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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25511344 No.25511344 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25511394

I didn't think Bitcoin had the meme potential to break 20k

>> No.25511419

My hands are getting weak and I am thinking about dropping LCX before the exchange launches.

>> No.25511434

Gave wage cage resignation notice this morning.

>> No.25511467

I wanted to buy doge a week ago when it was less than .005.. I didn’t immediately see it on uniswap so I gave up and the day it mooned

>> No.25511481

thinking? or feeling? there is a difference

>> No.25511529

I sold btc at 8200

>> No.25511551

I want to get out, I need to focuse on my studies not this shit, but O have to break even after gas and getting bogged on GRT.

>> No.25511579

I panick sold my ada today

>> No.25511580

I get depressed every day thinking about how if I bought 3 BTC last March I’d have made a life changing $100k

>> No.25511692
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>> No.25511735

I spent all my btc on funko pops and donies to onlyfans

>> No.25511771

I unironically bought as much as I could the day it dropped 50% and sold at $8200

>> No.25511772

I bought shitcoins during the covid dip

>> No.25511797

I lost 2k yesterday on binance futures

>> No.25511809

I selled.
All my btc this morning 1am est.
Sirs please forgive.

>> No.25511838

i sold all my btc at 32k

>> No.25511849

I sold ETH and LTC two days before tjey pumped 25%. I thought BTC was about to crash

>> No.25511989
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sold all my BTC last week and am fully invested in stocks now
probably will never come back to BTC
will continue to shitpost on this board as if I still had crypto

>> No.25512069

Bought Dogecoin in preparation for BTC dump

>> No.25512145

bought 5 BTC for like 20 each because I wanted to buy something off silkroad. didn't have the balls because I was afraid to get v&. didn't think much of it, heard about bitcoin again when price reached 100, wanted to sell and buy an iPhone 5s, but realised I had lost my keys. kept my iPhone 4

should I KYS myself?

>> No.25512174

Damn, did you have something lined up? What was your field ?

>> No.25512211

i thought LINK was going straight to $20 last night

>> No.25512303

I am still don't own any Tesla to this day ...

>> No.25512445

I think the globalists are right.

I hate normies so much that I believe they deserve to be enslaved.

The only thing that I hate more than that are the globalists who made it this way. We should kill them and take their place.

>> No.25512578

sold 146 BTC in January 2017 for 1100$... had to cover the mining operation costs that where setting me in high debt

>> No.25512667

I coinfess that we, third worlders, will rape the /pol/tards by sending them hordes of niggers to destroy their houses, and we do that just for pleasure.
Feels so good to see /pol/ autistis screeching. With the press of a buttom, I can dump thousands of niggers in their towns. Feels so good to be sided with TEH JOO.

>> No.25512705

I exclusively hold scams that are shilled here such as STA / BOND / RSR / WCRES / PNK and have no BTC or ETH. I don't know why I did this, but I am not fucking selling now.

>> No.25512716

Sold my btc at 11k

>> No.25512717

did u ded inside?

>> No.25512938

PRQ is my largest bag, over half of my portfolio

>> No.25512988

Sold way too early. Made a series of bad trades to make up for my losses. To finish off I sent my last ~9k usdt to the wrong adress, losing it all. Happy bullrun guys

>> No.25513243
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Sold 1100 link at $1.70
Sold 13 eth at 180
Fully believe Statera will pass ath

>> No.25513498

I was up 300k by the end of 2017
Then I payed 100k in taxes and traded the rest away taking a 150k loss in 2018
I’m living in my grandparents home now
Other than that life is going fine. I work at a grocery store and theyre training me to be a meat cutter. I’m up about 2k in crypto and wont have to pay taxes yet since i get to deduct 3k from my income every year until i’m 60

>> No.25513558

coins i worked for liquidated my positions with them

>> No.25513594

In just May of 2020 I was convinced and telling people bitcoin was a scam. Now I am all in and up 300%. How many did I prevent from making it with my fud? These are my sons father.

>> No.25513754

I stopped DCAing during the past 2 years because of the bear market.

>> No.25514315

I'm the OG mobius jeet....and I've never in my life bought a single mobius token. ama

>> No.25514369

Sold 50% of my BTC for tether at $33k

>> No.25514439

I buyed the top last night

>> No.25514560

>Didn't buy NEO when it was antshares at $5
>Didn't buy XMR when it was around $30 just before its run up to ATH in 2017
>Didn't buy LINK when it was $0.20 even when i knew it was going to moon sometime in the future
>bought RLC instead of BTC/ETH mid this year

To be fair during 2017 bullrun i was an unemployed poorfag teenager so i didn't have money to gamble with anyway.
It's not all bad though, bought XRP early November at an average of $0.32 and sold at around $0.67

>> No.25514976

reading this makes me sad anon

>> No.25515696

I'm still holding my 1600 stack of xrp bought at .30

>> No.25515972
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I bought a chinese IPO just before trumps tariffs, been watching it go down since. -400% still holding.

>> No.25516068

I bought $10k worth of btc in 2017 in a MLM scheme.

>> No.25516372

sold my link stack at $18
fuded it like mad
managed to double my link stack

>> No.25516394

I bought the dip

>> No.25516465

Are you me?

>> No.25516550

I am the most toxic person on /biz/.

>> No.25516615

i am holding 100k lcx

>> No.25516670

Tether FUD is scaring me. Still I hold, because I realize it doesn't matter. There are only two ways to sell something. 1. When you haven't made it. 2. When you have.

I believe this generation of young people have literally no better option to invest in. Aside form if you got in on Tesla. Do not listen to boomer advise, boomers give advice for situations that occurred 20 years ago.

>> No.25516728

>had atleast 60 eth, sold all in the summer
>had 100k pnk, sold all in the summer
>Bought sora at 3$, sold all in the summer
Last I checked, that sora was worth 45k
More than everything I made in the summer.

I own a small sum of a coin I think will do extraordinarily with the life of crypto
I had 2x the amount at some point, sold %30 of the remainder back in Dec for a quick swing trade that I ignored (had other gambles going on, and I got greedy because I wanted more.)

Mfw my current crypto portfolio is worth ~15k.

>> No.25516756

I bought a monster box of American Silver Eagle coins because I believe crypto is shit

>> No.25516769

I once thought 'buy high, sell low' was genuine advice

>> No.25516782
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I sold all my XVG on the very beginning of the McAeatdick's 2017 december pump @ 132 sats. Watched in pain as it rose up to 1800.

>> No.25516802


>> No.25516861

>listening to beartards and selling


>> No.25516982
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>> No.25517092

>need to focus on studies
>bogged on GRT
Honestly its stablecoining, no matter when you bought, just hold it and put an alert at 1$ or something if you want to sell early
Its not a pajeet scam in the sense itll dump and die forever, its big enough that it easily has the potential to become "really" big, just needs a bit of time

>> No.25517112

Bought 20 btc at $50 each in 2012. Lost them all to scams and bad trades and was left with 2 btc in 2013 mtgox dump. Still hodling.

>> No.25517175

I hope so, I sacrificed my BTC, ETH and LTC gains for this SWISS PIECE OF SHIT

>> No.25517191
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ive been holding FET in loss (all in) for 17 days

>> No.25517241

I though I had .8 bitcoin but actually this morning I had .7 :(

>> No.25517586

haven't done any investing since falling for the FOMO in jan of 2018. : ( time to lose more money

>> No.25517737

Don’t worry Beijing Biden will be in office soon.

>> No.25517882

Fuck man i hear you i still hate myself for not selling at .7, like i would have nearly doubled my usd just longing btc and eth
Fuck this stablecoin i always keep going ti the discord winding up the team to release shit i swear to fucking god if this crabs for another 2 weeks

>> No.25517957

I was about to buy BTC at 1k in 2017 then had second thoughts.

>> No.25518221

I still hold SXP swipe that I bought at $3

>> No.25518241

I bought almost the absolute bottom of this run but sold it before $15k because I thought it wasn’t time yet :(

bought back at 20k and lost all the gainz in between.

>> No.25518307

I FOMO'd in in January 2018 then wanted to put 2k into something after the rona crash. Didn't even consider BTC/ETH and now ready to rope cause I could have been 18k up

>> No.25518859

I was invested in alts this summer, turned 14k into 30k, but watched it all bleed down to about 10k. Managed to turn it back into 14k, but I dont know what to do now. Stay in alts or try to get in on BTC and ETH?

>> No.25518894

I bought bitcoin at $40k

>> No.25519075

What's the next ATH future man?

>> No.25519152

worst investor on /biz/ right here

>> No.25519524

$73k eoty

>> No.25519677

Lmfao how do you fuck up this badly

>> No.25519804

So you owe 4x your initial investment?

>> No.25519887

This gave me a chuckle. Imagine such a bad investment that you owe money. Kek

>> No.25520013

Based. I entered a new wage cage today.

>> No.25520014

I had 12 ETH I traded 8 of them for Tesla
but can't say that I'm doing that bad as a result.
I also missed the celsius bus after receiving the news letter for 3 years

>> No.25520068

Or he did a 4x and then somehow dropped to 0.

>> No.25520309

I sold my BTC at 750, even worse I had personally mined it all.

>> No.25520458

I keep watching SNX and selling early despite having targets that get hit every single fucking time
I just took -$6 on a $10k move because I miss Bobo so much it’s giving me Stockholm syndrome

>> No.25520815
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My portfolio is at about $200K now and I absolutely know that the dump is coming and I should cash out at least half of it but I'm just too lazy. Opening all these different wallets of mine with their different seed words/passwords/pins, sending all these shitcoins through all these shitty clients and wallets to my exchange of choice, putting in proper sell orders without generating to much fees, etc., etc. It's all just so much dull work. So instead I'll just sit here and shitpost on /biz/, play a bit of vidya now and then and masturbate to anime.

>> No.25520883

The entire situation with the SEC lawsuit against Ripple, the Tether lawsuit, the current artificial booming of BTC and the fiscal war between USA and China, along with the recent hacker attacks to exchanges to retrieve data and the pandemic itself has all been orchestrated.

BTC is about to crash, taking all those miserable fools and companies who have recklessly invested in it with them!

Remenber the suicides after the stock market crash of 1929? This will be worse!

Im sorry, buy rations while you can, godspeed.

>> No.25521096

I bought BTC throughout 2014-2016. Sold all of it early 2017 at $1000 because my dad made me

My portfolio could be worth 600k+ if I kept them but I am left with chump changes and dead ICOs.

>> No.25521158

I don't know jack shit about crypto. I just buy dips and sell when I make money.

>> No.25521249

Reroll faggot

>> No.25522248

Mined 7000 BTC back in the day and sold at $7. I cry every night.

>> No.25522348

i think he means hes down 75%

>> No.25522361

What stocks do you hodl

>> No.25522421

I bought ROOK and I don’t know why. I don’t know what it does and I read everything. After them not knowing and researching more and still not knowing I put 5 ETH and 0.2 renBTC into keeperdao which pays out in ROOK.

>> No.25522624

Sold eth to long qqq one hour before it dropped

>> No.25522666

You will make it

>> No.25522684

sold all my link for grt

>> No.25522719

I have 8k doge coins for free and I want to keep them. Idk why

>> No.25522766

If you can rationaly explain how btc wil crash, I will belive you.

>> No.25523044

I'll never be 'brave' enough to go YOLO.

>> No.25523487

>If you can rationaly explain how btc wil crash, I will belive you.
Tether lawsuit will bring it down, along with tether and a bunch of other cryptos, XRP is the only one who will be spared due to it's own lawsuit that will grant them the legal backing for them to continue to operate, giving them literal monopoly over the crypto market for at least 3-5 years while it's competitors such as BTC and Tether are wrapped in the chaos of trying to adapt to the legislation to continue being commercialized by exchanges in the USA.

It will be glorious!

>> No.25523588

Oh he's an XRP retard, explains a lot

>> No.25523665

You won't be laughing when your assets value drop to zero.

>> No.25523915

I almost went full in on doge two weeks ago. I was tired of watching my shitcoins crabbing while everything else was mooning. I should have trusted my gut.

>> No.25524098

Yes, realize most of mankind are destined to be slaves. We should want leaders to care about them and not hate them.

>> No.25524104

I bought ETH and Vechain in january 2018. Been hodling for 3 years. I refuse to do anything until I break even. After a three year wait I'm almost there.

So i've been watching everyone ride the crypto rollercoaster for years, while I'm just sitting here holding bags.

>> No.25524546

Lol though the same thing

So two guys are gonna own most valuable asset on the planet? Lol

>> No.25524902

>So two guys are gonna own most valuable asset on the planet? Lol
No, the IMF will.

You don't know how deep this was planned.

>> No.25525026
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I built a mining rig in 2013 using every last cent I had to my name and I just ended up using it for gaming. The rig later got destroyed when my basement flooded. I ran my miner on it and got .1 BTC in a week iirc and determined that it wasn't worth it.
My parents were literally on board with me burning a shitload of their power too because I was "learning about computers"
I later ended up selling my .25 or so BTC wallet for not even enough to pay for my dual graphics cards.

>> No.25525044

i am in a group full of whales

>> No.25525082

I bought BNB when it released and sold it before the great crypto depression of 2018. (this is my first day looking back into crypto since january 2018)

>> No.25525101

If btc is propped up by tether then so is xrp.

>> No.25525107

Oh yeah and to make matters worse I bought LINK at .40 and sold at around $1

>> No.25525143

literally this

>> No.25525148

I found btc dust worth $160 a week ago. Maybe you left some change

>> No.25525211

I bought 8k Pnk

>> No.25525241
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Nah my old wallet.dat is empty. Checked it after downloading all the blocks with bitcoin core.
All it did was remind me that I spent .015 or $470 today on a 4chan pass at one point in 2013.

>> No.25525245


>> No.25525247


>> No.25525264

The difference being the legal backing it will get when it wins the lawsuit.

>> No.25525288

I held XRP for some months and didn't sell the top in 2020. I avoided any losses but still was a wasted time and money I could have invested in SNX at cheaper prices

>> No.25525322

I'm not fucking selling

>> No.25525371

I cannot tell if GRT threads are 100% shills or 100% genuine retards. Other coins are obvious but I'm flummoxed when I enter those threads... and it makes me want to give them my money. Help me, coin priest.

>> No.25525423

literally this

>> No.25525493

It's OK, I spent .05 BTC to buy my ledger in 2017, and 0.2 BTC to buy metal gear solid 5 in 2015

>> No.25525577

I'm considering selling 3k links got debt and little things to tie up within the next 3month... holding since 2017..still a sergeant major

>> No.25525610

I had four bitcoins i sold them all in the last 48 hours i'm literally out of crypto now
I honestly would rather hold gold right now

>> No.25525655


Even if it has the legal backing, there will be no money left in the market.

>> No.25525667

I sold 8700XSN for LINK and went to bed. XSN pumped during my sleep

>> No.25525819

>Even if it has the legal backing, there will be no money left in the market.
Correction, all the money in the market will be on XRP, the other cryptos are the ones who will zero.

>> No.25526015

I fancy a woman that's not my woman and men who pretend to be women

>> No.25526160

I shill in grt threads cause I'm all in cause of all the shilling. 10xtoday cause someone said it yesterday. Can't hurt to hype. It's fun and helps me cope and not sell. i don't core what you do.

>> No.25526366

literally still this

>> No.25526388

I bought XRP at $0.68

>> No.25526513
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I've been waiting for my tax returns, yearly bonusses, a loan and wage for the last month, ready to put it all in crypto, i'm still waiting for most of it (€20k) while the entire market is going ballistic

>> No.25526653

>had a fat-fingers mistake that led me to have quite a bit more dogecoin than I actually wanted.
>Then it tanked
>Began memeing and shilling dogecoin
>had so much fun, I started getting high on my own farts
>doge rises above my break even
>it’s too late, I brainwashed myself into a true believer
>still hodling

I learned a lot about crypto psychology the past few days

>> No.25526777
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I bought a bunch of FNT (fantica) after they spammed /biz/ with porn. Bought it at 770$ rode it down to 15$

The coomer in me was strong that week.

>> No.25526839



>> No.25526859

I bought lite coin at 150