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File: 27 KB, 622x552, monero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25454904 No.25454904 [Reply] [Original]

I am privately ruined

>> No.25454996

At least you have your privacy intact

>> No.25454998

ngl, thougt this was quick dip and then buy back, but I ain't seeing the people buying, however the price doesn't keep falling.
all eyez on btc and eth rn.
xmr up soon hopefuly sir

>> No.25455066

XMR has the best long-term prospects since its actually being used every day as a currency

>> No.25455108

I was having fun buying at less than litecoin price lmfao. You know this HAS to atleast be worth more than litecoin, right?

>> No.25455228

give it sometime to recover
next week $150
next month $160

>> No.25455279

most retards here doesn’t seem to get what it means
I’ve seen it become the default currency of the dark over last years
now that every moron is aware that they can be found with mixed btc this shit is really undervalued rn
Anyway bought some more yesterday I’m feeling confident long term wise

>> No.25455290

Im buying. Nothing has changed.

>> No.25455297

this is bullish for PirateChain

>> No.25455365

"Variations on a theme"

These crashes should be MAKING YOU MONEY
Monero is solid

>> No.25455385

What's happening today?

>> No.25455448

btc and eth easily purchasable so all eyes on them. i wish xmr was on coinbase pro or some shit

>> No.25455473

It is not only the privacy but also the tail emission, the decentralized mining and the dynamic block size what makes monero a good long term hold.

>> No.25455610
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We can expect demand to skyrocket once atomic swaps are operational and BTC whales move to efficiently clean and disassociate their massive stashes. To clean/rebirth just one Bitcoin will require a shitload of XMR, let along thousands, tens of thousands.....just do the math.

Best part is, since they will need our pristine Monero more than we'll need their tainted BTC we'll be able to demand more lucrative premiums, constantly driving the price up.

>> No.25456384
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The big money coming in now will eventually do enough research to realize they need a bag of XMR.

>> No.25456397
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>missing alt season because of a shit exchange delisting it

>> No.25456433

havent followed xmr in a while, whats the current suicide / make it stack?

>> No.25456491

That news was just in time to ruin moneros bull run.

>> No.25456511

that "delisting" was a literal chink scam. Fkin chink owned exchange.

>> No.25456635

yeah this dump was delusional, proves how irrational the market is, makes me want to get out as the price is clearly not moving according to any logical factor.

We lost 4 times as much from the market cap as Bittrex's daily volume for ALL of it's currency pairings combined, in a day.

>> No.25456697
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Monero moon incoming

>> No.25456704
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Im gonna buy an unknown number of moneries thanks to this eth pump

>> No.25456788

>proves how irrational the market is
Not to mention doge coins ridiculous pump, but its a good indicator that this market is still a joke and hopefully the truth still has time to come out in the long term

>> No.25456791

where does that graph come from?

>> No.25456862

Anons, how fucked am I if I buy through a KYC account at an exchange? Will deleting my account also get all my trade data?

Kraken and in the EU, if it matters

>> No.25456899

I honestly just can't comorehend like what kind of person was the crowd of market sellers made up of? Like just imagine... Is the average age of a monero holder like 10 years old? I can't comprehend it, they definitely lost a lot of money, how are they not already bankrupt from being emotional market sellers in crypto?
Also why would anyone ever buy doge? That's like toiletpaper token pumping...
I'm honestly starting to understand the boomers that say crypto is a scam cause the markets are irrational

>> No.25456902

An unknown amount

>> No.25456924

The eu is crypto fiendly, why would you be fucked? I'm also European and buy throigh kraken

>> No.25456988

>BTC and ETH predictions spot on
>XMR completely off
shows how fucked up the market still is

>> No.25457027

Paranoia about linking my offline identity to the fact that I hold monero

>> No.25457067

once you send the monero off exchange it's untraceable.

>> No.25457158 [DELETED] 
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Cheese do not share it again, i'm still accumulating

>> No.25457247

thank you desu

>> No.25457301
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Don't try to comprehend it. The world is becoming a crazy place. I have a millennial friend who was not at all into crypto but just decided to buy some doge on robinhood simply because he loves dogs. And then the price pumped for him and now he's likely a crypto enthusiast. Now multiply this times however many million Zoomers and millennials with smart phones. Don't figure them out-profit from them.

>> No.25457320
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No problem fren

>> No.25457343

why is it hard to understand? Elon Musk literally pumped the fuck out of tesla the same way he pumped doge, memes.

>> No.25457422

>off exchange
I had to pass KYC to go on the exchange in the first place. The exchange knows who I am, where I live and that I obtained monero.

>> No.25457457

they don't give a fuck, you are not important.

>> No.25457469
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It was the government dumping on the market to try and kill the only thing that can threaten their power. They don't fear bitcoin, they love surveillance coins and everybody supporting them is building their own gallows.

>> No.25457529

Ok...? Why would the exchange care what you do with it if your bank doesn't care? If you want non-kyc there are swap services and other options.

>> No.25457567


>where does that graph come from?


>> No.25457731

Kraken is quite based, never been caught abusing costumer information, also they're based in San Francisco, even if they did abuse user information they just have no use for european contacts

>> No.25457753

>monero becomes the reserve currency of the global underground
>the monero I bought is worth millions
>government does not like this
>government looks at data from exchanges
>government sees that I have monero
>do you have a monero loicense mate?

>> No.25457802

>government looks at data from exchanges
>government sees that I have monero
>i've already changed my address 5 times since I was on that exchange.
>i don't live in my shithole country anymore.
>since I purchased the monero, no trail has been left behind.
>i'm a ghost now.

>> No.25457848

>Sell on non KYC exchange
>Keep a record of it
>Buy back at same price on bisq or somewhere anonymous
>Tell them you sold all your monero and present proof

>> No.25457875
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>I sold them to this wallet owned by literally who wink wink
>Why yes, I did make a huge loss on it, how could you tell?
>Oh thank you, I would love to claim this loss on my taxes

>> No.25458418
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Is it smarter to buy BTC/LTC from an exchange and convert to Monero at bit of a loss to circumvent KYC, or just buy it directly and not worry about it?

>> No.25458784


>> No.25458875


>> No.25459103
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Buy the dip nigfag
Totally up to you. It depends on what your plans are. I've been doing mostly Kraken and keeping it in a KYC wallet, doing some trades on bisq in a separate wallet. I'm planning to retire on it in Peurto Rico or somewhere that doesn't tax crypto so it doesn't matter for me, but some Anon's prefer to have no trail. The community is very privacy focussed, so a lot of people like to use P2P exchanges, but it's not necessary for newfags to jump through such hoops

>> No.25459174

And nobody will know.

>> No.25459226

Who is trying to create atomic swaps? All I see is theory about how it is possible.

>> No.25459405

No not at all. I just use it briefly and privately

>> No.25459417


>> No.25459534

That's cool but it literally has a circulating supply 1/4 of litecoin and is the number 1 privacy coin.

>> No.25459562
File: 37 KB, 626x626, 1_nU_wXYKISctq7dQGr7WYiQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to throw over a $200,000 into XMR and be millionaire in few years. If any XMR expert still lurking these are my questions before i make the plunge

How do I buy and hold XMR? I dont want to tax evade. but i want to buy XMR the cool way.
Once i buy XMR, how i check to make sure wallet hasnt been hacked?
Whats stopping other teams from producing better privacy coin like 0x XMR or that weeb sounding one?
If XMR is really the go to currency for deep web and these underground markets, why is the price not ginormous like bitcoin already? Why is it so undervalued?
Why are so many anons laughing at delistings?
If XMR is open source or still getting developed, why cant feds do some multi international operation and hijack the project completely?
If its not being developed on anymore, why wouldnt it get replaced?

Just give me best shill points possible

>> No.25459813
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>Who is trying to create atomic swaps? All I see is theory about how it is possible.

Monero devs. Project Farcaster has been fully funded and is expected to be operational by year's end.



>> No.25460126

>How do I buy and hold XMR?
I would just wire Monero to Kraken in that case and buy from them. Kraken is respected by the Monero community because they openly support Monero and donate to it. And by you doing this you would be showing them that there is demand for more Monero on ramps.
>Once i buy XMR, how i check to make sure wallet hasnt been hacked?
It depends on what wallet you are using.
If you download an approved wallet and write down your seed, you will be safe. But an individuals opsec comes down to them -- for example, if you have a keylogger unknowingly installed you could inadvertently give away your seed.
>Whats stopping other teams from producing better privacy coin like 0x XMR or that weeb sounding one?
lol. Monero is the king of privacy. Those shitcoins are scams.
>If XMR is really the go to currency for deep web and these underground markets, why is the price not ginormous like bitcoin already?
We are headed in that direction, yes. see: https://bitinfocharts.com/comparison/monero-transactions.html
>Why is it so undervalued?
Regulatory uncertainty.
>Why are so many anons laughing at delistings?
Because Bittrex had an extremely low amount of volume and this fud is reminiscent of Bitcoin's early years.
>why cant feds do some multi international operation and hijack the project completely?
they could, which is why I'd recommend lurking Monero's discussions and understanding the updates happening in the ecosystem.
>If its not being developed on anymore, why wouldnt it get replaced?
It is actively being developed. We have a ring signature update coming out later this year which will increase decoys tenfold, and atomic swaps are a huge fucking deal and would basically make regulatory "bans" unenforceable.

>> No.25460205

any one thinking we pop up in price soon like ETH just did? Or is it not happening for monero this alt season

>> No.25460318

thats a nice chart and it looks XMR is being adopted..... how much of the deepweb market is left though? Isnt deepweb 100% XMR already?

>> No.25460354

Slapped with capital gains tax

>> No.25460453

>How do I buy

Right now? On an exchange.

>and hold XMR?

Paper wallet created on an offline device. Write down your seed and store it in a very safe place.

>Once i buy XMR, how i check to make sure wallet hasnt been hacked?

Use your viewkey. If your wallet credentials never touch the internet there's no chance of getting hacked.

>Whats stopping other teams from producing better privacy coin like 0x XMR or that weeb sounding one?

Nothing....but Monero forks about twice a year so any superior privacy developments can be incorporated into the source code, thus always staying ahead of the competition.

>If XMR is really the go to currency for deep web and these underground markets, why is the price not ginormous like bitcoin already? Why is it so undervalued?

Because the market is irrational and driven more by hype than fundamentals. But that will eventually change.

>Why are so many anons laughing at delistings?

Because atomic swaps are coming, which makes exchanges irrelevant.

>If XMR is open source or still getting developed, why cant feds do some multi international operation and hijack the project completely?

Because it would be a futile endeavor to even try. Software, uh, finds a way.


>If its not being developed on anymore, why wouldnt it get replaced?

Its actively being developed with no plausible end in sight.

>> No.25460547

I feel like we will see it very soon. The XMR whales are happily buying it up at these prices.

>> No.25460786

I think we are only like 30% of the dark net at the moment. It's impossible to say but if you go check out the dark net plebbit every day there are like 3 accounts asking about Monero.
Right now we have the largest dark net marketplace trading exclusively in Monero, but there are still dozens of markets that accept Bitcoin (and because of it, the low hanging fruit go to them). Telegram vendors for buying drugs are also popular and those are almost entirely Bitcoin as well.
The market is slowly transitioning though and I would imagine this time next year we will have a distinct majority with even more room to gain.

>> No.25460952
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>Little value in XRP ($0.01), and cryptoassets which
are misleadingly marketed, not needed within their
own network, and have centralized

fucking rekt, kek

>> No.25461016
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>thats a nice chart and it looks XMR is being adopted..... how much of the deepweb market is left though? Isnt deepweb 100% XMR already?

Not 100% but well on the way to eventually getting there. At some point BTC will be dropped altogether and XMR will be the default and sole means of payment.


Hourly reminder that Monero is poised to become the reserve currency of the global shadow economy and is already replacing BTC on the darknet while making inroads into the e-criminal and money laundering sector in general.

>Bitcoin is too hot for criminals. They're using Monero instead

>Crooks opt for Monero as crypto of choice to launder ill-gotten gains

>Darknet Giant White House Market Drops Bitcoin, Supports Monero Payments Only

>Monero replaces Bitcoin for Sodinokibi Ransomware operators

>Why Malicious Hackers and Cyber attackers Love A Cryptocurrency Called Monero

>$7.5M in Monero Demanded in Alleged Cyber Attack on Argentinian Telecom Giant

>Latin American crime cartels turn to cryptocurrencies for money laundering

Considering that the global shadow economy is valued in the trillions of dollars, if just a portion of that ends up in Monero's marketcap that is still HUNDREDS of billions of dollars. 5 figure XMR is inevitable.

>> No.25461121

Wouldn't XMR's supply simply increase and therefore cause the price to reach an equilibrium? This isn't bitcoin with its retarded whales.

>> No.25461544


Miners have now extracted 90 percent of privacy-focused cryptocurrency Monero (XMR) and will net the remainder by May 2022, data from monitoring resource Monero Blocks confirmed Dec. 20.

Monero — whose developers place anonymity and untethered usage of coins as a priorities — will have an ultimate supply of 18.4 million XMR.

So far, a total of 16,659,407 XMR is available.

Unlike Bitcoin (BTC) — which has a fixed supply once all coins are mined — Monero will continue generating tiny 0.6 XMR block rewards infinitely after 2022, a feature known as “tail emission.”

Despite the feature, it is unlikely Monero will become an inflationary cryptocurrency, due to the technically unlimited issuance of 0.6 XMR per block. Lost or burned coins will likely equal more than the block reward within the same period.


>> No.25461689

I have been faithful to this coin since 2017. I am so sick of it moving like a piece of shit compared to the BTC I traded for it.
On a technical level it is the best coin, hands down. On an actual usage basis it is close to, if not the best coin.
Literally why the fuck is this thing not 5x the price, at least? FUCK!

>> No.25461690

Isn't this an argument for why institutional money will never touch XMR + what normie wants to be anywhere near cartel coin?

>> No.25461791
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institutional money is literally the untouchable mafia

>> No.25461945

>inb4 noooooooo, not my wholesome multi-trillion dollar institutions that worked really hard for those blood diamonds

>> No.25462102


>Isn't this an argument for why institutional money will never touch XMR

That is certainly a very real possibility. But it doesn't change XMR's fundamentals, utility and likelihood to organically moon.

Bitcoin needs institutional money, Monero doesn't.

> what normie wants to be anywhere near cartel coin?

Any normie that wants the convenience of safely buying drugs online.

Like it or not, organized crime is adopting Monero globally. This doesn't make it inherently immoral, its just a testament to how effective it is.

>> No.25462248

thx for reply

>> No.25462315

People don't understand the clout Monero is going to get when it takes over the dark net. Normies are going to be confused as to how Bitcoin isn't effective enough to be used there. The maxis will be forced to brand Monero as a drug coin, but this short term smear will lead Monero to being seen as powerful.