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File: 3 KB, 200x200, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2540333 No.2540333 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, this is very important for me - is ETH ever gonna be $400 again? Ever?

Or it will only keep going lower now?

Support your saying with technical and fundamental analysis attached

I am holding 1200 ETH and am very stressed

>> No.2540349

Just fucking hold. You are sitting on a 1000 USD eth eoy. Not even counting how much it could rise after 2017.

Just give me your bags now. No need to be stressed over them.

>> No.2540350

That is a good amount of stress OP. You've lost a fair amount of assumed profit. But you are silly. ETH is growing far too fast. You should have sold at $400. Now, sell all 1200 and buy back in at $100.

>> No.2540351


>> No.2540359
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>> No.2540364

If ANS turns out to be a better technology then I wouldn't be surprised if ETH stagnates and potentially falls out of favour with the market. Hopefully this doesn't happen though, as I'm sure most of us have money in ETH, myself included.

>> No.2540381

How did ETH get hacked?

>> No.2540386

I think both of them can live, like Apple and Microsoft. Both will find their place. They can learn a lot from each other, and competition is going to push the technology forward.

>> No.2540391

>You've lost a fair amount of assumed profit. But you are silly. ETH is growing far too fast. You should have sold at $400. Now, sell all 1200 and buy back in at $100.

Ok, but could you please support the $100 point by fundamental and technical analysis.

>> No.2540392
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I would be stressed too
Stress is not healthy

>> No.2540403

it may depending on btc fork result after august but can't say for sure and you can forget about it if it doesn't go above 400 at the end of this year as there are better technologies that will be released next year.

>> No.2540416

Why do you think BTC will fork in August?

>> No.2540420

>there are better technologies that will be released next year.
Like what?

>> No.2540426


>> No.2540442

Reasons why I am holding my bags so far:

1) ICO long tail effect (ponzis upon ponzi) which attracts many startups, Bitcoin does not allow this

2) Better network than Bitcoin with plans to improve with Raiden network and sidechains

3) Switching to PoS will limit supply, thus increase price and allow you to earn from staking your stash.

4) Legit genius autist leader

>> No.2540445

I sold today at price .13BTC OP, been holding since .4BTC, been a good ride but wayyyyy too much skepticism and people questioning it as a project. I think the optimism has reached it's end and people are only going to fear and panic that it's overvalued. Also quite honestly, it seems overvalued. No one's using this as a true currency and that's what's really bringing the demand into this market.

>> No.2540447

ETH did not get hacked, DAO dumb contract got hacked. You lie

>> No.2540453

Yes. Because. Yes. 1200 is far too many anon. You should let me hold your bags.

>> No.2540455

I only need to know - will it ever be 400$ again or never in future (even in 20 years) ever again? Very important. I'm a long term holder (50+years)

>> No.2540468
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Look, ethereum has slow transaction times. The network is broken at high volume. The price already reflects upcoming announcements. I don't see why it would get more pump. I moved everything to antshares because it's technology is superior and it has STRONG backing and a practical use.

>> No.2540481

Its gonna crash now....Who knows after...

>> No.2540486

>I don't see why it would get more pump. I moved everything to antshares because it's technology is superior and it has STRONG backing and a practical use.

I bought some AntShares, could you explain how AntShares is better (fundamental and technical analysis)?

>> No.2540492

>Look, ethereum has slow transaction times. The network is broken at high volume.

Yes, I agree, but Bitcoin alternative is even worse. Besides mETH has problems only when mega ICOs go off

>> No.2540504
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>put $50,000 into ETH today
>ETH crashing


>> No.2540509

Ethereum is a scam. They are switching to Proof of Stake so that the owner can Pad his Pockets with Money while destroying the entire Currency.

Proof of Stake is no more than a Money Printing System for the people who are already rich.

Think about it!

>> No.2540522

>I am holding 1200 ETH
No, you're not.

Why stress anyway? Why not cash out 10.000$ MONTHLY, which is not even 3% of your holdings, and you're living a fine life.

>> No.2540527

Fuuuck, I'm losing tens of thousands by the minute, I'm so fucking pissed. I had a thought to buy BTC for some of my ETH when ETH was 390, but somehow didn't do it.

FUuuck, Literally lost 50k$. But only idiots get stressed and sell the dip, the rule is to buy the dips and sell the peaks. So I can't be idiot that sells low now.

I bought Ethereum at 4$, but still. I had 650k$ just a few day ago, now it is 570k$ already fuuck

>> No.2540529
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>> No.2540530


put it in ltc or promising altcoins

>> No.2540541

>Ethereum is a scam. They are switching to Proof of Stake so that the owner can Pad his Pockets with Money while destroying the entire Currency.

PoS is a more effective way to support network and protect about 51% attacks. Vitalik is not a Chad, only Chads care about stashing pockets and destroying currencies. Genius autists care about the technology for realsies. You can tell it from analysis Vitaliks body language and persona.

PoS is a good system it also increases price of ETH and it allows me to stake my 1200 ETH and earn more for supporting the network. Right now those earnings go to miners, why not have them go to stakers? How is it bad? And how is that different from miners right now?

>> No.2540547

>he doesn't know bitcoin is forking in august
bro do you just stroll through life with your eyes closed and your hands over your ears?

>> No.2540551

>Genius autists care about the technology for realsies. You can tell it from analysis Vitaliks body language and persona.

>> No.2540558

Wait so should we hold or sell ETH?

I can't figure this shit out. Earlier today it dipped to 350, then back to 360, now it's at 349.

>> No.2540566
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>can't sell ethereum if it's all locked up in proof of stake

>> No.2540578

i'm holding 1105 right now
i know your pain
but, i'm holding still
will sell like 5-15 ETH just to buy alt shitcoins with, but not back into fiat for years

>> No.2540580

You can unlock it at any time.

It is not a fact that Bitcoin will fork. Theoretically, if Bitcoin does fork then people should be rushing to ETH and it is the next best thing.

Yeah, I'm fucking pissed that I did not buy more BTC. Don't get me wrong, still holding BTC, but 73% of my stash is mETH. And I did want to buy more into BTC a few days ago, but kept analysing too much instead of pulling the trigger, now I see my profits literally eroding in front of my eyes.

Fucking hurts so much. And if I sell now it will rebound and I will be the idiot who panicked and sold the dip. I never sell dips, ever.

>> No.2540598

At which point did you buy in holderbro?

>> No.2540625

150 eth reporting in
this hurts me

>> No.2540641

Don't worry, lets hold all together, we are the tards who did not sell the top, so might as well join bagholdersanonymous

"Hello everybody, my name is anon, and I'm a bagholder"

"Hi anon!"

>> No.2540643

The real question OP should be asking is, do you buy now or keep waiting for the dip train to stop

>> No.2540655

my average price is <40 per ETH
so for that reason i can HODL on longer than others
for how long though, i'm not sure. i'd honestly be more upset if i sold then eth mooned, than if i didn't sell and it drops by half. the greed is real

>> No.2540676
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Are we going to hang onto our ETH or what you glorious fucking faggots? Are we going to go broke together or become millionaires together?

>> No.2540680

I mean, doesn't it make sense to hold eth because of these reasons?

Or is ALL OF THAT priced in already?

I don't believe such a small market is that efficient to have that priced in. Those college kids buying Ethereum now (normies) don't know these details.

>> No.2540707

I hope that you guys are all fine but the Internet is filled with Scammers that would love to take your Money.

Are you sure you haven't been fooled by Vitalik's Swinging Baloney? We know he is a Genius Autist and that is the problem.

Autist would imply he doesn't give a single shit about you and is more interested in his Individual Pursuits.

The Argument they tell you is that they want "Secure the Currency" but the underlying truth may be that they are trying to create an Exclusive Club of Money Printers for his own Power.

>> No.2540709

I'm sitting on 130 eth. Idk why everyone is acting retarded and histrionic. By July 1st it will be somewhere between 370 and 420 (dudeweedlmao). Don't buy into this sqwuackin' like pink monkey bird.
>ETH is valuable
>ppl with a moderate amount want to convince /biz/ to sell theirs
>price will go down
>they buy up more on the big dip
>starts rising
>start a bunch of shill threads saying that ETH is moonin' GET IN BOYS!11111
Come on dudes. I know this ICO shit is giving peeps the heebie jeebies but wait 2 days and the blockchain will be a-ok and exchanges will have no problems.

>> No.2540742

i might sell maybe 20 more to buy up more shitcoins, but the bulk (~1080 ETH) will be held for the ride
godspeed, everyone

>> No.2540901

I feel like the FUD from biz wouldn't even have the slightest affect on sell volume.

>> No.2540997

I think you're right but the people who peddle the FUD will continue to do so and trick /biz/raelis so it doesn't matter about the actual affect here, but rather just the perspective

>> No.2541011


>> No.2541023

>1. sell ethereum
>2. buy herdcoin
>3. buy lambos

>> No.2541035

t. total genius

>> No.2541110

Ethereum will be $7 by next year.

>> No.2541139
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correct, herdcoin is the next big thing

>> No.2541174


>> No.2541284

From what I can tell the main thing propping up ETH price right now is the ICO mania. There are way too many people who missed the ETH train early and now they have FOMO about missing the next big project.

The ICO calendar is at a critical mass right now and the projects that raised ETH are dumping their bags on the people who need ETH to buy into the next ICO.

So the two things that can disrup this convention is either a lack of demand for ICOs or a lack of supply of them. The first could happen if any of the recent big ones turns out a massive scam and people get scared off investing in any more. The second you have to keep watching https://tokenmarket.net/ico-calendar and see if the number of ICOs starts tailing off.

For a precident you should look at the late 2013/early 2014 BTC bubble. The crash then was a very slow burn over months. Everyone bought BTC but nobody knew what to do with it once they had it. This time people have something to do with their ETH, which is to hand them over to a handful of ICO companies. Concentration of wealth is very dangerous because if just 20 big holders decide the prices has peaked then it's a selling frenzy on a huge scale.

Then you have to look at the risk of there being another hard fork and the risk that the very influential miners start a competing currency once we move to PoS.

So basically if demand for ICOs dries up then expect a big crash.
If supply of ICOs dries up then expect a slow burn over a number of months.
I suspect it will be the latter.

>> No.2541321

I hate to sound like a begging nocoiner, but can someone please make a deposit to my Exodus wallet so I that I know it works? I would be extremely grateful. The smallest transferable amount is fine.


>> No.2541412

>The first could happen if any of the recent big ones turns out a massive scam and people get scared off investing in any more.

BAT, Bancor and Status are all scams.

>> No.2541453

>I bought some Antshares

Hahahhahahahaaha how the hell did you get hold of 1200 ETH?? Definitely not buy being in the crypto business.
NOW you got some heavy bags.

>> No.2541489

anon you need to realize your gains. you have nothing until its realized

>> No.2541497


I never understood why people ask the 12 year olds here for advice.

If you take the advice of anyone here, you deserve to lose all your money

>> No.2541498

But this can easily go up 10x. I'm not even a millionaire if I realise gains now and anons have been saying over and over again how even a million is nothing. And I can't even have a million if I cash out now.

>> No.2541526

OP is obviously a NEET LARPer.

>buys ETH at $4
>holds without cashing out any of it for years until it's worth nearly 1/2 million.
>panics because it is 15% below ATH for one week
>seeks advice of 4chan

Of course mate...

>> No.2541655

Op here. I know it sounds strange, but I am literally not lying.

>> No.2541781


unfortunately ETH got involved in the Bancor fiasco
it looks like the ETH price will go down until all the investors in Bancor get refunded and the project shut down

>> No.2541932

Okay then.
Noone can preditct the future. Why did you buy ETH? Because you believed in the project? Then hold.
If it was for a quick buck - you definitely made that, cash out and be happy.

I personally think it is overvalued at the moment and won't go for a rally anytime soon. However, it has huge potential for the future and I wouldn't be surprised to see $1k in 2018.

If you are unsure, then just diversify a portion of it into BTC, LTC or a few smaller alts (high risk). Also consider cashing out a portion so you don't need to worry too much.

>> No.2541983

so why do you give a shit if you plan to hold it 50 years? stop wasting our time faggot

>> No.2542071

Look don't listen to anyone else, I'm the most informed person here. Keep the ANS and buy as many more as you can. No I'm not going to explain the technical benefits, I don't have the patience and I doubt you have the capacity but I want to help you. Buy. Hold. Hold. Hold. Hold until it's at $250, I know it will be hard.

>> No.2542076

don't be greedy. cash out at least a part of your gains.
Worst case scenario if you sell : the eth rise again and soar and yeah you sold a part when it was low but you're still rich.

Worst case scenario if you don't sell : the Eth plummets and crash because too much fucking ICOs and you're suddenly sitting on a big pile of nothing.

>> No.2542091

It's true, Vitalik doesnt care about money, he dresses like a dork and doesn't even care to buy food.

>> No.2542114

Willing to grant you that sir!

>> No.2542166

mate, you're the one about a week behind on your news.

Segwit2x is getting activated on July 21st, there will be no fork.

>> No.2542174

Most people were only in ETH because of the Bitcoin scaling deadlock, now consensus has been reached and Segwit is being activated most people are switching back to BTC and ETH is going to tank.

If I were you I'd trade your altcoins for BTC.

>> No.2542179

asking that question makes you the biggest idiot in all of crypto
youll lose all your money very quickly fool
a real dumbfuck

>> No.2542195


>> No.2542406

Lel. Get a load of this faggot right here

>> No.2542416

why haven't you sold last week?

>> No.2542437

Kek that's not true at all, aside from the fact that Bitcoin's problems are far from over. The majority of people holding ETH do so because they believe in it's strong fundamentals and the way it can change the world.

>> No.2542452

No. Most people in ETH at the moment have literally no idea what it does.

> “A lot of my friends are selling their bitcoin and buying ethereum,” says Zachary Mallard, who runs a men’s grooming-products business in Brooklyn, N.Y. Mr. Mallard bought some ethereum in recent months.

>> No.2542460

I'm holding mine because I bought them <$100 and have taken my initial stake + $5k out
I'm happy whatever happens now.

>> No.2542461

Cash out now retard, all of it. Hell just withdraw 500k and keep the 70k for play money. That's still ALOT

>> No.2542462

Sell it all ETH is on life support

>> No.2542468

what does that quote have to do with anything? You think people aren't informed on the coin they are buying? Granted some of them aren't but some of BTC holders probably don't have a clue about segwit

>> No.2542488

I'm saying it's packed full of inexperienced, weak-handed normies who have no idea what it does, combined with ICO companies holding shitloads of ETH who will want to liquidate it as the price starts to collapse.

>> No.2542503

The quote doesn't mean anything, he's a normie because he has friends or because he runs a small business?

There are far more weak handed normies in BTC and after every crash the coin has recovered, despite its issues.

>> No.2542528
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Local bottom reached?

>> No.2542537

With ethereum on life support NOW what coin should I buy? Looking to invest $1000

>> No.2542556

Personally, I just open a large long position on ETH/USD @ 323

>> No.2542559

I'll be honest, I'm disheartened it didn't manage to hold $340, and with bitcoin consolidating for another push, I can't honestly say things are looking good for eth in the short term. I'm hopeful it won't drop below $300. Either way, just hold OP, don't sell into a dip with that amount you're holding. If you're very patient, I'm certain you'll win long term.

>> No.2542673

Idiots, I'm using this opportunity to buy buy buy. ETH HAS INTRINSIC VALUE. IT WILL ALWAYS GO BACK UP. Stop thinking short term you punch of fucking cunts and use your brain.

>> No.2542703

assuming OP has put in 1200 x $400 = 480k, I'm too sure s/he would be looking to buy more

>> No.2542714

oh wait, no, they have gains, so probably probably bought much below $400, probably at least few 100k in eth though

>> No.2542718

Ask the devs on their slack to send you doge or something

>> No.2542724

Buy ETH NOW! $500 incoming this week.

>> No.2542748

how much ark do i need to put in delegate to receive a return?

>> No.2542758
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>caring about ETH/USD pairs this much

Yes, inflation will drive ETH higher against the USD. Why do you care? Also this is a poor Pajeet or Petyr, not a whale

>> No.2542759

Im shilling Eth super hard in some facebook groups.

Although even the normies are unhappy with scamcor and scamtus.

Eths short term development is closely tied to Status ICOs response to their crazy fundings.

people are willing to forgive if it gives them hope to retain their gains/investment.

Its likely status ICO knows this - so they will do just that.

Then the current overpurchased BTC will flow back to Eth.

>> No.2542763

Dude, I got in at 12 for 137 eth, now I have 50 and I'm swapping it for bitcoin so I can get more free stellar lumens and byteball.

I've cashed out roughy 30 x the initial investment into fiat once the massive gains came in, which is unbelievable gains.

I am happy to buy back in when it gets to sub 190 with my fiat, and will continue to dollar cost average my cash into eth when I'm not holding any to build it back up.

You are never going to have an investment opportunity this good again. Eth will bounce back but if I were you, take out
300 eth, at 330 an eth for 100 k gain and stick it in the bank.

You will sleep better knowing - if eth drops another 50-100 bucks increase your stash with 50k.
That means you are still 10 - 20 x on your initial investment and those types of gains are very rare.
Even if ethereum crashes you will look back on this as one of the best investments you ever made. If it doesn't crash you will gain loads anyway and still probably make your million.
Don't be greedy :-)

>> No.2542844

I just read that he bought in at $4, wouldn't you consider the risk of just holding right now to be worthwhile? Nothing indicates eth won't rise to at least $350 again in the short term, he should hold imo. This is just the temporary impact of bitcoin rising.

>> No.2542854

when will this happen?

>> No.2542865


I dont have insight on Status ICO PR methods.

But to me its so simple - they just cant not do it it they want to retain their value - and - the value of Eth.

>> No.2542873

by 'short term' I essentially mean a couple weeks, if even that

>> No.2542885

>thinks today's crypto will be worth anything in 50 years


that's like hodling beanie babies for 50 years.

>> No.2542911

>ETH crash is just because BTC is rising

Wrong. Look st the charts. BTC and ETH typically move in unison, not opposition.

>> No.2542952

It's just people moving back to BTC from ETH that were worried about the split, that's why they are not in sync now. Things will return to normal soon enough.

>> No.2542989

I watched very closely for most of yesterday, eth was maintaining a level of around 0.137 sats for many days prior, even when bitcoin began to slowly rise (again) to 2600 yesterday (and slightly beyond that), I think this is due to bot trading maintaining a certain sat level when bitcoin is steady, and it tries to maintain it as bitcoin increases (which is what you're referring to). But what eventually happened was btc began increase at too fast a rate to maintain this 0.137 sats level, and it's now maintaining at around ~0.12 sats.

The reason why altcoins go down in value when btc rises, is because their value in sats, relative to bitcoin, goes down, so people sell off and go into bitcoin to capture that increase in value (which is why eth eventually dropped). This altcoin drop in price when bitcoin rises, is a recurring pattern.

When you look at the inverse sat relationship between btc and altcoins, it makes no sense for eth to increase when btc does, therefore, I think it's just bots. But they can only do so much, before the sell pressure on eth brings down the sat level they're trying to maintain.

>> No.2543322

Dude, I got in at 12 for 137 eth, now I have 50 and I'm swapping it for bitcoin so I can get more free stellar lumens and byteball.

I've cashed out roughy 30 x the initial investment into fiat once the massive gains came in, which is unbelievable gains.

I am happy to buy back in when it gets to sub 190 with my fiat, and will continue to dollar cost average my cash into eth when I'm not holding any to build it back up.

You are never going to have an investment opportunity this good again. Eth will bounce back but if I were you, take out
300 eth, at 330 an eth for 100 k gain and stick it in the bank.

You will sleep better knowing - if eth drops another 50-100 bucks increase your stash with 50k.
That means you are still 10 - 20 x on your initial investment and those types of gains are very rare.
Even if ethereum crashes you will look back on this as one of the best investments you ever made. If it doesn't crash you will gain loads anyway and still probably make your million.
Don't be greedy :-)

>> No.2543731

learn to hold senpai

>> No.2543828

>Just fucking hold. You are sitting on a 1000 USD eth eoy. Not even counting how much it could rise after 2017.

What happens in after 2017?

>> No.2543853

Don't do that OP.

Just like Bitcoin ETH is going to have it's ups and downs. Just hold your coins and you'll see your profits sooner than later.

I fucked up and sold when eth went up to 97 from 85.

Thought that I was making a killing. Sure showed me.

Hold that and wait some time. It will bounce back.

>> No.2543868

>Worst case scenario if you sell : the eth rise again and soar and yeah you sold a part when it was low but you're still rich.

How am I rich if I sell now? Even a million is not "rich". I'm young so can afford to wait long term in theory, easy 5-10 years.

>Worst case scenario if you don't sell : the Eth plummets and crash because too much fucking ICOs and you're suddenly sitting on a big pile of nothing.

Do you really think it will die to nothing? What if I exchange ETH for BTC? But isn't BTC pretty much depreciated?

>> No.2543881


This meme must be stopped. Literally costing people thousands of dollars.

>> No.2543900

its almost if people actually want to get real money for their ethereum and not worthless buttcoins

besides, ETH is paired with usd, euro and even pound on most decent crypto exchanges, so the eth/btc ratio is next to useless

>> No.2543911

I had 25$ in BTC and 50$ in ETH laying around after I finally cashed out.

All the hype with gpu mining in /g/ I decide to check on my account.

120$ in BTC and 630 in ETH

immediately cashed out. Even if ETH reaches 400 or whatever I'm happy

>> No.2543916

>This meme must be stopped. Literally costing people thousands of dollars.

But it has literally been true in history.

>> No.2544936

That's a 2016 article... fuck you shill!

>> No.2545253

>I sold today at price .13BTC OP, been holding since .4BTC, been a good ride but wayyyyy too much skepticism and people questioning it as a project. I think the optimism has reached it's end and people are only going to fear and panic that it's overvalued. Also quite honestly, it seems overvalued. No one's using this as a true currency and that's what's really bringing the demand into this market.

i just sold 125 eth, holding 60.

Today, I am feeling like the ICO shitshow, currently being caped off by Civic, is demonstrably fucking terrible and corrupt to the core and will destroy the value of eth in the near term.

>> No.2545696
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Give me some ETH so I can be stressed too!


>> No.2545949
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I think its the ICO owners who are selling off their newly "gifted" ETH for FIAT.

Thus driving the price down slowly. All these ICO owners seem to just abuse the system. ICOs have to slow down for ETH to rise again.

>> No.2547016

Why aren't more people talking about the obvious arbitrage that's going on? Here and in other coins like ANS. Hell, the ETH price on coinbase is $305 at this very moment... and $330 on Bittrex. People are buying on CB and sending to Bittrex and cashing an EASY 10%. Repeat... Repeat... Repeat... regardless of an asset's price, 10% is 10%... $1.00--> $1.10 per unit just the same. They keep selling and selling and prices are being driven down. Yunbi/Bittrex is experiencing the same thing with ANS.

When and how is this going to be stopped?? If it doesn't, it's going to be impossible for this market to sustain any kind of longterm value... as a holder, I see people exploiting these flaws at MY expense... and it fucking sucks. I'm only 8k invested... but I was planning to dump $100k in once my limits allow... but seeing all of this makes me want to keep it all in my "safe" money that have yielded 6-8% APY for the last fucking 100 years... tried and true. Give me your fucking thoughts, faggots.

>> No.2547076

How exactly is this bad for you?

>> No.2547109

Chill out dude. I'm holding some bags right now too but just wait for the network to unfuck itself, the next set of EEA announcements, and people to get their next paycheck. It'll be back over $400 before the end of June.

>> No.2547120

Either the protocol continues to adapt and meet all of the needs or another better blockchain arises, but for now it is the best and has the most comprehensive roadmap

>> No.2547178

Because people use arbitrage and it tanks the values of coins... they grab their 10% until there's literally nothing left. Meanwhile the value of my coins goes down and down and down.

How is it anything BUT bad for me and others that actually believe in the long term value of crypto?

>> No.2547192

That is why the Market is the Market. Has nothing to do with you.

It doesn't matter anyways. Ethereum is a scam.

>> No.2547204


ETH is going back to old habits. Give it a month or 2 and you'll be at a new paradigm again, probably talking about how it crashed from 590 down to 480 or something.

>> No.2547238

I honest to god, no larping at all, just made 1k in profit arbitraging today. Waited since last night for my transaction to finally come through, checked the arbitrage margins with coinmarketcap, and made the trade (buying on one site and selling on another) just 20 minutes ago. Just made an easy 1k.

That means someone, somewhere has essentially given me 1k.

Enjoy the bags. I can't lose.

>> No.2547247

Arbitrage doesn't lower the value of coins, it averages the value between exchanges. If ETH on coinbase is 305 and on bittrex it's 330, then it will eventually reach 317 on both exchanges, ignoring all other factors.

>> No.2547256

Established markets have things in place to protect against this. This shitshow crypto game has some serious money in it and tons of loopholes still open. This thing has the power to grow exponentially, but real money wont touch it if things like this are possible.Thats what this market needs to truly moon across the board... normie money, big money...

>> No.2547273

Or it keeps proportionally tanking on both exchanges... in which case, the value is sucked out of it.

>> No.2547313

>must be stopped
>Literally costing people thousands of dollars

Wow, such consideration for others! Thanks, anon!

>> No.2547336



>> No.2547395

When you buy on coinbase the price goes up.