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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25431850 No.25431850 [Reply] [Original]

So what jobs can you get without college if you're a girl? (no trades, no sales, no CS)

>> No.25431888

Stop posting those ugly wojaks.

>> No.25431894


>> No.25431893

not a job that requires self-awareness or awareness of one's environment

>> No.25431901
File: 1.95 MB, 480x360, suckmahballspwn3r3r.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can suck on these nuts.

>> No.25431918

onlyfans whore

>> No.25431921

buy coin and hodl

>> No.25431942

Im not a whore

>> No.25431968

Tits of gtfo, don't forget timestamps

>> No.25431970

Get married, have 5 white babies minimum, show them love and attention.

>> No.25431986

you can be a traffic controller lady and just stand there with a stop sign on your phone distracting all the drivers

>> No.25431994

Yeah have 5 whites so we can black them.

>> No.25432017

>(no trades, no sales, no CS)
You're very meticulous for someone looking
for a job, you've just slashed a good chunk

>> No.25432031

Too bad you live in the worst timeline. You literally at going to make it, be a whore, or be a bug muncher

>> No.25432037

Again, I'm not a whore.

I don't want to have kids.

>> No.25432061

Go back to jerking off at /gif/ coomer

>> No.25432064

why no sales? otherwise any random entry level office job and hope your rich boss marries you.

>> No.25432076

Kill yourself

>> No.25432082

I don't want to spend the rest of my life with fat, disgusting male coworkers.

>> No.25432116

streaming or instagram advertising

>> No.25432134

>I don't want to have kids.
it's the only job for a woman that matters. that's not an insult either. it's the most important job in the world

>> No.25432180

The beauty of being a girl is that you can choose any meme degree (e.g. econ, psych, poli sci, history, etc.) and stand a decent chance of getting a good job. It's literally writing essays for four years, pick one.
Also, pls don't let another board become infested with women. I am so thankful that crypto is still 90% nerdy white dudes and I hate it every time another community falls.

>> No.25432216

>traffic controller
These guys unironically make good money is some countries. What do you like to do OP?

>> No.25432224

you can be my housemomma you're gorgeous

>> No.25432230

medical transcriptionist/coder/medical records - work in the back office, never deal with customer faggotry

>> No.25432240

Just become an administrative assistant and gradually work towards something like HR.

>> No.25432242

How would one get into this?

>> No.25432254

Bartender/Waitress is the best route to go if you want something that requires little investment and decent pay out.

My sister makes about 40-50k in mostly cash as a waitress/bartender. It helps probably that half of the guys tipping her are unconsciously simping for her.

>> No.25432256

You can break in knee pads for umpires.

>> No.25432270

be a good wife thats and job and nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.25432273

Get married. Make babies.

>> No.25432295

> no college
> no trades
> no sales
> no CS
Retail, waitress, farming, police officer, firefighter, receptionist, blogger, childcare attendant, flight attendant, taxi/Uber/Lyft driver, janitor, interior design specialist, gardener, housecleaner, writer

>> No.25432333

Social Media cordinator. Just start hanging around on the forum of some community you can see yourself tolerating. Befriend the moderators by being an actual woman who recognises their existence. When some sort of opening presents itself they'll fall over themselves to recomend you for a paid position.

>> No.25432335

And you do not have to. A job doesn't mean you have to do it forever.

Pick something you can bear and save.

>> No.25432341

come on chick, try to google something
Hospitals usually hire medical transcriptionists/medical coders - they make you take an aptitude test

there are courses and shit for coding and transcription, but I won't/can't recommend any of that, because I taught myself medical transcription

Plenty of work-from-home scenarios with these jobs, also. Medical coding, I think there's tests and certifications; look up "ICD-10 codes" and you'll be fucking with that. 95% women ages 20 - 40 do these jobs. Good luck, clitfag

>> No.25432346

onlyfans creator

>> No.25432354

See you on Tinder at 38 wanting kids "someday"!

>> No.25432378

Econ actually has a use. The rest don't.

>> No.25432410

>without college
>no trades, no sales, no CS

so after excluding literally every job besides being a whore

>Im not a whore

you exclude being a whore
just take the unemployment money and be done with it.

>> No.25432416

>police officer

>> No.25432424
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Post some proof you’re a female and I’ll give you an honest answer. Don’t forget timestamp. Otherwise sage

>> No.25432447

It's hilarious how many dumbass women at getting their tubes tied at 25 now. You'll only get more desperate as you get older.

>> No.25432448

r u a qt anona? not in a pajeet way. maybe sales idk

>> No.25432449

Useless to us then, gtfo.

>> No.25432496
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>So what jobs can you get without college

>> No.25432504

Suck my cock for .0001 btc

>> No.25432510

econ as a degree title is a pretty big waste of time. You could get a better education and job with business or a quant degree which will have the important econ classes already included.

>> No.25432585

Paraprofessional at a public school,

>> No.25432607
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>> No.25432765

>> she is a whore
kys whore

>> No.25432772

Crazy bitch kys

>> No.25432824

Yes you are. Find a husband and be a housewife

>> No.25432855
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>i'm not a whore

>> No.25432861
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picrel your value in life

>> No.25432879


>> No.25432886

Poop on camera, optional: eat it.

>> No.25432997

Why don't you get an Associate's? It's free in the US and piss easy. It's literally at the academic level at high school. Also, women are better coders than men.

>> No.25433059

This. Having your tubes tied doesn’t stop the biological clock.

>> No.25433245

I did Americorps and came out of it with enough ed award to do a wilderness EMT training for no cost.

>> No.25433285

Don't talk about your future clients that way
Tits or gtfo

>> No.25433314

Same jobs you can get with no college as a guy. Stop being a pussy. Your vagina will will provide you with a paycheck, your ability will provide you with a future.

>> No.25433335

Get married, a real man wi support you. If you’re worth it, that is

>> No.25433359

I know a chick welder who also does freelance photography. Pretty goddamn cute, too.

>> No.25433377
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biz is a lovely place, isn't it?

>> No.25433381

sales representative?

>> No.25433395

Nvm. all fields anons

>> No.25433444

website backoffice
gambling hall
driving job
babysitter/working with children
helping elderly
basically any store
railway job
school job
factory work

>> No.25433516


>> No.25433608

>Again, I'm not a whore.
why mention that you are a girl?
you can do everything a man can do

>> No.25433730


>> No.25433875
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Post feet

>> No.25433914

unless you are some savant, your success as a female is directly coordinated to your attractiveness. Not a black pill/incel take - just a fact.

take with that what you will

>> No.25433954

You are a whore then. Post your milkers.

>> No.25433959

>not a whore
>don't want kids
pick 1

>> No.25433967

>I don't want to have kids.
fucking garbage, stupid waste of oxygen kys

>> No.25434126

Then wholesome twitch streamer and internet personality.

>> No.25434235

Econ degree will get you a job, unlike the other three. Doesn't matter outside of that.

>> No.25434267

Isnt one of biz top rules dont have kids?

>> No.25434364

if you're a genetic failure, sure, don't have kids

>> No.25434411
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>> No.25434487

marry a rich guy, and if you're a really ugly cunt, marry a rich asian guy

>> No.25434527

Never going to make it

>> No.25434554

i'll pay you $23k/yr to suck my dick every day.
if you want the job join my discord: E8RFtgZe

>> No.25434787


>> No.25434844

What a trash fucking cunt you must be. Have kids. That is the only thing even worth doing in this pathetic world, and you reject it? You might as well kys now, whore. May nothing but horror and loss come to you until you wake up, marry, and start having beautiful little babies to take care of.

>> No.25434883
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Depends how attractive you are and if the employer is a guy.
Also pic related.

>> No.25435059

Just support a hard working guy who is not a retard and have kids and live like a welfare queen if you are White.

>> No.25435405

arts - musician, theatre, singer
health - nurse, doctor, psychologist, therapist, any degree of health worker honestly specifically in america because the health system is ludicrously fucked towards comsumers and cost significant amounts of mulah
service - army/navy are generally lax if you dont pursue further or additional training for advanced tactics, firefighter, ambulance/emt
driving - truck driving, delivery, airplane pilot if you got the money to spare (not commercial pilot)

>> No.25435439

just realized the post said "no college" so im retarded. cross out all of health and cross out airplane pilot

>> No.25435849

male girl here
I make pizza

>> No.25436081

I know you're trolling, but these two statements are contradictory

>> No.25436233

bout what you'd expect.

>> No.25436254


>> No.25436261

>Im not a whore

>> No.25436286

>things that make me money are out

>> No.25436462

ill pay you $100 to go back

>> No.25436536

lol at all the /biz/cels getting mad that this bitch doesn't want to have kids with them

>> No.25437093

Let me explain the origin of tits or gtfo for you whore. Here everyone is anonymous, you are judged by the quality of your thoughts, not by yr gender, race, height, or any other identifier. You chose to identify yrself as female and now you want special priviledges for being born with a cunt. Well that doesnt work here. Therefore until you post tits you wont get an answer.

>> No.25437222
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with your lack on interest in careers that require basic self discipline and motivation, you may as well be

>> No.25437353

camgirl or onlyfans. Otherwise get a job at a hospital, daycare, restaurant, salon, spa. You women literally have more advantages because people don't see you as intimating.

>> No.25437606

>not a white

>> No.25438085

Caregiving. For elderly or developmentally disabled. Most group homes suck. But if you gain experience you could work for rich old folks. Fellow anona here.

>> No.25438128

blow jobs

>> No.25438150

>I don't want to have kids
why the fuck not? It's our biological prerogative. Your mind and body desires it, and it's this fucked up world that has convoluted your natural instincts.

>> No.25438184 [DELETED] 

Tits or GTFO

>> No.25438195

you can be whore! hahaha

>> No.25438229

flip some meat

>> No.25438339

Same question but for men

>> No.25438421


>> No.25439005

You can be a hotel receptionist...

You can join the Military if youre smart enough theyll let you puck whatever job you want. And you can find youre inner whore with all the chads you want.

>> No.25439060

two words:



>> No.25439091

trades, truck driver

>> No.25439129
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>> No.25439165

you will never be a woman

>> No.25439224

You're begging austists for attention on a Mongolian basket weaving forum and that tells me you lack any form of inspiration or original thoughts. Ngmi.

>> No.25439416

>No college
>No trades
>No sales
>No computer science

If you are willing to expand your definitions a bit, there's a lot still available, although these are pretty tight restrictions and conditions you've set on yourself.

No college means management and marketing is out of scope. No trades means no skills development. No sales means no working for a company and getting paid commission. No computer science means no distance work. So what are you left with? Quite a lot actually. But it depends on what you mean by "trade." Because at the end of the day, you are bartering skill as a resource in exchange for money. Even something awesome like livestock husbandry could be counted as a trade. All the things you've listed as conditions suggests that you want to motivate others to do work. This means leadership, which means you have to actually get out and lead people. If the military doesn't sit right, then you've got to have a compelling vision of your own around which you can get other people to devote themselves to.

Good luck with that. Otherwise, you're stuck learning a skill. Bodywork is good; yoga, masseuse, that kind of thing.

>> No.25439553

>Goes on 4chan
>tehe im a girl guys
>im not a whore

Fuck outta here cunt and invest in some dewalt kneepads.