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25480119 No.25480119 [Reply] [Original]

Ask your stupid questions here.

>where do I buy bitcoin?
Do not use coinbase.

>where do I buy altcoins?

>where do I trade with leverage?

This is all that you need.

>> No.25480220
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>Do not use coinbase.

>> No.25480229

why not coinbase?

>> No.25480252


>> No.25480334

>trying to entice normies so that it pumps quicker and then crashes harder
I see you.

>> No.25480363

because it’s shit and you get fucked up the ass by fees? it’s called goybase for a reason. what you need to do is either vpn download binance if you’re an americuck or get an ethereum wallet like metamask and buy eth through that although it will be slightly less ideal cause of price but not that big of a difference and connect your wallet to uniswap and buy shit coins. like Statera.

>> No.25480372

these threads are not cool, fuck reddit

>> No.25480436

Fees are stupidly high, a trap for clueless retail. Their management consists of anti-crypto opportunists besides.

>> No.25480456
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>> No.25480465

why buy bitcoin on kraken or bitstamp and not binance? cheaper?

>> No.25480496
File: 65 KB, 750x1000, OHGOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love big sloppy boobas

>> No.25480508

look at this beautiful princess

>> No.25480583

with a vpn, when it asks for where you live what do u put then?

>> No.25480592


>> No.25480623

what makes those two safer than Binance?

>> No.25480627

Why do you retards always talk about coinbase fees. They are the same as bitstamp and 2x the kraken fees and it is a much better platform than those pieces of shit

>> No.25480648


>> No.25480674
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Can you lose money in ETFs or in a 401k? I am extremely stupid.

>> No.25480683

Can someone provide an idiotfag with a link to a reputable video on youtube instead of having bro wade through hundreds of cryptobait bullshit

>> No.25480713

use coinbase pro you fucking idiots

>> No.25480737

Why won’t the price of doge go down? I really really want to buy some, but the price just won’t come down?

>> No.25480747

They're American, regulated, and have been around since the beginning. Binance is a chink bucket shop. Do not trust them with your personal information. It's only good for buying shitcoins.

>> No.25480753

Kikebase loves to give a list to the IRS who owns crypto and they can see who hasn’t paid their gibs to the niggers.

>> No.25480775

Why do people not like binance.us? Why is a vpn for the euro version preferred?

>> No.25480792

youtube video for what?

>> No.25480994

It should just be a questions that don't deserve their own thread thread (QTDDTOT)
Etfs follow broader swathes of the markets or certain sectors, so yes, but the general idea is that over time you will end up with more than you started with. 401k are easier to manage your risk tolerance with because they usually adjust automatically based on your planned retirement date, but with both options there are ways to be more or less aggressive.
People are buying into it right now. Doge isn't a great investment compared to something like bitcoin, because they will keep making coins. I think it's practical for future use as a currency though.

>> No.25480998

t.faggot. you're so fucking new and retarded, it hurts.
>buying from sites that does kyc rather than one that doesn't require it as long as you use vpn.
no one is going to steal your $20 lunch money, poorfag

>> No.25481088
File: 359 KB, 540x532, tumblr_p67p37jzRp1w63jqvo1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey is the US version of binance any different? im trying to find DOT but can only see it on the en version.

>> No.25481141

What the fuck are you talking about you absolute halfwit nigger?

>> No.25481166

Uniswap has huge gas fees.

>> No.25481238

So is there any chance of actually losing your money in one? I wanna put a lump sum in now and add some money to it here and there and withdraw in like 20 years.

>> No.25481336

Yes it's different. I think in the US the only place you can get DOT is Kracken which I don't have an account for. I'm tired of signing up for multiple sites just to chase some coin. DOT is a major player and should be offered more places.

>> No.25481368

Why does blockfolio list the price of SFI like 4x what coingecko does?

>> No.25481371

As a US citizen can I use flyp.me ? I want to mine and exchange a shitcoin that's not traded on coinbase.

>> No.25481390

What's a Nubian?

>> No.25481478

Do you see a foreseeable future with DOT? Long term not short term shit

>> No.25481522

Over the course of 20 years probably not if you adjust accordingly. Early on your 401k will be invested more aggressively, but as you get closer to retirement you can adjust it to be more resilient to changes in the market at the expense of lower growth. Also getting matching contributions from your employer is pretty nice.

>> No.25481525


>> No.25481534

damn thats too bad

>> No.25481536
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my beautiful little bitcoin cum goblin. my sweetie little snookums

>> No.25481550

Why not use coinbase???

>> No.25481638

I do but I'm no kind of expert. There are often DOT threads here maybe someone will know more than me.

>> No.25482016

any canadians here? how did you withdraw to fiat

>> No.25482031

What's Ledger?

>> No.25482111

If you're not trolling it's a device you store crypto on.

>> No.25482145

can you use the app as an exchange?

>> No.25482280

Here's my newfag question, can anyone on this board actually verify they've made big money on crypto? A narrative of what they bought when, how much it went up, screenshots for proof, account balances etc.?

>> No.25482296

Seek help or ngmi

>> No.25482533

Based and true.

>> No.25482592

How to see her bobs and vagene? Pls

>> No.25482672

best way to cash out? Coinbase has high fees and bad prices

>> No.25482792

Yeah, why don’t you ask them for their social security number too faggot

>> No.25482838

Any resources for increasing your capital with altcoin swinging?

>> No.25482872

amazing tits on that dude

>> No.25482897
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>> No.25482961

coinbase pro my man

>> No.25482969

where do i actually do my research

how do i find out cryptos that have potential

i just unironically dropped big part of my savings into eth and gonna wait and see

>> No.25483019

same here brother if we go down we go down together

>> No.25483120

I'm just wondering what there is to go on besides "dude i made a lot of money just trust me bro"

>> No.25483387

Recommended wallets for BTC and ETH? Currently its in Kraken for me, thanks.

>> No.25483407

Can someone briefly explain how gas fees work?

>> No.25483449

What market should cucked states in the US use? Seems like most don't allow my state.

>> No.25483754

Trust wallet
txn fee = gas price * gas unit (limit)
limit/unit is determined by the contract based on computational resources required to fulfill your txn (you can change it but there's no point in doing that). you can adjust gas price per unit however based on how fast you want the txn to complete (higher = faster)

>> No.25483874
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How do you dodge kyc for ICO?

>> No.25483886


>> No.25483963

Yes, for a few of the more popular coins

>> No.25484099

Tell me why I'm retarded for getting only BTC / ETH / LTC at this point

$1000 every week with a
BTC 50%
ETH 25%
LTC 25%

ps if im not convinced im getting my relatives to make me their crypto broker and making them rich while yall stay poor

>> No.25484204

Has anyone here actually lost money in the long term on crypto?
Are there any well known individuals who lost everything this way?

>> No.25484450

Thanks a lot!

>> No.25484479

bro if you're at the level where you're secure enough to invest like that, I recommend you read "I Will Teach You To Be Rich" by Pajeet Sethi

>> No.25484528

You're retarded for ever touching LTC. That absolute garbage shitcoin is only relevant because its founder worked at goybase and had it listed there. Stop buying it.

>> No.25484621

how is this any cheaper than using coinbase?

>> No.25484764

It's not. It's preferable by many because you can buy shitcoins early before they reach exchanges. Also it's decentralized so IRS doesn't find out, with coinbase you will be paying taxes for every swap.

>> No.25485213

Should I pay off my 30k in federal student loans (paused until Jan 31 with 0% interest)? I have 50k in savings, 90k in a private student loan, and I make 100k a year. If I pay off the 30k federal loans, I will only have rent and the private loan payment to worry about, which are very doable on my income. I think this is a very obvious yes pay the federal loans but I just wanted to run this by other people in case there is something I’m missing.

>> No.25485550


>> No.25485634

why did booba get deleted

>> No.25485748

depends on what you buy. If you bought btc and didn't sell, you haven't lose anything. It is at ath. Plenty of people lost money on crypto. buy btc and eth only if you don't want to get rekt. Also expect a 70% drop but if you keep holding, it will come back up.

>> No.25486012

opinon on crypto dot com?

>> No.25486173

wouldn't touch

>> No.25486380

I've been reading about crypto shit as a newbie for the past couple of days.
I keep looking for the catch. What I see is a way to invest money that has basically just been skyrocketing for over a decade and shows no signs of slowing down. If you hold on or simply sell high when you've made a profit margin that you find satisfying there's no losing so far. Just avoid selling low and you're good. What am I missing here?

>> No.25486483

Coinbase is racist, so definitely fucking use it, and call it CoinBased.

>> No.25487179

Can someone help me? I transferred $195 in CAD in my Coinbase portfolio to my Coinbase pro account and it's saying I've lost $50 and I only have around $154 in my Coinbase pro account. Not sure what happened.

>> No.25487636

>because you can buy shitcoins early before they reach exchanges.
How? It seems like it has a really limited amount of coins, so anything new doesn't seem like it would pop up there.

>> No.25488013

Where do I get nervos CKB as an American?

>> No.25488085

I might be retarded, I've read so much and I still don't understand how to answer when a boomer asks me what a bitcoin is.
>but why is it worth money? why would anyone have bought one in the first place?

>> No.25489082
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Someone say cum goblins?

>> No.25489740

Wait, do you mean use the uniswap app on it to buy the new coins?

>> No.25490423

best way to find shit coins to invest in for peanuts?

i almost got lucky in circa 2016 but got greedy and missed max profits.

I'm a poorfag who jus wants to reach lamboland

>> No.25490952

Okay I'm kinda dumb. I've been using crypto . com for some time. I thought crypto was as easy as: buy, hold, profit, then sell as you please, and that profit you made goes to your regular bank account. How the fuck do I cash out? Do I need one of those crypto wallets?

>> No.25491077

Use Voyager. Lower market price with no fees. And a better interface.

>> No.25491211

how do i get money on kraken without paying bank wire transfer fee?