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25542967 No.25542967 [Reply] [Original]

BTC plunges back down to 31.6k after reaching its 34.6k ATH. Are we gonna see more corrections soon or this is the last time we'll see Bitcoin around 30k?

Even JP Morgan sees $146,000+ Bitcoin price as long-term target. Though I dont doubt that in the long run, I'm still a chad trying to profit in these times. What are your short term predictions for BTC?

>> No.25542996

It think will happen the same as 2017, first a little sideways then a long dump. People want to be rich of usd not bitcoin

>> No.25543048

because institutional money is buying is i feel like it is inevitable for them to take profit soon causing a dip in price. i am sure that they have some rules on their portfolio that require them to properly manage profit and risk and people like microstrategies who got in at 16 surely must have plans to be taking profit soon

>> No.25543161

Wrong. There's a reason the stock markets are at all-time highs even though profits are way down. The dollar is a sinking ship. Banks are going to continue increase their exposure to crypto. Any dips between here and $100k are shakeouts.

>> No.25543169
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After they dump it we will still have a higher support than before. Nothing will stop btc to reach 50k this year

>> No.25543218

I hope it crashes again so I can buy more

>> No.25543293

corny thread

>> No.25543355
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 998377229s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really in this for the long haul fag. But what you say is true.

OP you should at least use leverage or prediction markets platform in making predictions. That way you still earn money whatever happens.

>> No.25543433

lol you're wrong people wanted to be rich in bitcoin not in usd, they want changes on the way it used to be.. soon usd will be having no value and BTC will be the money in all over the world idiot

>> No.25543489

Yes money with a whopping 7 whole transactions per second lmao

>> No.25543500

If you get 4 straight days of big green candles you're going to get a sharp blow off. You guys should have learned this by now. Everything this year up until this point has been practice.
If you're not already fully positioned into BTC you better hurry up.

>There's a reason the stock markets are at all-time highs even though profits are way down. The dollar is a sinking ship.
100% this and when someone finally understand this they will understand why $100k peak BTC in 2021 is FUD.

>> No.25543516

>use leverage or prediction markets platform in making predictions
I only know few good platforms like augur, synthetix and hxro. I had no experience using them yet but my friend tried it before.

Usd will keep depreciating as time goes by, stack sats now.

>> No.25543524

PayPal and Square can do as many transactions as they need intra day and batch out one transaction EOD.
Keep up

>> No.25543642

Correction is normal, wait and see $10k comes back again and buy after selling your apartment

Then you can motherfuckin leave the crypto after selling at $50k bitch..

>> No.25543688

Analysts are increasingly becoming bullish on BTC

Why aren't you?

>> No.25543698

yes money with 20$ tx fees, fucking retard

>> No.25543717

This is why he's 1000x richer than Peter Schiff. He can change opinions and recognize when money truly can be made.

>> No.25543775

Don't have the time, desire, or patience for value traps

>> No.25543777

I lost three week's pay panic selling the dip last time. I will buy the dip this time and hold forever. I just pray there IS a dip.

>> No.25543799
File: 17 KB, 500x431, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hxro is custodial so i mostly won't use it. Not familiar with synthetix so probably augur would be the most okay here.

I would use Plotx tho, they're the first to implement AMM algo among them and has short markets so my funds wont be locked for a long time.

>> No.25543847

They're not using it for settlement so the transaction speed doesn't matter. It's just another way of protecting wealth from the accelerating devaluation of fiat. Similarly, a gold bar is not particularly useful in and of itself, except as a store of value.

>> No.25543876

so is btc going to have a noticeable dump soon?
should i await to buy?

>> No.25543906

Will dip to $50K after hitting $100K.

>> No.25544003
File: 23 KB, 245x300, 1609839304796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people in this thread who don't own DENN

>> No.25544074

20k in 2 months

>> No.25544077
File: 31 KB, 721x425, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I predict that BTC will be bearish on February, because of Chinese New Year many Chinese investor will pull out their investment..

I'd like to share PLOT, a prediction market that I've been using and continue winning with cheapest gas fees compare to polkastarter and uniswap and not a gambling site like AUGUR..

>> No.25544106

iiidiiiooot you are referring on eth gas fee
oldfag retard WTH

>> No.25544182

The real transaction cost is closer to $100 dollars. Miners wouldn’t be profitable otherwise.

>> No.25544187

There's no going back after it hits 100k

Always better to use decentralized one even if it is an exchange or prediction platform or anything.

>> No.25544199

top is in lads

>> No.25544380

The gold bar can be melted down and turned into jewelry (50 % of all gold is in jewelry). There is a real use for gold, this is hardly the case for Bitcoin, hardly anyone uses it as a means of exchange. There is no value to store in Bitcoin.

>> No.25544411

The price will be maintained until there’s a systematic collapse in the collateral based Tether system, or when regulators/authorities shuts down Tether/Bitfinex/Ifinex.

>> No.25544455
File: 7 KB, 234x215, pepe face palm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their gas fee sucks and the platform is slow. first time i predicted on it i paid around $8 just for a damn one prediction. never went back again

>> No.25544466

>BTC plunges back down to 31.6k

Fucking surreal timeline. People unironically FUD 31k now. 100k really will actually become FUD lmao. I can't believe I'm going to get rich of internet chuck e cheese tokens

>> No.25544497

It plunged back to $29k, then Tether used its freshly printed ~1 billion to support the price from full collapse.

>> No.25544505

If they're the only reason a dip would happen then it won't happen ducy?

>> No.25544604

if you want smaller tx fees then you can use XRP pajeet..

even BTC has high tx fees they still continue to buy and use it IMO

>> No.25544642

full collapse my ass and 1 billion is fucking nothing

>> No.25544682

The digital nature and mathematical certainty of the ledger create inherent value for bitcoin. It doesn't seem useful because the world's been able to trust the US govt. for the last eighty years. Once the US loses the world's trust there won't be another global trusted third-party and the only way to maintain international trade will be through trustless systems.

>> No.25544708

Ill be holding my gas ready when this happens. Cant wait to scoop up some cheap btc

>> No.25544717
File: 31 KB, 642x548, 7b6a54503fdfc0be4f7ecbb24ffe2749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haven't tried any of that yet as I only trade BTC in spot. thought it seems prediction markets are interesting section after all i might try it some time

>> No.25544773

as of now there are only 2 million bitcoins left to be mined out of the max 21 million, what will happen with the value after that? complete crash?

>> No.25544781

On a normal day Btc have a real volume of $5-$10billion.


>> No.25544812

wait in the dip or you can buy in the top and get rekt, and you will cry on the 4chan coz you buy high sell lower. I think you're a weakhands that fomo now in current price of BTC..

>> No.25544853

Fiat isn’t about trust but the governments ability to enforce the use of its currency. S hypothetical scenario: you go to a store and can pay in fiat or bitcoin, what do you choose to pay with? By your own logic fiat, so why would Bitcoin ever become a commonly used means of exchange? As long as the US government can enforce the selling party in a transaction to accept fiat as payment then that will be the prefered way of payment. Employers will pay employees in fiat, customers will pay the store fiat and so on.

>> No.25544939

>Banks are going to continue increase their exposure to crypto

Really? because crypto and particular Bitcoin are the enemy of the feds, and by extension all mainstream banks. It erodes the desire for USD as people pump into crypto, PMs ane stonks, the latter who of which are regulated (and then some) by the SEC and CME/COMEX.

There is no such regulatory board fot BTC. The longer BTC is allowed to roam free, the bigger risk it poses to the USD, and therefore the Feds. This is also the thesis of hedgefund manager Erik Townsend btw.

>> No.25544952

Has it never occured to you that 21 million in supply is more than 19 million in supply?

>> No.25544988

I saw Jamie Dimon in a pub in the City of London last year. If he had any security personnel, I couldn't see them. He was stood at the bar talking to two suits. I considered asking to have my pic taken with him for a laugh, then thought "nah, fuck that prick"

>> No.25545036

Why so salty? Are you holding bags? lol

>> No.25545094
File: 7 KB, 225x225, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means value of Bitcoin continues to appreciate dont you get it?

what do you think on tether printing more and more every time they want

They had a recent update on gas cost reduction around 60%. They tweaked the smart contracts, removed unwanted complexities and added new helpful features. You should try it now again and you'll see the difference.

No near to zero fees for now since Plotx partnership to Matic and Elrond is still ongoing and they're working for the Layer 2 solution yet

>> No.25545108

Except they do, just not for small things like buying a cuppa coffee
That is what paypal/square are for and as time goes on Apple Pay, and whoever else will adopt the same practice to retain competitiveness.
It already had a 20% pullback. If you didn't buy that's on you.
From here it may slip back and re-test that 27.5-28k support line but it's probably just going to consolidate around 30-32k before pushing up to 40k and beyond.
lol good luck with that
Banks are intermediaries they don't have a vested position in anything except making profits. Thinking they wont be adding BTC to their holdings is crazy.
BlockFi itself is a crypto bank.

>> No.25545115

I’m not salty, I am simply pointing out the logical inconsistency.

>> No.25545117
File: 28 KB, 640x360, g3RQLVYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't over react chads. quit your life being a fan of JP. He's a dick only thinks about his BTC lmao

>> No.25545169

>Fiat isn’t about trust but the governments ability to enforce the use of its currency
This is also a form of trust.
>why would Bitcoin ever become a commonly used means of exchange?
It doesn't have to be. There could be a situation where the govt keeps inflating the fiat currency and people only hold small amounts in order to transact. A govt could also issue a currency backed by BTC, similar but superior to the gold standard.

>> No.25545382

even if empoyees get paid in usd, they will be measuring their income in bitcoin so the government wont be able to hide inflation anymore. and what about people who work under the table? once boomers have bitcoin, teenagers will be asking to be paid for mowing lawns in bitcoin. a whole alternate economy will spring up out of necessity. the government cant stop people from using alternate currencies. that’s why they’re printing so much money NOW, because they know it’s a sinking ship at this point and they’re taking as much as they can before the ride’s over.

>> No.25545392
File: 7 KB, 200x193, hoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon I think you're outdated on the current development of the project. they already reduced the gas fees reduction by 64% don't be dumb stay poor while we are having our sports car in just predicting the price of BTC.. shit I can't imagine this anon crying and sleeping on the street

>> No.25545413

The ability to enforce the use of a currency and trust is not the same thing at all.

The idea that governments would use anything else but gold as a standard reserve is preposterous. Why do you think central banks store gold? As a legacy to the old gold standard? Yes. But also in case there would be a return to a backed currency.

>> No.25545434
File: 26 KB, 768x400, images (21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah bro been using 4hr market duration only. I think its more profitable any platforms out there

>> No.25545543

they cant just enforce the continued use of a currency that loses half its value in a year. most normies still haven’t caught on yet but when a gallon of milk is suddenly $10 they’re going to start asking questions.

>> No.25545556
File: 45 KB, 477x539, images (16).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the gold chads we aint here to talk about your government and his government.

The thing is, will BTC pump or dump? Tell me your opinions losers


>> No.25545602

haha how can it dip in $50k if the value is $32k WTF you're so funny anon..
LT in this retarded degens

>> No.25545633

>The ability to enforce the use of a currency and trust is not the same thing at all.
The world trusts in the US government's ability to enforce the use of its currency.

>The idea that governments would use anything else but gold as a standard reserve is preposterous.
With gold you ultimately need to trust that the central bank actually holds the amount they say they do. A cryptocurrency ledger is inherently better in this regard. But then you also have the problem of international settlement. Transportation of gold is expensive and, once the US loses the ability to enforce world peace then piracy is going to become a real and costly problem.

>> No.25545673

>The ability to enforce the use of a currency and trust is not the same thing at all.
The world trusts in the US government's ability to enforce the use of its currency.

>The idea that governments would use anything else but gold as a standard reserve is preposterous.
With gold you ultimately need to trust that the central bank actually holds the amount they say they do. A cryptocurrency ledger is inherently better in this regard. But then you also have the problem of international settlement. Transportation of gold is expensive and, once the US loses the ability to enforce world peace then piracy is going to become a real and costly problem.

>> No.25545780

stay poor anon I think you didn't own any single BTC I feel pity for you normies..soon 1 sat is 1$ so better sleep if does happen

>> No.25545995

alts is the next that will be having a party fuck better prefer your bag and ready to became a millionaire, who's in shit..

>> No.25546049

I don't get why they put AMM there, what is that thingy be put in there? kek

>> No.25546128

I guess thats really the advantage lol

>> No.25546201

It's arbitrary and they take people's money or refuse to move it all the time. No reason given. You might trust the US government with small amounts but only a fool would trust them with anything north of two digits. Go to a car dealership with 20k in cash and see what happens. It's fucking useless because the issuing body makes owning it a crime. Bitcoin won't refuse a transmission just because you own bitcoin. It can't be stopped either.

>> No.25546257

But BTC might still encounter hard crash in the mid March-April this year again

Prediction platforms is the best to take advantage this

The chart is so clear to predict..

>> No.25546315

time will come you can buy on the dip just keep your eye on it.
leave the thread if it is corny no one care on your opinion
pajeet spreading fud lolz so he can buy on the fucking dip

>> No.25546335

no, u just have a sad childhood LMAO

I see ppl should prepare for the big exact moment when red candles will start to occur, but sometimes greediness still prevails

Yeah but some prediction markets already using single market contracts, i rather dont use that old shits

>> No.25546359

Why would the buyer use a more ”valuable” currency as payment?

>> No.25546373
File: 128 KB, 898x604, Buddha Teaching Followers 09102020051353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess what? bitcoin will rise till it reaches 40k by the end of the month hmmm wdyt plebs

>> No.25546379

Of course they can enforce it. They have the guns and trained manpower to enforce it

>> No.25546399
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, IMG_20210105_202703_204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are just a retard boy, gas fees had been already resolved like around 54-64%.

>U might want to use it than trading on uni

>> No.25546417

It will pump for as long as Tether can remain solvent printing hundreds of millions of unbacked USDT/day.

>> No.25546494

>The world trusts in the US government's ability to enforce the use of its currency.
So in the end it is down to the government’s ability to enforce fiat.
> With gold you ultimately need to trust that the central bank actually holds the amount they say they do. A cryptocurrency ledger is inherently better in this regard. But then you also have the problem of international settlement. Transportation of gold is expensive and, once the US loses the ability to enforce world peace then piracy is going to become a real and costly problem.
A gold backed currency would be based on a real material that has real value that has survived the test of time as a material with real value and as a currency.

>> No.25546519

if stocks are overvalued, doesn't that mean that cash is undervalued?
>t. brainlet

>> No.25546538

The government can of course enforce its will onto Bitcoin.

>> No.25546568

The more normies in the market the more volatile the swings become

>> No.25546736

>A gold backed currency would be based on a real material that has real value that has survived the test of time as a material with real value and as a currency.

Gold doesn't have any value that is more "real" than bitcoin though. All value is just imaginary anyways. The only thing it has is it's history. In all of the other ways it's inferior to bitcoin.

>> No.25546799

why is bitcoin dumping bros...

>> No.25546850
File: 117 KB, 700x571, IMG_20200923_212336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is solid as fuck... No kiddin but its more real than any other thread. So many takeaways about the government, BTC and other alts

>> No.25546902

Because someone on /biz/ bought some bitcoins

>> No.25547009

Good lord, I got stacks of crypto and even I know this shit isn’t ready for normie primetime. 2MB blocks is a joke in 2021.

>> No.25547058
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What if I say yes. What will you do about it

Well im next to JP Morgan and the next thing I'll buy is Vitalik B.

>> No.25547127

how do i recognize the dip to buy?

>> No.25547146

>Even JP Morgan sees $146,000+ Bitcoin price as long-term target
Same guys who said housing prices will never fall and that the Euro would replace the US Dollar as the world reserve currency by 2015? Sell side analysts are fucking retards who are always changing their recommendations to try to look hip and up-to-date. Their models are usually garbage, their recommendations and "research" even more so.

>> No.25547963

Buy every single red candle.

>> No.25548165
