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File: 45 KB, 906x553, Eqwxz_5W8AE8IgM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25448420 No.25448420 [Reply] [Original]

The oldest game in the books. The illusion of a legitimate market. Tether prints $500,000,000 of USDT into existence this weekend alone. One player - pumping the whole thing.

>> No.25448452

All those bitcoins moving into grt next
Watch this

>> No.25448454

I fucking hope you're right.
I want to buy Bitcoin at a discount.

>> No.25448475

Oh no it's 0.6% of the 24 hour volume

>> No.25448522

source? or is this just FUD?

>> No.25448578

Tether has the most volume by far. Over 50% of the whole crypto market is traded in tether you tard

>> No.25448606

What will kill it? Been living under a rock. Is something actually happening in 2 weeks?

>> No.25448618

Share website

>> No.25448628

>tether fud in 2020
Why not just tell us you are dumb and don't understand the market? I mean, that is basically what you told us anyway

>> No.25448664

Anon, it's not 2020 anymore.
But yeah, OP sounds very schizo.

>> No.25448694
File: 921 KB, 851x559, CAFDDEF4-8DFF-44A0-9BEA-FF4EE1DC9E66.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you passionately believe that tether has been responsible for pushing $BTC price in the past, it has now clearly been replaced by insituational buyers and the narrative is no longer relevant.
Grayscale alone buys far more Bitcoin than is mined.

>> No.25448728

I don't want to strike fear. The deadline for the papers handover is in two weeks and there is the possibility that this is the tether exit pump before they run and hide. But it can also be that the deadline will be prolonged once more as it happened numerous times already. In this case they will keep creating fake tether and pumping the market, buying real bitcoins with fake tether.

>> No.25448740

The government has had 4 years now to try to prove Tether was manipulating bitcoin prices. They never made a successful case for this and they never will. If that's what was happening it would have been proven by now, while what actually happened instead is others studying the case have come up with proofs against that claim.

>> No.25448774
File: 227 KB, 2448x1094, Equ-8WyXEAI5_dX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coinmarketcap (owned by Binance) just removed/hid the USDT trading pairs. You now have to activate the USDT pair in the top right corner, which no-one will do. This is highly manipulative and will suck in new retail traders.

>> No.25448811

How many times i need to repeat this. Not greyscale is buying bitcoins, but customer through greyscale do. Greyscale is simply offering a service to hold bitcoin for them. It's just the same when the customer bought them on coinbase or where ever.
The same counts for PayPal. And microstrategy issued new honds to buy bitcoin, meaning they are leveraged to the teeths. I myself have over 100k in crypto but i keep my eyes open for realism. This thing will crash hard once it crashes. I already took profits so i'm not mad whichever direction it goes. If it keeps going up fine. I have more sell targets to get hit.

>> No.25448960

Which URL specifically are you looking at? I'm not seeing tether hidden.

>> No.25449066

Lol they actually hide their own BTC/USDT pair. What a bunch of fucking scumbags.

>> No.25449107

its 36%

>> No.25449131

I don't think you understand. $500MM is 0.6% of bitcoin's 24 hour volume. It's not shit, this market is big anon.
>I already took profits
Of course

>> No.25449259
File: 164 KB, 1244x478, tetherrrrrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i did. And thanks to that i drive a sports car now, gg thanks for playing. The rest i put into dividend etfs, on top of that i have still more in crypto than most of the biztard moonboys with there measily 1 bitcoin here.
If you look at something different than coinmarketcap (which is owned by binance, in case you don't know) you will see pic related.

>> No.25449382

I'm probably just retarded but I'm still not getting why you're convinced this is tether price manipulation. Since it's a stablecoin meant to function like USD why wouldn't lots of bitcoin activity drive up lots of tether activity rather than vice versa?

>> No.25449534
File: 21 KB, 785x517, Screenshot from 2021-01-03 10-37-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well 1) Tether is not backed 100% by USD, as they said themselves: https://www.investing.com/news/cryptocurrency-news/tether-usdt-not-backed-by-100-cash-new-terms-of-service-include-loans--assets-1809523
2) This means, tether is also backed by cryptocurrencies
3) Tether and bitfinex belongs to the same people, as came to be known since the paradise papers leak: https://www.icij.org/investigations/paradise-papers/paradise-papers-connection-sparks-massive-bitcoin-lawsuit/
Before the leak, they told that they were separate entities.
4) So tether is printing USDT without demand from outside, sending it to Bitfinex (which was the leading trading platform in 2017) and binance (CZ is deep inside the tether scam) and buy bitcoin themselves with the tether they printed. So now they have real bitcoins and other people on the other side of the trade hold fake tether. This pushes the price up because it creates demand for bitcoin which wouldnt be there if tether wouldnt have printed those and bought for themselves. Look at the total market cap of tether (pic related). It started going parabolic since march this year, where comes the demand for tether? No institution is using that shit, greyscale etc which are buying for their customers are using coinbase and gemini, and not binance lol.

>> No.25449805

So, how can Tether even get shut down?
It's not like governments can control crypto.

>> No.25449849

Do you know anyone who went to tether and actually bought usdt with real usd or vice versa?
No it simply just exists on exchanges and every week there are multiple random 100m prints

>> No.25450099

Is not being fully backed by $1 illegal? Or is that just not what was expected? I could see having a crypto pegged to the dollar in pricing without having an actual full dollar in backing. That sounds the same as old fashioned fractional reserve banking where you don't keep every deposited dollar on hand since you presumably wouldn't have everyone trying to withdraw all their money at the same time.
I don't know anyone who does anything with cryptocurrencies. It sounds like tether is more popular in China since they have more of a use case with the way their government is.

>> No.25450107
File: 473 KB, 1242x1553, 2DC08C1F-E60C-49EF-8312-BD9844D3097F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh... but they can, and will.

>> No.25450129
File: 75 KB, 393x1199, 97638B76-C052-4B1D-A3A5-3C1F91082194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wheels of justice turn SLOW.

>> No.25450138

this is what BTC is for anyway. it literally absorbs inflation. and USDT is doing just that but in a more efficient manner and at a faster rate. we're unironically gonna moon harder than 2017 and if you don't keep buying you'll rope yourselves.

>> No.25450187

Are those SEC people leaving their positions because of some relationship they had with tether that's implicated them in a crime?
I'm trying to understand what you guys have on tether here but I'm not seeing anything.

>> No.25450246

Same here.
Like sure, they stepped down. How will that kill Tether? They'd need to go after the big players themselves.

>> No.25450310
File: 82 KB, 661x653, B0D9A5A5-0992-41EA-8063-0F797FA984BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you see the big picture, it begins to make so much sense. These coming days will be biblical for the crypto space.

>> No.25450357

At this point, once any major exchange refuses to take tethers

>> No.25450375
File: 283 KB, 1503x1118, 456456456415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well it looked really bad

>> No.25450439

>outed yourself as a poltard
opinion discarded

it's not that you're wrong necessarily, it's just that you people have absolutely no clue what matters and what doesn't.

>> No.25450504
File: 81 KB, 646x700, suspicious bull market.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin maxis will dismiss this as "2017 Tether fud" Meanwhile I'm over here freethinking

>> No.25450532

you bobs have been exactly this for literally years and is why i never tethered at the high of 2017

>> No.25450564
File: 169 KB, 1007x418, 1607608685227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to learn. How so anon?

>> No.25450620

Tether fud is the only thing surpressing the price for billionaires to buy in. They will not kill tether fud, it will be indefinitely postponed

>> No.25450665

so go into Usdc obviously

>> No.25450786

The current daily volume is $10 billion, which is a lot, it’s usually <$5 billion.


>> No.25450830


>> No.25450841

>for literally years
The deadline is in 2 weeks. If the tether scammers can't deliver the requitred evidence that their shit printed out of thin air is actually backed up by anything, it is ogre. Are you too dumb to understand? They will go to fucking jail. The XRP FUD was nothing compared to this. It will flashcrash the entire market.

>> No.25450851
File: 593 KB, 1242x851, E2C46EAD-628F-4E37-A567-A350E1EE8C78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...? Poltard because I know who and what stinks to high hell? The writing is on the walls, you just need to know what to look for.

>> No.25450895

What the fuck is the sauce of the graphic

>> No.25450896

i dont understand, why is cmc hiding usdt pairs significant?

>> No.25450903

Well my friend, you must first remove yourself from the FUD that is 4chan itself and come back to reality, because outside this containment board real things are happening: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm1223#.X-Pcvzbj7eA.twitter

>> No.25450963

It is obvious that they are doing fractional reserve banking. But what I think many people miss is that since Tether doesn’t have a bank, they don’t even have a place to store their dollars that actually are being deposited into Tether. This suggests to me at the very least that they are buying crypto not only to increase crypto price and increase demand for their business, but they are in effect using crypto as ”dollar storage” because they don’t have a real bank that can store $21 billion for them.

>> No.25451124

>The statement reflects a commitment to both promote the important benefits of innovation and to achieve critical objectives related to national security and financial stability. Regulators will continue to look closely at stablecoin arrangements, and look forward to future dialogue on these issues,” said Treasury Deputy Secretary Justin Muzinich.
That's your scary tether happening? They're going to promote innovation and foster dialogue? I'm starting to think you're shilling.

>> No.25451199

Kek I wish I was getting paid to point out the truth. We will both find our answers after this lawsuit. Hope you picked the right asset when it happens.

>> No.25451234
File: 77 KB, 640x561, 1608182562137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, isn't this mainly a problem for just tether and tether holders?
Never touched it, or had any interest in it anyway, but once that money's in the market and already turned into other coins isn't there basically fuck all they can do about it by then?
I could see this lightly affecting the market for a temporary moment, but not to the degree some of you doomers are making it out to be
Tether getting nuked won't crash the entire cryptosphere

>> No.25451273

Tether is the backbone of btc and everything else right now

>> No.25451274

I don't know shit about how this all works
But I could imagine many people holding a lot of USDT because they think they can do 1USDT = 1USD at any time

>> No.25451318
File: 105 KB, 640x853, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this pump was caused mostly from people converting their XRP into BTC

>> No.25451347
File: 17 KB, 255x201, 1608557730565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way it's probably going to end up is they're gonna get fucked (USDT holders/traders which honestly who fucking cares get fucked), and in a way wouldn't everything else technically go up in value because USDT was inflated?

>> No.25451351

even if XRP would dump it's entire full market cap on it tomorrow it wouldn't put a dent in BTC

>> No.25451375

Dont think you understand

>> No.25451441

1. There are >21 billion USDT in circulation
2. Tether have no bank account to store dollars
3. Tether uses crypto to store dollars
4. Market starts to redeem USDT
5. Tether now needs dollars
6. Tether have to sell crypto
7. Crypto market collapses

Also what is the possibility that Tether uses USDT to buy other stablecoins, such as USDC?

What will happen when Tether can no longer prop up the buy side in the exchanges?

>> No.25451477

man I wish that graph showed the tether inflow. It's not like people have to deposit usd or some other currency to buy tether first or anything? It's not like tether is printed to match demand or anything?

>> No.25451479

Coins with actual value and integrity will replace it over time

>> No.25451524
File: 198 KB, 2449x1263, 165465464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there will be a massive spike on the day of the crash, I hope you fags sell it
pic related the tether 'crash' of 2018

>> No.25451560

shut up retard