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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25538024 No.25538024 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25538155

turn them down

>> No.25538190

Just do the following:
>Make a deal your local mafia.
>Go to a big name disco.
>Pick your victim and manage to drug her with help of your associates.
>Turn her into prostitution with the help of your new associates.
>Profit and ruin women lifes.
Another one:
The same as the former, but instead of pimping her, you film her getting gangbanged and blackmail her to help you to ruin the life of more women.

>> No.25538237 [DELETED] 
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>> No.25538259

Ignore them.

>> No.25538324

Date them

>> No.25538377
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Pump and dump

>> No.25538432

buy them when they're high, sell them when they've crashed. got it, the old fashioned /biz/ way

>> No.25538464

All women or just a few?

>> No.25538628

hoard all the tampons and pads in your city

>> No.25538671

That's the big question, and not just about women but people in general. I wondered what their Achilles' heel was for a long time, mulling over money, status, sex, etc. But eventually I've come to think that the true crux of most people is their identity. It's their little personal god that they worship and everything they do is built around it. People don't work out so they can be strong and feel good, they work out so they will look a certain way if they do. They don't travel around the world to learn about cultures and experience new things, they do it so they can post on social media about how amazing and enlightening it was. Money, status, appearance, politcs, all that shit seems to be built around their one true obsession which is their identities. It's why people virtue-signal, and why they have tattoos. I think the true Achilles' heel of the normie is it's identity. To the end that we want to damage them I think we need to cut off their addiction somehow. Words like npc, basic, thot, are like a baby-step in that direction. What a larger step would look like is anybody's guess.

>> No.25538895
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give em a taste of the high life then ghost

>> No.25539000

>What a larger step would look like is
Neural network that can pass Turing test for Social Network User, and be actually a more interesting person than an NPC.
Then you fill social networks with these bots and BOOM - all NPCs get disconnected from real people and talk only with their new artificial "friends".
Then you fill

>> No.25539042

Shit, mobile posting is truly a cancer.
Anyway, you got my idea - self-esteem of those retards will drop low, because now they will be only a spectator and never a performer.

>> No.25539061

Dead internet theory. It’s already here

>> No.25539070

This guy ducks

>> No.25539086

Spend an undisclosed amount of money to hire a Professional to dispose of them.

>> No.25539138

Find unpopular girls on onlyfans. Pay them to fuck then expose them to their family

>> No.25539186

Damn 50 cent looks so young

>> No.25539264
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buddhist pilled

>> No.25539325

Maybe if they hold API3

>> No.25539424

Babies first attempt at sociology.

Log off, what kind of very online dweeb thinks that outside of a select portion of people that social media is the primary motivation for doing anything. People travel becsuse they want to travel and they use social media to share those experiences. It's so incredibly telling that the incels on this board think everything and everyone is just as vapid and shallow are they are

Log off.

>> No.25539541

found the f*male lol. its true though, women (and many guys who are obsessed with being seen on social media) always keep the ulterior motive in the back of their mind -- "I cant wait to take some pics to post on my accounts!"

>> No.25539698

goddamnit not this faggot again

>> No.25539773

large amount of mushrooms will dissolve identity

>> No.25540150

Walk around and let them look at you desu

>> No.25540185

Chadfish them

>> No.25540208


>> No.25540312


Hire niggers and Pajeets to rape them

>> No.25540736

Flaunt your wealth and date an ugly chick

>> No.25540750

Let's not do anything drastic here...

>> No.25540810

You sound like quite the self-important bitch there, honey.

>> No.25541270

Join Soros in his work of societal destruction.

>> No.25542594

incel dreams

>> No.25542735

Since you don’t have to work, you could always spend more time with them.

>> No.25543449

how many bots do you think you are talking to on here
or pajeets but they are similar as bots: that is non-persons

here it only encourages even more autism
so for normies on facebook the bots would be subject to darwinian selection as only the ones with most normie engagement get spread so the bots will be perfected to give normies their biggest ego boost
imagine every normie with their own weird perverse way getting encouraged in their own little echo chamber that their very specific shit is actually widely accepted
the shit you see in real life will be clown world tier today as today is to the 90's

now for all the shit we autists get for being weird we really do behave quite well in real life
now compare that to the first batch of internet normies that have spilled over in real life in the 10's
the future is going to be hilarious honk honk

>> No.25543560

You are invisible to women

>> No.25543574

always make sure you treat them like shit

>> No.25543581

>big name disco

>> No.25543682

>I think the true Achilles' heel of the normie is it's lack of identity.
Fify. They are consumers, and they are what they consume.
>hey I'll leave the crosshairs on "content creators" if anybody wants to take a shot

>> No.25543845


>> No.25544230
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>> No.25544258
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extremly based.

>> No.25544333
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lsd in the water supply. Then, ACID in the water supply. literally just call out universities its the cornerstone of the normie cult. blow up congress idk. honestly what maes normies seethe is when they are irrelevant.

>> No.25544344

Women travel for the gram.
Had a dumb 22 yo bitch harrassing me that her foreign internship wasn't to X country but to Y country. Now she was mad that Y country didn't sound so good when talking to her friends, lol

>> No.25544435

I gave a lot of thought into this topic.
Level 1:
Ignore them
Level 2:
Pump and dump
Level 3:
Become a pimp