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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25475527 No.25475527 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.25475595

this is a decent flag portfolio

>> No.25475626

Pls sirs flag no necesary 4chan all about anonymity

>> No.25475710


i knew theres alot of finns here but this much. now i understand why the discussion is so retarded on europoor hours.

>> No.25475768

4chan confirmed white man's board

>> No.25476150

Im spending my whole time here calling out pajeet scams and just buy btc instead.

>> No.25476186

No. We. Don't.

>> No.25476191

>white man
choose one

>> No.25476208

who the fuck googles "4chan biz" instead of typing into the address bar

>> No.25476221

>no indians
so the pajeet shill thing is just a meme?

>> No.25476232

>no india

>> No.25476244

finngolians apparently

>> No.25476258

I live in uruguay and I shitpost here.
I have less than 500 usd in eth and btc but I count at least, kek.

>> No.25476287

we have basically free 4g so its mobile users

>> No.25476320

That’s a good spread, anon. Finland gonna moon q1 when they announce the amphibious Finns.

>> No.25476331


>> No.25476360

>0 crypto tax
>0 biz presence
they're gonna be so confused by the massive influx of wealthy foreigners and their bookings for brap buffets
do Portuguese girls have nice brappers??

>> No.25476468
File: 9 KB, 245x279, autisminkirjomies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got a problem with that?

>> No.25476553

Fucking Finland bunch of dirty yellow bastards.
/biz/ is a wog board.

>> No.25476812

Based gypsy blood

>great grandpa fled the fuckery that was 1930’s Romania
>came to US
>went back and smoked 6 nazis in the name of the US Army

We still own his land.

>> No.25476855

sir this is a business board, we do not need the pol coming in

>> No.25476901

im okay with finaland people.
the whole population is devoid of emotion. actualy robots like us

>> No.25476929

I support this

>> No.25476981

my dad kicked gypo ass in his grandad's village.

>> No.25476987

Bro the slavs on here paid me $100 one time to use my ID for KYC, they cool

>> No.25477038

Finskar är mongoler, rätta mig om jag har fel.

>> No.25477216

Who are the "portuguese" we are a mix of everything.

>> No.25477394

Yh, seems we are not all pajeets it seems. Only rich places with money to invest

>> No.25477431

Shill groups don't google it lmao. It's at least bookmarked.

>> No.25477443

I am Indian
fuck whitey

>> No.25477676

This is fake as fuck. No pajeets or CCP posters? Fake and gay

>> No.25477745

im usa black niga

>> No.25478384
File: 39 KB, 595x397, portugirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do Portuguese girls have nice

>> No.25478453

Here's a reason why the search stats are the same for chainlink. Most link holders per capita. Ikään kuin nauttisitte köyhänä pysymisestä

>> No.25478530

USA isnt top 5 for biz though

>> No.25478532

There are also more finns per capita on 4chan in general.
I assume it's because you live in a cold marshy shithole where nobody bothers going outside and literally everyone suffers from some degree of autism. The perfect mix for /biz/

>> No.25478635
File: 54 KB, 500x699, Do5cEyqXkAAzXGe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25478662

based, fuck poos fuck jeets fuck JANNIES

>> No.25478679

go. back. to. /pol/

>> No.25478710


>> No.25478738

Maybe it's the lack of sunlight that causes the autism, but yeah you're right. I'm not an autist, at least not in finnish standards, but I can definitely see the autism is strong here. No one even looks you in the eyes when you go to any public space. It's very enjoyable desu

>> No.25478793

From what I've seen, finngolians were doing """social distancing""" long before that ever came en vogue.

>> No.25478813
File: 48 KB, 600x450, fea86b24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow Fingolians


>> No.25478933

Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.25479097

are you implying /pol/ isn't reddit?

>> No.25479161

this only tells me that finns don't know how to manually type a url

>> No.25479194
File: 52 KB, 1024x1010, 1605618690829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it was the chinks all along.

>> No.25479231
File: 21 KB, 340x296, 1608154067422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you Finland.

>> No.25479233

That's right. It's actually interesting because now they are giving all the credit to the governments feminist cabinet while in reality the autistic nations is just doing what it has done since forever

>> No.25479310

finns have their own imageboard with a biz section and they reference us sometimes there (probably think we're daft cunts tho I don't speak finn) I'm pretty sure it's cause of that
Also are dutchies overrepresented across the whole chinz or does it just seem that way?

>> No.25479365

it's parsiq fags from finland
fkin parsiq fags

>> No.25479373


>> No.25479471

Actually there's a separate crypto section. The content is not that great and a lot of shitcoins get shilled. They were early on link and especially save, being a finnish project it was shilled hard since the beginning and many people got in before the rebrand

>> No.25479500

How can we force hiroshima moot to implement the flags on biz, my white friend

>> No.25479520


>> No.25479551

All the scams are coming from FINLAND?!

>> No.25479595

Pajeets use residential proxies from Finland

>> No.25479673

Does this map not also reflect the more popular VPN routes?

>> No.25479695

Based finland

>> No.25479713
File: 33 KB, 303x298, 1599055326984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All it would do is add unnecessary flag humor to this board. You don't need a flag to tell if someone is a fucking shill or some rug pulling pajeet. Besides, it would just add more shit posting to this board.

Fact: If you are one of the bozos that want flags added to /biz/. You're part of the problem.

>> No.25479736

they exported them to Brazil

>> No.25479785

T. pajeet

>> No.25479859

Agreed, it makes conversation very difficult when people can only see your flag and not your argument.

>inb4 pajeet

Just block indian IPs

>> No.25479978


>> No.25480048

Hola Negrito

>> No.25480092

I do
t. Dutch boomer guy

>> No.25480159
File: 337 KB, 763x508, 1609028280730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25480222

Blocking indian IPs should work well. Take note of this mans opinion mods

>> No.25480269

>/biz/ confirmed #1 hockey board
>/hoc/ btfo
This is a leaf/fincuck board now