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File: 60 KB, 1200x801, 153545-apps-news-feature-what-is-onlyfans-and-how-does-it-work-image2-sisy2dmz3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25465046 No.25465046 [Reply] [Original]

I am seeing more and more girl profiles on instagram link to their Onlyfans and Snapchats. The kicker? They have boyfriends.

I am still digesting this.

What exactly does this bode for society? Are we going to start casually asking girls that we meet if they have an Onlyfans? Are we entering a new level of mass cuckery where any guy with a hot girlfriend is gonna have to deal with her slutting herself out to men while he dates her? The fuck?

>> No.25465149

They prob make money than we do here anon

>> No.25465194

I doubt it.

>> No.25465231

I've seen these girls say their boyfriends aren't "insecure" so they are allowed to be sluts on onlyfans and dress as sluts in public. I feel like this behavior has roots in porn, particularly exhibitionist or cuck porn.

>> No.25465235

her bf probably works at the warehouse, anon

>> No.25465294

Everyone sells what they have
Smart people sell their inteligence and bitches sell their body
I don't see where is the problem

>> No.25465300

It's fine as long as these ethots don't have husbands. No husband should allow his wife to do that shit when he should be impregnating her repeatedly and making her raise his kids.

Of course marriage is basically dead now so yeah we have entered the new level of mass cuckery anon. Trust me if there was a way to short f*males I would.

>> No.25465344

This thread belongs on pol

>> No.25465353

I think it's just more and more females realizing theres a lot of money to be made for seemingly little effort. They realize they dont actually have to take dick on camera in a sleazy porn studio to make their own easy money

>> No.25465355

As with everything, the onlyfans "mania" will be saturated and most females will make close to 0.
1% makes 99% of the money while the 99% of females will make 1%of the money

>> No.25465382

Can I, a 7/10 fit straight male, make any money on OnlyFans?
No face shown or sex just showing cock, ass, whatever.
Would do it if it was better than 2k a month.

>> No.25465449


>> No.25465468
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>> No.25465512

The majority of the consumers are simps
You also need to have big socials to advertise

>> No.25465544

relationships have a significant financial impact

>> No.25465569

If you go onto online dating sites already at least a third of the profiles talk about being a sugar baby or mention premium snapchats and venmos. In the long term it's unsustainable. Every human culture in existence has evolved rules of sexual morality for a reason. Probably in this generation or the next fertility rates in western countries will fall to nearly 0 births per woman. A chaotic collapse is inevitable at that point, unfortunately it may take a few decades to start.

>> No.25465579

10 years ago i used to work at a big famous company and i had a coworker who had a bf but she wanted to trade up. she used to complain about him and say things like he cheated on her, yada yada. she was ready to cuck him but she also wanted commitment.

lesson: women always try to cuck their SOs if there's a chance for something better, and technology makes it more efficient and less costly. guys who waste energy actually committing to these kinds of girls either don't get it or have been brainwashed into feeling pleasure from being cucked.

>> No.25465589

These women are exchanging like 5 figures of wealth for their entire futures. They usually buy fucking cars with the money too.

>> No.25465615


I mean if my girlfriend got paid for putting out videos of her sucking my dick, then I wouldn't be offended. If you date someone like that and Don't know what you're in for then you deserve it.

>> No.25465631

smart people don't have to sell anything

only whores believe in selling themselves

>> No.25465635

List of onlyfans id look up: greta thurnberg, nancy pelosi, billiam gates, and obviously kamala

>> No.25465647

I blame the democratic party.

>> No.25465648

You are retarded then , most girls that are 8/10 looking make an easy 3-4k a month without setting foot out the door , some 10's like belle make probably 10-15k a month. C O P E incel

>> No.25465653

Must have the mindset of a pimp anon.Take pics of naked chicks, use that simp money to buy btc, get rich retire, get more girls to do this, repeat, no ring, no love, just money

>> No.25465678



>> No.25465690

Sounds like a rope worthy pitiful life

>> No.25465698

You can make good money just by selling pictures of your feet. Good protip would be to not say you're a man though. Hopefully yours don't look too manly.

>> No.25465712

Still not close to what some of us made with crypto.

Like, not even a rounding error.

>> No.25465739

Some ? Lmao dude 90% of this board only own like 1 eth and 0.005 BTC , don't be delusional :)

>> No.25465742

you need to show face, otherwise it's not gonna work

>> No.25465757


This so much. If you aren't sacrificing anything to be with the bitch and are making money on top of it then ride the wave. A good, commitment worthy woman only comes around once every 10-15 years, every other woman is just for fun.

>> No.25465844

yes :3c

>> No.25465846

i know a girl in the top 1% and she is nowhere near good money. so imagine how much less all the other girls are making. i think it looks goid at first and girls think they will automatically start making 6 figures just using their iphone but are too dumb to understand that it actually takes work to make money. like hiring a photographer because none of these girls have any camera skills, things like that

>> No.25465883

This is a thread about business. Onlyfans is a business.

>> No.25465892

this guy gets it, pretty much what i mean in my previous post

>> No.25465914

This juvenile mindset is why many men end up alone and childless.

>> No.25465931

lmfao no buddy

>> No.25465933

women in the 90s:
>stop turning us into sexual objects you chauvanist pigs
women now:
>we're sexual objects, get over it you chauvanist pigs
women are acting like its some radical feminist subversion that they're the ones making financial gain from their sexualization instead of rich white dudes but the reality is that women have always had the means to sexualize themselves for financial gain, it's just more convenient now and has acceptable social media presentation. Also rich men will always profit from their whorish behaviour, whether its the mobster running the strip club, the pimp collecting on the corner, or the executive taking a cut of their donations.

>> No.25466014


I've had women propose to me and one try her hardest to get me to impregnate her, but sure--I'm definitely not waiting for one woman who I can spend the rest of my life with.

>> No.25466017

interesting read, than-WAIT A MINUTE WHERE ARE MY LINKIES!!!?

>> No.25466020

also adding another point to my posts that a lot of them are too dumb to comprehend taxes and dont realize theyll get pennies left after paying them

>> No.25466051

And 90% of the whores on that site only made $500.

>> No.25466052

And you're still alone and childless. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.25466071

They make it and spend it straight away. Designer clothes/purses, rent, jewelry, high class restaurants. By the time the OnlyFans bubble pops or they lose their SMV, they won't have saved any of it. Women can not plan for the future or accumulate wealth long-term.

>> No.25466079

Porn is how the jews ruined our society

turn men into women and women into whores

>> No.25466118

I own 0.05 BTC take that back

>> No.25466129

Belle has said she makes about 1 million/month on only fans

>> No.25466168

Belle makes a mil plus a month actually, she also had the biggest withdrawal on OF, which was 2mil. 15k is nothing to her lol

>> No.25466196


>> No.25466199

>Are we going to start casually asking girls that we meet if they have an Onlyfans?
Maybe only so we know what whores to steer clear from.

>> No.25466202

no they dont retard most girls make like $250-$400 a month

>> No.25466218
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By choice. If you fall into a hoe-trap then I do not envy you, bro.

>> No.25466220

Why can these people vote?

>> No.25466244

lana and other top hoes make hundreds of thousands a month. everyone else is barely making scraps

>> No.25466281

what does a female do with the money she's acquired being a whore?
buy drugs?
buy cats?
end game fro women has nothing to do with money

>> No.25466282
File: 42 KB, 916x569, 57B44A9E-7EE7-46E6-9BA3-6A67EAFBDFF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25466295

Yeah, but most of your viewrs will be fags

>> No.25466352

shhhh this whole thread is an advertisement

>> No.25466376

Nice cope

>> No.25466442


>> No.25466454
File: 19 KB, 868x935, 6F126CA8-0924-4F64-BC8E-C4DA66DA5B3C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s weird how money demands respect. Unironically have so much respect for that girl. She’s a marketing genius and deserves every penny.

Question about belle. Did she actually distribute child pornography or is that a larp rumor created by 4chan that the whole world believes? I like to make I’m getting my exposure to the world from both right and left propaganda so I know how to position myself in this world. I am amazed how easily people just believe what is told to them on the internet and don’t question it at all. Any information said on social media becomes digested as irrefutable truth as long as you say it confidently enough

>> No.25466457

I hate people like you. So the fuck what if it does?

>> No.25466481

He's objectively correct. Only 5% make anything even worth mentioning for the shame they suffer from being an online whore

>> No.25466494

JadeTeen is probably making at least $100,000 a month. Even celebrities want to fuck her now. She just released a sex tape with Tyga. She’s made more money than I probably ever will in my life and she’s only 18.

>> No.25466623

1. every girl whores her pussy
2. price of pussy drops
3. ???????

>> No.25466626
File: 157 KB, 539x465, 1607706690628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weimar republic, but digital and worldwide

>> No.25466644

of course, as usual, she is managed by a man

>> No.25466694

Price of pussy drops FOR CHAD. For everyone else they're still not even allowed in the pussy store, they may only look through the windows.

>> No.25466717

they grow exponentially though
here you fags just straight up gamble

>> No.25466929

i have over 5000 pepes

should i sell them on onlyfans? someone would appreciate HQ-pepe images which are extremely hard, even impossible to find from the internet.

>> No.25467155

Get this shit out of here. Only faggots contribute to attention whores.

>> No.25467394

No such thing as 7/10 for women.
Either you’re chad or you’re not.

>> No.25467580 [DELETED] 

I doubt it, there was some top OF girl answering questions on TikTok a couple of months ago, like top 1% or something. Anyway she made from 800-1100 a month. Good side money but nothing like you would expect from someone in the top percent of such a large website. Most girls are not making good money on it. Like any business it requires marketing, time, development and some luck.

>> No.25467759

Holy shit the amount of newfags we are having recently.
Guys this is the weekly onlyfans advertisement thread.
Stop fucking bumping. I wasn’t gonna reply but it’s the top of catalog now ffs.

>> No.25467934

I have seen a couple local whites who have onlyfans and their media and followers are fucking dead it’s hilarious and sad.

>> No.25467967

I have been seeing so many girls go on to Seeking Arrangement recently. I almost feel bad fucking a lot of them for just 200 a meet. I think how are they ever going to get married to a man when they've accepted cash for sex under the guise of being a "sugar baby".

>> No.25468070

WTF after seeing this thread I spended so much money and masturbated so much on onlyfans
So I was tricked thanks for opening my eyes

>> No.25468089

There’s going to be a reversion to traditionalism

>> No.25468299

> being such a cuck that you let your gf whore herself out

I don't think so anon. Just don't allow it.

>> No.25468313

Yeah you should feel bad for it.

>> No.25468439

I’m always down for some cuck to pay for my girls fake tits and my tuition. Why u so mad anon?

>> No.25468462

>I almost feel bad fucking a lot of them for just 200 a meet.
i am curious what they spend this money on? clothes, car payment, rent, student loans? how many of them work/study full time?

>> No.25468494

Oh you are very unaware kek. Even the ugly ones are clearing $1000 a month if they have a unique feature (tits/ass).

>> No.25468594
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I think right now the dating market is fucked. It's a sellers market, which means women are basically calling the shots. This is due to the globalization of dating via social media. Women are no longer constrained to your local bar hopper. They can now pick and choose from a buffet of men. So what does this mean? They can have an only fans and if men don't like it, they can tell them to fuck off and move on to a man who is okay with it. You guys can bitch and moan about it all you want, but honestly the best course of action is to just accept and become a better man so you are a competitive player in the market and call your own shots. Otherwise, you will get left behind. Alternatively, this market can pop via legalization of prostitution or AI gfs. These things seem far off though.

>> No.25468624
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>some 10s like belle

>> No.25468665

I guess it isn't the most moral choice out there, but why not I'm not hurting anyone. Also better me then some other fuck.
One chick that I have been seeing is in school for business or retail or some shit. She literally sends me snaps of clothes and shit that she buys and I know she doesn't work so I guess she gets her rent money from her parents. 90% of the girls on there are nurses or studying to be nurses which is pretty funny.

>> No.25468709

This is already the case. Onlyfans released the info a while ago. I didn’t save the charts but I’m sure some other anon has it somewhere

>> No.25468886

>The kicker? They have boyfriends
Sure thing, or do you think a woman can make good financial decisions by herself, or smart choices at all?

>> No.25468935
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The guys get PlayStations bought for them. What is there to complain about? White men are cucks

>> No.25468934

Belle is a solid 4/10 at best, which is part of her "appeal". Her face seems attainable, and guys like that.

>> No.25469069

> we getting married this go round!!
you're an idiot if you marry women who unironically talk like nogs

>> No.25469097

based. they want to have everything, the hoeing around and then lock you down.
dont cuck to these hoes. good on you for knowing your worth

>> No.25469579

>I'm not hurting anyone

You're hurting them and you're hurting society by enabling the behavior. Society needs to return to a point where it punishes people like you for it to survive.

>> No.25469709

So I should be some sexless loser or go cuck for some stupid whore? No I would rather treat them as the whores they are. Society will correct at some point regardless of my actions, we are at the decadent end stages of the empire.

>> No.25469840

Onlyfans is disgusting because it’s middle-class sex work without any of the risks or the effort. I can at least respect the grind when it comes to hookers and strippers, but onlyfans is literally just a way for overly pampered, demanding, low IQ women to make a bucketload of money doing absolutely fuck all. That said, I’m more disgusted by the men who pay them to do it. Men are the worst kind of enablers, constantly talking about how degenerate women are becoming, while simultaneously encouraging them to do this shit.

Seriously, women are stupid and cannot be blamed for this problem. Its male money which is keeping the platform afloat, it’s our responsibility to pull the plug on it.

>> No.25469932

Your feeling on your situation doesn’t make it any less harmful to you and society as a whole. Your actions and the damage you do to the women selling their dignity shows by dragging everyone around them down further. If you are ok with that fine or even if you’re not but keep doing it that’s great.

>> No.25470054
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>Men are the worst kind of enablers, constantly talking about how degenerate women are becoming, while simultaneously encouraging them to do this shit.

True enough. These problems would be solved overnight if all the men who look down on degenerate behavior didn't enable it.

>> No.25470113

Yup, but they won't, they are cornered and sedated.

>> No.25470160

Also don't comment if you are degenerate weeb.

>in b4 "where do you think you are?"

simps are just as pathetic as weebs who post anime girls.

>> No.25470224

it's basically the niggerification of white people. this phenomenon of sluts having boyfriends is very common among negroes and has been for quite some time.

>> No.25470236

The only beings lower than jannies who work for free are faggots like you with zero power who reeeee for order for free and not even a button to remove posts.

>> No.25470283

>bucketload of money
dude, most of them are making like 200 bucks a month, tops. pretty shitty when you consider the cost of all your dignity forever.

>> No.25470360

Yea good luck talking down all the incel simps around the world lmao

>> No.25470935

unironically yes
do lifestyle vids with a girlfriend and then fuck twinks in the butt
having sex w straight guys is like the #1 kinkfor gay guys, it's like footfagging for straights

>> No.25471084

>Streaming Fortnite is disgusting because it’s middle-class video production work without any of the risks or the effort. I can at least respect the grind when it comes to YouTubers and competitive players, but streaming Fortnite is literally just a way for overly pampered, demanding, low IQ men to make a bucketload of money doing absolutely fuck all. That said, I’m more disgusted by the men who pay them to do it. Men are the worst kind of enablers, constantly talking about how degenerate women are becoming, while simultaneously encouraging them to do this shit.
>Seriously, women are stupid and cannot be blamed for this problem. Its male money which is keeping the platform afloat, it’s our responsibility to pull the plug on it.

>> No.25471139


Much appreciated. I used to have no luck with women, and then I lost a bunch of weight, started doing shit that made me feel good, and started working on being my own proverbial foundation. If you’re not a complete schizo then late 20’s to early 30’s is when hoes throw themselves at you because they want loyalty and undying and unconditional devotion regardless of their past. They get desperate, so they’ll do everything for you: clean your houses, bear your children, suck your dick while you shitpost, and everything, but the moment they have you legally, whether through children or marriage, they show exactly why they were lonely in the first place. They’re still fucking their exes, sending nudes for money, and trying to have their cake and eat it too. I know at least 5 women like this and bet there are tons more. I’m building a relationship with a woman that I met several states away, but gives me a completely different vibe from any woman that I’ve been with. I use the hoes around me, but am only see myself actually marrying and having a child with this one. My recommendation to all men is to, like you said, anon, know your worth and don’t settle for the first bitch that deepthroats you.

>> No.25471338

That I doubt. These things work on an extreme form of the pareto principle. The vast majority barely make jack shit, and there are a small number that bring in big bucks. Just like how there are hollywood actors but 99.999% of aspiring actors are living off rice and beans in some mexi-packed shithole apartment.

Plus, you have to keep in mind women are horrible with money. Just look at all the young girls who go into porn, and then end up spending all their money on drugs/partying/shopping/LA rent. Then just a year or two later they're already washed up has-beens and they've effectively aged a decade or two because of all the drugs and cock they took. And they leave even more fucked up and broker than before.

>> No.25471782

I really want to talk more about this because I also used to be terrible and I feel very jaded and bitter since women use me as a backup option, even moreso once I get into my late 20's.

the thing is I don't want to be anyone's backup plan, and its made me distant with all my interactions. its exactly them trying to have their cake and eat it too. i just have a hard time getting over the resentment

>> No.25472500

99% of porn actresses and amateur performers have boyfriends. Most of that boyfriends know how their girlfriend or wife makes money. And it's not seldom when she makes more money from her work than her boyfriend does.

>> No.25472664

You'll always feel like backup plan going with these higher mileage later 20's womons, you're just going to have to be /fit/ and go younger.

>> No.25472772

Why do niggers like gang bangs so much? I don’t understand the appeal of being surrounded by other naked dudes and only a single girl........

>> No.25473457

already been training for several years, yesterday I was pretty impressed with myself after my latest bulk/cut cycle.

>higher mileage later 20's womons
even girls in early 20's are already high mileage, especially if they've gone to college. Most of them have body counts of 20-25+ from what I've seen

they think they're so clever
>teehee im gonna fuck around
>teehee now time to settle and be a parasite.
and so many retarded men fall for their shit

>> No.25473580

>They have boyfriends.
A more appropriate term would be pimp.

>Are we going to start casually asking girls that we meet if they have an Onlyfans?
It would be wise to conduct a background search (private investigative services if you could afford it) on anyone you might be seriously interested in.

>Are we entering a new level of mass cuckery where any guy with a hot girlfriend is gonna have to deal with her slutting herself out to men while he dates her?
Or just pimp her and her friends out for coin.

>The fuck?
Really feel sad for the state of mate pairing for all the young Anons. Although I'm now approaching a comfortable secure oldfag stage, you, my kids, nieces and nephews are really entering into a shit show of a dating market. What's bad for the men is bad for the women and vice versa.

I really have no idea how we get society out of this mess, but don't let anyone fool you that this is a technology problem.

This all enveloping cloud of mental farts polluting everything started within the philosophy departments with a set of ideas so bad it was rejected there, only to fester for forty years in the arts and later humanities departments before it consumed the rest of education.

However, it took two generations (60 years) for post-modernism to fuck all of this up. I hope it doesn't take as long to straighten it out.

(And I meant all of the above in a strictly traditional gender binary hetro-normative sense for you retards too stupid to piss.)