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25536622 No.25536622 [Reply] [Original]

>tx fees are calculated in bitcoin
>bitcoin moons to 100k
>you have to pay 100$+ fees for a 10$ transaction
>the whole network is capped at 7 transactions per second
>no privacy

Can someone here explain to me how is this growth sustainable for bitcoin ? Bitcoin literally only has for itself his name, you can't buy shit with it and it's slow as fuck unless you're rich enough to pay for big tx fees. How the fuck did it even go this far with it having 0 real world use cases, Bitcoin literally brings nothing to the table.

>> No.25536713

Store of value. That’s it. Crypto is a fucking joke when it comes to real life applications. Just tired to do a txn with ETH and it would have cost me $100. Fuck it. I’m going long on Tron.

>> No.25536843

>Store of value
It's a store of value only if people choose to pay for it, it's backed by literally nothing, no governement, no army. You can't make anything with bitcoin contrary to things like silver gold or platinium and it doesn't pay you dividents.

>> No.25536966

Money has no intrinsic value either. The gold standard hasn’t existed for a very long time. It’s all a fairy dust.

>> No.25536986

>Money has no intrinsic value either
Oil and nuclear weapons back the USD.

>> No.25537022

>ctrl+f “spaghetti”
>0 results

>> No.25537032

Lightning Network

>> No.25537045


>> No.25537060

Stakenet l2 dex with stable coins soon

>> No.25537067

Its not 2017 anymore anon, that argument is dead. Companies that are into crypto like microstrategy is on the sidelines buying btc whenever it gets cheap. Sure its nowhere near as backed as other asset but there is real interest from people with big bucks now.

>> No.25537140

until people realize that the US is a bunch of fucking pussies and won't actually do anything if you defy their sanctions (see: china, russia).

>> No.25537139

>he doesn't know

>> No.25537156

Muh "blockchain technology", blockchains are inherently fucking dogshit at scaling. The only way to increase the scaling directly is to centralize it in some way, either through block increase or sharding and other techniques. At the end of the day you still made a tradeoff.

Bitcoiners refuse to make this tradeoff on the core underlying asset, instead the tradeoff will be made with centralized banking layers, federated sidechains, lightning, coinpools, and anything else that can be dreamt up. But the core underlying unit will not have tradeoffs, you will choose your own degree of centralizing tradeoffs depending on which layer 2 network you use and they will all be interconnected through periodic settlement on the base. Vast majority of the world will let cash app, paypal, etc provide the instant transactions for low value, and store their life savings in on chain vaults with seamless UX experience

The real problem that was solved here is that we have a true bearer instrument controlled by no single entity with no tradeoffs, that is maximally decentralized that anyone can scale on top of permissionlessly by introducing their own set of tradeoffs to scale it in unique ways

>> No.25537188

based redditfugee

>> No.25537258
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Compare moving 100 million worth of bitcoin to a 100 million worth of gold or a 100 million worth of cash.

I can move any amount of money I want to any country almost instantly.

In the last 100 years if you stored gold at 100 different banks you would only have gold left at 1 bank in the entire world.

More gold is always being mined.
More cash is always being printed.

However bitcoin is absolutely hardcapped at 21 million.

>> No.25537291


Intrinsic value doesn't matter.

The most valuable thing in the world is air and it is free due to it's abundance. What determines price is SCARCITY and Bitcoin is the most scarce asset/form of money in all of human existance.

>> No.25537384

So if i create a coin with a max supply of 10 it should be valued at 100 million dollars per coin in your opinion ?

>> No.25537398

Blockchain trilemma is not real. Vitalik just made it up to justify Ethereum's shortcomings

>> No.25537436

Because they also have nukes/army.

Libya and Iraq tried to go off the USD and they got invaded

>> No.25537440
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Trust the market, faggot.
If Bitcoin blows up that much then everyone's going to be trying to come up with the next big way to make Bitcoin more efficient or more convenient to pay with.
We've only just begun seeing legitimate financial instruments and banking catering to crypto and it's already looking better than the traditional finance sector, where you can get actual high interest rates on your savings again and collateralize you BTC for USD transactions without triggering a tax event.

>> No.25537478

21 million btc with consistent 150% returns on any currency you feed it and the global population saying yes to btc
infinity dollar machine
it’s going to be glorious

>> No.25537550

>backed by government
I bet you think that's worth something.
The only reason you exist in this mindset of currency needing to be backed is because modern currency is a complete fugazi joke.
When gold was money no one asked you what it was backed by. It just was.

>> No.25537567

Vitalik is indeed a scammer, but the trilemma is legit

>> No.25537598

There are two blockchains which have solved the trilema. How can it be legit?

>> No.25537609

the unbelievable joke is they actually only see short term gains and cannot see their impending doom just beyond the horizon
they will be left with absolutely nothing because they believe in the fiat and fist as we believe in btc and changing tides

>> No.25537615


There's only one of me, do I have intrinsic value?

>> No.25537621

>When gold was money no one asked you what it was backed by. It just was.
Yes because you can touch gold and build things with it you utter moron.

>> No.25537665

until the 51% fork

>> No.25537687

Oh yes it's totally worth $1,800 an ounce because I can make trinkets out of it.
Ask yourself why no other metals other than those perceived as money trade at the prices that gold, silver, and platinum do.
The instrumental value argument is possibly the most stupid one I hear from goldies, if gold traded for instrumental value, it would be pennies an ounce.

>> No.25537722

Tron is worst

>> No.25537747

If people want them and they can't be replicated, yes. Look up faberge eggs.

>> No.25537829

which ones?

>> No.25537846

>However bitcoin is absolutely hardcapped at 21 million.

>> No.25538326

>I can move any amount of money I want to any country almost instantly.
yes but not with Bitcoin. Avalanche is whats almost instantly, it takes sub second to finalize a Transaction and its actually decentralized (can run on a raspi).
its also hardcapped and fees get burned, the token has actual usage too because you need it to run a node and collect that 10% APY for 60% node uptime. its super low risk and peak comfy.