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25560039 No.25560039 [Reply] [Original]

My father gave 4k of his earnings to invest for him in the market and I'm down to $85. I feel terrible. How can I get back up to at least 1k.

>> No.25560075

Did you buy XRP or something?

>> No.25560107

Green text please

>> No.25560106


>> No.25560134

Double down and ask for more until you get even. You degenerate gambling piece of shit.

>> No.25560135
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>> No.25560171

just get a job dumbass

>> No.25560199

>be me
>back in March dad gave me 4k to invest in the dip
>got it up to 7k at one point just by buying and holding
>made shitty decision during election and shorted
>market didn't dip

>> No.25560206

what did you buy anon?

>> No.25560211

Going to have to all or nothing. Xlm perhaps will get you half way there.

>> No.25560257

Congrats, now you still have to pay taxes for those gains you had.

>> No.25560359

From March to today was probably the greatest bull run you'll see in your lifetime. How did you fuck that up?

>> No.25560411
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Get a 4k loan, put it into Bitcoin and don't fuck with it you retard.

>> No.25560465
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ETH and LINK nigger?
>short this fats

>> No.25560571

you can't deduct losses from gains in burgerland? wtf

>> No.25560569

/r/wallstreetbets is that way friendo

>> No.25560611

Yea idk what you're talking about

>> No.25560617

If you were me you would have made your father $60k with that investment

>> No.25560664

Damn bro my heart goes out to ya

>> No.25560714

>Grandpa asks to invest
>gamble his money away
you will live with this shame forever.

>> No.25560733


>> No.25560766

Stop trading retard. Youre basically gambling, and its not even your money. Just put it into bitcoin and a bit into ethereum. If your dad is ok with long term investment, just hodl it. Otherwise create stop loss order at 85% of the 4k.

>> No.25560809

that is fucking hilarious

>> No.25560957
File: 383 KB, 512x765, 5 Laws of Gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations! You did the first step on your path to making it.
You have to fail at least once and learn to not let your emotions cause mistakes, if you want to learn how to make it.
You can repay him by accepting your failure and doing your best to always learn from all your mistakes and to never stop trying new things and improving.
You can learn much more from your mistakes than from your successes.
If you want to become the best version of yourself embrace failures and be happy when you find something you can improve.

In a few years you will look back on this and realize how cheap this lesson was and that it was worth the price, because what you gained from this experience can't be bought from a normal education system.

>> No.25561056

Thank you anon. My father told me the same. He's not going to lose his house or anything with this mistake as he makes good money. It's just such a shitty feeling.

>> No.25561364

You coukd have but a bitcoin with that in march. Wtf

>> No.25561666


>> No.25561704

This guy must have either gone all in on a pajeet tier shit coir or he has been day trading.

>> No.25561734

What does that chart mean explain for brainlet

>> No.25561790
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That's really sad anon...I'm usually really mean on here, but I feel this no one likes to let down their parents if they love them. Try your best, do all the research you can, and maybe try to make it up to him later. He did however give you the money to do it, so it is on him as well. Just let him know how bad you feel honestly. I'm sure he'll understand and forgive you.

>> No.25561835

Borrow $4000 from a bank to pay your dad back. Tell him to put it in something safe. You need to assume the debt burden and work it off in your time

>> No.25561858
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>tfw about to lose $70 worth of shitcoins due to my account about to get locked

>> No.25561880

I have 60k in savings and could easily pay him back but he refuses.

>> No.25561891

these stairs go up

>> No.25561903

That what you get for thinking you know better

>> No.25561974


>> No.25562000

Are you lurking here on biz?
There is this thread which goes about risk management.

It goes about never lose more than 1% of your account on a single trade. That should prevent you from being a sucker

>> No.25562035

most people lose money actively trading anon. did you learn anything? most important lessons are expensive. it's only 4k, it's not the end unless you didnt learn anything.

>> No.25562052

then consider yourself lucky to learn a lesson with money you and your dad can afford to lose. Many anons have not been as lucky.

>> No.25562065

it's just money, at least you had a lesson (i hope so)

>> No.25562064

The fiscal year begins jn October here in burgerland. If you realized gains before 01OCT2020 (as in actually traded crypto-fiat or crypto-crypto) you owe taxes for FY2020. Any losses incurred afterwards will have to be filed for FY2021.

>> No.25562194

Put those savings into an investment jfk. Any fucking investment will do, you don't need $60k cash for even the worse situation.

>> No.25562195

kek, only problem tho is that with gambling on shitcoins you can't calculate the risk, it can go multiple % or even 10's of % very fast, lotteries are always 50/50

>> No.25562218
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you have a 24 hr headstart

>> No.25562247

I'm saving up to buy a place tho.

>> No.25562272

Should have read the Parable of the talents (Matthew 25, 14-30).

>> No.25562366

you're right, risk is hard to assess, which is why I wouldn't do options on a risky asset like crypto. But then again, I'm 48, so I using it to diversify, not trying to 10x my nest egg.

>> No.25562459

You are too good for this place.

>> No.25562582

no more bitcoin
people want bitcoin
price go up

>> No.25562872

Thanks you

>> No.25563314

bet it all on trump. its a coin toss where you either lose $85 or gain $1700.

>> No.25563350

it's a coin toss except you toss the coin into a wishing well and there's a lock on it.

>> No.25563395

put it in ITS sonny

>> No.25563417


He told you to invest, not gamble.

>> No.25563419

Suck 10 dicks, $100 a pop. Should be e-z to find some sugar daddy that will drop a bill on a dicksuck.

>> No.25563461


>> No.25563498

if you want i can tell you some indian penny stocks

>> No.25563503

we're in a bull market, you should be leveraging debt and using fiat to invest

>> No.25563624

I definitely break rule 4 quite often.

>> No.25563764

holy cope

>> No.25564151

The pentagon locked out the biden transition

>> No.25565201

Bro, all you literally had to do was buy a corn and forget about it and your pops would have $34k now.

>> No.25565217

You owe short term gain taxes on that 3k profit you made

>> No.25565246

just put it in BTC man you'll be fine

>> No.25565287

That's gambling, not investing, retard

>> No.25565395

lol you wanted fast money for yourself, you got punished by invisible forces, be ashamed, take a $34,156.75 loan cuz thats how much your father should've had now

>> No.25565410
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never show me that pic again

>> No.25565449

you're fucking retarded kid

>> No.25566567

bro really

>> No.25566607

are you retarded? no it doesn't, unless you have some weird setup personally

>> No.25566688
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Remember the Bible OP.
If you buried the money he'd be more pissed.

>> No.25567042
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>> No.25567189

hello sirs. have you heard of grt ?

>> No.25567307

>emergency whistle
>no gun
female trait

>> No.25567428


>> No.25567517

Own fault for not diversifying

>> No.25568207

This is a bro advice :
- Watch a tutorial on how to mine ETH
- Buy 2 - 3 decent graphic cards.
- Farm ETH.

In 3 - 4 months your investment will be covered and then it will be gains (electricity included in this calculation).

- If it crashes ? Either you have to farm longer OR you sell back the graphic cards 75% of their price.

This is the most safe adivce for your father.
If you invest now in ATh coins you may be disappointed of crypto FOREVER like our 2017 friends.

All the best.

>> No.25568390

Judging from what you've written, you didn't lose your dad or yourself much except the actual shame of losing. We've all lost. And accept that for every few gains, you'll make a loss. At least you figured out options are a scam.

>> No.25568506

Buy bond lcx and xcm. Hold equally and payout after 20-40x

>> No.25568586

should have not fallen for Drumpf gonna win sentiment
niggers here lost everything