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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 186x271, 273F5570-0AF4-45BC-A3C0-4D38F960EFE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25493098 No.25493098 [Reply] [Original]

How much crypto would you give your sister and family if you were in my shoes?

>> No.25493116

I wouldn’t even give her a bucket to piss in. I’d never speak to them again lmao.

>> No.25493124


Fuck yeah we’re unironically still early fuck your poor sister we’re gonna make it bros

>> No.25493125

She’s heartbroken because you got rich? Sounds pathetic
Throw her the tuition and be over with it, money is easy come easy go anyways

>> No.25493128
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 1602563929544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is your sister going to give you in return?

>> No.25493129

10 grand each to shut the fuck up forever

>> No.25493131

do you have pictures of your sisters pooper?

>> No.25493133

hahaha that's what you get telling people about your gains

just cut contact, the mother seems to be narcissitic bitch that got everything paid for by men and expects the same for her daughter

>> No.25493139

Tell them to say please. Incredibly entitled of them to demand shit from you. However, after they apologize for being rude, help your sister. Family always comes first

>> No.25493142

>telling anyone about your crypto holdings.
Shame on you, no one thinks your smart no matter how much work you put into researching and holding. Everyone will just want to leech off you.

>> No.25493165

It's a 2017 screenshot newfag

>> No.25493169

>take care of muh women
Tell him you'll nake a compromise. If she quits school and finds a suitable husband to raise a family with, you'll help pay for the wedding.

>> No.25493170

nothing, tell her to get a job

>> No.25493180

I would pay off her loans desu. 500k is a lot.

>> No.25493181
File: 355 KB, 1330x748, cover3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer is simple

>> No.25493184

I would wait until she has a kid and set aside some money for it for when it turns 18. Gives your niece/nephew a fighting chance and makes the rest of your family seethe.

>> No.25493185

It still annoys me to read this even now.
Anyways I told my family to fucking buy it and even gave them a qrd of the entire thesis. If they do it they do it if they don't they made their choice.

>> No.25493189

Take care of women because they are stupid and can’t provide for themselves and shouldn’t have responsibility

Shape up

>> No.25493194

Not a single penny.
Have to sympathy to normies, because they will shit upon your kindness anyway.

>> No.25493202

Hey anon can you pay off my loans too? I mean 500 thousand come on!

>> No.25493211
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but remember... they are strong and independent.

>> No.25493215

Tell her it’s not too late to buy GRT

>> No.25493221

This is why you don’t have 500k

>> No.25493225

You fucking retard if you give her even one fucking cent you're the biggest cuckold faggot goyboy ever.
>shape up
>pay off her loans
Your mother sounds like a degenerated sidewalk whore and you should cut contacts immediately.

>> No.25493227

If that's your dad emasculate him for not being able to take care of his daughter.

>> No.25493231

Yeah GRT just came out. She's not late

>> No.25493240

sometimes i forget the world average iq is less than 100

>> No.25493241

>help your sister
Depends on the denamics of their relationship. If he fucking hated his sisters guts and she never did anything fir him why should he?
>inb4 moral high ground
No, she is a narcissist who will thibk she manipulated you into goving her money. Fuck her, let karma be the bitch she is.

>> No.25493243

>I just gambled it all, kek

>> No.25493246

Fuck no I wouldn’t pay her loans lol. Bitch should’ve been in the trenches like us buying efereum and getting rugged

>> No.25493255

>low quality blurry jpg
>redditphone filename
>single post
A larp, shame. Will trick the gullible newfags from /r9k/ and /pol/ though.

>> No.25493256

ITT: "men" who need to shape up

>> No.25493260

jesus, 500, let me fuck your wife. Take care of the Anon's in your life. Shape up.

>> No.25493275

Fucking hell if this is real, fucking tell them to shape the fuck up and stop fucking scrounging off relatives.

I'm just gonna say if I get found out that I didn't tell anyone because they would t have been able to do it, unless they had my mindset.

>> No.25493296

yeah pay the student loans off. but thats it.

>> No.25493297

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

>> No.25493301

Also normies on this board who just hear of bitcoins and eteram please fuck off. No one owes you shit you degenerate gamblers who only come in when things are going great but fuck off and call it a scam when it inevitably crashes.

>> No.25493302

This. Don’t take care of the women in your life if they’re infantile sluts. Instead teach them the right way to be.
Obviously fake screenshot though

>> No.25493327

this is from 2017

>> No.25493350

They will demand more of you show the weakness now.

>> No.25493378

500k for education that benefits the gov later because higher education = higher salary = higher tax

So don't pay your sister when she gonna get brainwashed into being left skank and getting plowed by some naggers

>> No.25493406

I wouldn't do it, loan it to them without interest. Tell them if they don't pay it back, they can't ask for more money later.

>> No.25493436

who is the nigger faggot talking shit to you? tell him to piss off and never to contact you again

>> No.25493447

It's always a good time to buy GRT

>> No.25493448
File: 10 KB, 236x240, IMG_3727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would unironically pay for my latina wife's sisters who treat me like a fucking king before I ever gave a cent to my roastie sister. If your sister has more money than you the parents say
>Anon, she deserves a bigger inheritance, she is more responsible.
If your sister has less than you
>Anon, your sister needs the money more than you.

>> No.25493493

I seriously hope this is fake or at least it's not yours, otherwise I'm seriously sorry you have people like these in your life.

>> No.25493531


It's an old screenshot.

>> No.25493602

>student loans are actually crushing in burgerland

>> No.25493603

newfags are getting outed in virtually every single thread right now jesus christ

>> No.25493643


Never negotiate with emotional terrorists. (Most women.)

>> No.25493644

Get your sister to blow you for it anon

>> No.25493844

I did this and then got hit with "b-but you have much more than I have!". They're all greedy cunts, especially the women

>> No.25493859

Pay off the highest apr loan. If you pay the whole thing right away they'll own you. Does your dad understand you're going to be taxed for cashing out and then taxed again for pay the loan? Why didn't he pay her college for her. Deadbeat.

>> No.25493903

Lmao the amount of newfags in here.
This is an old screenshot and there are already part 2 and 3 of this story.

>> No.25494120


>> No.25494134

I don't know. I plan on sharing my gains but not if it happens like this. It also depends how much you invested to get the 500k. If I made it and had one sibling I would probably give them 100k out of the 500k. But that's if I have a good relationship with them. If they came at me like this I would get very upset and consider giving them far less. It is your duty to look after family but the way they approached you is rude. I would have a sit down and go over details then offer to pay for some or all of the loan assuming it's 30-50k. But I would make it clear that I took the risk to make this money and I that I expect them to continue working hard and not to expect me to throw money around unless necessary. Maybe once you hit 7 figures you can stop caring but this isn't enough money to start throwing away just yet.

>> No.25494162

fkoff with your shit larp son

>> No.25494172

I get this too from the women in my family, especially my mother. They're all fucking communists. You have more therefore you have a moral obligation to gibs me dat. Turns them all into niggers.

>> No.25494387

I told my family about crypto since 2012. Everyone kept laughing and laughing every time I brought the subject up because making money by solving algorythms (that's how I used to describe it, I was just 15 years old) seemed like something out of my silly cartoons. The more I talked with people, the more they dismissed it so I got disillusioned and never wanted to look back. Like a retard.

>> No.25494569

Jesus what a bitch. It's your money. Do what you want. You really don't need to take this from her.

Never tell ANYONE in your life that you made money.

>> No.25494580

all of it, they deserve it.

>> No.25494738

But you were buying secretly all that time ....right anon??

>> No.25494846

Don't forget about capital gains. 500k is not 500k.

>> No.25494903

In fact, the only reason why I started is because my mom fell for a btc scam right after she started hearing about it from the news.
Gonna handle the wallets of close family and friends, with a price, of course. And always explaining risks about transactions so as long as I don't go full retard, I'm not on the losing side.

>> No.25494907
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>> No.25494923

This screenshot is older than eteram.

>> No.25494927

This right here kids is how a motherless incel would behave.

>> No.25494965
File: 206 KB, 397x707, notlarpsir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2017 is back

>> No.25494967

holy shit feels so good to be early huh boys? They can’t even spell etherium lmao

>> No.25495020

If you have no other income you could take out that 500k over 10 years without paying a single cent

>> No.25495024

ok newfag

>> No.25495047

give them a monthly allowance that you can cut off if they give you any shit

>> No.25495063

>Pay her loans off so she can get fucked by chad and tyrone while you jerk off alone
Ye keep that money for yourself unlesss your sister is virgin or smt

>> No.25495099

stop playing so many incest wegs, your sister is not going to fuck you like in those video games you play.

and give half of your 500k to your sister right now young man!

>> No.25495113

Why would you ever tell people you have money?

>> No.25495133

Women are fucking leeches.

>> No.25495140

fake, i remember this same exact thread like a year ago with the same texts

>> No.25495150
File: 112 KB, 1080x1080, CnHMziPVMAEBi9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now if that were to be my real step sister, lets just say that iWould.

>> No.25495257

If it's a meme degree, nothing. If it's got the potential for earnings, pay it, and have a contract drawn up saying she'll give you 10% of her income for the rest of her working life.

>> No.25495279

Why didnt your parents have a college fund roflmao

>> No.25495321

Depends on if you like your sister, I would give my brother and sister 100k each.

>> No.25495374
File: 294 KB, 714x430, 1599323064126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vaginas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

>> No.25495423

/pol/ derangement syndrome

>> No.25495439

Newfags being purged

>> No.25495462

/pol/ is the "new" gateway to newfags and is the biggest board, just like /b/ was. And today there's been multiple threads dedicated to the board.
Keep pretending you're not the new /b/tards

>> No.25495504

my family are fuckin weirdos like this so id help them out with whatever they needed (wouldnt pay off a full college loan though)

>> No.25495525


>> No.25495537

never tell your family about that if thats how your family is.

>> No.25495611

not a single fucking cent. tell your family to kick rocks and never speak to them again, it's clear they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. if your trades didn't pan out they would have offered no support

>> No.25495679

early entry for /biz/'s most based post of 2021 right here

>> No.25495683


>> No.25495734


>> No.25495843

You will NEVER be a real woman

>> No.25495863
File: 163 KB, 282x479, Screenshot 2021-01-04 093627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely nothing. All women are leeches whether they are close relations or not.

In general though:
>For the people who ask or demand
Get nothing
>For the people who say nothing or just congrats
Get treated

>> No.25495976

Honestly give the family this ultimatum:

I pay your student loans and you never ask for money from me again, in fact never speak to me again.

Think of it as payment to get these leaches out of your life.

>> No.25496052

fuck her. I doubt she would do the same if position was reversed. You made the initial risk and it paid off. She's not entitled to shit

>> No.25496095

Funny how you can tell that they are burger women from the incomprehensibly obnoxious and demanding tone of the text.

And, of course, she'll get what she wants too. Thus the cycle continues. Obnoxiousness pays more than talent does.

>> No.25496106

I supposed her student loan is less than 30K? Pay the damn loan man, that's your sister. Blood will always be thicker than water.

>> No.25496119

> I doubt she would do the same if position was reversed

Ya think?

>> No.25496124

>pay your family off, they are indebted to you for the rest of their lives, possibly ending up resenting you for it
>shit the boat, family definitely will resent you

>> No.25496130

Just say you got hacked and its all gone and then never mention finances to your family ever again. If my family ever asked for free money like this unless they were starving in the streets I would never speak to them again.

>> No.25496147 [DELETED] 

Hey, still waste your time on shitcoins, don’t be a fools check Polkacover and CVR. Get your piece of cake right now while they have token sale

>> No.25496179

If he does he'll be the cash cow of the family

>> No.25496289

Larp shitpost or not the only way to do this (after you cut the bratty sow of a mother off at the knees) is to match the sister's contributions to her own student loans for a predetermined period of time. If you're going to be bailing out family you might as well incentivize them to not be completely dependent. If they kick up a stink withdraw the offer.

>> No.25496338

Fucking based and redpill. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile. Never, ever compromise for a woman.

>> No.25496347
File: 62 KB, 840x544, i7smEU9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best idea, solves your retarded sister's problem and gives you leverage against them if they come back for more

>> No.25496400

Make her fuck you as payment

>> No.25496469

This sounds leechmode++

>> No.25496715

they dont understand taxes or pedocoins

>> No.25497025
File: 64 KB, 511x488, 1608363848872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking screenshot

>> No.25497139

>your sister is not going to fuck you like in those video games you play.
She might for $250k

>> No.25497141
File: 60 KB, 651x541, capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gibe monyz cause you have so much
You did you even told anyone about your gainz, stupid?

>> No.25497204

If it means being a doormat then I'll be an incel.

>> No.25497225

Jesus christ no wonder you losers don't have girlfriends if this is how you'd treat family. What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.25497231
File: 184 KB, 538x644, 1594308337926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not your families piggy bank, your sister has made a poor financial decision and now she demands that you cover her large costly mistake.


>> No.25497235
File: 520 KB, 888x894, 1550646982891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take care of the women in your life

oh but i thought you cunts were equal? guess not. well, i wont be taking care of you. why dont you ask chad for handouts next time he's cumming all over your face? or just ask one of the thousand beta orbiters you have.

I wont be available from now on. Please direct all contact through my agent at bizdev@4chan.org.

>> No.25497251
File: 29 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inkwell inkwell, who hurt you sweaty?
>Lmao I'm dying haha.
>Daquan, come take a look at this inkwell oh ma gad.
>Anyway, back to my Switch.

This is who's browsing this board right now...sad.

>> No.25497256

anon... that's your brother and father..

>> No.25497274

Someone post the panakions edit please

>> No.25497306

Do not give a single fucking penny

>> No.25497365
File: 55 KB, 717x800, 1603698190904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25497429

> take care of the women in your life

>> No.25497443

none your mums a cunt

>> No.25497484

Topkek is this legit?

>> No.25497519

women are the niggers of the genders.

>> No.25497550

>Man makes money on his own
Female ball and chain around ankle:
>he has never asked me to help with the bills or car payments
>misled me
>I feel like this is our money
>I feel that I could've lived a better life
>How can I take this money from him that I didn't earn and had zero involvement in, court?

>> No.25497557

Why the fuck would anyone pay their student loans now with the knowledge that at least $10,000 of forgiveness is around the corner

>> No.25497579
File: 418 KB, 878x1280, F3EC9A86-35C4-4874-B51B-8ABE725AB923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well said anon...

>> No.25497591

would tell them to fuck off

>> No.25497593

>How much crypto would you give your sister and family if you were in my shoes?
$0, but i might have taken them out for a decent but not luxurious meal

>> No.25497687

what the fuck is eteram tho

>> No.25497721

oh nvm I get it lmao

>> No.25497740

Women, not even once.

>> No.25497843

You are under no obligation to pay anybody’s loans or debt.

You took the risk and now you have reaped the reward.

Your sister is responsible for her own loans.

If she wants to pay off her loans then she should find a way to make money quickly.

Do yourself a favor and don’t ever tell anyone ever again how much money you have invested in the stock market or crypto or anything.

>> No.25497888

Hahaha please tell me this is real

>> No.25497899

I would but wouldn’t after being pushed like that. Father needs to get back in line, this is not his money and it’s not his place to tell his son what to do with it or berate him and even get mad over the fact he got rich. Of course this is fake and gay, but still.

>> No.25498018
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If her loans are 10k max or something I would have paid them off. But that whore telling you to do so really turns off the idea.

>Even if u pay her black lesbian dance theory degree The next little thing you do they don't like she'll say: "Omg he is such an ass, he wouldn't even have paid ur loans if I didn't pressure him"

Give them nothing anon, start a family, own land, have kids.

>> No.25498026

It's obviously fake

>> No.25498131

Don't burn the bridge - say your long game is it going pu way more, and you pay it happily once you made it. So whatever your 'made it' figure is +50k for her bs. But yeah man, not really fair and bullying of ur senpai..Maybe just do it if shes a good person and desrvers it on those merits. She a roastie or a good trad wife type?

>> No.25498166

Or just leave

same outcome, more money

>> No.25498191

Yeah it is....

>> No.25498236

I don't always get along with my brother and we talk twice a year at best, but I'd totally give him a big chunk if I won the lottery

>> No.25498241


Seething soi boi

>> No.25498250
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>> No.25498529

Doesn't that tell you everything about our society today

>> No.25498899

Give her 15k in crypto. You won't be taxed on it because it is below the taxable gift limit. She won't be taxed if she cashes in out because she has no gains on the gift.
Anyone that makes it should know about this loophole. 15k$ in free gifts per person per year an a 1 million$ lifetime cap overall.

>> No.25499090

>Not a single penny.
Yes sir.

>> No.25499223

you don't owe them anything for being women, and by playing that angle she is proving she doesn't deserve shit. She will keep trying to manipulate and weasel you for decades unless you tell her no now

>> No.25499262
File: 42 KB, 510x427, 933B75BA-23A0-4274-B0AA-0A91E65745BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d give my sister the money because everyday in freshman year of high school she’d bring me tendies for lunch period. She’d go off campus as a senior and had it one period before me so she’d meet me at the gate with a fresh meal everyday when my grade wasn’t allowed to leave. She also had no friends and let me use her car every time I would go out with mine that I made from sharing my fries at lunch. I miss her now

>> No.25499811
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>> No.25499854

If I never told them anything I would give them something but I would have told them several times over and probably gave them each 1 eth at 80$. you are probably petty as they are, familia

>> No.25499933

tell her you'll pay off her debts if she lets you pee in her pooper

>> No.25499977

that's the most cucked thing I've ever heard of

>> No.25500013


This is the actual most based thing to do.

If you cash out, put some of that into a 529 account for your future nice/childrens' education

>> No.25500056
File: 439 KB, 964x815, 1595674180835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telling anyone that you buy crypto
It's like you want to be harassed by worthless wastes of space

>> No.25500103

I love my neesan
Would pay her fees and take her out for lunch after

>> No.25500170

and then?

>> No.25500205

you made the mistake of bragging and running your yapper

>> No.25500227

This is bad.

If you solve other people's problems they will take you for granted and not learn anything about improving their own lives.

If you spend your money now, you will have less money to give meaningfully in the future.

If you want to help a friend/family member with student loans, then buy their loans and decimate the interest rate and have them pay you back - and take them to court if they don't pay it. You're still helping them and losing money here, but it's in a way in which they are still held accountable.

Ideally, put your gains in an index fund. If you have 500k, that'll be around $45k passive gains annually. Use $5k of that to give and make donations, live off of $30k and let the extra $10k recirculate into your investments

>> No.25500254

Hmm nothing we have a good relationship. She’s younger than me but she taught me how to drive when everyone else was busy.
I’ve only had 2 sex dreams with her but I’ve never been attracted to her while awake. Woke up feeling so gross afterwards

>> No.25500287

if theyre good to you give them quite a bit. honestly though fuck giving rn. just hodl till that 500k is 2 or 3m.

>> No.25500322

>She’s younger
wtf you said neesan, you liar

imouto is even better

>> No.25500339

>Telling your parents/family howmuch you made
Fucking idiot. The moment anyone finds out someone they know "has money" they all become beggars.

>> No.25500379

Yes anon, I'm seething because you're an idiot. Makes sense.

>> No.25500408


being born female in a western nation is already winning the lottery, you are just evening the scales

>> No.25500440

Maybe if she sucked my dick

>> No.25500453
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>pay her student loans
>shape up
Kek this is old but gold.

>> No.25500560

shut the fuck up. the quote is "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the waters of the womb."
hodl harder till yoou have fuck you money not 500k.

>> No.25500581

Accountant here anon, this does not work

She would carry the same basis as you and pay the tax on it

>> No.25500798

Don't do it op. Tell them to pay for it.

>> No.25500818

>women demanding free things
>talk down to someone that took all the risk
Nothing. Also your sister and mom are not 'the women in your life'.

>> No.25500892

pay it off at the end of the bullrun, by then you'll have 2-3 mill

>> No.25500934


I'd do it as a deal. I don't like doing chores, but I also don't want my siblings to be in debt. She does the dishes, laundry, and keeps the living room clean for a year or two and I'll pay them as long as they're not insanely expensive

>> No.25500988

old copypasta from 2018

>> No.25500999

I would tell them both to suck eggs. It’s none of their fucking business how much money you made or how you made it.

>> No.25501021


DESU my sister has her bf wrapped around her finger so he'd probably be the one doing all the chores anyway. I don't care who does em as long as it's not me

>> No.25501037
File: 418 KB, 864x981, Quark,_2375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for even suggesting that you give up a single penny, you should slap the shit out of that person.

and if that was one of your parents that suggested that you should say " be a fucken RESPONSIBLE parent and pay for her schooling, shape up!" and then slap the shit out of them.

the fucken loebs on some people.

>> No.25501055

>take care of the women in your life
>shape up
After that bullshit, zero. I'd swear to never give them a single dirty sat.
On the other hand, paying her student loans would deprive her of a valuable experience dealing with debt and the good feelings of repaying that debt. So you definitely should NOT give her any free money.

If they keep contacting you about this just block them. If they start bothering you in person, restraining order. 500k ain't even shit dude (also, why the FUCK do they know you have crypto at all? You failed OPSEC, now you're a target).

>> No.25501102

>shape up
lmao get fucked by a nigger roastie

>> No.25501197

>Pay off your sister's student loans
Unless she is a fucking genius from which you could get money out from in the future (which I highly doubt bc women) I wouldn't give her a fucking penny, your mother sounds like a entitled karen so same for her.

>> No.25501228


just because their mom is a bitch doesn't mean the sister is. And you don't have to "get something out of it" when you help a sibling bro

>> No.25501267

Are you retarded student loans are not just some cheap thing retard. That’s like walking up to someone and being like ”buy me a car right now you selfish bastard!”.

Get out of here. You better bake me a cake and give me a nice shoulder rub and i’ll consider paying half of it.

>> No.25501304

OP hasn't specified how good his relationship with his sister is, the point that I'm trying to make is that if her sister has spent all the time she has been in college or whatever partying and fucking chads like a normie Stacy I would not recommend to pay off something she hasn't worked for, the experience of having a debt could be really benefitial for her in the future

>> No.25501317

You should never loan money to friends or family, unless you are okay with never getting paid back or going to court and severing all ties with them.

>> No.25501714

;_; where is your sister now anon plz tell me she's just in another city

>> No.25501824

Need to know this too where she is

>> No.25501898

How much are her loans and what did she he get her degree in?

>> No.25501903


>> No.25501993

This. Tend to the next generation of your bloodline.
Assuming your sister selects a proper mate.

>> No.25501996

If they asked for it I would give them nothing. If they never asked AND I had heaps of money (not $500k) I'd give them some for their birthdays

>> No.25502004

Tell your mother and sister to get married if they want a man to support them

>> No.25502007

500 bucks to shut your mom/dad up... no more. If your sister were in your shoes she wouldn’t blink an eye to cut you off from her life.

>> No.25502056
File: 100 KB, 1001x1024, 1599798784339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 post by this ID

>> No.25502107

>You better bake me a cake and give me a nice shoulder rub and i’ll consider paying half of it.
You're cheap bro, you could get blowjobs and creampie sex for student loan debt levels of money.
>bawww I don't want to fuck my sister that's icky
Well then I guess she has nothing of value to trade, huh.

>> No.25502141

fucking pathetic, O buttcoins for them

normies are parasites that live their lives on the backs of autists
give her a buttcoin so she can spend it on some retarded nigger?

>> No.25502158

Cut your parents out of your contacts. Maybe help your sister a little depending on what kind of person she is.

>> No.25502199

500000? Fake as fuck

>> No.25502245

Jesus. If they’re gonna act like cunts don’t give them a dime. If they didn’t ask for help or expect it maybe, but you’re not beholden to a bunch of pseudocommiecucks just because you share the same blood. If they truly cared about you they wouldn’t be toxic fucks.

>> No.25502290

>not even original iphone font
ITT: incels falling for obvious larp

>> No.25502296


I would double down on this and say rarely will they ever see it as being very helpful.

To a lot of people, this is "just money" and some will act like you've done nothing for them over time.

Some will rationalize that you're the reason they're behind (even if they put themselves in that position) and they will certainly not rationalize as you being a saint for getting rid of their debts.

Or worse, they end up taking out more debt for something more stupid.

>> No.25502323

never give or lend money to anyone, not even family
your only responsibility is to feed, cloth and educate your children beyond this you should only think about yourself

>> No.25502351

So nice to have entitled ppl around, ey?

>> No.25502360

500k isn't nowhere near enough money to go around pain for your family fuckups

>> No.25502396

NOTHING. She took out a loan so she should pay for it.

>> No.25502419

I would give unironically around 5k to my family, they can give all to your sister and then its enough. Tell your mom it could have gone to zero, its your life your investment and your money.

>> No.25502433
File: 15 KB, 322x527, 1608931966839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why even though this is bait you do not ever talk about money with family ever. Whether it's 5,000 or $5 or fifty thousand you don't talk about money you don't brag about money the only person you talk about it is a business partner with transactions that's all

>> No.25502488

Ask her if she would expect your sister to pay you thousands if she became a doctor or lawyer.

>> No.25502532

Ask how much it is then send a video of you setting that exact amount on fire

>> No.25502568

Tell your fambly that you don't give away money.
Also, 10% GROSS not NET

>> No.25503061

There's no way to win in this scenario, if you don't give her anything your mother will give her the full inheritance since you've already made it so she doubles her future wealth doing absolutely nothing because you took the risks and made it big.

>> No.25503100

Hell no fucking women wtf

>> No.25503381

What happened to your sister anon? She sounds like a good onee-chan.

>> No.25503437


>> No.25503690

the whole thread is lmao

>> No.25503741

Do not, I repeat, do not do this.
Please. For your own sake.

>> No.25504106

I have a great loving family and friends which support me in literally everything so it would probably be the same with crypto, but I still never plan to mention that I'm six digits deep in it to anyone because even if they don't beg for money your relationship with them will inevitably change.

It's better to stay "normal" or on the same level in their eyes so you can go grab some beers with friends without anyone being nervous or weird about paying or going to a slightly shittier bar because the prices there are cheap. And of course I can pay for everyone here and there no problem, but I keep that as a result of me just being financially stable and responsible, not from me having more money then all of them combined in some internet magic coins which most people just see as you winning the lottery.