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25535705 No.25535705 [Reply] [Original]

>No scam
>no rugpull
>just profit
>In top 10 without any exchanges
>founder tells literally the truth, why all of you guys loose money
>has a app with a full overwiew about buys n sells n stakes
>Is easy to use
>has the nicest community
>People hate it
>you missed it
>Traders hate it cause the chart is the best in crypto history and just keeps pumping to be new ath every fucking time
>You literally missed turning 100$ into 52.000$ (look the chart and calculate the price + bpd bonus)
>1 T-SHARE will cost more then a bitcoin
>you are still early
>you call it a scam cause you lost money on every project
>you don't realize you still missing a gem
>you think it's bad that s founder owns the most of his company (yeah tell that to bill gates, elon musk and Jeff bezos)
>No promises cause hex is a finished product
>you are leaded by you negativity
>you dream about charts
>You don't enjoy life cause you rather steal money from other people by trading
>you still haven't made it
>you listen to many people and you are still poor
>You became toxic
>you would like to buy "THE CRYPTO" so you looking for scam coins risking money every fucking time
>you don't care about privat Keys
>you think hex suck and all the other coins will make you a millionaire.
>You talk shit while seeing it will never stop to pump
>It was designed to pump
>It solves many problems
>Your keys, no exchanges or middleman needed
>Eth and btc is 10x up since corona, hex 150x
>You will be destroyed debating richard on stream
>Richard made many people rich
>Richard tells you trading sucks
>You never have to check any cryptos and can spend time focusing on your live
>BTc was a scam, bla bla bla
>Eth was a scam, bla bla bla

When do you stop? Hex was the best thing that happened besides btc and eth.

>160x up, you too?

This thread is for all the haters.

Just check all the fud and hate that will be posted here. They can't argue and probably hate the truth.

Have a nice day.

>> No.25535768

hex has the dumbest haters. you can test them throughout different subjects to test this. hex dot com is amazing in every way. its new though give it some time for people to catch on mentally how good it is.

>> No.25535781
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Have a pepe Anon.

>> No.25535845

Richard is streaming right now. Get in here.

>> No.25536021
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question on T-shares if anyone can answer.
is the interest gained from T-shares separate from the "effective HEX" in a stake?
>stake 10k hex for 10 years
>longer pays better stake bonus 20k hex
>effective hex 30k
>T-shares: 1.805

is that 20k from t-shares? or are t-shares dropping more hex on top of the 20k?

>> No.25536055

he made such a good point about why we measure assets on a yearly scale. and jan. 2020 to jan. 2021 hex indeed vastly outperformed btc and eth. i see no stopping in 2021. its too good

>> No.25536177

the only thing that matters here is your t-shares. here's the last week of t-share payouts. for example yesterday you got 5.849 hex per t-share. if you have a lot of t-shares because your stake is long or big or both you will get more hex daily. look at that apy too soooo nice

>> No.25536181

OP here.

The T-Share price continues to go up, it is designed to go higher in value.

The more people are staking the less hex you are getting from your your T-shares.
Good thing about that? The price goes up.

The less people are staking the more hex you are getting from your T-shares.
Good thing about that? You get more hex.

Any other questions? Go to the hex Tg channel or just ask me @Wemakehistoryy

>> No.25536206
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here i forgot the chart of the last week worth of t-share data

>> No.25536354

We have to meet on our yachts in a few years! Cheers anon. We will do great.

>> No.25536485

I can't find any place to buy it and the founder is a huge asshole on live streams, I know smart people usually are but im.getting very negative vibes

>> No.25536637

Imagine you would be shittalked all the time, he is mostly just telling the truth. Buy eth and turn it into hex trough uniswap.

>> No.25536695


It ain't easy being all kumba ya and positive when you're constantly getting defamed and censored for building the top performing asset of 2020. What matters is the quality of the project not the quirks of the founder, so dyor and judge for yourself. As for me I really don't think there's a better long term investment on the market.

>> No.25537210

He still has the nerves to repeat himself over and over again. When will they learn?

>> No.25537346

In all the HEX threads no one has adressed the HEX wallet dusting that happened during the summer.

What was the 101?

>> No.25537441

I know the hex founder is here and makes these threads so what does he think about dogecoin?
It's been rising since its creation, will it reach $1 or $100 this year

>> No.25537473

Agreed. All it’s done is make me shit tons of money and it will continue to in the future.

>> No.25537546

No I'm not the founder, i literally posted my tg name.

Doge is a meme coin. Anyone could have made money back then.

>> No.25537575

The dude literally gets trashed all day he’s done nothing wrong. He’s made a great product that has made a lot of people tons of money. He’s actually pretty relaxed for someone who doesn’t get nearly enough respect in the community. Everyone says rugpull, scam, ponzi, all it’s done is secure wealth and go up in price. It’s no different than any of these other coins except the promises of HEX are not empty. HEX does not promise you anything and it doesn’t claim to deliver something years from now, except interest and price increase. People who hate on HEX hate money.

>> No.25537620

effective HEX determines the total shares

>> No.25537626

HEX threads are literally 1 guy behind 3 vpn pretending to be different people interested in HEX.

>> No.25537746


>> No.25537796
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Wait. I have never bought crypto and just checked it: it’s not even worth 1USD right now. That means I can just drop 500 bucks on this bitch and keep it stashed for a decade, right?

>> No.25537870

its exhausting answering the haters. people seriously keep asking what gives hex value? What gives anything value, what gives pieces of cardboard with baseball players value, what gives bitcoin value, what gives paintings value. Its when people decide to buy and sell stuff.

hex is clearly valuable already .

Hex really is really low iqs and high iqs. average iq is just smart enough to be dangerous

>> No.25537875


>> No.25537904

I think it was a test of the zksync layer 2. and a failed marketing scheme. and it make the coin look more distributed than it actually is on etherscan.

>> No.25537913

i guess that price is all one guy buying too huh? that beautiful undeniable chart. must be all fake people buying huh

>> No.25537955

stake it and earn 40% interest during that decade

>> No.25537967

Yes it has 100% uptime!

>> No.25537978


>> No.25538047

What does staking it mean?

>> No.25538064

Hi random biz viewer: you have two options here which are to buy a bagholder’s hex or buy eth. Either way, someone is using eth for hex. Why risk losing over 50% of your investment? It’s simple risk vs reward. If eth hits 2k and you’re locked in hex, everyone will fomo out of hex and the wojacks will raise. Be smart.

>> No.25538101

What is the best place to buy this? Binance? Blockchain?

>> No.25538168

richard is such a disgusting slob, imagine making it and still having giant cheese tits while being unwashed. Imagine the fkn smell, the guy can’t even control his weight

>> No.25538202

It means you promise not to sell it so if the price pumps dick can sell but you can't.

>> No.25538231

if ETH hits 2k HEX usd price will double

>> No.25538266


>> No.25538356

>No scam
definitely a scam

>> No.25538523

RIght but like >>25538064 said, why be he HEX then? If its going to do the same as ETH? I want more than a 2x from my non-ETH positions

>> No.25538537

>/biz/ suddenly don't know how uniswap works, but only in hex threads
>/biz/ suddenly don't know how staking works, but only in hex threads
>/biz/ suddenly believe in 40% apy interest rates with no risks, but only in hex threads

>top holders have nearly identical number of HEX and only have ~4 transaction each, holding only HEX (aka single entity owns all of them)

If you wanna shill, go find bitconnect suckers on youtube, get the fuck off of this board.

>> No.25538568


>> No.25538695

then you stake at go.hex.com you can make short stakes if you just wanna see how interest accumulates. the way i look at it if i exchange btc for eth and eth for hex then i'm basically starting up 20-35% on my 'trade'. hex provides that much interest. so all i have to do is have hex not lose that much vs btc i'm broke even or made money on the trade. its a big leg up on a trade and i think people will realize it. btw hex outperformed btc by a lottt in 2020 its right on the chart january 2020 to jan 2021

>> No.25538852

Can you explain to me what gives HEX value, with the assumption that I'm simply not very bright?

>> No.25538879

It's pretty obvious, sometimes he messes up and replies with the wrong id. The dick streams are also pretty funny, it's hard to find a more dense source of pure refined horseshit.

>> No.25538996

go ahead and chase pumps nigger don't let me stop you

>> No.25539046

no answer will appease you.

>> No.25539122

Imagine not selling multiple tops for DIA.

>> No.25539353

Buy and stake for how long you want, but at least for 3-4 years if you want a safe option


Yes, everything is fake with live inside the matrix like all these fudders

You got it

"Be smart" and stake


Everybody needs to be perfect huh?

You can unstake whenever u want, stakerapp show u how high the penalties are.


Exactly the argument i posted. Man i should sell tarot readings on fiverr

Right and hex did more then just 2x

What gives dildos a value? Pussy?
What gives McDonald's value? Stomach?
What gives toilet paper value? Shit?
What gives hex value? Eth?
What gives eth value? Electricity?
What gives electricity value? Money?
What gives money value? Labor?

Glad you wasting your time with something you hate

>> No.25539667

Why spend your time saying nothing? If you're trying to sell the thing all you have to do is explain how it actually generates value.
>What gives hex value? Eth?
So why not just use eth? As far as I can tell the only thing that gives hex value is the salesman promoting it. If you have new revolutionary theories about the basics of economics why not write a paper and have it peer reviewed instead of pretending you have it all figured out? That's basically how Satoshi originally did it before the software was written.
That's how it would have went if Richard actually had ideas worth anything but none of this has anything to do with actually accomplishing anything except dumping your worthless bags on victims.

>> No.25539877

this is your buy signal

>> No.25539942

I'm not here to be appeased. I'm genuinely curious. I don't shit on projects, I try to understand them, that's all.

>> No.25539978

the source of all monetary value is the human spirit

>> No.25539991
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kek. so much this.

>> No.25540032

Why? Why should I buy? Please don't start listing properties of all ERC tokens like the uptime. That the price went up in he past is not a good reason either, that argument applied to Bitconnect the entire time it existed.
Why should I or anyone buy this specific token over all the others?
Why can't you give a single good reason? Are you seriously all acting without having any conscious reasoning behind your actions?

>> No.25540036

Not a useful explanation if it applies to everything that has value and not uniquely to HEX

>> No.25540136

>no answer will appease you.
>Not a useful explanation

>> No.25540199

>I'm genuinely curious. I don't shit on projects, I try to understand them, that's all.
If you're genuinely curious, then dyor. Spend the hours that I did back in 2019 to watch the live streams. If HEX being the top performing asset of 2020 interests you, do the work to understand it yourself, if huge, life changing gains don't interest you, just hold ETH for a 3X.

>> No.25540217

Kys sanjeet

>> No.25540240

There's so much to research and so little time. I was hoping for a quick overview at least before deciding if I should spend days diving into it.
The whole DYOR meme as an excuse not to say anything meaningful about the project people are shilling is so damn tiresome.

>> No.25540241

I should buy hex because "human spirit"?
>watch the live streams
How are you an educated person in 2020 and don't even grasp the idea of brainwashing or propaganda and the fact that you're not immune to it? If you can't explain your reasoning you're not acting based on reason but manipulated emotions.

>> No.25540527
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Anon, they are paid shills here to shill. There is no reasoning with the shills. If you want proof this is a scam, just go look at the token contract page.


Now go to holders. Notice how top holders have nearly identical number of tokens. Sus, but let's give it the benefit of the doubt. Click on one of these top tokens, then filter by token holder.


Wow look at that, just a tiny bit of eth for gas and a few transaction. Now look at the erc-20 transactions, one of which is a ridiculous amount of HEX.... and another 2 token with the same name MNE already reported as a scam on etherscan.

Well, this is just one dumbass whale right? Nope. EVERY SINGLE TOP HOLDER has the same wallet pattern, same dates. Some of the dates predates uniswap listing, which means the only people who could have gotten these coins are the creators. If you go down the rabbithole a bit more, you can see that they tried washing their eth through a service called tornado.cash. Not sure why they're being so secretive when they're streaming on youtube and literally putting their names everywhere.

Their whole shtick is to generate artificial interest on HEX, then dump hard when the suckers are staking. And once HEX tanks, suckers won't be able to sell because their coins are still locked up! Oh no! They aren't even being creative by literally copying bitconnect's model.

>> No.25540591
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I got bags, staked and unstaked, since 2019. I even FOMOed in on day 1 of the AA which was a bad idea in hindsight but i´m still in profit. The whole "number go up" thing works for me. No pseudointellectual mumbo jumbo can deny my gainz. As a matter of fact, i´m looking forward to the moment HEX passes the 1 USD mark to see the same spoonfeed-me babies crying in here.

>> No.25540671

>There's so much to research and so little time. I was hoping for a quick overview at least before deciding if I should spend days diving into it.
This is a rekt pleb type of attitude of someone who values neither their time nor money. Intelligent investors don't do quick overviews when they put money into things. They do the research. If you don't see the value in a thing which monetizes holding and not selling for up to 15 years through compounding returns in a fully decentralized smart contract, I can't help you.

>> No.25540739

I don't think they're paid though. The motivation is similar to the AlexD vlogs. They want to get lost in the fantasy of the sales pitch to escape reality.
>The whole "number go up" thing works for me.
I have a lot more respect for this attitude than anything richard says, it's honest. You could make money on Bitconnect. I made money gambling on ponzis many times.
Obviously the project will not have any volume in 15 years so the trick is to time the tops and never lock for long.

>> No.25541327

There's no bigger red flag than advocates of a project refusing to even give a basic overview of the fundamentals. People of legit projects happily discuss these kinds of things because they understand them and are genuinely excited about them.
> a thing which monetizes holding and not selling for up to 15 years through compounding returns in a fully decentralized smart contract
Why not just say that if that's the explanation. Why not just type that once sentence in the first place?

>> No.25541364

the tears are going to be so glorious because there will be so many threads. by then they will pretend they liked it all along. its how these vermin operate

>> No.25541432

>HEX does not promise you anything and it doesn’t claim to deliver something years from now, except interest and price increase.
It promises price increase? Watch out for SEC.

>> No.25541608

>I don't think they're paid though
This. No paid shill, when pressed on the value of a coin, would attempt to shill it by claiming it gets its value from the “human spirit”

>> No.25541690

>it gets its value from the “human spirit”
How based is that though? What other coin gets value straight from the human spirit itself?

>> No.25541748
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the USD and all other fiat in general with slave debt society

>> No.25541780
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these fuckers are doing a conference, I shit you not

>> No.25541884

don't be mad because you aren't doing anything w your life bro. clearly you don't like making money. not everybody makes it

>> No.25541902

Nah, they're getting value from the force of arms imposing their shitcoins on the slaves. FIAT is impure and corrupt in its essence. Meanwhile HEX is created out of pure absolute spirit. It is the economic spirit of the age made manifest.

>> No.25541928

not your personal advisor nocoiner

>> No.25541933
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m8 this is not a good project if the point of it is to just "pump and pump" like bitconnect; take profit and leave.

>> No.25541953

>Hello sir HEX is best
>No scam no rugpull
>Please do the needfull

>> No.25541958

stay poor spoonfeed-me baby

>> No.25542031

The point is to manifest the world spirit as the absolute economic object unifying all of humanity under its dominion, thus initiating a new golden age of prosperity and scientific and philosophical discovery. This is basic HEX 101.

>> No.25542045

>Why not just type that once sentence in the first place?
Because no matter how they dress it up every time they talk about what the token actually does they admit the only feature it has is a function to promise not to sell.

>> No.25542074
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you're reaching /x/ tier /lit/ discussions that shouldn't be involved in a monetary system, no-less a cryptocurrency, my schizo pal.

>> No.25542080

take profit and stake

>> No.25542118

>noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you can't just talk about metaphysicarinoooooooes!! what about my material determenisticarinooooooooesss nooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.25542178
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>talking about metaphysics in a cryptocurrency discussion
>implying that higher dimensional beings aren't communists in a moneyless society

>> No.25542295

You're just too basic for the real truth about HEX. People are not ready for this discussion. Blinded by scams and rugpulls they've forgotten what crypto actually represents, which is a reservoir of energy through which the collective will of the age is to be focused, expressed and realized. Realized IN TIME. Which only HEX has understood and made possible for the first time in human history. This is actual innovative tech we're talking about.

>> No.25542317
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I'll keep this post saved to see where the coin is in 5 years.

>> No.25542381

>you're reaching /x/ tier /lit/ discussions that shouldn't be involved in a monetary system, no-less a cryptocurrency, my schizo pal.
This is exactly what we should be talking about on this board, but instead all I see is pink wojak posting brapper sniffers asking what the next low cap altcoin to invest in is.

>> No.25542401

not on /biz/
check out

>> No.25542425

It will be in your wallet. Though you will have very little of it because you didn't listen early enough when I told you about the metaphysical significance of HEX.

>> No.25542462

just study Buddhism and become a monk if you want to open your third eye

>> No.25542486

You're agents of the adversary vampirically leeching spiritual energy from real attempts to bring eternal heavenly forms to earth. All you're doing is appropriating ideas by men who really have touched the heavens. Richard is a false prophet.

>> No.25542514

>No scam
>no rugpull
>just profit
>In top 10 without any exchanges
>founder tells literally the truth, why all of you guys loose money


>> No.25542653

literally all richard heart says is to stop trading, start hodling and do more with your life than trading and trying to take other peoples money. he only cares about solutions to real problems

>> No.25542686

>Richard is a false prophet.
I've been waiting for this. the derangement and paroxysms of rage that HEX triggers is going to amplify as number goes up. They call us a cult but really they are the cult.

>> No.25542700

>When the first argument is >Not a scam guys!!!

>> No.25542702

You're the one sucking energy from our threads and cluttering it up with your vampiric noise. And what real attempts are you talking about? Name one. HEX is the only real thing in crypto. The rest of the projects don't really exist. They are but figments of the imagination in the minds of madmen. Richard is the current incarnation of the world spirit in human form, though he's not fully conscious of it yet.

>> No.25542703

>You literally missed turning 100$ into 52.000$
I bought day 1 and 2 with a tiny amount is around $150 and I did not make anywhere near that.. not even 1%. How is that possible?

>> No.25542773

Got ~26k staked for the next 10 or so years. Bought it for about $50 early-to-middle of last year. No idea if it's enough to result in a significant return when it's finished.

>> No.25542803

>Richard is the current incarnation of the world spirit in human form, though he's not fully conscious of it yet.
You're calling the guy Christ. That's an example of trying to associate the accomplishments of others with your bags because you have no other way to sell them. That's vampiric.

>> No.25543057

>You're calling the guy Christ.
Who said anything about Christ? If anything that was a one time event back then and this is now. History goes forward as new forces emerge. You're not fit for this discussion. You just lurk in our threads and spout bile about how little you understand the project.

>> No.25543195

>Who said anything about Christ?
You did. You appropriated language you don't understand to sell your shitcoin. The word Christ is older than Jesus and it's what you were describing Richard as.

>> No.25543205

Amen. Screencapped for later purposes.

>> No.25543239

If Richard is an incarnation of the world spirit it means he is the tool of the archons.

>> No.25543260

Its fun untill the music stops.

Look back how connecters behaved in 2017. Who am i kidding, ur just a worthless shill most likely

>> No.25544115

it is

>> No.25544273

I was going to buy in before the BPD did I really miss out lads?

>> No.25544944

It is already up like 200x. Why are you shilling coins which already peaked?

>> No.25544997

Hex has no peak, only a new all time high

>> No.25545585

Bitcoin was a few cents once and in the 10+ years of its existence it has gone up over 3 million x. And HEX has only been around for 400 days, so the upside is enormous. Crypto as such has no cap for how high it can go, since the goal is transeferrence of all the economic energy currently in fiat into crypto.

>> No.25545770

of course not. before bpd there was so much uncertainty as to what would happen. everything is still working smooth as ever and people realize its just a dope product

>> No.25546614


>> No.25546639

It's at a penny so you're good

>> No.25546707

Richard end goal is quite easy. Find enough idiots to buy his scam and make them believe they will become rich. Get more suckers involved thanks to these retards. Make them stake their hex for 10 years. Pull rug. Thanks for your eth!

>> No.25547446


Millionaires are investing anon lol.

>> No.25547665

The thing I most like about HEX is the seething it always causes in NOCOINERS.
I dont even have much HEX. Had bought 90k around november, which increased to 140k after BPD. For me, if it reaches 1 dollar is enough, but I think it might go higher than that.

>> No.25547904

How long will it take to reach 1 dollar? 3 years. 2 years?

>> No.25549019
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>> No.25549413

>>25537626 Real people invest real money into this coin and stake an average of 4+ years. That creates a strong community looking to defend their investment. Believe your own eyes dumbass. This is taking off with or without you.

>> No.25549652

Are you shit testing him? Are trying to get noticed? It sounds like you want to date him. Fix your lady brain.

>> No.25549674

>Open ponzi scheme that doesn't even pretend to have a real use or value besides scamming people who get in later
Gee most popular cryptos at least pretend to be useful, I'll pass.

>> No.25549903

Next time you try to say something intelligent try pushing, like you have to shit, maybe it will help

>> No.25550464


Exactly. Written into the contract is 50% of HEX pulled out early goes to his the 'origin address' (owned by Richard).

So when he rugpulls, and people start unstaking enmasse, then it doesn't matter if the price freefalls because he'll be getting literally millions of dollars worth of HEX thrown to him to sell.

No matter what happens, Richard wins. That's how he's used game theory.