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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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25426651 No.25426651 [Reply] [Original]


Need to get in ASAP cant be bothered with setting up a wallet.

Although if you buy BTC where they held, come to think of it is a wallet required for holdings? Thanks kings

>> No.25426688

You can buy it on PayPal or coinbase. You have to pay fees on the second one but you can transfer to a wallet later.

>> No.25426878

that's a man

>> No.25427212
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Wait coinbase isn't a wallet?
I started there but it needs to review stuff that might take days. What's the difference between it and wallet anyways?

I'm going to buy btc with my credit card directly from this website https://anycoindirect.eu/en
and hopefully if you are right they will give me the means to transfer to a wallet later.
I am anxious that it wouldn't be possible though but I guess it is.

Do you mind giving a rundown on how my btc holdings look like without a wallet? do they give a code or something? How would I transfer them to coinbase or something later? Thanks king

>> No.25427352

first, consider setting up a wallet. it takes seconds - use coinbase wallet (separate app from coinbase, which is an exchange) or metamask (a browser extension).

I can’t speak for that site, but generally, buying BTC from an exchange will just keep it in your exchange wallet (which you have no real ownership over). You can then transfer it to your wallet. Google anything you don’t understand to avoid getting got by a bizgoon.

>> No.25427386

This cutie stole my heart.

>> No.25427415

y would you buy when it's dropping?

>> No.25427438

get the fuck out of here zoomer trannyposting newfag

>> No.25427466

download mycelium on your phone

>> No.25427469

jesus fucking christ go ask reddit

>> No.25427490

You get an account at a big exchange, Coinbase, Binance, Kraken and so on...and then you probably have to give them pictures of your passport so they can confirm validity and rat you out to the government and tax-man (if need be) and you are ready to buy BTC. After that you can either store it on the exchange, or you can buy a wallet or you can just download some app, but for my money, hardware wallets are generally safer.
There are various wallets, Trezor and Ledger are the biggest. Ledger leaked tons of data in July but I bought from them a month ago, and my mails and other shit are safe.

>> No.25428052
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>You get an account at a big exchange, Coinbase, Binance, Kraken and so on...and then you probably have to give them pictures of your passport so they can confirm validity and rat you out to the government and tax-man (if need be) and you are ready to buy BTC.

the review time for validity and ID conformation is literally days though.

>> No.25428343

Fuck coinbase, use binance the fees are less.
Just keep it there, that's what I do. Just buy with credit/debit card and leave it where it sits

>> No.25428418

Anycoindirect cucked out imagine buying BTC with your full personal info forever attached to it lmao