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File: 219 KB, 1242x1855, 883EE79E-454E-446C-B722-612C4DBF252F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25413023 No.25413023 [Reply] [Original]

Congrats on this linkies. As BTC climbs to $100k you will literally bleed to 1000 sats.

>> No.25413053

>seriously though
>congrats on this
holy shit if I did a bingo I'd be dead now

>> No.25413057

why do you care so much during these historic times faggot

>> No.25413090

Because linkfags have shit this board up for 3 years now. I enjoy seeing them get rekt.

>> No.25413146

linkfags were the only thing left on here during the great bear desu

>> No.25413163
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this chart is better

>> No.25413178

Chainlink once again proves to be ahead of the curve by exit scamming a week ahead of tether and new SEC regulations

This is like Charlie Lee 2.0

>> No.25413202

Yeah because they fucking screamed at anybody who wasn’t one of them and shit all over this board with 20 threads a day while hijacking all other threads

Linkies have always been a swarm of locusts.

>> No.25413238

And when alt season starts we'll make a fuckton of money. Your point being?

>> No.25413239

thats one gnarly pennant / triangle

>> No.25413242


>> No.25413289

sad, even if you bought link for $4 you would still have less money today than buying BTC of all things

>> No.25413375

Delusion. Linkies are priced in. They will be left behind hitting 30 usd at most without a significant movement in SATS

>> No.25413410

Fuck yes, finally i will be able to afford a suicide stack! Feels fucking good mang

>> No.25413463

Post portfolio

>> No.25413517

>get rekt

Bro its up almost 4000% in a year.

>> No.25413550

you must hate money

>> No.25413709

But they were right desu, they tried to help you

>> No.25413766


>> No.25413842

Just a dip guys, how much free bitcoin has sirgay gotten out of this cash cow so far?

>> No.25413858

>linkfags have shit this board up for 3 years now
he didnt buy when we told him

>> No.25413965

dont care faggot literally loaded my bags at .50 cents, sold at 20$, bought back in at 9$.
Enjoy your 4x, I'll be enjoying my first self made million in 2021 when we correct to half the sats we were at back in August.

>> No.25414236
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Just sold my whole btc stack for link

>> No.25414336

Why now? What’s your rationale.

>> No.25414480
File: 66 KB, 2074x343, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty simple anon, btc/usd is overbought on many indicators and link/btc is oversold on many indicators

>> No.25414564

the most obvious trades are always the least talked about.

>> No.25414764

i would be doing the same if i was holding btc.

take gains and multiply gains.

>> No.25414868

exactly, i want to play the btc pumps, alts dumps, btc trades sideways, alts pump game this cycle. target is flipping this to 3 btc

>> No.25414954

no shit retard who is out here trying to crowd their own trade if are convinced its good

>> No.25415153

this is the sickest pump and dump I have ever seen

they played it so well it's unbelievable

>> No.25415256

Learn English dude

>> No.25415258


Hitting 30 usd would be a dream for me to be honest with my 75k stack

>> No.25415279

You must be new.

>> No.25415285

You're going to sell at 30?

>> No.25415402

How many link do you hold? When/ what do you think will be the price action in 2021?

I’m considering swapping 1 BTC to link soon. Grateful for thoughts.

>> No.25415427

Also how many BTC did you swap for link?

>> No.25415464
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>Linkies have always been a swarm of locusts.

Apt description for a mossad coin

>> No.25415518

This chart make me call a suicide line even without holding it.

>> No.25415547

Everything I can buy is priced in USD.
Including BTC.

>> No.25415601

97k now. i dont think we will have to wait long to see price action. OCR and Arbitrum are game changing for eth scalability plus SNX looks to be coming out with futures soon. i expect with OCR and L2, many more price feeds / more complex smart contracts become feasible. I see $100 link in 2021, probably higher.

0.8 btc, sold the other 0.2 back in march for link and i actually would have been better off holding bitcoin considering i didnt sell at $20

>> No.25415629
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>a swarm of locusts

>> No.25415707

>Congrats on this linkies
I don't think anyone still holds link, atleast not unironically.
Nobody is that stupid, right?

>> No.25415828

Holding both. Lol. Don't even care on the bleed, going to fucking slingshot my links to the promised land at some point

>> No.25415875

I could live with that.
The biggest insult I BTC going up 10 fucking thousand and link sits here languishing in $10-12 purgatory.

>> No.25415901

40€ portfolio
>20€ XRP
>10€ LINK
>10€ GRT

how retarded am i?

>> No.25415906

Thanks. So yoh would suggest I do the same with my 1 bitcoin? Difficult to pull the trigger atm.

>> No.25415950

Damn bros why are they so stinky? -10000 sats soon

>> No.25415989

Delusional linkie. At best link is up like 5x in dollar value, but if you compare BTC value (which is what you should do as why else would you hold alts) it’s not even up 2x this year anymore kek. You bag held as you lost your gains from the entire year

>> No.25416012

No it isn't

>> No.25416023

ok i will do this
cheers from anon

>> No.25416072

No, it isn't lmao

>> No.25416143

i dont care what you do. i came here to dab on bears and doomers. do what your favorite crypto youtuber tells you to like a good goy

>> No.25416185

> 97k
> Doubt
Post address

>> No.25416227

>they screamed at him to buy
>never bought

>> No.25416240

Yeah think $100 would be a fairly disappointing outcome relative to expectations as ridiculous as that sounds, and this is coming from a 2017 link oldfag. But I think it’s pretty much the floor in terms of expectations for this year. Imo link will peak somewhere between 300-1200 sometime this year before prob crashing 80-90% in usd value

>> No.25416425
File: 717 KB, 1170x2532, 11BC9506-4F98-40DD-BCEA-117B1BD9E34E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>up 4000% this year
>not even up 50% anymore

Holy kek the absolute state lmao. This is what the remaining of link holders look like, absolutely delusional low IQ retards. All the smart OGs sold long ago

>> No.25416486

my stack size has nothing to do with what's being discussed here. seethe harder jealous nolinker

i agree but i've been lowering my expectations for the speed of progress given the teams strong emphasis on security and reliability of the network over rushing features out the door. i may not like it but its much better than having to worry about a major failure of the link network and how that could affect the long future of the project.

>> No.25416512

>a 10x this year would be disappointing
>100x is more likely

Seek help and take your meds. The echo chamber of link delusion is having a noticeable effect on your psyche

>> No.25416542

Your desperate larping has everything to do with discussion.

>> No.25416574

Yeah it’s been performing like shit relative to the top 10 recently. Shit like polkadot and litecoin.

>> No.25416596

>actually seething over the fact LINK did 560% in a year and BTC only did 336%

>> No.25416659

it still hasn't bottomed

>> No.25416674
File: 822 KB, 663x881, 1580691025602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are all in link and your wifes kisses taste like black dicks

>> No.25416679

>I hate Linkes for shitting up the board

So you're upset about missing out, got it.

>> No.25416786

>posts LINK/BTC ratio
>BTC explodes in value so ratio crashes
>link does not significantly change in value
>FUDtards think “lmao red line go down get rekt Linkies”

This is why LINK is an IQ test.

>> No.25416789


Don’t listen to him, back in September we had that “I trade futures for a living” anon calling for Link to be 100$ in December. All larpers have so far been wrong about EVERYTHING

>> No.25416818
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Funny thing is, you care about my bags so much you make threads about it.
I totally don't care about price action, it's a trading market, what do you expect? Educate and make strategies if you are so late, OP, you seem to be feeling down today, you just wrote two sentences.

>> No.25416869

lmao youll never make it

>> No.25416902

Did you even read what I wrote faggot? I wrote as “ridiculous as that sounds” because I understand how batshit it sounds. It’s literally not delusion when you are completely self aware of the lunacy of the statement. I’m just saying a 10x would in fact be disappointing by ChainLinks own YoY performances over the past 3 years. It’s already done more than 110x since ICO

Yeah that’s fair anon and I can totally agree. I personally would be happy with anything above $30 for myself, so fudsters are gonna have a hard fucking time taking away my stack

>> No.25416908

Although you’re retarded, I have to agree that guy said link at $300 in January. Seemed retarded at the time.

>> No.25416917
File: 100 KB, 800x568, CF2E12A4-336B-4559-8230-2929D844A70A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw link died because even I, a newfag, made money off it

>> No.25416974

>still thinking in USD values

>> No.25417023

Everything is priced in USD, including BTC.

Why do you think maxis are strutting their stuff right now?

>> No.25417024

Are you actually retarded? LINK isn’t even up 50% this year in sats anymore, certainly not 560% you bag holding retard
>actually measures crypto in usd value rather than BTC value
>trying to justify the fact that link bled 80% on the btc/link chart which is the only chart worth looking at
>acts like losing 80% of its BTC value isn’t extremely bearish

Confirmed that the remaining link community are low IQ bag holding retards. So glad I sold when I did. Tip for you newfag; stacking sats is the only reason to hold a coin besides bitcoin. If your coin isn’t gaining against bitcoin then why the fuck are you even holding it? You’re the one that failed the IQ test you fucking pseudo-smug retard

>> No.25417071

>actually measures crypto in usd value rather than BTC value
But anon, "BTC value" is valued in fiat.

>> No.25417164

Post stack size

>> No.25417272

>LINK isn’t even up 50% this year in sats anymore, certainly not 560% you bag holding retard
This is true but also why you should be buying right now

>> No.25417333

And? If BTC is gaining more value in fiat than LINK, what’s the point of holding LINK? You’re better off just holding BTC.

>but muh 2018-2019 bear market gains, we outpaced BTC

Congrats, that was in the bear market. Should have reallocated those profits elsewhere when you could. Link is in a bull market now and most of the eyes are on BTC. Link has never been in a bull market before so trying to apply TA from previous years doesn’t work here anymore

>> No.25417374

>people actually hodl'd an altcoin


>> No.25417494
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Chainlink will make BTC actually useful so it's a win-win in the end.

>> No.25417524

Remember, because BTC is valued in fiat, the money supply of BTC is ultimately determined by the price of BTC.

>> No.25417740

> If BTC is gaining more value in fiat than LINK, what’s the point of holding LINK?
Are you literally 12 years old?

If Tesla is gaining more value in fiat than BTC, what's the point of holding BTC?
Since January 2020:
>Tesla: x8
>BTC: x5

There is always something that does better.

>> No.25417810

Kek unironically this

>> No.25417860

unironically 100% inversely correlated to BTC. never seen anything like this in my life.

>> No.25418008

>one moons
>one stays stable
>"inversely correlated"

That's not what those words mean.

>> No.25418107

Damn I only turned 4k into 200k. If I just invested in BTC instead I would almost 40k now!

>> No.25418153

who cares i bought LINK with $

>> No.25418158

1000 (sats) eoy confirmed

>> No.25418165

>muh number went up bigger lately reeeeeee why am I still so unhappy
we get posts like yours every time btc goes on a run. you’re not original, or special.

>> No.25418266

why would I value my shitcoins with BTC when I bought them with usd

>> No.25418477

Bro checked dubs but anons are right you should try to view in sats - usd is ok though. The point viewing in BTC as it’s the major crypto and is the name of the game per say. I compare my folio shit coins to btc and so should you Anon

>> No.25418753

>you should try to view in sats - usd is ok though
But anon, sats themselves are viewed in usd.

>I compare my folio shit coins to btc and so should you

>> No.25418853

kek. Nulinkers here don't know who pic related is

>> No.25418981

should I all in into link now?

>> No.25419037

Nice goalpost shifting there anon. We’re not talking stocks we’re talking about crypto. In crypto, the #1 goal is to accumulate more Bitcoin. Trying to argue against this would just show you’re a newfag who doesn’t know anything. If something isn’t outpacing BTC in crypto then theres no point in holding it. In stocks, the #1 goal is not to accumulate more Tesla. Your comparison is irrelevant and nonsequitor.

>> No.25419227

>We’re not talking stocks we’re talking about crypto
We're talking about value gains.

Let me throw your own words back at you again:
If stocks are gaining more value in fiat than crypto, what's the point of holding crypto?

>> No.25419252

Kek this

>> No.25419274

since its inception LINK has outperformed BTC

>> No.25419299

>We’re not talking stocks we’re talking about crypto
Forgot to add; TONS of cryptos outperform BTC on any timeframe as well.

>> No.25419353

If that one stock outpaced BTC then yeah this year it seemed more worth it to hold that than BTC. You’re right. Now, how do you argue against holding LINK in a bull market when it’s not even outperforming BTC?

>> No.25419385

>160k sats to 30k sats
thats not what those words mean.
wanna know how i know you hold XRP?

>> No.25419399

>how do you argue against holding LINK in a bull market when it’s not even outperforming BTC?
Same reason you'd argue in January 2020 for holding BTC over Tesla.

>> No.25419411

this shit will go to 1000 sats

>> No.25419429

That's not how "inverse correlation" works, anon.

You need a reference to compare to, which is USD.

>> No.25419459


>> No.25419564

To explain:
If Link dropped from 160k sats to 159.99k sats, that's in itself a 100% "inverse up/down correlation" already, since it went down and not up.

God you peabrains are fascinating.

>> No.25419650

Because the fact BTC keeps climbing while LINK has crabbed means you have lost bigly in terms of opportunity cost. I doubt you'd know such a basic economic principle as most LINKshits are illiterate zoomer retards

>> No.25419673
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>Year of the cope

>> No.25419686

i dont give a fuck

>> No.25419691
File: 672 KB, 1876x1676, howey test ripple vs chainlink price scotus 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not happening.

>> No.25419703

But that’s true for literally every alt, why does link live rent free in your head senpai?

>> No.25419715

i probably sound like a cultist, but this is bullish for mainstream adoption. No one would use LINK if it follows this retarded market on every movement. It needs to have its own price.

>> No.25419729

>the fact BTC keeps climbing while LINK has crabbed means you have lost bigly in terms of opportunity cost

Since January 2020, Tesla did a x8, while BTC only did a x5.
You lost bigly in terms of opportunity cost by holding BTC instead of Tesla.

>> No.25419830

All altcoins are derived from BTC. Apples and oranges.

>> No.25419839
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>> No.25419859

Hey retard
If you're going to act like a crypto genius because you measure in sats, perhaps you should recognize that when bitcoin moons it leaves everything behind for a while. It's going to take time for alts to catch up to bitcoin, meaning that every alt bleeding in sats right now isn't really doing bad and bitcoin's gains will spill over into them
But I'm sure you already know that given you're a crypto genius and all that

>> No.25419877
File: 152 KB, 539x455, brainlet bike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All altcoins are derived from BTC.
haha wat?

You maxis say the absolute dumbest shit, I swear to god.

>> No.25419910

>i-it'll be a-alt season s-soon
Said delusional schizophrenic stinktard number #68397 who can never actually explain why, when or how.

>> No.25419946

You're going to keep bleeding sats and I'm going to drink your cope by the gallon when BTC hits $100k and LINK is crabbing at 14$

>> No.25420303

Link at $14 = x140 compared to September 2017
BTC at $100k = x25 compared to September 2017

>> No.25420489

>arbitrary September 2017 when LINK started
>not when BTC started because that would have BTC at a ×100000

>> No.25420624

only complete dumbasses are all in on link still
it's like 20% of my portfolio, which sucks, but i'm ultimately pretty happy about having a non-retard folio of btc, eth, and link

>> No.25420752

Damn u retarded

>> No.25420838

Imagine being here for 3 years and not buying any link
At current prices, I'm up about 20x in USD and 7x in sats
nolinkers stay mad

>> No.25421175

Yes, because everyone started in crypto when bitcoin released. In fact, when we check our portfolios, they show us our ROI based on 2010 data.

>> No.25421345

This is some bigass cope.

>> No.25421531
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Centralised scams are not a risk worth taking.
Spot anything else there that looks similar?

>> No.25421610

Jesus christ, you retarded nigger.

I'll spell it out for you
>10k in Bitcoin in 2017
>look mummy, i made 50k
>i can now put down a deposit on a house closer to jamal's so my wife can get there faster
>you own a glorifed sea shell swapping system

>10k in Link in 2017
>Worth 1.4 million
>I can now buy the ranch where Jamal's ancestors were enslaved
>You own the future of humanity

Seeth and cope oldfag. You got lucky in 2010 and you can enjoy your glorified sea shell exchange system right until you get replaced

t. AMPLchad and XMRchad

>> No.25421700

>>i can now put down a deposit on a house closer to jamal's so my wife can get there faster

>> No.25421737

Good i hodl for the memes your ta and sats mean nothing to me chainlink has enlighted me.