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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 319 KB, 769x1285, monerowaifu3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25363816 No.25363816 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to the Monero General, dedicated to the discussion of the world's leading decentralized p2p privacy cryptocurrency!

Monero is secure, low-fee, and borderless, meaning users can send XMR around the globe despite corrupt governments or broken financial systems. Innovative privacy features such as Ring Signatures, Stealth Addresses, and Ring CT (hidden tx amounts) ensure that Monero's blockchain is obfuscated -- the financial history of all Monero users is encrypted from the prying eyes of adversaries on a public blockchain, with the proof of the transactions being possible by a Monero user willingly providing a view key for a specific transaction if needed.

Monero has also improved upon the scaling downsides of the current popular cryptos. To avoid high fees, dynamic block size ensures that the size of the blocks will increase as the amount of txs goes higher. Further, the mining network algorithm Random X establishes that anybody with a CPU can participate in mining, preventing the ASIC miner domination that creates a high barrier of entry. Lastly, the mining network will be preserved by Tail Emission -- instead of the block reward falling to zero like with Bitcoin, the block reward will gradually approach 0.6 XMR in May 2022, where it will forever stay. This constant linear inflation means the inflation rate will asymptotically go to zero while continuing to provide an incentive to miners to maintain the network.

If you still have questions, feel free to ask and a Monero Chad will be with you shortly.

OFFICIAL WEBSITE - https://web.getmonero.org



>Non KYC:
Local Monero
Crypto ATMs
see: kycnot.me



Gui/Cli (recommended)

IOS: Cakewallet
Android: Monerujo

>Cold Storage

>> No.25363844

The most undervalued financial asset you could buy RN

>> No.25363861

How do I convince my gf to cosplay her?

>> No.25363928
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if you have to convince her, get a better gf

>> No.25363977
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This is the v0.17.1.8 minor point release of the Monero GUI software. This is a recommended release that contains mitigations against the ongoing memory exhaustion attack.

The latest CLI release notes can be found on the precedent blog post

Some highlights of this minor release are:

Update monero submodule to v0.17.1.8
UI tweaks to LineEdit component
Minor bug fixes

>> No.25364133

Inb4 0xfag and Piratefag arrive.

Newfrens, beware the scammers who show up in our thread to shill their shitcoins

>> No.25364204
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>xmr thread

>> No.25364205
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It's important to remember that Monero is not for investing, it's a currency for buying.

>> No.25364235

why shouldn't I invest in XMR?

>> No.25364260

what is a suicide stack for xmr?
>inb4 unknown amount

>> No.25364319

Should I buy XRM?

>> No.25364324

how much do you think the CIA/Mossad/Saudis/anyone with money would be willing to pay for financial secrecy.

>> No.25364391

it's an amount that you can't possible know
based anon.

>> No.25364425

but xmr has a similar supply to bitcoin right now, no?

>> No.25364437

Once Mimblewimble is implemented, LTC will blow Monero out of the water with regards to privacy.

>> No.25364474

Nothing can be more secure than monero.

>> No.25364528

there is actually less Monero than Bitcoin
no it won't.
it would be optional privacy first off, which is a meme.
second it wouldn't fix the attack vector of a transparent block chain. It's like putting on a bulletproof vest when somebody is armed with a grenade launcher. It's may protect against bullets but you are still going to get blown up.

>> No.25364798

There's going to be regulations and laws coming when criminals and terrorists start using Monero big time, it's most likely going to become completely illegal in most countries, simply because it's impossible to trace.
That will make buying Monero extremely difficult, and selling it even more so.

All it takes is one big terrorist event where they used Monero for politicians to kill this coin, that's all the excuse they need to gather support.
That's how long it will take before you get fined and jailed for even trying to buy, hold or sell it.
It's only a matter of time.
Until then it's just useful for payments, such as buying bitcoins to invest without KYC.

>> No.25364999

Monero is compliant with regulations. All of the FUD you are saying was said about Bitcoin previously. Ironically what isn't compliant are all of these meme staking tokens with centralized structure (which is why Ripple and company are in trouble). But a decentralized p2p cryptocurrency is completely legal. What is illegal -- such as not paying taxes -- is based on the individual and not Monero.
The government can't stop it. There is no legal history that supports what you are saying.
Go here: https://www.perkinscoie.com/en/news-insights/anti-money-laundering-regulation-of-privacy-enabling-cryptocurrencies.html

>> No.25365008

meanwhile HSBC, UBS, the CIA, and criminals everywhere use US dollars no problem

>> No.25365049

optional privacy is only an issue if it means the Anonymity Set is smaller. LTC has 5x the userbase of XMR, think it's safe to say that the AS will be bigger on LTC

>> No.25365081

>All it takes is one event where they demand cash and cash will be banned because it can't be traced

>> No.25365085

mymonero wallet is stuck with all funds. error: "this wallet must first be imported"
i cannot remove funds and have no additional funds to seed the wallet. any ideas?

>> No.25365118
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>tfw xmr is subtly shilled by parsiq
zcash btfod kek

>> No.25365200
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Btc maxis btfo aswell

>> No.25365458

It's OPTIONAL you retard. Not everybody is going to use it.
Zcash has optional privacy. Want to take a guess at how many transactions are shielded? It's like 1%.
And further you still aren't solving the extremely large issue of having a transparent ledger.
contact their support. Might be hard today because of new years.
how long have you been using mymonero? could be a needed update perhaps?

>> No.25365659

u think the seed phrase on a new wallet will make funds available? been using mymonero for less 1 week, sent items to newly created wallet and now getting error. their cust service is closed bc new year. will need to wait several hours at least

>> No.25365671


stop being cute you autists and just tell me the sui stack amount. I'm just gonna guess its about ~100

>> No.25365782

your seed phrase is your private key. Once you input your seed phrase you will unlock your wallet.
however my monero uses a seed phrase of only 12 words so it won't work on other wallet clients.
your funds aren't lost, it's very likely some tech error.

>> No.25365793

Anyone got an idea on what exchange to use that doesn't have high fees? I mined about 10 bucks of Monero and been playing with it on Binance, but it looks like Binance will force you to KYC yourself eventually. Of course when I can make 3% gains a day it has to be on a sight that can just steal all my crypto unless I tell them who I am. Any recommendations?

>> No.25365851

Can we also ban guns while we’re at it? It’s sole purpose is made for killing
>muh freedom
That’s what I thought now shut the fuck up

>> No.25365883

kucoin or trade ogre don't require kyc

>> No.25365976

Would you know of the top of your head what has higher trade volume and what is the minimum transaction amount? I got fucked by the later with binance, so I am asking while I look becuase I clearly missed it the first time like a tard.

>> No.25366016

the newest version i downloaded has 25 words for seed. will try another wallet. is feather trustworthy? thanx for working with me

>> No.25366024

kucoin has higher trade volume

>> No.25366103

np anon.
feather is pretty new but I've heard good things. Again, if you have your seed you can use any wallet.
We tend to recommend the GUI on here. If you download the GUI, use simple mode and connect to a node (a daemon) and then you will scan the blockchain on that node for you funds.

>> No.25366223

Women should do as they are told. If yours is disobedient, she was probably born a man

>> No.25366241

1 more Q. the idea i get from the mymonero error is they were requesting a 0.1 xmr fee to seed or start a new wallet. is this common for wallets, to require 0.1 xmr before ability to send?

>> No.25366283

the reason you are being charged is because you had a prior wallet created and you are using the mymonero server to scan the blockchain at your convenience. Some lightwallets are like this. This is likely why you have a 25 word seed.
If you download the GUI you won't be charged.

>> No.25366285

forgot to tag you >>25366241

>> No.25366311

thank you again, you monero supersoldier representative. excellent answers. may your future be bright and filled with unknown amounts of wealth

>> No.25366767



>> No.25366858

np anon.

>> No.25366867

I'm thinking about storing Monero on a Trezor Model T. Is this a good idea (security wise)?

>> No.25367000

Thanks. Hopefully one of you autists will unknowingly make use of the private block I run. We going to make it lads without some asshole watching us.

>> No.25367425

why the hell does the price keep decreasing??? what the hell is happening

>> No.25367605
File: 317 KB, 900x1200, Sonoda_Umi_ALL_STARS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been afraid to ask, is XMR girl based on Umi from Love Live? They look really similar, but when I look closer it seems a little bit off.

>> No.25367637

pedo coin

>> No.25367966

nah the monero girl has been around for a while.
the one in the OP might be influenced by it, but all the art is done by an anon. He pops in our generals every now and then.

>> No.25367975

i think you're looking for polkadot general

>> No.25368002

It's over.

>> No.25368501


>> No.25368589
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faith under duress

>> No.25368631
File: 272 KB, 788x669, XMR feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did you realise that XMR is superior to bitcoin in all aspects except popularity?

>> No.25369159

I'm missing out on massive gains by being all in xmr

>> No.25369368

then go hold something else

>> No.25369394

Criminals and terrorists are legally governing you right now.

>> No.25369513
File: 65 KB, 497x317, XMR tracing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then sell it and buy maxipad's king shitcoin surveillance bags you weak bitch

>> No.25369572

Happy new year XMR chads

>> No.25369756

It's pretty stable on fiat pairs, but pretty much every alt is getting rekt on the btc ratio, dominance is breaking 70%.. Honestly this btc pump surprised me, I thought we'd see a 30% pullback by now like in 2017 when it tested and broke ATH. Apparently we're in a new paradigm of institutional chinese new year wall st bonuses.

>> No.25369774

based and redpilled

>> No.25369817

Thanks, happy new year too, stay strong.

>> No.25369955

So should I start mining Monero directly or should I mine something else and exchange it for Monero?

>> No.25370031
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About 3 weeks ago. Now it's half my stack.

>> No.25370058

happy new year monero bros... the moon really was the friends we made along the way

>> No.25370237

>when criminals and terrorists start using Monero big time
google "terrorists using bitcoin"
google "institutions buying bitcoin"
realize that they are not mutually exclusive and you are a dumby

>> No.25370697

Yes, but also the gains that, unlike most other crypto, are unlikely to rapidly deflate for no good reason

>> No.25371243

Guys is someone making a xmr eth bridge? I want this xmr privacy shit but how to i get it privately with eth?

>> No.25371318

I don't think so but, there are two ways to do it:
1) you make a swap service like atomic swap. this would require eth to make updates to it's protocol the same way xmr is currently waiting for btc devs to implement taproot.
2) you can start making wrapped xmr, this would allow you to "trade" xmr for erc20 tokens and then eventually have a gateway back to xmr if needed.

>> No.25371355

use morphtoken and swap eth for xmr straight up. It's pretty much anon.
once atomic swaps get produced for xmr - btc, it shouldn't be long for a xmr - eth swap to be made.

>> No.25371421
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Tfw unconcerned

>> No.25372509


>> No.25372701


>> No.25373045
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when Bitcoin got delisted from all black markets in the dark web and they now accept XMR only. that's when you know a new trend is coming.

also for >>25369159
who is having the perfect time to accumulate now before the wave comes.

>> No.25373307

If you were a chad you would know the suicide stack amount. It has similar supply to bitcoin, so use your brain. It's an unknown amount.

>> No.25373462
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>> No.25373538

Who is she, and why is she so lewd?

>> No.25373599

She is monerochan and she is unbound by society's regulations

>> No.25373608
File: 43 KB, 574x1022, 1609407597730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fake and gay thighs

>> No.25373610
File: 599 KB, 685x815, safex is better than monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to like Monero but with recent news that feds are able to trace transactions I lost confidence. I sold my XMR stack for a scam called SAFEX that is literary an identical clone of Monero but with a huge possibility that will do 100x because its economics created by SAFEX Chief Economist Ivana Todorovic is based on a Polish MLM system that never fails.

>> No.25373697

Incredible image. I'm ashamed to have previously called myself a ZR lover.