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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25463072 No.25463072 [Reply] [Original]

No "buy bitcoin" edition

>> No.25463087

Buy Litecoin

>> No.25463090

buy ethereum

>> No.25463140

Bet on trump in 2016 then use the winnings to buy btc march 2020 at your birthday

>> No.25463152

dude weed lmao

>> No.25463170

Buy ethereum for long term hodlin and a lot of xrp for dumping at 2018

>> No.25463175

Well I was 18 two years ago, so buy Link at sub $1 and sell when it hits $17

>> No.25463202

Buy Ripple

>> No.25463214

go fot it, she wants it

>> No.25463246

break up, move out of state, don't go to university right away, ignore almost everything mom and dad say, also beat the shit out of your brother before it's too late
t. business related

>> No.25463277
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>Actually focus in class, especially on STEM topics.

>Dont fantasize about becoming a game dev, the industry is built on slave labor due to a pent up supply of NEET game developers

>Invest in anything that wont lose value over time, cash is absolutely trash

>Meet more people in your youth, getting into stupid flings and short relationships is fine as long as you don't overly commit resources and time to them.

>Learn to cut negative people out of your life ASAP, do not let them fool you into thinking they can change, or that you were the problem all along

>Dont buy trinkets and stupid luxury goods, use your wealth to build up generational assets. You will laugh at yourself looking back in 20 years.

>> No.25463292

you're ugly so no one will want you, dont bother talking to women they will just humiliate you focus on getting money

>> No.25463361


>> No.25463405

Buy Russian AK47's because Obama will ban them from being imported in two years.

Then sit on them and resell them in 2020 for 4x what I paid.

>> No.25463433

I'm 18, what the hell do I do?

>> No.25463449

Definitely putting 10k in Links back in 2017/18

>> No.25463466
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Stop playing so many fucking video games and focus on an actual talent you can enjoy for life like art or an instrument or learn to code. I'm in an unironically well paying job now and because of COVID and working from home I've had time to do art and I'm enjoying it, but I wasted my teens and just recently, 20s, just kind of coasting to be a good wage slave and not doing a creative thing and developing myself.

I wish I had that time back. Pic related, learning the upper torso just recently, and I'm having a blast.

>> No.25463476

Buy a gun and learn to use it.

>> No.25463516

buy link

>> No.25463548

>dont waste 5 years of your life selling drugs, getting arrested, drinking and doing coke every day
I'd probably be a millionaire right now if it didn't take me until I was 23/24 to start getting my shit together, and until now (27, almost 28) to actually have my shit together. Oh well, no use dwelling on the past, and I very well could have ended up dead or serving a 20+ year prison sentence or something, so it definitely could have turned out worse.

>> No.25463595

Plow <name> you fucking retard. What are you doing?

>> No.25463622

I honest to fucking god thought for a moment that one of these would start with "buy" that didn't have to do with holding and selling at a higher price. Like "buy the GameCube controller adapter when they come out, they're hard to find". But of fucking course I find out you're not interested in guns you wanna flip them like a shitcoin

>> No.25463627

get a job right out of highschool

>> No.25463654

Lift heavy weights every day

>> No.25463707

Fuck more
Worry less

>> No.25463746


>> No.25463762

shit if i could tell myself at 16 this is what id say

stop giving a fuck about AP classes and other nerd shit, do the bare minimum, ignore your parents about university at 18, go to cc, work for 2 years at cc, then trasnfer, and do CS invest in crypto and stocks

>> No.25463784

I would have told myself a lot of things. The sad part is that when I was 18 I was sort of stuck in a cult that had its hands in every part of my life.

However, in line with the thread, I would have told myself to get out NOW instead of planning my exit like I did.

A couple of other things?

1. Don't chase women
2. Get yourself through flight school
3. Invest, invest, invest
4. Stop being a consumer

I'm not destitute or anything right now but I could be in a much better place if I hadn't squandered the last 14 years of my life on fruitless pursuits and dead-end jobs with no mobility.

>> No.25463804

Not including any crypto or stocks or lottery numbers i’d tell myself to get into plumbing. I know guys who make over 200k running a plumbing business. A big part of their revenue is minimum charge $400 call out fees for dumb crap like unclogging sink pipes.

>> No.25463824

Dump that fat bitch

>> No.25463856
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dont waste as much money on weed, alcohol, & MTG Cards and instead stack silver.

>> No.25463864

not bad, look up George Bridgeman Constructive Anatomy

>> No.25463907

Fuck as many young chicks with great bodies you can, even they have ugly faces, you won't regret a single one of those when you are 40.

>> No.25463940

don't major in something just to get a degree. that's your boomer dad's idea and is fucking retarded as it turns out. get into crypto with whatever cash you have. don't be afraid of work/life, go out and have some fun, be more confident in yourself, people will like you. move out by your early 20s, if only for a little while just to see what it's like. become more independent sooner. try to understand yourself and your emotions/the reasons behind them so that you don't ruin multiple friendships.
>Stop playing so many fucking video games and focus on an actual talent you can enjoy for life like art or an instrument or learn to code
this is definitely near the top of my list. wasted SO many hours on video games. nothing wrong with a few hours here and there, but when it's your primary hobby for 10+ years and you spend more time doing that than on your artistic interests, that's definitely a problem.

>> No.25464051

Checked. I wish I bought a russian AK but it is fun to troll /k/ with my cheap Century VSKA since those fetishists became complete Warsaw Queens.

>> No.25464109
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>tfw can't roll back 20 years of my life
So many mistakes.

>> No.25464110

don't travel

>> No.25464134

Cut out the drug shit, stop using the divorce as an excuse for it. Your high quality friends will drop you unless you straighten up and stop making them think you’re gonna die on them

>> No.25464220

Just kys. It never gets any better. All your friends and family will leave.

>> No.25464252

Stop being such a fucking pussy, take more risks.

>> No.25464298

mine bitcoin