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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25432666 No.25432666 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.25432680

/x/ and /sci/ here, can confirm

>> No.25432698

Holy shit I knew it! Bernie Madoff is innocent!

>> No.25432704

checked, I made that pepe by the way, do you have a license?

>> No.25432709

pls go to /x

>> No.25432711

Correct, Satan.

The universe is grandest ponzi of them all if you think about it. All that energy is basically minted out of empty space itself, yet where does it come from? Our matter is literally backed by nothing.

>> No.25432736
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This guy is a genius

>> No.25432750

Did you think PONZI = Bad?

When you find out something is a Ponzi, jump for joy and figure out how to outsmart the Ponzi.

>> No.25432847

Finance is inherently ponzi , but 105 is midwits think they are financial geniuses for pointing it out in crypto.

If enough people put value in something, then it has value. Simple as. To retain value, you need enough people keeping and maintaining value in. If enough people take value out, it loses value and price collapses.

Actual ponzis rely on the creation of profits from a lie, the actual funds coming directly from new investors. This isn’t what bitcoin or stocks do - you buy bitcoin and hope the price goes up. You aren’t guaranteed 5% price up every month paid out to you.

When I’m rich I will get elected and institute lobotomisation for anyone that points out crypto is just a ponzi.

>> No.25432989

Nice trips.

Also, midwits always get this wrong, so please pay attention. A Ponzi requires a central figure that collects and pays out, seeks out new 'investors' and keeps the narrative going while paying the old investors from the new money. Pyramid schemes do something similar may be more decentralized, where multiple layers fulfill this role forming a pyramid. Finally there are various dubious and speculative assets that can be bought by anyone at any time and may be used for pump and dump schemes or other rugpulls.

Consider selling worthless tokens. This is not a Ponzi or pyramids scheme, since investors are not paid directly with the money of earlier investors. Instead they are a scam based on convincing retards of the value of their token, possible based on future value or usefulness, like XRP. Still a scam, but not a Ponzi.

" 'xyz' is a a ponzi "is a sure sign someone has no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.25433034

Yes, even work.
Those who got in earlier have more power, etc

>> No.25433120
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Ponzi scheme isn't the same as a pyramid scheme.

Yes. Most aspects of life under capitalism is inherently a pyramid scheme.