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25425980 No.25425980 [Reply] [Original]

4-5 hours of browsing here and I think I have a handle on crypto. Not begging just wanted to create a thread for advice and gauge whether or not bots can read this handwriting or if I need to be sloppier.

>> No.25426086

Nice notes, much wow, doge prices already dropping

>> No.25426091
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Consult these digits and you shall see

>> No.25426099

lol this guy actually took notes on the most superficial bullshit possible

>> No.25426147

i have a similar paper except it just says "buy link" and so far i am up 30x

>> No.25426157
File: 178 KB, 540x720, 1594418957196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those notes

>> No.25426161

nice notes
enjoy your upcoming losses when you start to try trading
not killing yourself in the first 6 months is the toughest part

>> No.25426214


Here’s my notes

1) buy BTC
2) ignore shitcoins
3) never sell

>> No.25426221

Don't gamble more than you're ready to lose. For example. We have only one life. We can either slave for the rest of it for mr Shekelstein or try to win in cybershekel lottery.

>> No.25426263

lmao this niggha really took notes on a kyrgyzstani banana peeling art forum

>> No.25426290

>TA is bs
>proceed to use TA concepts

Consider 20: buy chainlink

>> No.25426311
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>> No.25426325

Let's see Paul Allen's portfolio

>> No.25426331

wtf is this dumb shit?
Just buy something and you make money

>> No.25426337

>NEO is velcro
True, fucking kek

>> No.25426376

i'm sorry but based on this stuff you are not ready
it's hard to explain but i hope you lose some money and get burned and don't try again
if you want to take one thing away from my post, let it be this - all altcoins are scams and eventually trend towards zero

>> No.25426388

Cringiest thread I've ever seen on this board, wow

>> No.25426392

>14. fomo=fear, folding=fear, buying=fear, holding=fear, pumping=fear, advice=fear
Is everyone just scared as fuck all the time on this board or what?

>> No.25426394
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>> No.25426505

Thanks man I appreciate it. I used to speculate magic cards and cashed out early 2020 so I'm looking for something new. So far I have 4 winners and 1 loser but the hardest part is knowing when to sell. Under no circumstances will I kill myself, I grew up poor and only really know how to succeed in a shitty situation. Now that I'm single I can finally play with fire again which is the whole thrill.
Do you have any suggestions or criticisms? I really just want to know what people mean when they refer to gas

>> No.25426565

you're not gonna make it anon

>> No.25426567


>> No.25426723

Cute. Brings me back some
Could replace the entire sheet with buy and hold new digital gold but if you wanna waste your money trading for a while go ahead

>> No.25426768

major sell signal this

>> No.25426779

Wow 4-5 hours here and you're an expert! You're ready to put your life savings on the line. Go for it genius

>> No.25426820

>1.) Hardware Wallet
Another one bites the dust. Lurk more retard.

>> No.25426849

Kek’d hard at number 8.

>> No.25426879

Pretty much this. Also pay close attention to the XRP drama because it may break or make crypto in the upcoming months.

>> No.25427043

I just like to know the vocabulary, makes it easier to follow what people are saying. A few years ago I did PCI audits which gave me access to a lot of data. The conclusions I drew from that indicated to me that the best way to quickly accumulate wealth is to locate people who are generous or foolish on a regular basis and exploit them. Good products are rare and have more drawbacks than snake oil (in the US at least). So when I look at trading data it seems like most coins are trying to fool people who are trying to fool people while the technology slowly advances to a point where it will make fools of us all.
That's the plan!
Weird of you to wish ill on a complete stranger, but I understand. Pain is the best teacher and some people just aren't able to tell the wheat from the chaff. I'll make another thread in a few days or weeks when I've lost it all.

>> No.25427082

Why are you wasting all that space on the page? Wow you are actually retarded.

>> No.25427137

Add: when Elon Musk says it will be Mars coin, this is a buy signal.

>> No.25427158

do you want to be my gf?

>> No.25427261

It's going to be too late then. You want to already swim in dogecoins at that point.

>> No.25427272

6 is wrong
use it to see whats shilled

>> No.25427313

cute handwriting will u be my gf?

>> No.25427374

The technology just isn't there yet.
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Honestly my only prior experience with crypto was buying low + selling high over and over on veritaseum. Over a year I made just slightly under what bitcoin made while checking it obsessively and wasting a lot of time. This time around I'm a bit better equipped to beat the market but that has more to do with AWS than it does me.