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25344488 No.25344488 [Reply] [Original]

After the Bitcoin crash, how low is your buy threshold?
I’m thinking sub 10,000.

>> No.25344496


>> No.25344517

probably 30k re-entry assuming it crashes really hard

>> No.25344528

It’s the dollar that’s crashing

>> No.25344529

You mean sub 100,000

>> No.25344534

ding ding

>> No.25344577

Goys, I think I finally figured out how to shut these mother fuckers up. Every time I post this on a bear thread they all disappear because they literally have no argument

Bitcoin is nowhere near the top you moron. Many normies bought the top at 19k last cycle, and sold low when it crashed. Those dipshits think btc is still a scam at these prices because they fucked up. Their sheep-like brains cannot register that it was their mistake for buying the top of a 20x yearly parabola, therefore "btc MUST be a scam"
>source: I know some of these people
What does this mean? btc is going to atleast 50k (possibly higher) before the normrods start thinking "hmmm, maybe I should get back into this after all". At which point we reach a new mania phase and dump on them. Its simply nature

>> No.25344587

I have no clue. I think I’ll stay away from bitcoin forever.

>> No.25344599

Will you let us know when your friends get back in?

>> No.25344605

You should write a book genius.

>> No.25344606

Fuck he posted it again, pack it up boys.

>> No.25344613

It’s about to sink to at least 8,000 before it rises above 30,000.

>> No.25344617

Finally a decent post.

>> No.25344620

I'll buy at 26k. Really kicking myself right now for not buying at 27-8 when it felt too high, fuck this

>> No.25344630

Yes. I've actually written in other threads that thats literally my exit strategy for the current run

>> No.25344640

Almost true
I think we will be well above 100k before we dump on retail.

Its cheaper you know

>> No.25344664

>I think we will be well above 100k before we dump on retail.
perhaps, im not waiting on a certain number though. im unironically gonna dump the moment my brainlet friends asking me "if now is a good time to buy". trying to time the very top is a recipe for rekkage

>> No.25344773

I sold at 27 expecting a minidump which hasn't come. Thinking about going back in but I'll wait till after new years just in case.

>> No.25344802

never. once the coming btc collapse, it dies with the coming great reset.

>> No.25344805

Bitcoin has never crashed below a previous ATH. What makes you think it will now?

>> No.25344813

> so it won’t fuckin happen til 6 figures. You know how many people are kicking themselves for not buying st 10, or even 20 or even fuckin 25k? The pain I see feels great and the people that I knew always hated what I had and wanted me to sell can seethe more now.

>> No.25344818

If you think it's going back down to 10k you are retarded and ngmi. I really hope you're being ironic. BTC is never going below 16k ever again. Will hit 94-149k sometime next year and crash again to somewhere in the 30k's. Source: I'm a time traveler and you are all my niggers.

>> No.25344833

30s huh? Who’s selling? Old holders? They might sell 1 of how ever many they have and that’s be snatched up by GBTC alone. I don’t think u new fags get how very little btc is left so the prices are going to make people cryyyyyyyy it’s going to 90k before u know it (March)

>> No.25344834

They are all scared and expect the price to dump. It will go higher and higher and they feel smug because they know it will dump. Then we breach 100K and they FOMO in and we go to 200k in a month

>> No.25344846

This too. It's fun to see these dumbasses foam from their mouth. Leave them behind, never look back

>> No.25344939

bitcoin is a pyramid scam with no attractive usecases besides speculation. It will collapse, to question is when.

>> No.25344941

(Pardon me)
>tel him about btc at 8k when I had a “few” even tried to educate him and told him watch basic btc videos, said it’s not for me it’s too risky and isn’t anything valuable...ok...goes to 13k and he gets fomo and needs to buy ASAP like right now send me some I’ll give u cash type fomo. I said no for tax purposes (lol was bs) goes to 19800 and he feels like he’s so smart, crashed to 14kish area at one point and he gets out cuz it’s too scary holding it. Goes to 3k and you know the rest. It’s now at 29k. He was telling me to sell ASAP he sold, when it would climb back up he would beg me to sell, and I know he was jealous and wanted me to sell all mine so we both don’t have any, he knew I started buying when it was under a grand.. We fell off on some other stuff but..I know he checked the price daily, and I know he’s seething. There’s so many other people in my life that are sooooo salty I have what I have and think I just got lucky, fuck then too.

>> No.25344967

If it goes back down to the 16-17k range I will buy the fuck out of them.

>> No.25344973

2014 called, they want their bullshit argument back

>> No.25344974

It’s use case is that it’s decentralised and finite making it the exact opposite of fiat currencies

>> No.25344999

thats not a usecase in itself. 95%+ of the demand for bitcoin is speculating they can sell to a bigger fool. The network is flawed and doomed to fail. It´s a temporary scam
t.150 IQ

>> No.25345020

You had 10 fucking years OP

>> No.25345030

If you had 150iq you would of brought 10,000 bitcoins at pennies

>> No.25345173

No one cares, the the nocoiners seethe and vent.

>> No.25345198

I dunno why people like you keep repeating the same arguments over and over again and ignore counter arguments. It's like you're a programmed NPC.

How exactly does decentralized, trustless money that allows everyone on the planet to trade with everyone else on the planet in a secure way without the need for middle man NOT have usecases? There are Bitcoin BILLIONAIRES now. Know how much power a fucking billionaire has? Do you really need an explanation why having that power without relying on banks and government interference and having it 24/7 is a huge thing?
As Bitcoin grows it's influence on the world will only grow exponentially as well. All of our modern economy relies on trading and now we have a parellel economy that is a million times more efficient at trading, doesn't sleep and is filled with ambitioned idealists.

>> No.25345229
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t. too smart for Bitcoin

>> No.25345258

My normie "friends" are already asking me about crypto in the group chat. The top is in retard

>> No.25345301

depends on how high it goes. Probably 10k if it starts dropping now, based on the previous trend

>> No.25345356

either you're
a) full of shit
b) they somehow avoided the last cycle (most did not) and that makes a big difference

>> No.25345361

>everytime I post this ((( they ))) ALL disappear
based post, but why did you started off so cringe?

>> No.25345370

The problem is extremely powerful people wouldn't just let the US dollar die immediately. They're going to be kicking and screaming before letting fiat currency die. It's going to be a slow death as they transfer their currency into assets or what not while they don't alert the masses they are pulling the largest rug under them. Media scare tactics, laws, regulation, even China will have a vested interest in propping up the USA.

>> No.25345371


>> No.25345372

The top isn’t in when they start asking dipshit. The top is in when they are all in with leverage. We’re just getting geared up, but go ahead and sell because a few of your normie friends saw it on CNBC or something

>> No.25345378

23k, it’s not even going to go close to 10k and only a retard would consider it

>> No.25345403

You had 11 years

>> No.25345449

this, most probably 35k

>> No.25345461

does it matter? doesn't change the fact that its true

>> No.25345485

this, kek

>> No.25345519

underrated pasta, kek

>> No.25345545

just my two cents dude lol.. does it really matter to you?

>> No.25345547

Maybe. We'll see who will win the battle. Bitcoin hasn't been really tested yet. But even China didn't manage to outlaw Bitcoin and rather decided to let its people accumulate

>> No.25345583


>> No.25345586

You wish it'll. Max 16K

>> No.25345601

I don't need to buy shit, I am fully positioned.

>> No.25345605
File: 28 KB, 1008x720, bear_lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, you managed to write the dumbest comment in the entire thread with just 2 sentences. I applaud you.

>> No.25345639

so you basically never sold? you even held through the bubbles?

>> No.25345731

That's all you need to know really, so it wouldn't be a very long book.

>> No.25346064
File: 7 KB, 250x246, 5644E199-0C3F-476E-9DD6-730ECE5E8D36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sending billions of dollars around the world in a few hours to anyone with a smart phone

Ok, negative brain, keep taking your Jnj powder

>> No.25346119

>sending billions of dollars around the world in a few hours to anyone with a smart phone

that actually is useless

>> No.25346286

You guys are fucking deluded. Even my dad asked me about bitcoin after hearing about it on the news. Wake the fuck up

>> No.25346353

Thank the old system for picking this up, play their game and shut up. This is such a joke, peak irony.