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25530292 No.25530292 [Reply] [Original]

Ask your stupid questions here.

>where do I buy bitcoin?
Do not use goybase.

>where do I buy altcoins?

>where do I trade with leverage?

>> No.25530399

does alt season mean that bitcoin and eth being dumpend visa versa or does eth still count as altcoin.

>> No.25530410

At what point do you sell? Surely if you’ve moved from 200 > 20k for example, you would want to sell? What do you do with it just sitting there in the portfolio if you want to actually spend what you’ve earned at some point?

>> No.25530571

How do I securely set up a paper wallet for BTC and ETH/ERC20? I want to download the program, manually transfer it to an airgapped linux computer, and generate a 12 word seed phrase there for me to write down.

Also, after doing all this, how do you actually USE a paper wallet?

>> No.25530676

What's the point of price locking on a Trezor? When I DCA, should I ever wait until the current price drops slightly to buy in somewhat cheaper or just buy in at the current price? How safe is Trezor if I only use Trezor Suite and nothing else? Thanks!

>> No.25530732

is it ok to keep tiny portion of btc and ltc in binance without using those usb wallets?

gud thred

>> No.25530746

There's many answers to this and there's no definite one. One solution is to stay in crypto and buy things with crypto by using a crypto visa. Of course, it's most profitable when you buy when crypto is at it's highest.
If cashing out is all you care about, you should make your own judgement, because everybody has different needs and got in at a different point in time.

>> No.25530768

Newfag here. Trading vs hodling? I see that people generally tend to hold but when you exchange between 2 cryptos, I don't expect you have to pay capital gain tax (or do you?) and the swings seem to often justify paying some fees. So, trading seems like a no-brainer in most cases. Where did I go wrong?

>> No.25530853

alt season means the price of altcoins go up. more specifically, the price of altcoins go up versus bitcoin. ETH is technically an altcoin but it is such a beast at this point that it is basically Bitcoin and Ethereum and then everything else

>> No.25530908

if you don't know how to set one up, don't use a paper wallet. get a hardware wallet (trezor or ledger)

>> No.25530939

That's why I'm trying to learn how to set one up.
>use a hardware wallet
after the leaks? fuck no, I don't trust anyone.

>> No.25530947

you're retarded
binance is generally trustworthy but exchanges are still centralized and can get hacked

>> No.25531038

hold. every trade is taxable and you will eventually get wrecked trading

>> No.25531069

W-what is wrong with coinbase?

>> No.25531088

nothing, use coinbase pro

>> No.25531192

I see, thank you anon.

>> No.25531205 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 700x450, mvrv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is still an altcoin, but it fares much better than other alts. It doesn't bleed anywhere near as much.

Pic related is a metric that I found recently. I'm not selling before we reach the red zone.

You will need to use a software wallet to transfer funds. Paper is just for storing your private key/seed.

Only as much as you're willing to lose. Hackers only grow more interested as price increases.

Trading is difficult, don't try it unless you're willing to put in the work which will involve you losing a lot of money.

>> No.25531236

so it would be more advisable to save up and just accumulate rather than try to swing your way to a bigger stack?

>> No.25531264

Nothing good is ever going to happen to me I want to die

>> No.25531276


>> No.25531323
File: 109 KB, 1324x766, mvrv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH is still an altcoin, but it fares much better than other alts. It doesn't bleed anywhere near as much.

Pic related is a metric that I found recently. I'm not selling before we reach the red zone.

You will need to use a software wallet to transfer funds. Paper is just for storing your private key/seed.

Only as much as you're willing to lose. Hackers only grow more interested as price increases.

Trading is difficult, don't try it unless you're willing to put in the work which will involve you losing a lot of money.

>> No.25531398

Has anyone considered the idea that bitcoin's value isn't surging but that USD/petrodollar is plummeting? Probably 40% of all USD in existence was printed within the last 10 months. Bitcoin has increased way more than 40% since March (more like 640%) but I still think this a good sign USD is fucked. The fact that the price of goods hasn't changed (just scarcity) would also point to heavy handed government manipulation but they can't manipulate BTC. Or am I just tinfoil?

>> No.25531472

thanks guys

>> No.25531487

what are the best brokers for eu users ?

>> No.25531545

but what if the growth of some of the coins are outpacing the time it takes for me to save? I'm new to this and have a mere 1k investment poverty stack.

>> No.25531641

Then you invest what you can afford and study the market cycle. You will get a wealth of information by just observing what a bull run is like. It's what I did in 16/17, as I didn't have that much money at the time.
Try to sell your stack at the top (this is hard, but its a good learning experience) and then from there diversify your assets. Hopefully by the time we are in the next bear market, you can start stacking with more of your saved income.

>> No.25531639

It's both. DXY being down 12% is certainly helping BTC, but it would pump without it.

>> No.25531662

Crypto newb here, I have about 3k to invest, should I split half on bitcoin and half on alts? any suggestions?

>> No.25531693

your whole strategy depends on what alts you want to spread into. What do you have in mind?

>> No.25531734

I just need one moon mission, then I will all in BTC / ETH / LINK / GRT. How do I find a moon mission shitcoin to dump so I have a stack good enough to start? Please shop frens

>> No.25531799

do not do this. You'll end up losing half your stack in that dump mission and regret not putting your original stack into one of those four. Been there done that.

>> No.25531842

I'm glad I'm not going crazy. But what about the price of goods being manipulated? Can the US government just tell food stores and retailers not to increase prices much vs last year? Eggs and chicken haven't moved at all (that's just what I buy). It's also possible these businesses don't know how badly USD is fucked but that just seems stupid. I refuse to believe corporations would get rugged.

>> No.25531864

Thank you fren. I just wished I was like you anons who caught the bluechips when they were the moonshots

>> No.25531957

believe me, I'm in the same boat as you. Wish I had more capital to deploy so I could rest easy knowing I would make it when we reached the top of this bull cycle. But I don't. All I know is that the biggest and safest opportunity will be to wait for the big dump after the run and get in for an easy 4x after I've already made bank on this run.

>> No.25532012

50/50 btc and eth

>> No.25532053

you're not. they are 1 in a 1000

>> No.25532063

>Try to sell your stack at the top (this is hard, but its a good learning experience
Any sources to learn how to do this? I'm already in on btc, ltc, eth, link, and one other shitcoin. I mainly just want to increase my btc, ltc, and eth stack right now.

>> No.25532075

>OP image
Explain why xmr is more big-brained than btc when btc has massively better returns

>> No.25532136


>> No.25532225

Thank you for the copium kind anons. This is the biz I know and love. See you on the sidelines, I hope we make it in 4 years' time

>> No.25532360

i bought 2$ worth of ETH on coinbase just to test it out.

I got a .99 cent fee. then I went to transfer it to coinwallet and it says I don't have enough to cover the fee to transfer.

which of these sites offer low to no fees? I'm used to vanguard ETF fees of .03 percent.

>> No.25532495

read and understand everything about the bitcoin 4 year cycle. this is the most important thing in crypto

>> No.25532507
File: 20 KB, 300x626, d99[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last thing. You won't be able to predict the top, so don't beat yourself up over the fact that you will have to sell at around 20% down from the top, since it's only then that you'll be able to recognize that was the actual top. Observe the news and your friends on what the day to day topics revolve around. If people are talking about the various shitcoins they're diversifying into, think about pulling the plug. Also, burn into your memory the 2018 BTC chart. Every cycle ends in a bloodbath with around ~80% drop from the top. Last time it took 11-12 months from the top or so to reach it. Some say we may not such a deep drop this time around since muh institutional investors. I think that's a load of crap but just in case it isn't, keep it in mind. Like I said, burn the 2018 chart in your mind so you will know where you're at.

>> No.25532567

because long term bitcoin's transparent ledger will seem antiquated, and their scaling is trash.
Figure out selling points and try to sell on the way up. Don't beat yourself up for getting profits. You won't get it perfect.

>> No.25532578

Is staking a small amount of my Eth stash on Kraken a good idea?

>> No.25532612

fees to send transactions on ethereum/bitcoin can range from 5 cents to a few dollars depending on network activity. if you're interacting with smart contracts on ethereum while the network is congested, it can be more expensive because you're using even more resources. this is how crypto works, you're paying fees (which are fairly minimal) for decentralization away from banks/government

>> No.25532703

not for a newb. staking is new and locks your ethereum. in a year or two it'll be finished and ready/liquid

>> No.25532923

thank you anon.
>Figure out selling points and try to sell on the way up. Don't beat yourself up for getting profits. You won't get it perfect
Do you say this with the intention of buying back in when the price dips? An anon earlier was saying he didn't recommend swinging because you get fucked on taxes that way.

>> No.25533233

It's over. Insufficient ETH to cover fees in coinwallet to buy LCX. I tried so hard, and got so far ... but in the end, it didn't even matter.

>> No.25533260

How to avoid tax?

>> No.25533263

>Do you say this with the intention of buying back in when the price dips