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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25487490 No.25487490 [Reply] [Original]

List some non consoomeristic things you want out of "making it"

>> No.25487519

Wake up in the afternoon if I feel like it

>> No.25487544

a wife

>> No.25487591

This, I literally just want to not have to set an alarm every single fucking day. Wagery is slavery.

>> No.25487593

Sleep 20 hours a day.

>> No.25487598

I want to wake up and go take a walk in the forest whenever I want.

>> No.25487649

i wanna be a woman

>> No.25487663


Not having to shave unless I want to and not because I have too. Same with ties, neat hair, etc.. I also want to get fit andwork just destroys the motivation. My right arm also is going to crap which really is concerning to me, so no more work.

>> No.25487668

move out country

>> No.25487683

trout fishing with a grandson some day.

>> No.25487705

Yeah gonna feel this pain some more rn thanks for nothing anon

>> No.25487706

I only have 1.25 btc
I’m ngmi

>> No.25487712

I want to pay myself $30k a year and raise it with inflation and not go broke doing it. That's making it for me, it's the goal and I have a number that gets me there.
I don't even know what I would do with my time after that.

>> No.25487766

Its not consumerism if its something you need.
I need a car, a house in a nicer location and other necessities.

>> No.25487807

You guys are fucking fags.

Me? I want more than just 150k to live a comfy life off the dividends.

I want to be able to pay for artists to make my own music, animation, comic books, video games and various other artistic projects. I want to pay tutors to teach me to git gud at it.
And this takes about as much as it would take to fund a mining company or a woodcutting company.

Also I want to buy 4chan or at least a few boards from it, but hiroshit won't respond to anything.

>> No.25487819

I want a Rene Magritte over my fireplace mantle because the landed elite tell me he made beautiful surrealist art

>> No.25487879

A house at the beach

>> No.25487968

Wage cage escape pass.

That's all I want I don't need lambos or a wife or a nice house. I just want to not have a job and simultaneously not be homeless.

>> No.25488037

>I just want to not have a job and simultaneously not be homeless.
Cool it with the antisemitism pal.

>> No.25488132

Literally none, just want isolated land with a cottage to get the fuck away from the shitty people polluting the planet with their existence

>> No.25488151


>> No.25488299

Would love to never see a black person ever again

>> No.25488369


>> No.25488505

I want to feel like I live in a post-scarcity society again. Getting to enjoy the lockdowns and collect coofbux was wonderful, spent a lot of time hanging out with friends online and engaging in hobbies. Just having my time belong to me instead of having to sell it to survive. Also, I want to bring up my longtime friends and family with me when I make it

>> No.25488546

this post is so gay i dont know how to respond to it

>> No.25488590

You know how nice it is waking up and knowing you can do whatever you want that day?
I just want to get rid of those last two words, no matter the cost.

>> No.25488597


>> No.25488615

generational wealth

>> No.25488629

maybe you have autism

>> No.25488671

I'd like to fund artists/studios I like so that they can work on projects they're passionate about without worry of appealing to the market.

>> No.25488691

time and health are the only true commodities

>> No.25488704

I want to go around finding late twenties women and turn them into plastic surgery sexual abominations. Fake ass, fake tits, fake lips, labia injections, the fucking works. Fuck them for a year or so and then dump them to do it all over again. Basically I want to fix up roasties like old hot rods.

>> No.25488725

Completely restore my car to its former glory. I drive a 1994 Cobra and if/when I make it, I want it basically completely rebuilt, painted, and made to look like it did back when it was new. Could completely do it for under $100,000, so well within the range of possibilities. Also, a shit load of guns, ammo, and mags. Exotic shit too.
I am a very simple man.

>> No.25488736
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A library.

>> No.25488744
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>> No.25488748

Aegis countering nuclear submarine drone platforms.

>> No.25488789
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1) fancy german car
2) gucci loafers
3) Park Ave. manicure

>> No.25488818

own a house near a lake in a forest and live like a animal crossing NPC doing random shit everyday

>> No.25488861
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this is pretty consooooomer dude, buying cars is onions

>> No.25488867

Study bacterial and fungal cultures. Also build robots for fun

>> No.25488901

Buy land with a shop to make money on projects other than crypto I actually want to do. Like art shit and music.

>> No.25488916

Old pasta

>> No.25488937

You are a complete and utter faggot. Only the most pathetic of human beings commission "artist" to draw them stuff. The only people that do that are degenerates that wasn't custom hentai for their favorite anime. Complete faggot weeb dreams.

>> No.25488942

just freedom. wageslaving is cancer on my soul

>> No.25488982

Main reasons are pretty much what everyone else is saying here: I just want to avoid a life wage cukcery, use all my new saved time to pursue my intellectual interests and perhaps dedicate myself to some higher purpose I see fit.

But above all, wage slaving is just scary to me. I at least wanna be self-employed, man.

>> No.25489005

underrated post

>> No.25489025

I want to open a music studio and help teens and young adults record, play, and improve the music scene in my city... maybe set up some charitable outreach program for kids from poor/broken homes. This is the only way I could see myself being useful to the community in the long run.

>> No.25489039

I want to sleep

>> No.25489149

I just want to be comfy. I live in a roach infested water damaged house with no comfy furniture except my computer chair. I'm currently laying in my bed that I inherited front my dead grandmother and its kind of a shitty bed that's shaky and falling apart and not very soft. We have an air conditioner that works at half capacity and live in a hot part of the country but my dad loves to turn the air off so that it doest break because the AC has broken many times over the last few years so in the summer time the average temperature of my house is 85 degrees literally. Also my brother is an alcoholic who shits himself pretty much every day and he's always leaving shit streaks all over the bathroom and I don't have my own bedroom, I sleep in a back room that adjoins the dining room and kitchen so I can only jackoff in the bathroom and if I'm in the bathroom for more than 15 minutes the likelihood of my brother shitting himself goes up. Also for the past couple of months I've had a bunch of mosquitoes in my house, I only noticed them after a hole in the ceiling opened up after it had rained a lot for a week the whole roof has holes in it some covered by plastic some not. I'm not sure if the mosquitoes were living in the roof and spawning in the water puddles there or if they came in the Christmas tree. But on top of all of this uncomfiness I've had mosquitoes biting the shit out of me. Also my dad mops the floor with dirty mop water a lot so if I walk barefoot in my house most days there a soapy oily residue on the floor and he freaks out if people other than him mops the floor and gets really angry whenever chores are being done then he gets involved and if you deviate from what he wants slightly he flips out and my mom and brother fight over him not eating food and only drinking and shitting his pants pretty much daily.

So yeah I want to move out of this house. My hope from making it is to live in a comfy house that is maximum comfy cuz I have trouble relaxing.

>> No.25489182

i took out $700 worth of btc around christmas to buy a synth as a present i guess thats not holding it but its fine

>> No.25489206
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forgot image

>> No.25489261


I'm married, have a son on the way, have no debt, rent a house, have no debt. I don't give a fuck about being rich, and i never gave a shit about fancy cars or meme houses or whatever gay shit people slave over. All i want is enough money to take my family far away to a place that isn't a human farm shopping mall pornocracy and live with nature with no worries. Dream life is having a part time job, going fishing most days, and maintaining garden. All this very far away from the abomination that is neoliberal civilization.

>> No.25489330

Go fuck a goat, jew. You can do that for free.

>> No.25489367

I will be able to more or less free-load on my parents without worries about being forced to pay rent and what not. I can just up and leave at any moment without any real consequence and focus on training for a database/other tech job to further leverage my earnings.

>> No.25489597




>> No.25489662

>t. bus rider
Also I said I already have it, goofball. Just fix it up a bit.

>> No.25489674

Jesus fuck, man... I hope you make it. Amazing that you’ve been able to keep it together all this time.

>> No.25489865
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Do not lose hope, as you are one of the many children of the Crypto, and eternal salvation is incoming very soon. Patience, my child.

>> No.25489995

Fucking manchild, go to reddit ffs

>> No.25490028

Teach them something useful instead. The last thing we need is MORE black people using fruity loops. God.

>> No.25490377


>> No.25490414

some goddamn peace and quiet. i hate living in the city.

>> No.25490469
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a Jahy

>> No.25490545


But she doesn't pay renbts

>> No.25490932

To finally live life

>> No.25491259

She does with cunny

>> No.25491316

Have ac/dc play my backyard.

>> No.25491425
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hi boomer