2018 at ATH, btw) worked for goybase and got it listed there. It's a dead coin.

>> No.25572223

>>25571111 (quads: checked)
Keep in mind that $100k is only 2-5 years of wages as a shit tier wagie, don't go thinking you're going to stay not working on that. Consult a tax expert if you have not already on your inheritance and manage your expenses first. If you live frugally like I do, that $100k will last you a very long time.

Listen to the anon who recommended you save back 6 mo. of expenses before investing, and I would add to save back 1-2 years of property taxes and enough to cover the expenses of selling that property and moving if it becomes necessary. The real estate market is starting to take off, which can jack up your tax bill on a 1:1 basis if the local gov rushes an assessment of your property to cash in.

>> No.25572281

makes sense. thanks for the advice.
all of this is pretty new to me. my knowledge of crypto is pretty surface level, thanks.
im not planning on not working, I just want to be comfy and set myself up for the long term.

>> No.25572307

On those exchanges you cannot buy bitcoin, just btc

>> No.25572311

so trezor then?

>> No.25572328


>> No.25572381


>> No.25572431

The value of your contract is based on the value of its position against the underlying asset and how another speculator or stock holder can utilize the contract to make money.

>> No.25572572

Doesnt ftx pay out in usd? Not crypto? So how are you holdingthe crypto as well

>> No.25572682

Do I need to wrap my ETH to WETH to have that liquidity?

>> No.25572765

Buy crypto with profits. Also, if your USD balance can go negative without any serious consequences, so if you believe that crypto will continue to rise, then it is better to keep a negative USD balance than it is to repay it with your crypto.

>> No.25572825

but when should I start buying?, or is it impossible to forecast the next big dip?

>> No.25572838

I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.25572868

How do you cash out crypto?

>> No.25572903

WTF do I do to make it? I have 100 LINK, I'm buying 100 LINK Friday, but I got priced out of everything else except ADA, and idk if I should buy that over AVAX. I unironically need at least 1 moon otherwise I can't buy enough of anything to make it.

>> No.25572915

Why use stablecoin instead of USD or EUR?

>> No.25572918

Nobody knows. A dip is imminent, but it may be from $50k back down to $30k.

>> No.25572972

use a stablecoin when you can't use usd/eur

>> No.25572984

What stock should I buy

>> No.25573133

18 years old and still in HS. I got the stimulus and with the money i saved up from waging for a few months I have 1.3k saved up. What do? I know jack shit about any of this so I'm starting from scratch.

>> No.25573197

Invest in things you believe in and are passionate about. That way if the stock goes down atleast you have the equity of your decision.

>> No.25573266

Why not Coinbase Pro tho? It works great for me for years. You suggest they will take my BTC the moment it moons and just give me the cash back with a "Thanks for playing" note?

>> No.25573375

I suggest that they're a shitty company and that there is no reason to use it over alternatives.

>> No.25573399

Someone run down uniswap for me

Why do I see 1000s of shitcoins shilled here but can't find the majority of them on binance

HOW in the fuck do I get to do my 100x leverage

How do I get from $15 to $150 and add more 0's?

>> No.25573428

How do I buy and hold Altcoins on an exchange that only has BTC USDC pairs?

>> No.25573479

Open a robinhood account and play around with it. The app is literally designed to get zoomers addicted. You even get a free stock iirc.
Just fuck around with penny options until you've doubled your cash.
Or if you're serious just keep working until you have 10k to play around with and invest it into boomer indexes.

>> No.25573533

So I work for myself delivering bread and not gonna lie, didn't save shit towards paying my taxes. Have zero, closest napkin math puts me at owing about 10k fed, no clue state though. What do I do? Can I get an extension and try to scrape up double this year? Am I safe from whistleblowers? I'm not cheating my taxes, just not paying them this year on time.

>> No.25573542

Should I bother with going to college or should I just wage til I have enough to actually fuck with investments?

>> No.25573639


>> No.25573771

thanks anon. hope you make it in 2021.

>> No.25573813

You too, keep strong

>> No.25573822

Like I said I know jack shit about a lot of this, including terminology. How did he fuck up, if he even did at all?

>> No.25573932


>> No.25573988

My uniswap WETH tx has been pending for a long time.. Is this normal or will it end up cancelling the swap?

>> No.25574036

Man, didn't sleep for 24 hours, just thinking and reading and thinking but this is now the hard part, placing the chips. I can only hope eth will drop to 700$ and hit 5k in the next cycle. Then I can cry and push further although the attention crypto got this year could be like the end or lead to new peaks.

>> No.25574045


>> No.25574066

Based, thanks.

>> No.25574159

Fees out the ass

>> No.25574202

What are some good ways of researching potential winner coins.

>> No.25574324

add gas

this is almost certainly not the top, just don't get left behind

>> No.25574346

so how do i get started on binance?
do i buy bitcoin, orr buy bnb and use it to buy bitcoin?

>> No.25574481

With 1.3k and at 18 years old you shouldn't be too worried about investing just yet. Put a portion of that away in something secure (can be crypto, can be mutual funds) and focus on learning SKILLS.
This will be the foundation for your financial future, and you need to have something valuable to offer in the marketplace. If you believe you will best learn those skills in college, go for it. Although if you need to ask, you're probably better off not going.

If you're genuinely interested in trading then spend as much time as possible learning on youtube, investopedia, and very occassionally here on biz.

Good luck bud.

>> No.25574554

Someone already posted this and it bears repeating:

How does one cash out?

Please don’t give me the usual “lol, cash out” “ngmi” “just trade it for something with a foreign person so their family can pay for small arms deals back home in buttfuckistan”

I understand I may have to pay taxes as a burger. For convenience sake I may just be willing to pay taxes for what’s easy. And no, I don’t plan on cashing out anytime soon but want to know in case any shit hits the fan in my life and I need money immediately

>> No.25574603

crypto to crypto is a taxable event depending on where you live though

>> No.25574648

Its on the max

>> No.25574650

can i just use kraken for altcoins? binance is taking days to verify my account and i'm starting to see a lot of bad reviews on their US site

>> No.25574690

as far i know the only taxes you pay are from the broker

>> No.25574742

are you using binance US?

>> No.25574799

Thanks for the advice man. Based on what you said I guess I am better off not going to college, although I might end up going to cc. What is the alternative?

>> No.25574810

yes. sent in my adv. verification stuff like 3 days ago and it's been stagnant since then.

>> No.25574880

by what i read binance us is absolutely garbage compared to binance

>> No.25574922

if you sell a crypto for another crypto, you have to keep track of the gains you make on that trade and pay taxes on it. exchanging crypto for a stablecoin is a taxable event
this goes for americans and some euro countries as far as i know, read up on taxes in whatever country you are in

>> No.25574960

anything at all can be listed on uniswap, because it is a decentralised exchange. most are complete scams.
>HOW in the fuck do I get to do my 100x leverage
on uniswap? you can't. you can on FTX, which I recommend over any other site which may also offer 100x. https://ftx.com/#a=fornewfrens
if you're american, you'll need a vpn. you can't trade with leverage anywhere if you're american as far as I know

the same way you cash in? I don't understand your question.

>> No.25574996

yeah i'm reading that to.. well being in the US it bitches at me for trying to use binance.com. So should I use Kraken for altcoins? Or is there something more worth

>> No.25575014

bitcoin is unregulated in my country, i thought this meant no taxes

>> No.25575108

yeah i am new so i cant help you...
i was considering coinbase but anons here are bitching at that so iam going binance which is impossible for you
since you want altcoins coinbase probably isnt a good choice i think
cant you just use a vpn to use normal binance?

>> No.25575223

Would it be wise to purchase Ethereum from Robinhood? Or should I go for kraken? New to this crypto stuff.

>> No.25576009

Seeing as you can't withdraw your coins off robinhood, stick to kraken.

>> No.25576280

I see, thank you anon.

>> No.25576424

What's wrong with coinbase?

>> No.25576449

gold or btc?

>> No.25576768

Know where I can find this info? I'm not US

>> No.25576853

How come xrp didn't reach 2kEOY?

>> No.25576886
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Do I buy Bitcoin now or wait until after the 15th?

>> No.25576917

Who is this fine young man?

>> No.25576994
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>> No.25577197

Just getting back into this shit. I live in Washinton and I have some BNB that I would like to continue to HODL. I can't make a Binance.us account because WA is retarded, is there another exchange or wallet you guys would recommend? Or do I have to just convert this shit to BTC?

>> No.25577323

Isn't she that pretty girl from Target?

>> No.25577685
File: 84 KB, 374x470, 14056F96-0B6F-4A19-97DB-600262F3B73F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugg, I’ve lost my 2FA since 2017 when I got a new phone. Is there a way to get it back or will I have to send my passport to all my old exchanges?

>> No.25577889

What's your BTC and ETH target? I have both but have no idea when I'll sell. I'm already staking 35% of my ETH.

>> No.25578048

Lots of Italians have kike in them because Romans massacred all the men

>> No.25578717

I have a small business I started last year and I was putting money in silver but I just sold what I've been stacking and I have $5000. Should I just move it to a spread of index funds, or should I do that but with altcoins instead? Or just 50/50 that idea? I have option paralysis. I plan to save a minimum of $300/wk and an average of $500/wk this entire year, and will continue to stack those assets. My goal is to save for a house or at least a decent chunk of a down payment on a house

>> No.25579084

I have $4k in credit card debt, and that's my only debt. Car paid, no student loans.

I put $3k into BTC last year and have $11k now. It's my only immediately liquid asset.

With $900 per month of disposable income from my job, should I plow the credit card debt? Should I knock it out with my BTC and build it back up every paycheck? Or what? The idea of dragging the card out and getting more interest tacked on makes me hesitant to split between BTC and CC payment.

What do?

>> No.25579358

Bitcoin is crashing down to $10k soon, why would you buy at the peak?