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2536042 No.2536042 [Reply] [Original]

I made a million in crypto, where can i move to? I was thinking maybe the UK, since they will leave the EU or Switzerland, but its kinda expensive there.

I think I got 5 to 10 years to get out of here before the muslim takeover.

>> No.2536043
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1. Hire mercs
2. Take over african country
3. Convince non-cucked european nation to make it a colony
4. Spread colonialism over the rest of the third world
You would do us all a great service

>> No.2536044

Isle of Man
Cook Islands

Any other small country

>> No.2536074

>I think I got 5 to 10 years to get out of here

Where is "here"?

>> No.2536103

Yeah don't go to Switzerland with only 1 million. If you want to live a nice live there the 1 mil won't even last for 5 years. Go to a shit country in Asia and live like a king until you get bored. That's what I would do anyway.

>> No.2536125

>inb4 Germany

>> No.2536138

Netherlands, France, Belgium, UK, Germany, Sweden. Basically all western countries in Europe.

I'm looking to get out of here ASAP too, every other day theres another muslim terror attack.

>> No.2536146

hello neighbour.
austria reporting in

>> No.2536149

Don't. Source : I live in UK.

>> No.2536189


Well my phone is being retarded so I dunno if you're OP, but there are plenty of places in the USA you could live comfortably on a million dollars if you play your cards right.

>> No.2536208

I moved from Germany to Belarus (I have Russian roots) when I started to see only brown people in the streets. To an average Westerner fag, I would recommend Poland, the Baltics or CZ. All of them extremely nice places, but you have to live in a bigger city preferably.

>> No.2536210

how do you think youre just going to be able to move to a country? you need to get a visa at least.

>> No.2536227

move to Isle of Man if you're thinking UK

>> No.2536229


If you're coming to the USA all you gotta do is sneak across the goddamn southern border.

>> No.2536230

Malaysia is cheap.

>> No.2536247

move and continue reinvesting

full time

don't ever stop

turn that into WAY too much money

meet other likeminded folk

consider buying land to literally start a country

>> No.2536255

>going to UK to get away from muslims
doin it wrong

>> No.2536287

yall never gonna make it to lamboland with your overvalued highmcap shitcoins that already made everyone rich as fuck.....

>> No.2536303


>> No.2536327

no shit. if youve got less than 50k worth of crypto today you're not going to become a millionaire without waiting for years or being an exceptionally good trader.

>> No.2536372

Chance of dying in a terrorist attack is 0.00001%. Litterally a non-issue. It's the demographic issue that is so dangerous. We need every white male we can get, don't run. You're even worse than those refugees who leave their family in syria

>> No.2536378

TFW only $43,000

>> No.2536383

>all these weak-willed faggots wanting to run away

>> No.2536623


You 2 clowns literally have no fucking clue what you're talking about. When the .com bubble blew and the housing market collapsed, over $8 trillion in wealth evaporated on each occasion.

The crypto market is so far from being mainstream it's almost laughable. $115 billion is fucking chump change. That's $355 per US citizen.

ANYone who gets in now and isn't a complete fucking retard stands to make a fortune. Stay poor, idiots.

>> No.2536640

This. It's a global boom too. Housing market and .com more more USA specific.

>> No.2536655

Stay away from the UK from a couple years. upper central Europe is better, Sweden or some shit

>> No.2536671

Why in the fuck would you want to do that is there anything even there

>> No.2536686


>It's a global boom too

Exactly. This obsession with "market caps" is retarded. These are crypto-CURRENCIES. They are not stocks. You might as well argue against the "market cap" of the dollar for all the sense it makes.

>> No.2536706
File: 24 KB, 600x522, 232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i just want a nice suburban house in a flyover state in america with my wife and kids and golden retriever and a gun that i'll never need to use but i own just in case

i don't wanna live in bongland, i'm not even in a heavily immigrant populated city and literally 3/5 school kids are pakis, this country commited demographic suicide and is completely fucked

>> No.2536707

Best motorcycle race in the world?

>> No.2536724

>made a million in crypto
>doesn't want to move somewhere expensive
The fuck do you care if you have a million dollars? Live a modest life and be happy in your all-white neighborhood like a comfy pepe.

>> No.2536734

already made my million, im just being realistic for the next 5 years. if the alt bubbles continue as they are fuelled by the ico scams that are being peddled today its going to be a much longer and rougher ride up.

but 95% of them have no use and so theyre treated as little pump and dump tokens to make money with and nothing more.

>> No.2536756
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>He thinks he has 5-10 years before the SHTF

>> No.2536757


>but 95% of them have no use and so theyre treated as little pump and dump tokens to make money with and nothing more.

Agreed, which is why I said:

>ANYone who gets in now and isn't a complete fucking retard stands to make a fortune.

Complete fucking retard meaning those who buy into meme pump and dump bullshit or think they're the next Jordan Belfort.

Buy promising tech that has a shot at real world adoption and all will be well.

>> No.2536760
File: 27 KB, 500x375, cute-girl-lucia-dvorska-slovak-model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Czech republic or Slovakia, 15-20 min away from main city on a nice vineyard estate. Based slavic countries with freedom of expression, guns, and tolerance to marxist bullshit. But then I'm slavic so it may be easier for me.

>> No.2536768

>Isle of Man
>Cook Islands

Why these in particular? Tax havens? I need redpill anon.

>> No.2536771

no tolerance*

>> No.2536776



>> No.2536786

Because a million dollars doesn't get you a home, and you can burn it real quick while searching for an opportunity.

Unless you want to live the same rent/low wage life you lived back where you were.

A million is good to start up a business, though. But as an immigrant, can't really say your chances are as good as a national.

>> No.2536787

Nice insight anon.

This too. ICO cash grab bubble has the potential to set us back years if it really goes south. I only deal in alts that serve a real purpose or could be a viable store of value further down the road. The way I see it, we have an obligation to FUD ICO cash grabs and scam coins because the bigger the bubble gets, the more it'll hurt us when it pops.

>> No.2536821

have you heard of gold?

>> No.2536936

>Because a million dollars doesn't get you a home

It'll get you a hell of a home if you're willing to live outside a major city. FFS I can get a 3 bed 2 bath house on a couple acres for $100k all over central and northern Wisconsin.

Beer, cheese, and no niggers or mudslimes.

>> No.2536940

there isnt much promising tech though, especially not if you consider real world adoption. most of the highest marketcap coins today are shit, its a full time job to keep on track of every project being started andvetting them for scams/developer trustworthiness/competency. and that's before you can even consider what hot new idea theyre trying to shove into a blockchain just so they can sell their own premined tokens. and even if you find something legitimately good its likely to get its ideas absorbed or completely replaced by a similar idea.

its a complete gamble to stray outside of the top 10 or 20 coins and if youre thinking long term you have half that to pick from. as much as the whole market has grown in the past year its in a miserable state.

>> No.2536950

no capital gains tax, only whites, comfy as fuck

>> No.2536971

Sweden is like rape-central, EU
You can move your family to a safe place, I understand that but I can't understand abandoning your ancestral homeland, your people.
I'm in the same boat as you but without a child and in a slightly less fucked country and I have been an expat for some years so I know I will never feel home anywhere else. And everyday that I interact with my fellow man, be it just goofing around with the women at the deli, I feel home. It's sappy but true.
During the migrant crisis I have become pretty cynical but determined. I won't let my land that my ancestors have sweated, bled and died for just being taken by some invaders who will turn into a shithole because that's all they can do.
There will be an economical collapse "soon"(tm) and that will be the finest hour for me and many other men in Europe.

>> No.2536978

You can come live in my spare bedroom. I also got a big couch we can bro down and watch TV.

What did you do to get a million? I'm just starting in crypto.

>> No.2536992

new zealand OP. No CGT on funds you bring with and looks pretty much like your picture

>> No.2537098

Sure, you can get housing for as cheap as 40K, no joke, if you want to live in a remote place.
Depends on what he wants. Though if he moves to a "quiet rural town", he's gonna be in for a hell of a ride, take that as you will. Can be heaven or hell, and judging by the average Joe in the chan, he's not the outgoing type of guy.

>> No.2537133

beautiful country, but sandflies everywhere
those fuckers are beyond vile

>> No.2537205

bullshit have not seen one sandfly there, come to think of it I don't think I've seen any flies there. Maybe they're just small numbers vs aus