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25372015 No.25372015 [Reply] [Original]

Is therapy a good investment? I have a bunch of childhood trauma that I want to stop experiencing on loop on a day to day basis. I hate my mother with a burning rage and also my brother. Or is therapy the ultimate Pajeet scam? Just tired of how much anger I have bottled up.

>> No.25372062

Wim Hof breathing exercises, always remember to breath, you can breathe your way out of almost any emotion.

>> No.25372211

It's a massive scam. Here is everything you need to know:
If you don't maintain those threee, you are lying to yourself when you or anyone else says you are "depressed".

>> No.25372219

I need something better than that

>> No.25372257

I do all 3 of these things on a daily basis. I’m not depressed, at least I don’t feel depressed, I’m more bitter and angry than down in the dumps

>> No.25372283

cut them out of your life. you have to eliminate the source of toxicity in order to move forward.

>> No.25372301

I tried that once before a job interview and it was the only interview I ever did that went badly. I got the job but still.

>> No.25372307

jp said write down shit, it's equivalent to therapy, just grab a notepad or writing software and start from the beginning
this is the best adv you will get itt

also talk to friends about it

>> No.25372337

I already did 3 years ago and I’m still mad

>> No.25372347

depends on the therapist
if they're awkward and cold it'd do nothing, but if you get someone that you would trust with sharing this shit it's helpful
expect to try a few before you find a 'good' one

>> No.25372390

I had a therapist
it was nice to have someone to talk to but just know they are not on your side

>> No.25372410

I was in a similar situation. My anger turned into depression. It took fistfuls of MDMA and shrooms to get me out of the funk. I had to rewire my brain.

I've come to realize that I just can't even be around them because they piss me off so much. I think you need to explore where the anger is still coming from. Therapy could definitely help with that but confiding in a close friend is probably better. Also do drugs.

>> No.25372428
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Okay, I was being lazy.
A key to a healthy mind is a healthy body, therapy won't change that.
Put the anger into lifting weights or running, literally use the anger and pain to push though barriers.
Eat and drink well, drinking alcohol will only exacerbate your problems.
Invest in nutrition, look into neuroregenerative substances like Lion's Mane and vitamins and minerals that promote healthy mood and relaxation (amino acids provide much of this).
Regular meditation and listening to self-improvement videos on youtube did wonders for me.
Talk to trusted friends and family about your burdens, but remember that you can't unsay things, and you should measure carefully how much you unload onto others.
None of this is easy, and you will slip, but excellence is a habit not a singular event. You got this, anon!

>> No.25372444

I've been to a psychologist before OP, and therapist are just one tiny step above them. Here's what they will tell you:
> "Ohhhh just talk about your problems with your friends and family"
> "Love yourself some more"
> "Take a deep breath *ffmmmmmmph* woooooo, yeah, just like that*

>> No.25372543


Unironically, you should try writing down your experiences. It helps organize the brain. You are stuck on problems you don't know how to solve. Writing helps. Therapy really depends on the therapist.

>> No.25372553

Damn I guess I’m fucked

>> No.25372607


Anger is a response to perceived threats. It's a defense mechanism. You are still looking for the lessons you need to learn from these experiences. Even typing out your story here can help.

>> No.25372662

Yes it can be, ignore brainlets who formed their opinion of it based on half-cocked shitposts rather than having actually experienced it coming from a background of a lot of childhood trauma. There are stupid faggots who will form hard opinions of something they never experienced and never really thought about outside of some intellectually lazy shitposts that characterized it as "a jewish scam".

Sometimes peoples childhoods can be so shitty it warps them considerably to where they might suffer life long negative effects, and therapy often can mitigate that. Otherwise to work through the shit that warped your mind could be as tricky as performing brain surgery on yourself, to use an analogy.

Approach it as means to pursuing the Socratic dictum to "know thyself". My recommendation is to read into various therapy modalities and see which one appeals to you and seems like it could help. Browse for a therapist based on that modality. Don't assume that higher payrate of therapist means they are better at it than others. Good therapists can be affordable, I found one for 50 an hour which was worth paying due to how it helped me with my really shitty childhood that was effecting me a lot. Journal as much as you can to get the most out of it. You can burn or delete the journal later if you want to, it's just a means to more slowly and explicitly come to grips with thoughts and emotions.

>> No.25372692

Solid advice, thanks man

>> No.25372697

these are good suggestions.

this is the best suggestion and hits very close to home. but after enough time i was finally able to forgive myself and my abusers and finally began to feel untethered from my pretty fucked up past. it took me like a decade to work some of this stuff out but it was kickstarted with a 5g dose.

>> No.25372709

If you don't isolate yourself from the people who re-traumatize you, then therapy won't work. Imagine going to an ER doc with a chainsaw stuck in your leg and saying "Doc, can you help me?" but you won't remove the running chainsaw. If you're re-traumatized regularly, then one or two hours a week isn't really going to help. Get away from your abusers and then start from there. Read Nietzsche and Jung. That will help too.

>> No.25372743

I already did, in fact I moved to the opposite side of the world from them

>> No.25372824

Just make sure you avoid psychiatrists IMO, they are just drug pushing quacks and you could easily and more cheaply get some kratom or something if you wanted to go that lazier doping route. 4chan is right in its criticism of psychiatrists.

>> No.25372860

I agree with all of this. I think everyone deserves therapy. If it's not helping, perhaps try a different therapist but don't give up.
Mushrooms, meditation and journalling are a good alternative.

>> No.25372876

Good job making it to the other side fren

Trauma is physically imprinted into your body. I'm not fucking around when I say MDMA literally saved my life. It allows you to open up and dig deep into areas that you've completely buried.

For example, I had rationalized the reason I had to go to school with holes in my shirts, socks, and shoes was because we were poor. The reality is that my parents were selfish, negligent people. Or that my sister was crazy and that's why she killed herself.

It all seems pretty obvious now looking back, but the trauma can block your ability to understand and cope.

>> No.25372976

Therapy is fine if you set calendar goals for your mental health.

It is a waste of money/time if you see them for months and use them as a pillow to cry on, and never make any progress. Then it's just a parent/friend simulator, which is a waste.

>> No.25372982

it's a jewish scam to go private. if you can figure a way to get to one at your local health department, i'd highly recommend you give it six months.
t. smarter and more experienced than all the anons calling it an unequivocal scam

>> No.25373006

Yeah I went to school with dirty clothes and smelling like my parents weed and my mom did meth and had all kinds of shitty people in my life and thought this was all normal and top of lungs screaming matches between mom and boyfriends were normal too til I grew up and began really resenting her

>> No.25373038

Got a lot of psychologist in my life.
Free in my country.
All they do is trying to make you see your thinking on a different angle.
But it’s just shit desu

Did you ever try to do everything you can to enjoy being yourself? Love yourself and threat yourself well. And be relaxed to be yourself

>> No.25373068

Just do drugs retard

>> No.25373119

Therapy worked for me. I would have killed myself long ago if it wasn’t for my therapist.

>> No.25373153

Therapists that get paid by the state are shit. You probably thought it was a good thing that it was "free" hence why you mentioned it, but it's not.

>> No.25373290

its good to talk about things here, but you should really talk to someone who's more equipped to help you through it. empathy isn't enough. and it's downright unethical how difficult they make it around me to talk to someone without paying an arm and a leg per session.
do you know anyone who's used public mental health services in the past? if so they might be able to get you in to see someone for free.
as much as you might (understandably) distrust the field, a lot of them come from troubled backgrounds as well. "normal" people don't fall into psychology. please at least look into it, just talking about shit with a professional probably saved my life. i certainly wouldn't be where i am now if i hadn't. i'd tried talking to old friends, new friends, anon friends, my siblings, my parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents. they aren't equipped and it's not really fair to them either. talk to a professional, no drugs, just talk for an hour a week.

>> No.25373330


>> No.25373340
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>muh childhood trauma
>I hate mommy
>pandemic gets me depressed

man the fuck up zoomer faggot

>> No.25373375

i wouldn't dissuade OP from whatever services are within his means. i could easily argue that private therapists have incentives not aligned with the client.

>> No.25373385

>I moved to the opposite side of the world from them
I'm glad to hear that, anon. What you're doing isn't easy, but if you keep at it, you will make progress. There's no such thing as 'healthy' but 'healthier' is worth shooting for.

>> No.25373405

Yeah I think I’ll give it a shot at least. Worst that can happen is I lose a little money. Thanks man.

>> No.25373409

>everything i've ever dealt with i could handle on my own
>that's how i know you're weak

>> No.25373426

I find that saying things out loud really helps. When you get those thoughts and loops in your head force yourself to say them out loud so you can hear it even if you’re talking to yourself. Some thing about annunciating and hearing your voice makes it more real than just on a loop in your head.

>> No.25373436

This is true, but people want to believe it's something more difficult that's out of their reach. Cold showers are also useful for activating the mammalian diving reflex and pulling you out of autonomic dominance.

>> No.25373442

Yeah it was a step in the right direction but there’s still a part of it that won’t go away and continues bothering me, so I’ll try therapy and see if it helps, thanks everyone who gave serious replies

>> No.25373460

You're just low-IQ, as well as emotionally and thus mentally stunted probably to the point of being incapable of having authentic conversations.

There's no way public-only therapists have better incentives than private ones, that's just naive and delusional. You must be a marxist or something.

>> No.25373521

Don't forget about reading and expanding your mind dudes.
Don't read any msm or fantasy shit, your not smarter for reading harry fucking potter.
I mean read books on differing philosphy, economics, and human behaviour. Discover snd learn why you do what you do and pursure what you love.

>> No.25373560

i hope you do. just don't let them turn you away. when i hit my breaking point i went to the only place i knew and it was where i went as a child. they turned me away at my lowest point because i didn't have insurance. i had to have a client get me in. just don't give up. don't let them throw you in the loony bin, but don't let them turn you away. as gay as it sounds, you absolutely deserve to be happy and be free of the weight you've been carrying.

>> No.25373596

sorry you were born into such a shit situation anon. your past is always a part of you, use it as a strength to drive you toward a better future.

>> No.25373604

I have a bunch of trauma related to money, is therapy a good investment, lol?

>> No.25373612

Depression doesn't exist.