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25434584 No.25434584 [Reply] [Original]

the normrods will be fomoing soon lads, strap up but be careful out there

>> No.25434615

that is the worst fucking take i have ever seen LOL

>> No.25434656
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>day two
>annualized basis

>> No.25434658

Looks like it could sell off here. If not it'll have a larger correction in a month or so. Michael Saylor may as well start dumping before he gets stuck in a bad position.

>> No.25434687

so many people acting like they know what they’re talking about. fucking faggots will never make it

>> No.25434721

>$1 dollar movement on 2021/01/01 00:00:01
>guys buy now it's going to be $1 billion eoy

>> No.25434723

i aint selling until im a millionaire baby

>> No.25434800

I hope it drops to 20k for a couple weeks so I can empty my bank account and ride the epic wave back up to 80k by Dec 21

>> No.25434823

just sold lol

>> No.25434976
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Being that Michael Saylor is going to do all he can to prop it up, I'd say buy it at $22K, Just above his last buy price. It may dip as low as his DCA but he'll for sure double down like a tard at that point.

>> No.25434984

Bitcoin is nowhere near the top you moron. Many normies bought the top at 19k last cycle, and sold low when it crashed. Those dipshits think btc is still a scam at these prices because they fucked up. Their sheep-like brains cannot register that it was their mistake for buying the top of a 20x yearly parabola, therefore "btc MUST be a scam"
>source: I know some of these people
What does this mean? btc is going to atleast 50k (possibly higher) before the normrods start thinking "hmmm, maybe I should get back into this after all". At which point we reach a new mania phase and dump on them. Its simply nature

do NOT listen to these street shitting niggers. they are either
a) unsure themselves and sitting with their dicks in their hands
b) unironically evil and trying to strip anons from their wealth

yes I know how ID's work

>> No.25435047

To be fair, this could be a near term top

>> No.25435120

no it's not, every single dip gets bought up immediatly, every single bad news has no effect.
this is the sign of the golden bull run to 100k.

>> No.25435142

nah, I took a large dose of acid the other day and the cartoon I was watching told me that were going to 40k without a major correction

>> No.25435200

As stupid as it is but normies love big numbers

>> No.25435249

It's normal to have pullbacks in a bull run.

>> No.25435277

40k sounds about right

>> No.25435310
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going back below 20k anyday now

>> No.25435323


>> No.25435381

Corrections are normal, you fomoing faggot.

>> No.25435424

newfag get out of here

>> No.25435467
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keep choking on my dust

>> No.25435506

ur a newfag go eat shit loser

>> No.25435550

i'll have you know i've been here for over 10 years and i'm one of the biggest reasons president trump got elected, i was the front line fighter in the 2016 meme wars and killed countless of trannies and jannies with simple words so you better watch your fucking mouth before you talk to me like that you little cocksucking faggot

>> No.25435566
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I'm one of the normies that bought at 33k because of FOMO, AMA

>> No.25435628

btc will crash just to add insult to injury to the bears who were just liquidated

>> No.25435734
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>> No.25435742

What does fomo meaning?

>> No.25435760

>run navysealpasta.exe

>> No.25435833

Feeling of missing out

>> No.25435907

Thanking you. GMit

>> No.25435993

>major sell signal
>the normrods will be fomoing soon
So let me get this straight, you believe more and more people will be buying, driving the price higher, so it's time to sell now? Before they drive the price up?
What am I not understanding?
Or are you saying when normies start buying, the price is going to crash lower than it is now?

>> No.25436202

title was a bit misleading. im saying its gonna keep going up for now but then soon after were due for a major pullback (less than what it is now) to shake out the normies who are topbuying rn

>> No.25436411

40k back to 26-28k will be the play, biz will be full of red wojaks and smug nocoiners saying it’s heading back to 1k that’ll be the buy signal

>> No.25436474
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> dude bitcoin did like 1k today, that's 365.000 in a year yo

>> No.25436479

kek "It will just keep going up like this forever", I'm no beartard but you guys better hope BTC crabs or something for the next month because if it goes to 50k chances are it's going to dump and we won't see a golden bull like 2016. retards like in the OP image are one of the biggest fucking sell signals I've ever seen outside of portnoy bragging about LINK on twitter

>> No.25436572

i 100% agree, the psychedelic gods do too

>> No.25436602

Haven't looked at the thread and I've never heard of the bikefag in the OP pic but I think the point he's getting at is how fucking unsustainable the rally is, not suggesting "wow just put in $1 and you'll be a millionaire in a year"

>> No.25436716

I just keep posting it and posting it. We are very fucking near to a top. It is right fucking there.

Look at the 3 Upper Bull. That is teh meme line for this cycle top. It is so close. Then it will hit the 2 Low bull on the next top. Check em and screencap this.

>> No.25436727

Sure if you were talking about someone smart, and not a blue checkmark on twitter that take would be plausible although it's still retarded to try and use sarcasm on the internet without making it really obvious

>> No.25436758

Blue checkmarks are retarded but I don't think the guy is being sarcastic. Doesn't matter, cryptoschizos will see the tweet and think "fuck yeah, I'm literally going to be worth $2t by EOY" and others will see it as a sign of caution

>> No.25436796

Misreading one of filbs tools when his target is six figures by eoy , ngmi

>> No.25436821

You are right ignore all these fags. We aren't near a top till everyone single bear on this board has been assraped. You guys don't get it. This isn't like 2017, so many things have changed. Everyone is saying they want to get in on the next dip so it just doesn't fucking happen.

>> No.25436873

No, explain yourself. I didn't misread shit. The 3 upper bull is for this cycle top. It might not be within the next month. I will keep watching. But it is getting close. You can see that. And it could crab for a bit and extend into the year. i know. And I think it is around 60k by eoy, not 100k. Not yet, although i can see it hitting 100k this year before a correction. Try and explain yourself and make some sense. I am actually a retard and just trying to learn.

>> No.25437047

that ship has sailed son, you had 6 months to load up bags. Now normie suckers need to gain some trust by getting some 2-3x's before jumping in with their savings

>> No.25437049

These pieces of shit have literally no shame.

>> No.25437181

This is exactly what I was saying. Then you said I misread the fibs. I don't think so. I am in teh same boat as you, bubba.

>> No.25437272

What a shit take. He's actually an editor at Bloomberg as well. Top kek.

>> No.25437446

A 30-35% drop at 40k will be painful to see for most. A 35% drop at 5k doesn’t have the same ring to it as the news headlines for when btc falls 10k in 2-3 days . So yeh let them panic sell in the first selloff of the 2021 run, I’ll see you in the citadel bub iron hands only

>> No.25437473

>normies in
>furries out

Thanks, just bought 100k.

>> No.25437804

and that’s exactly why it won’t

>> No.25438048

I weep for all the anons who killed themselves after the bubble burst and couldnt live to see this day

>> No.25438816

you just bought the top didn't you. buyer's remorse?

>> No.25438842

Yes it's obviously a stupid take

>> No.25438919

OK lads, this sounds fucking stupid, but I want to get out soon, but I don't know where to go. Normally I put it in tether but now there's some fucking lawsuit or something.

Where are you going to get out before the (possible) dump?

>> No.25439491


fuck em

>> No.25440474


>> No.25440516


>> No.25440519

save and rebuy the dip

>> No.25440534

there are other non chink stablecoins like usdc

>> No.25440872

i always buy on time
>6k in 2017
but i never know when to sell before it dips. im still holding. any pointers?

>> No.25440886

could unironically happen tho

>> No.25440967

yeah that's what I want to do but didn't know where

ok thanks bro true, I've always just used tether and never thought of anything else

>> No.25440975
File: 28 KB, 536x354, 1609067987676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LISTEN UP NORMIES and people with paper hands instead of diamond hands: all the institutional owners that got in recently are holding this thing forever. And they're not going to let the price go down too low.
So what does this mean for you? Well, obviously buying and forgetting is the way to go. But also, should the price fall in the short term, you can rest assured that the buy every dip strategy works. So get out there and buy, junior!

>> No.25441118

Right when the big pointy spike looks real tall.

>> No.25441259

people don't really fear dumps anymore since it's obviously going to recover eventually

>> No.25441362

Every single top in the chart has surpassed the top band. That's also just a moving average model and not that insightful

>> No.25441574

so yesterday?

>> No.25441721

>therefore "btc MUST be a scam"
tether accounts for 70% of the "influx" of cash in the last 3 months.
btc is not a scam but the price is artificially high.

>> No.25441728

No, about 10 hours ago

>> No.25441745

The big pointy spike can get really tall before it's topped. Look at a chart of f(x)=x^-2, quadrant 2, zoom in, zoom out, it doesn't really look any different
If you pay attention you'll know it's the top by monitoring the quality of the market participants. Inexperienced people create bubbles when they enter markets. Tons of studies on this. You'll know when it's in. Hint: it's not here

>> No.25441817

well this time according to biz, this spike is from big institutions and tether printing, not normie fomo, so it's harder to predict, and I don't see wither of those two parties wanting it to drop

>> No.25441837

Why do inexperienced people create bubbles when they enter the market?

>> No.25441906

because theyre in it for the short run not the long run?

>> No.25442110

So you're saying I fucked up by selling? No dip?

>> No.25442189

Anal eyes

>> No.25442203

nah I'm just saying it's different now, we can't look at past trends except willybot has some elements that are happening now

>> No.25442319

Elaborate on willybot?

>> No.25442412

Tether lawsuit will crash it to below 20k

>> No.25442481

manipulation similar to the alleged tether thing that's happening now, buying to make the price inflate

>> No.25442552

maybe, maybe not, maybe it will crash to like 28k, then rise higher than ever once the dark cloud of tether is over

>> No.25442810

This. $1k a day until $400k.

>> No.25442980

We really need a correction im afraid were guna burn out to soon to reach 80-100k plus not having a correction will hurt alts bad if we dont get more time of btc crabbing at a high price

>> No.25443820
File: 73 KB, 588x588, 1424254209750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tom Lee's Fundstradt called $112k for eoy 2021

(112000-34000)/364=$214 daily gains

Seems reasonable

>> No.25443865

it's crazy enough i believe it

>> No.25443881
File: 50 KB, 634x560, fed6c1fb2c731b497550de2c8e76b2fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main reason I'm bullish on the no-correction moon is the fact that so many anons are sitting on the sidelines bitching and moaning about the necessity of a correction

>> No.25443913
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Epic. Simply epic

>> No.25444840

Kek i think your kind of right were definitely moon but what im saying is we will moon harder if we see some sort of correction we are def mooning tho

>> No.25445092

unrealistic, once it is over 200k it will be moving like 2k per day which is only 1%

>> No.25445285
File: 92 KB, 1880x594, Screen Shot 2021-01-02 at 10.28.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite bitcoin being up over 50% since the 2017 peak, my portfolio is down well over 50% plus I added money in. Shows how much money I lost trading. Absolutely fucked.

>> No.25445529

going for the long shot alts?

>> No.25445533

you're supposed to dca into btc and eth when there's a lot of fear anon
i'm up 4.25x on btc and 3x overall, just took a quarter of my cost basis off the table

>> No.25445661

he knows what he's doing

>> No.25445733
File: 56 KB, 830x738, 1608487604571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god you sold.
This thing is a fucking bubble just like 2017.
Have fun with your money!

>> No.25445758

I'm still up about 40 times, but if I did nothing it would be around 160 times.

>> No.25445789

How could you be DOWN when right now bitcoin is its highest its ever been?
Did you not bought during the interperiod?

>> No.25445922

40x get outta here normie

>> No.25445975

guys it's gonna crash right? I have way more I should have invested, I want to kill myself for missing out. At least I made a few thousand

>> No.25446133

stress music for you

>> No.25446155

chill out bro I only invested like 800 bucks and it went and done this to me

>> No.25446237

I think normie FOMO is overestimated this cycle. The first time was amazing because there were stories about nerds mining a million dollars with their desktops. The wave of stories about newly minted millionaires was too much to ignore. Now people know about BTC and the gains will not be orders of magnitude. Not that the gains won't be impressive by investment standards, but 1k -> 18k is much more impressive than 18k -> 50k. I think there is just a psychological limit to what people will notice. $1000 is an investment the average person can imagine risking. Nobody wants to try to buy a $30000 BTC.

Yes, we've been over this a thousand times, you can buy fractions of BTC, but the psychology really is more powerful than a rational person would expect. People can buy fractional shares of companies, and yet companies still do share splits.

>> No.25446270

this is why doge will become the standard

>> No.25446495

I'm thinking of going all in on doge

>> No.25447225

just bought in on doge as my first
am i wrong if i feel comfy?

>> No.25447511

How many people will buy Bitcoin if it crashes sub 10k?

>> No.25447840
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>> No.25447953


>> No.25447958

Whales need volume to sell and the weekend isn't providing it.

>> No.25448059

but its not 18k to 50k. It was like 5 or 6k after the flu season started.

>> No.25448156

makes you want to quote this tweet everytime some pajeet comes shilling their new 400% APR yield farming shitcoin
but the tards would likely not see a problem with the logic

>> No.25448170

This. The only bearish pressure thus far are buttmex scam wicks shaking out overleveraged longs, but there's no volume pushing down.

>> No.25448234


>> No.25448256


>> No.25448731

This. Its such a smooth ride, new ATH every few days, sometimes multiple per day, hardly any pullbacks and they are just being met, people cant get enough of this

>> No.25449021

We're cultivating a new generation of them as we speak. You'll be weeping again soon. "New paradigm".

>> No.25449485

if you read the twitter replies he had to explain to retards that is was a joke

>> No.25450197

I agree, it's a new paradigm!

>> No.25450541
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This but unironically

>> No.25450913

>buying into erc20 scams is not trading
99.8% of all shiterium tokens are frauds, that's over 300k of scams.

The turknigger, balkanigger, chinkbugs scam groups have siphoned tens of millions from /biz in the past 3 years. Mostly from quiet lurkers.