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File: 43 KB, 1205x582, 2017-06-21 11_40_14-Coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2545968 No.2545968 [Reply] [Original]

Status ICO caused ETH's network to crash, now the normies are being discouraged from buying ETH because Normiebase is displaying pic related message.

>> No.2545983

In other words buy the dip.

>> No.2545987

It is still crashed, cant do shit on ETH chain. i think it will be days till its over.

>> No.2545988

ICO owners also are cashing out their "gifted" ETH for FIAT. Thus dumping and driving the price down.

>> No.2546034
File: 405 KB, 1720x1340, status-eth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I stop this tx from repeated attempts to go thru
I sent this YESTERDAY with Metamask
It says I still have the full amount in my account
I tried to sens the full balance of my account to another address in my wallet but I get a "tx not located" message

>> No.2546048

why even do you need bitcoin, if ethereum can fuck up your shit 1000s times better?

>> No.2546084

There are no normies in ethereum. Face it, this is an actual crash.

>> No.2546110


Um yea, this is a major problem for ethereum.

I'd you are advertising a service, which ethereum is, and your network goes down for almost 12 hours, what are your customers suppposed to think?

I liquidated my holdings yesterday and if I need some eth I'll buy some but holding this piece of shit makes no sense

>> No.2546116

There are plenty of them, they believe it's the next bitcoin. Even though it isn't even a currency

>> No.2546147
File: 245 KB, 1465x1209, 1486092899193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its almost as if ethereum still is in development

its almost as if they already know this, and are working on projects like raiden, sharding and PoS to increase transaction speed, stability and scalablity


>> No.2546155

What's the best time to sell my ETH?

>> No.2546175


>> No.2546185


>> No.2546196

I heard of people spamming transactions which certainly fucked the network... and I don't understand why.

I only sent one time from MEW and I even seen it start to pend on Etherscan and then mysteriously dissapear, but after 8 hours it finally went through.

No spamming/DDoSing was required. Just waited it out and everything eventually processed.

>> No.2546209

Your reason plays part, no doubt. It also dropped because everyone wants to buy back cheap and convert to Bancor. Look at the charts before Bancor was delayed. Same shit. Etherium will bounce back before 8:00am mountain time (when Bancor becomes tradable) but after, it volume will begin to shift into Bancor. Both Eth and Bancor might be strengthened in the long run. Status should benefit as well.

>> No.2546254

Look at the charts. The current support is .122. It will bounce here for a bit, then ???. If it does fall through .122, the next support is at .113. Despite the FUD, I'd say HODL for now, but sell if it breaks .120 and buy back in a bit above the .113 support, then sell again if it breaks .109.

Remember how hype based this market is. As much as the FUD from congestion and "mah overvalued coin" can throw a coin down, some good news or whale work can bring it back up just as quick. Tread carefully, Anon, and don't listen to shills in either direction.

>> No.2546395


I don't give a shit

>> No.2546404

I just bought some in this juicy dip

>> No.2546426

Fuuuuuck I got 2300 bnt and I don't know wtf is gonna happen, I hope you're right

>> No.2546469
File: 76 KB, 719x670, large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys look at the other markets? eth still up in Asia - buy the dip and expect another upswing.

>> No.2546603

Delete this

>> No.2546622

Its still fucking crashing...

>> No.2546652

Go ask any normal person on the street if they know what ether is. Hell, even ask them if they know what cryptocurrecy is. I'll give you a billion bitbean if you can find just one person

>> No.2546664


>> No.2546673

I can find one person. Show proof of billion bitbean.
Where can I see all these markets like you have in the image?

>> No.2546678

This would be verifiable on chain. Are there ICO addresses being cashed out?

>> No.2546693

I don't know whose bright idea it was to think Ethereum could handle traffic from itself plus traffic of other tokens. This is like trying to put Bitcoin on Ethereum. It will flop over and die from the congestion. Putting ICOs on Ethereum is the stupidest idea in the world.

>> No.2546700

oh shit it's falling

>> No.2546706

how do you identify where the support is? asking for a friend

>> No.2546710

Is that message still up on Coinbase?

>> No.2546719

I'm glad i sold mine last week. there have been so many coins that have given me big gains since then.

>> No.2546726


>> No.2546747

coinbase is about to rip. Where else can I buy Ethereum without having to wait days for verification?

>> No.2546763

Does it apply to selling eth for cash or just sending and receiving?

>> No.2546773

Its money pouring back into Bitcoin

>> No.2546779

hodl or sell? I bought 14ETH at 45 dollar.

Will ETH fix their issues?

>> No.2546806

sending mostly, I am waiting to get my remaining eth out I sent to bittrex

>> No.2546819

About to find out. I'll let you know.
You should have sold half at $400, but now it's up to you. ETH will probably decrease more and then stabilize, however I have no idea how far down it will go. It will probably pass $350 again sometime

>> No.2546826

Selling this now

ICO's have fucked it

>> No.2546842


I know that the guys running the status ICO had a publicly stated policy that they were liquidating the proceed as soon as possible.

>> No.2546844

Look at the previous highs and lows on a one candle candlestick chart covering the last few major jumps/dumps along with the order book...but mainly the highs and lows since the order book is too whale controlled

>> No.2546870

putting 2k into eth dip if goes below 300

>> No.2546878

i am thinking about the buy back price too

>> No.2546879

>development project worth $30 BILLION USD

Welp, thanks for arguing his point for him.

Either it's worth $30B and is a networked funds transfer service (that works & is reliable, neither of which is true right now), or it's a product that's "still in development", needs time to be functional and reliable, and it's not worth $30B.

So, which is it? It's obviously not #1, because ETH isn't reliable or useful. So it has to be #2, which means you shouldn't have your capital invested in it, because it's obviously overvalued.

Have fun with your bags though.

>> No.2546882

I sold my 290 ETH just now. This shit was driving me mad. I said I would sell if it got close to $300 and it did. I never understood how it got up to $420 in the first place. Again it's all speculation. I'm a trader so we don't get emotionally like most of you fsggots here.

>> No.2546896

Good way to turn $2000 into $500, if that's what you're into.

>> No.2546898

$2k is a lot of money, anon. I only have like $4k to my name, I'm thinking of putting in $300 lol

>> No.2546905


>don't get emotional
>driving me mad

>> No.2546907

Doubled my initial investment since a couple of months ago.

I've now sold all my ETH and I'm selling most of my ETH tokens.

This ICO shit has just removed any confidence in the system for buyers, due to fucking up the network.

>> No.2546908

normiebase is down lol

t. normie

>> No.2546927

Yesterday, before the network congestion brought the entire currency to a screeching halt because it's not scalable.

The second best time to divest is probably now (if your funds are in an exchange wallet), or as soon as you're able (if your ETH is in an off-exchange wallet which would require you to process an on-chain transaction before you can move it to an exchange).

>> No.2546929

where do you deposit that kind of $$? isnt yr bank like wtf anon IRS COME GE T DIS SUCKER

>> No.2546939

>This shit was driving me mad
>we don't get emotionally like most of you fsggots here

>> No.2546951

me too I'm so confused. I'm not a retard but I don't have the time to work through all the issues brought up in the white paper and its rebuttals. I think I will sell half at the open (or whatever fraction to make back my original investment) and just hold the rest in case this is the JWO one-world currency coin.

>> No.2546956
File: 111 KB, 1252x1252, 1475722858740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2546958

Wait so are are these huge transaction fees that people are paying to move their ETH now going to miners?

>> No.2546959

>it is how average eth retard make screenshots

>> No.2546970


The ICO shit basically makes the network unusable and people are starting to realise this (myself included).

BTC is more expensive to use, but at least it's behaviour is predictable.

>> No.2546984

FUCK these niggers and FUCK the eth network.

I followed their guidelines PERFECTLY and sent my transaction the second the block started, and I didn't get in.

The ethereum network is a fucking joke if it thinks it can compete without shitting itself over an ICO.

Fuck all of you faggots who make x10 off this shit. Hope it crashes and fails. I'm putting all my eth into BTC.

>> No.2547001

Someone needs to make ICO coin and an ICO platform that can deal with ICOs without crippling the eth network.

I hope ICOs die off and people start getting fucked over. Greedy fuckers needing to start off with 100s of millions of dollars.

>> No.2547014

Should I fall for the buy high sell low meme?
I'll sell it right away if i went up 1 or 2 percent

>> No.2547021

Step up the crypto trading game, add me on Skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2547027

>woah that's a big transaction
>hey IRS look at this
>oh shit anon what did you do
>sell Monopoly money online for real money
>huh, weird. Well youre gonna pay taxes on that right
>alright have a nice day

>> No.2547064

that's not how it works

the IRS will fuck you up the ass hard if you don't pay your taxes

>> No.2547098

That's why I included the "you're gonna pay taxes on that" part

>> No.2547122


literally cant read.

>> No.2547166

ICO'a are not looking good for Ethereum....too much traffic and it can't keep up....I still think Ether will rise. I invested 3K when the price was between $12-25. I've seen crazy gains and am sitting pretty at $38K but this shit is hard to watch. Had 52K when it was in the $400's. Would be cool if no one panic sold like they have been...I still think i'm in for the long term. Too much data has come out suggesting that both BTC and ETH will rise. Considering that ETH is still #2 crypto I think it's a solid plan to hold. It's like everyone forgot that BTC crashed and rebounded to the thousands. ETH can do the same as long as the ICO's don't fuck it up

>> No.2547199

go fuck yourself

>> No.2547244

Sell it now for BTC or USD and buy it back in a week? I hope you do realize that despite the fact you believe in the currency long term, you still don't have to hold onto it every living second. When it has problems like today, sell it, and buy it back later when shit is stable.

>> No.2547269

I dont want to get taxed and jewed out of my money. Ill wait for it to go back up after this dip

>> No.2547307

Volatility is a bitch but if you can't ride the waves you shouldn't surf....The only way I would sell is if I had a guarantee that the price will drop to $250 again where I would re-buy back in for more coins. I have held USD and the price jumped $50 overnight....Either way you slice the came their is an upside or downside. I just don't believe that there would still be millions of ETH for sale above $400 if it's not going to climb....the only true issue I have is Long margin open on GDAX that pulled at $366 LMAO

>> No.2547312

This is a good argument against taxing capital gains actually, it interferes with liquidity in the market and makes it less efficient. I'm in the same boat as you, my only viable option is to just hold through the dip.

Big Government really needs to get the fuck out of the way.

>> No.2547364

Why is coinbase so shit? 7 days to get my money? Shit, that could be the difference of making $2000 or losing $2000.

Any other exchanges recommendwd for easy, quick buying using cash?

>> No.2547401

It does suck....I have Chase and it takes a week too. I know you can do instant buy somehow on Coinbase with a debit card but you get hit heavy with fees. Personally, I use GDAX and wait it out for NO fees!!!

>> No.2547443

How long does a transaction on gdax take? I tried making a gemini account but it is taking forever to actually get my account approved

>> No.2547495

Im bagholding 13 ETH, anf couldnt get in on status, feels bad, but no point in selling now, still scared of how low it could go.

>> No.2547510

GDAX is operated by Coinbase so it still takes a week but if you deposit on GDAX there are Zero Fees....Trading from ETH/BTC/LTC to USD is instant with fees are you can set a limit sell or buy where there are little to no fees.

>> No.2547684

Good to see the price of ETH up $15 from the an hour ago....keep the upward push alive.....Now that all the Greedy ICO fucks dumped their cash lets dupe them and jump the price so then they flurry back in and skyrocket the price over $500

>> No.2547709

when is the ethereum alliance update?

>> No.2547803

>$2k is a lot of money
Get to some penny stock or robinhood thread, pleb

>> No.2547865

>You should have sold half at $400

Wow what great advice

>> No.2547894

Which white paper?

>> No.2547998

"Do you know what cryptocurrency is?"
"Do you know what bitcoin is?"
>Oh yeah I've heard of that

>> No.2548425

Disregard this >>2547894, first google links got me up to speed.

>> No.2548460

Too late for that bro. Confidence is shattered and there is no good news for hype. ETH is ogre.. for now.

>> No.2548462
File: 509 KB, 572x700, 1492197709766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well played.

But hey, he is following his plan, something only the good traders do. So give that to him at least.

>> No.2549422


Tell your friend to draw meme lines

>> No.2549450

is it too late to short this ETH shit?

>> No.2549491

I transferred both bitoin and ethereum earlier today. Ethereum was STILL faster than bitoin.

>> No.2550496

>taking a photo of the screen