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25500471 No.25500471 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, this game is based. It's currently in beta so we are still early.
You can earn Trilium and NFTs.
>Planets are decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs).
>Planets receive Trilium every day which the Planet’s governors decide to pay out. Trilium can be paid to miners, other players, stakers or anyone else.

Let's conquer some planets before r*ddit does.


>> No.25500669

Planet Kek.
Game looks kind of fun OP. When has it launched? how are we going to name our colonized planet? cant wait to become a planet governor

>> No.25500812

I think it launched last month. First day I've been playing but I have earned quite some Trillium. Reminds me a bit of a mix between PI coin and a browser RPG.

>> No.25500915

What planet are you on?

>> No.25500976


>> No.25501101

Planet Veles
Currently mining to save up and own a piece of land so I get commision when people mine on my land.

>> No.25501132
File: 102 KB, 640x640, planet3-veles-globe-640x640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add pic

>> No.25501207

NFT will become big in the future
get in now /biz/

>> No.25501230

taking forever to load

>> No.25501271

Just started so what should i be looking for for a good start?

>> No.25501289

What's this WaxWallet horseshit I need?
Although I can connect to steam? That could be cool for the future

>> No.25501432

im not having that trouble but it is still in beta
there will be a lot of expansions and updates in the near future

>> No.25501466

Thanks for the share. Does Trilium has value yet ? What is it exactly ? And is there a telegram ?

>> No.25501674

Why'd you choose this>
What's fillrate do?

>> No.25501694
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Not yet on planet earth.
Soon brother soon..

>> No.25501825

ye its on the site anon
https://t me/AlienWorldsOffical

>> No.25502049

A Planet is represented by a WAX account and its corresponding smart contract
There are different modifiers which affect gameplay aspects such as:
Time between mining calls
Amount of Trilium that the land generates per mine
Probability that user receives an NFT per mining call

>> No.25502119

What's staking do?

>> No.25502171

LMAO did OP really chose the worst planet to settle on?

>> No.25502203

You can move about planets just as easily as choosing a new land square.

But yeah, this doesn't seem optimal planet.
Although I guess it depends what cards people have deployed on their land.

>> No.25502340

What planet you suggest?
Also how can we own land? Can you buy it with Trillium?

>> No.25502402

I looked for the one with highest tolal Tril and largest fil rate.
However, I'm jumping around and noticing the cards on the land have more of an effect than the Planet.
Also, mining same place twice doesn't yield same rewards. Not sure if there's a random element.

No idea, I'm as new as you.

>> No.25502531

Would be nice if this will end up in some kind of RPG where you can actually walk or something.

>> No.25502665

Earning as much Trillium and own a piece of land
>Receive Trilium and NFTs (digital items on the blockchain) for mining on Alien Worlds.
>Buy and own Land and earn commission.

How much is the supply of Trillium? 5 BN?

>> No.25502694

How do you even go about getting new equipment?

>> No.25502756

They are NFTs which can be found by mining

>> No.25502879

Nah I tried mining on different planets but this one tends to gave me the most profit.
Perhaps you can mine faster but you get less profit or something. No idea. I just want a piece of land so I can get commision while this game grows.

>> No.25502968

Yeah, buy looks of it, your shoulve gives you 80sec wait. The multiplier x's this by the score on it.
And the other score is how good the mine will be.

>> No.25503098
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Oh I see now. You are right. Thanks for explaining fren.

>> No.25503153

>"Please login"
Yeah, no.

>> No.25503166

the shovel has a snowflake on it with a .05 , im getting more mining in snow.

>> No.25503198
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Ah right. Thanks. Well I am mining with what I have by default. Don't really have time to optimizing the other stuff.

>> No.25503267

Trillium $1 eoy
and all by just clicking on a fun game topkek

>> No.25503284
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and ty to OP for introducing me to this.
Seems perfect alongside WFM.

>> No.25503403


I have 30 TLM should I stake it rn?

>> No.25503451
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based, already have 400 started this morning.

>> No.25503529

Just read on that.
Apparently staking gives you tokens for the planet you stake on. You use these tokens to give yourself voting power over that planet.

I guess that's how we can take over a planet?

>> No.25503652

I give it five minutes before the reddiors show up and demand trilium be fairly distributed to all the players who don't feel like contributing

>> No.25503761

Considering land owners are getting 5%-20% of all mining, I think the guys who're already here are going to rule.

Land or card packs? went on sale today and it's all sold out.

If you're eth address is here:

Apparently you get a free starter pack or something. Nothing for me.

Said it was based on active members of other crypto gaming places, eg; AxisInfinty and others

>> No.25503854

>white conqueror
No thanks

>> No.25504021

If we manage to get one piece on land, and we all go into one spot we can slowly expand.
We must unite bros

>> No.25504104
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Not sure if they'll go down, since it's new.
Those mountains are a great place to mine btw, so that's what I'd buy.

>> No.25504109
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>needs some faggot wax wallet to play
no thanks

>> No.25504578

It only takes 1 min and yes you need a wallet because it is defi

>> No.25505597
File: 51 KB, 300x435, abdc4f326ca0b307edda71873d50bc57--illuminati-card-games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

624 here

>> No.25506067

Wax wallet isn't charging me to make Transactions.
Glad I'm using that over metamask or something.

>> No.25506129
File: 39 KB, 598x608, F44C3234-17E3-426B-9E18-79ED4417087D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it relies on ultraSHIT mETH

>> No.25506194
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>> No.25506249

It’s like decentraland all over again. nothing but fake Chinese whales

>> No.25506310

Get a life nerd holy shit
>ETH being a broken shitcoin pyramid scheme is a good thing

>> No.25506379

>it is defi
>it is scam

>> No.25506472

Have you not been making money from the free decentraland and NFTs?

>> No.25506949

Are you on your period again anon?

>> No.25506992
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Also this game is highly addictive desu

>> No.25507413

same concept as that pi network but prettier face.

>> No.25507891

ikr /comfy/
I have like 100k PI and plan on getting 100k Trillium

>> No.25508238
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Post coordinates and stacks lads

>> No.25508466
File: 872 KB, 1063x445, a41d2c4d7bfbf0813f1916ec05cf9601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have found a nice spot
See pic related

>> No.25508689

oh shit nice job