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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2541505 No.2541505 [Reply] [Original]

This is the very last chance to get into AntShares. Tomorrow they're rebranding and sharing the new developments on the best new blockchain tech. This will likely soon be implemented on the largest social networking app in China, and adopted by the entire community.

I don't want to sound like a cocky fuck but I'm an experienced programmer with a master's degree and years developing mainly in C# and I'm so sure of this tech that I've put my life savings, and my fathers life savings into this. I'm already up 3x, but I'm still holding. This is bigger and better than BTC, ETH, and any of these other fucking memecoins, scams, and IPO's.

In one year you're either going to have a much easier life, or wish you had listened to this post.

>> No.2541522

I dunno, these bags are getting heavier and heavier.

>> No.2541524

>master's degree and years developing mainly in C#
Post your degree and I'll take you seriously.

>> No.2541534


>> No.2541535

You put your life savings into a PnD, congrats.

C#, so you use windows and know fuck all about programming. Cool starry barh. Atleast pick something that makes you seem like an autist savant like Arch

>> No.2541539

Business Intelligence and Analytics. It's Business undergrad then Statistics/Programming.

>> No.2541547

No, a photo of your degree.

>> No.2541557

Rude, just got done with a website/Windows app/database all done on c#... Azure and VS are stupid versatile. At least I'm useful. Maybe it's not the FASTEST language but it's pretty and stupid hard to fuck up.

>> No.2541571

Why should I believe you?

>> No.2541579

Are you under the impression a master's is hard to get? If anything I wish I'd not gone to school and just programmed in my free time. I did a 1 year master's program and it was laughably easy

>> No.2541599

I genuinely care for strangers and while I used to firmly believe in ETH I now think I'm good at predicting these markets. I've now been spending 4-5 hours a day, EVERY DAY, watching social media for crypto presence and watching the results on poloinex/bittrex. This is the one I've been waiting for, and there's a chance that someone will stumble along this post and investing in this will change their lives, pull them out of poverty or help their parents. I firmly believe in ANS.

>> No.2541605

You say you have your life savings and your father's invested in this as well... post a picture of your wallet.

>> No.2541612

Okay so you're a pajeet that makes crud apps for windows. What's your point?

Did you study cryptography? Do you understand blockchain tech? Have you read any of the ANS source code?

I'm not being rude, I'm just being blunt. Saying "I'm a programmer so believe me this crypto is good" is like saying "I'm a contractor, trust me with your house".

There's absolute shit-tier contractors who will ruin your house, just like there's pajeet-tier programmers who will ruin your applications.

Prove you arn't one and I might take your advice seriously.

>> No.2541619

I'd be able to hit F-12 and edit an amount if I wanted to lie. I'm at just over 45,000 ANS. I even considered selling my house to buy more last night.

>> No.2541637

post pic of 45000 ans

>> No.2541640

Just a screenshot will do.

>> No.2541641

OP you seem like a genuine person and I actually believe you. Just what makes you so sure about all of this. I'm holding antshares too fyi

>> No.2541643

Why didn't you wait for it come to a more complete dip? Should I?

>> No.2541645

No I don't know a lot about cryptography. I do know a lot about Microsoft's tech in Azure and Visual Studio. I know that if this so much as lifts off, Microsoft will attempt to own it, meaning it will be huge and have some of the best programmers in the world backing it. I'll admit that I'm not the best programmer, I'm pretty weak in data structures and I've never been through a security audit, but again I have a few years experience and I know that at random, I'd blow any other C# dev out of the water.

>> No.2541660

Me and my 2.03 ANS will ride with you, brother

>> No.2541661


>best programmers in the world
right bud'

>> No.2541664

Gah I have to wait for my eth wallet to sync and also for dwarfpool to fork over the last 0.005 eth so I can cash out, then I can get a few more ants.

>> No.2541672

I wonder what the new name and logo will be? nobody has any clue?

>> No.2541688

In my experience, 24 hours before any ICO a coin is gradually pumped because people are trying to buy into the coin to buy the ICO. This is unlike some other announcements that the price reflects upon the announcement of the announcement, because the news will have a massive impact on the market depending upon on the changes. I think he price will creep up until just after the announcement, then some news will leak, and we'll see at least $15 by the end of the day. Keep in mind people are scared of ETH/BTC at the moment, I think this is like Ethereum on Nitrous.

>> No.2541691

logo: white girl next to a yellow dick
name: chinked

>> No.2541701
File: 6 KB, 232x230, I'M_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2541709

Where are you getting this info?

>> No.2541718

Buy after the announcement and thank me later
Seriously this shit can be good but its overhyped as hell, everybody will dump after their announcement and you can pick this up at a lower price
Dumped my 2000 ans i got since the price was like 1 dollars or something

>> No.2541719

his ass
and I'm saying this as a bagholder

>> No.2541721

Something about being a platform for new technology/development. Simple/streamlined logo. Not directly affiliated with China for international appeal.

>> No.2541731
File: 18 KB, 500x500, IMG_20170621_042705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logo is pic related

>> No.2541732

Just laughed so loud I woke up my wife

>> No.2541740

volume decreased by 50%

>> No.2541743

Do you really own .85% of this coin?

>> No.2541748
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>> No.2541753

misread that you had 450k 45k is way more believable

>> No.2541754

"I'm in"

You wouldn't happen to know Bryn by chance?

>> No.2541757

>I'm an experienced programmer with a master's degree and years developing mainly in C# and I'm so sure of this tech that I've put my life savings, and my fathers life savings into this.


>> No.2541758

Genius, quick someone buy the domain name
I actually haven't looked at total percentage, that sounds wrong though

>> No.2541767

Their announcements page says it can handle thousands if not tens of thousands transactions per second. Ethereum is like 15 per second no?

>> No.2541772

What do you really mean when you say this? Are you just saying it?

>> No.2541775
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All the proof ill give is my shitty /g/ memes

>> No.2541794

Was it this reddit post? I think it's this reddit post and you're too embarrassed to say so.

>> No.2541797

Ethereum was a great first step but simple oversights like this make it more broke than a yard dogs dick. There are other problems with ETH like Quantum attacks (maybe not a big deal?) and a stupid interface for the "smart contracts" that most end users can't stomach.

>> No.2541810

I thought you were asking for proof that I was a good dev. And no I haven't seen that but interesting link, thanks.

>> No.2541833

I'm also an MSc on computer science, at 28 years old.

Come on dude, a simple screenshot is all you need to convince everyone in this thread. Yet you're not providing one.

Also a thought on AntShares:
Chinese software is mostly shit. My first instinct is to treat this coin as a scam, try to get a ~20-40% return on your money, then never look back.

Even their creator looks like a fucking hipster/yuppie. Do not trust any coin maker that does not look like a no-lifer faggot or uses buzzwords in his descriptions of the coin.

These are my thoughts. On that, I've got 25 ANS and holding until tomorrow's conference.

>> No.2541860

Them not having a single unit test doesn't scare you? https://github.com/AntShares

>> No.2541863

Eth scales like dogshit

>> No.2541867

Honestly it kind of looks like it did the pre conference pump and prematurely went into dump mode. I'm not rushing in to throw money at it at this point.

>> No.2541869

>muh gigabytes
Just buy more hard drives you faggot.

>> No.2541878
File: 99 KB, 748x519, 1-JmfKep7yf0Xc9NXOtiLHNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of this picture?

>> No.2541880

wow, you've convinced me. I'm the finance minister of a large Oceanic country (not that one) and you've convinced me to redirect our 2017-18 budget to this coin.

those moonrunes could be describing the best way to boil a dog for all i know.

>> No.2541892

I mean the network (see how the blockchain shits itself everytime there's a big ico) but yeah, the blockchain size is really bad too, prevents it from being adopted by normies

>> No.2541895

It makes me wonder why Vitalik looks like he's struggling to figure out how chairs work.

>> No.2541903
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>> No.2541911

I instantly think that the junkie on the left is a better programmer and can code a currency better than the neo-chink on the right. Crypto is 90% PR, and nerd == good PR

You're right, it's been on a steady decline for a day now, but if that trend line that gets posted here all the time is true, we might be in a bear trap.

Emotional/Weak people are following the downtrend thinking they're going to lose money, when the conference is fucking tomorrow. I don't understand.

>> No.2541920

Thanks for the insult, I guess? All I did was ask for a screenshot you autist, not for you to prove you can edit html

>> No.2541929

>he thinks appearance has anything to do with programming ability

the words of someone not intelligent enough to evaluate a piece of technology on its own merits, so he uses secondary and immaterial indicators like the way the programmers look

>> No.2541931

BTC value doesn't match, hes lying folks.

>> No.2541939

i would buy more if i could transfer eth to bittrex.
would drop 50% of my eth on ans.

>> No.2541940

You editedhtml code congrats that degree is very useful

>> No.2541942

I actually believe that the Chinese are shitty programmers as well, mainly because their language alone makes it difficult to interface with decent languages.

>> No.2541945

chinks are gonna make the price go back up right? otherwise whats the purpose of them hoarding so many coins

>> No.2541955

90% of the unwashed dipshits I've met at work are quite good at programming or a specific niche.

90% of the well-dressed yuppies I've met at work might be good at talking generally about computer science, but fail at writing code.

It's a stereotype but it holds true

>> No.2541957

Yeah that's why I told him earlier in this thread that a screenshot is useless if I wanted to lie, I would just edit it but I DO have my life savings in it and I'm only here because I really want to help people that didn't have many other opportunities growing up.

>> No.2541959

are chinese micrsoft developers or other big company devs also shit?
ur argument sux.

>> No.2541967

i believe you. chinese copy everthing and uses their version.. ANS is their Blockchain.
i wish i could invest more but status ICO fucked etheruem too hard to transfer money

>> No.2541968

Put in an ask @0.00500000 for your entire sack and leave it up for a few minutes.

>> No.2541971
File: 106 KB, 1613x1677, t3_6ijsvm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top: Ethereum pre-conference on march
Bottom: ANS right now

It's a volatile, emotional market boiz
HOLD, sell tomorrow morning

>> No.2541989

100% of the people who attempt to pass their anecdotal generalizations off as fact are massive faggots

>> No.2541990

Drop a rock on your dick

>> No.2542003

Do it, faggot. It's not like it'll shoot up past that in seconds.

>> No.2542004


Get out of your house for once, meet people then get back to me.

>> No.2542012

>Get out of your house for once,
that would impair programming ability according to you

i'm onto your tricks faggot

>> No.2542021

List it at 0.01000000 if you're gonna be a pussy about it.

>> No.2542135



DO I BUY 300 ANTS?!?!?!?


>> No.2542146

If they were going to seriously dump they wouldn't have manipulated the value to remain steady at $10 for 24 hrs. It would hardly be good PR within China for Microsoft to exhibit the level of tacit backing it already has if there was even an inkling this coin was a mere pnd scam.

Use your brain, not your feels.

>> No.2542150


yes but buy more

>> No.2542165

>Tomorrow they're rebranding
So that's how you call taking all the moneyz to Bahamas and starting new ICOs?

>> No.2542235

Hey I forgot about that. What this guy says is true, two days ago they foughht tooth and nail to keep the price at ~10$ per. Huge sell walls.

Maybe they did it so friend-whales could get in on it while another whale held the door open?

Playing devil's advocate here

>> No.2542236
File: 947 B, 416x454, 1490059067763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>op got is certificate from the loony bin and sold his meds to buy an ant farm and misclicked /biz/ for /b/ and told everyone he wants to see things happen he never got as a kid and the chinese are somehow suppose to to save the ponzi scheme smörgåsbord forums from utter destruction and meanwhile cynical underdog hero spills the beans and fellow hikkos are left hanging unsure what's real and what's not

I'm all in fgts.

>> No.2542285

O fuk u got me

>> No.2542289

Just post the ask. Put it at 1btc if you're super scared.

>> No.2542303

Just do it. Iam an expert holding 65 ants

>> No.2542500
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Bloody hell

>> No.2542688
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>Tomorrow they're rebranding and sharing the new developments on the best new blockchain tech.
In other words, news.

>> No.2542996

t. oblivious retard. I hope you enjoy being poor.

>> No.2543006
File: 66 KB, 900x578, antshares111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2543624

Global rule 15!

ban this autistic pony fan

>> No.2543642

>I don't want to sound like a cocky fuck but I'm an experienced programmer with a master's degree and ye


>> No.2543668
File: 15 KB, 1398x113, 200k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2543835

buy more now it just dipped

>> No.2543888

please send me some ants anon :(


>> No.2544255

I want this shit to moon but I know it's not likely. I think the biggest chance was to daytrade/arbitrage this and now it will die after people pull out.

>> No.2544298


>> No.2544300

Implying China doesnt have the means to do whatever the fuck they want with markets when they have consistently show they can with currency

>> No.2544322

It's moving again, hype before the conference. Since the conference is happening in Microsoft Beijing, I feel like 500k will be the new low.

>> No.2544389

Make a photo of screenshot > upload here.

This is your last chance

>> No.2544549

I will invest £5,000 in this right now if he can actually prove what he says

>> No.2544733

what exchange do you use for this coin?

>> No.2544763


>> No.2544812

is there a wallet for it?

>> No.2544851

On bittrex there is, it's not individual like eth or btc

>> No.2544900

what does social networking need a blockchain for?

>> No.2544994

Tracking people.

>> No.2545012

>-16% this nigga shillin

>> No.2545449

what time is the tomorrow antshare talk?

>> No.2545481

Very bullish on this coin. Just picked up a nice stack @ 8.50 USD, don't fall me China!

>> No.2545523

Will there be that dere dip before going saiyan??

>> No.2545547

>posts pic of 17 ants with 30%dif
>hodls for 3 weeks
>buys castle in belize with gains