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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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>> No.25333513

I’m in this picture and I don’t like it

>> No.25333534
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30k tonight

>> No.25333550
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It doesn't like you either.

>> No.25333567
File: 794 KB, 806x557, 1596539321378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how do (you) find stocks to invest in? for me, it's finviz to sort out candidates then analyzing meme lines

>> No.25333606
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What logic would prevent me from buying LEAPs in a stock like SPY?
Not planning to, just curious.

>> No.25333624

Reminder that TSLA is not a car company or a tech company, they are a stock company. They have issued 40 shares per car "delivered" in 2020.
Unrelated but
>I only buy and sell calls on SPACs
>sell and never look back when targets are announced
I am not even touching anything resembling the American economy now. The market is pure crypto

>> No.25333653
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Stimchads ww@

>> No.25333715

Listen up faggots. Instead of buying up bags of a stock which has pumped 1000% in the past few weeks, buy the stock which will pump 1000% and sell your bags. This is the way.

>> No.25333732

What prevents you from buying puts on inverse fund's. They are literally designed to go to zero

>> No.25333759
File: 28 KB, 3840x2160, Xiaomi-Logo[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Xiaomi for long term? I mean, I love their products, from my phone to even up to my vacuum cleaner robot, but for stocks, I'm usually not too fond of companies focusing on "hardware". Clown markets tend to prefer companies selling you 0 and 1s rather than concrete items the average joe can buy, bare Apple I guess, but even there they mooned thanks to their services, and while Xiaomi does have a bit of it, it's not much. What I'm wondering is, what changed? Since its IPO, Xiaomi went down to the shitter, and in like 6 months, it doubled up. What changed? I mean, they already made money back then, they were already a great company, and the market couldn't give a shit. And now somehow it gives a shit. I just don't understand why. What changed in 6 months, because they sure didn't find a way to transmute copper to gold, nor did they develop Fusion, nor the Hyperdrive.

>StarLink IPO
Fuck Musk for literally ruining my timelapses and long exposures photos of the milky way when I'm camping in the Alps. As such, I'll put in like 1000 bucks so I'll at least get something out of it. When is this IPO scheduled?

>> No.25333761

It doesn't matter nor stop the fact that TSLA will more than double their value in 2021. Basically free money.

>> No.25333787
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>tfw the stray kitten that's been showing up let you pet it (and give it flea treatment)

>> No.25333801
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>> No.25333816

In the Nu-Market the closer you are to being crypto the better. Muskcoin is the BTC of the markets.
No, meme stocks only go up.

>> No.25333869

i bought the top on UPST but i'm happy to just have some exposure. hoping to find a decent AI insurance company next. can't wait for all jews to be unemployed.

>> No.25333880

You'd better short rodents anon

>> No.25333883

Recommend me a good OnlyFans account to invest $600 in

>> No.25333893

Thicker Erza is better Erza

>> No.25333904

its chinese so at any moment can get huawei-ed globally

>> No.25333927


>> No.25333937

hello 4chan

I am 18 and without a job and in university. I was trading on my own account when I realized if it went bad I couldn’t write off taxes since I don’t pay them lol.

So I consulted my mom and we came up with the idea that maybe we should use her account so if it did go bad we could save some money on taxes

Well it did go bad and now I am down 700 dollars. At one point I was up 1100 but I lost it all averaging down on PLTR.

My question is will Robinhood let me write off these losses? Will they send me (us) something in February?

>> No.25333952


Pretty bearish on it because of how china handled huawei

>> No.25333954

It benefits from Starship the same way Starlink does

>> No.25333978

Sneed's Feed & Seed
pretty based, Anon.

>> No.25333985

Ground-based astronomy is dead, buddy. Mankind's signature will be etched on the earth's sky forever.
And the Starlink IPO is happening once they have a steady/predictable revenue stream, so probably sometime after the beta-testing range covers the whole USA. Cool thing is, it'll be open to retail investors first.

>> No.25334052

kek, this is further proof that this is the top

>> No.25334063

Browse smg

>> No.25334073
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Are we getting a weekly update video tonight or tomorrow?

>> No.25334087

imagine not wanting cheap high speed high bandwidth global internet because you want to look at shiny lights in the sky lmao

>> No.25334108

Feeling kinda FOMO on bitcoin right now..... how the fuck do i hedge the devalued US dollar now

>> No.25334111

I wanna go big in with my rent money since I got until the 5th to pay. What is a guaranteed minimum 75% gainsmooner to put it in guise?

>> No.25334117

Yeah but Starship won't be launching anything except Starlink for a good while yet

>> No.25334131

I just want the IPO to be delayed a bit so I can gather enough cash to make it once it reaches Tesla levels of meme.

>> No.25334159
File: 275 KB, 804x603, commodities_equities_ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make TD Ameritrade account
>Approved for Margin
>Approved for Options Tier 1
>Initiate ACATS transfer of $25k from Vanguard Roth IRA
>Spend Christmas quarantine taking 7-hour online TD Ameritrade Trading Options Course and send certificate
>Approved for Options Tier 2
>Apply for Futures & Forex trading now that I have Margin + Options Tier 2
>Sign and send paperwork about risks of Futures trading in IRA
Haha time for tax-sheltered speculation during the next great commodities bull run.

>> No.25334166


>> No.25334172

So it's a good long term investment?
There has to be an obvious catch I'm not aware of besides it tanking again

>> No.25334193

Stop posting this pic. I want to fuck Asui

>> No.25334213

Expensive ass contracts

>> No.25334219
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I already have 1GBPS fiber, as it should be for anyone living in a tier 1 country, I couldn't give a shit about fucking Africans and other shitholes getting access to the internet. It's already utter shit compared to 15 years ago, I can't fathom how much worse the internet will be when adding in another bunch of low IQ retards. So yes, give my back my shiny lights in the sky.

>> No.25334246

is it really this easy?

>> No.25334257

what the h*ck is wrong with MARA

>> No.25334259
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My man I like your style

>> No.25334269

Based and agreed

>> No.25334271

See /pmg/

>> No.25334316

I fucking want gold bars so bad but I’m poor and gonna be moving around a lot

>> No.25334321
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I'm so glad the line went up today. I was pretty upset when it went down for a bit. Congress should make it illegal for line to go down.

>> No.25334356

That's what they're doing in effect

>> No.25334364

Should've voted for cheeto man then.

>> No.25334369

line go up but also down

>> No.25334433
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My vote is smaller than the margin of error so I profit more by just studying the line instead of walking to the polling station.

>> No.25334441
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>> No.25334467

They bought 170m worth of miners and need to sell stock to raise capital to pay for them.

>> No.25334473


>> No.25334478
File: 313 KB, 1080x1413, 20201230_141644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, a savant shares trader
>be up 15-50% on almost every position
>not have enough money in any one play to make it big

>> No.25334487

Anyone use margin? If so for what? Only things you know are gonna go orrrr just long term holds that will.outweigh fees?

>> No.25334489

I really just wanted to buy LEAPS in my Roth IRA but Vanguard wouldn't approve me for anything other than covered calls and protective puts. Also their interface sucks and their commissions suck. Robinhood, my taxable gambling account, doesn't have IRAs, TD Ameritrade with their ThinkOrSwim platform, seemed to be what I was looking for. Once I was in, I saw the Futures & Forex buttons and figured why the hell not unlock every feature like I'm an RPG character. I can also access some other securities I couldn't before like warrants and OTC.

>> No.25334551
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Boys... Nigs... Brainlets... Brethren,
I don’t believe I’m alone when I say that I was disappointed by how flat the line was today. I want to do something about this.

Here’s a 2 step plan that I’ve created and would like to pitch to all of you for how we can make line move big:
1) buy gun
2) eliminate merchant


>> No.25334566
File: 70 KB, 922x780, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leaves have to take a college course for basic broker functionality
i just have to click these checkboxes and lie about my experience, can trade meme shit like bitcoin futures and options on a retirement account

>> No.25334567

lol are you stupid 75% with no risk? You can try like vale leaps

>> No.25334593

The green train since November has Biden as the conductor.
Options are best with TDA or, for memelords, RH
Fidelity is nice because of their zero (or very low) OTC fees.

>> No.25334597

Is that IB?

>> No.25334600

this is the Top
PLTR should send you what you need
you lost PLTR not robinhood stock
GOOGLE writing off losses

>> No.25334604
File: 3.09 MB, 401x498, 1608188666541.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you can just lie?!?! Damnit I feel so stupid!!!!

>> No.25334616


>> No.25334629


>> No.25334641

You're a dumb unfunny loser faggot who will never be wealthy.

>> No.25334660

so that's great news for the stock if they get the new miners in use before BTC craters right?

>> No.25334663

You're allowed to trade meme shit on RRSPs? I become more enamored with Canada every time I hear about them

>> No.25334665

Is the merchant Mitch Mcconnell?

>> No.25334680

Who is this activist investor Daniel Loeb
Is Intelaviv worth picking up now or not?

>> No.25334693

Uuuu crab crab crabbing crabbity crab.

>> No.25334721

Leafanons, what's the best platform for trading in leafland? Currently on WS but these 3% conversion fees are fucking retarded. Should I go to questrade?

>> No.25334730
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I-I know....

>> No.25334767

interactive brokers

>> No.25334776

>conversion fees
Just use Transferwise.

>> No.25334831

When gme and clf are done for I’m fuckin cooked. I’m not interested in any of the new tickers and I don’t trust miners

>> No.25334840
File: 160 KB, 1280x960, z11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry anon for not having more images of similar quality.
>Who is this activist investor Daniel Loeb
He said INTC is a shitty, horrible company and offered 0 good ideas to change that.
>Is Intelaviv worth picking up now or not?
Yes, buy as much INTC as you can tomorrow.

>> No.25334850


interactive brokers or questrade. im lazy to move my shit so im using td's waterhouse.

>> No.25334854

Use it to make money anon, do not fear the margin

>> No.25334889

I believe margin is for going maximum-Martingale

what's the interface look like for commodities? and currencies?

>> No.25334899

Bullish long term if bitcoin holds its price. As long as bitcoin doesn't drop below 4.1k, MARA will still be making profit. Don't really think they'd need to do another offering moving forward since I think they'll have 10% of total mining hash rate in the world once they get all their miners by this time next year. Needing anymore miners after they receive them all seems retarded to me.

>> No.25334942

IBKR or Questrade. If you trade options, Questrade is slightly cheaper when you're buying multiple contracts. If you just buy 1 or 2 contracts at a time, IBKR is cheaper. I use Questrade.

>> No.25334962

how much money do I need to be wealthy

>> No.25334966

>what's the interface look like for commodities? and currencies?
Don't know because money is still in transit so I haven't used it. You can search ThinkOrSwim Futures/Forex to get an idea though.

>> No.25334976

6 digits is when you can stop considering yourself as poor

>> No.25334993

8 figures.

>> No.25335003

Im using robinhood. Sooo I just used the margin that comes with gold. Bought the net dip with it sold the next day for just a small 50$ profit but that alone paid for gold and the 1k margin almost for the year. Just put the margin into the things I'm long on? Gonna just see how it goes before I use more. Orrrr just go balls deep idk

>> No.25335011

That you could buy them on SPXL instead

>> No.25335085

Kek, he fell for the boomer rocks meme.

>> No.25335088

4 digits and penny stocks

>> No.25335136
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RYCEY - The rebound will happen soon, next year in fact. Brexit is now in the history books; the deal is done. That only leaves Covid dragging it down. Well they got enough cure shots to give everyone in the whole U.K a jab in the arm. Look at GE as the rebound took shape here in the U.S. Follow the trend to get a jump on things before it leaves you behind.

>> No.25335197

Write better satire, FBI wagie.

>> No.25335201

When you buy the dip on margin and it keeps dipping, you get margin called and can't HODL, you're forced to sell the bottom.

>> No.25335220
File: 97 KB, 1224x973, spy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it smart to just invest into the S&P500?

I know the average return is like 13% or some shit, but that's including the horrible down years which fuck with the average.

Assuming you just buy into the down years/dips and hold you will beat the SPY itself over years and probably average something like 20-30%

This doesn't even include selling covered calls.

>> No.25335243

good evening i hate AMD

>> No.25335249

interactive brokers is the catch-all for non burgers

>> No.25335253

Learn the difference between wealth and money.

>> No.25335257

Time in the market beats timing the market.
You want to beat the market?
>Buy SPY
>sell covered call weeklies at 5% OTM
There, you beat SPY

>> No.25335261

But what if I only use a quarter or so of the available margin. Won't I then not dip under my maintenance requirements? It's hard to fully wrap my head around it?

>> No.25335272

thoughts on these?

>> No.25335275

>selling covered calls
Not profitable since you were born, anon

>> No.25335283
File: 150 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20201230-140030_thinkorswim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried day trading today, NOVN was literally my only successful trade today. I hold PLTR overnight there seems to be an odd pattern of a very bullish premarket and a very bearish daily market

>> No.25335312

>Is the merchant Mitch Mcconnell?
Sure. :)

>how much money do I need to be wealthy
6 figures if age is 20s
7 figures if age is 30s or 40s
8 figures around age of 60s

>> No.25335313

After this year no one will doubt the power of SPY ever again. However, next time the Fed raises interest rates 0.25% it will be an instant -20% triple circuit breaker the next day. Not exaggerating, look at the end of 2018.

>> No.25335359


>> No.25335365

I might do this sometime in the future, I just don´t want to buy 100 shares of SPY for these prices

>> No.25335390

Africans are top-tier shitposters, they're hilarious. Narialand is a treasure.

>> No.25335414

don't sell
uranium market is bullish rn

>> No.25335437

I believe
I am invested

>> No.25335444
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Yeah, UUUU is gonna be better as a long hold than a swing sell. Years, maybe...

>> No.25335451

>i hate AMD
Why? It’s just kinda crabbing for the past month.
Did you toss money on some weekly options?
I sold all my AMD shares when that shit was still under $20. You have no reason to complain.

>> No.25335498
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 75ED6984-8FFA-404A-BC8B-6B34B4062024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Africans are top-tier shitposters

>> No.25335535

Shill me your favorite dividend etfs bros.

>> No.25335585

PLTR is not a good choice but you can honestly blame that on 1. lack of research and 2. your brains still growing n shit and decisions can be hard

diversify, dont risk it all on one stock like that, try ETFs for longterm shit

>> No.25335599

> Customer and bank must be from a country that is a member of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck

>> No.25335611


how is QB's mobile platform? I heard its shit and filled with delays.

>> No.25335656

I think non-burgers can open accounts on burger brokers like Schwab and Fidelity aswell

>> No.25335663

im averaged around $94 with 200 shares. i know it's gonna hit $100 eventually im just mad that it is taking so long.

weekly options seem like the dumbest shit to me. if i want to straight-up gamble i'll buy some shares of a penny stock like i did with OPTI. that shit is gonna make me so much fucking money when it breaks above a dollar.

>> No.25335683
File: 179 KB, 421x370, Quock - sara savery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got fucked today, biz... and not in a good way...

>> No.25335684


>> No.25335707

stop being a criminal

>> No.25335710

Fucking kek! Thanks anon I needed that

>> No.25335716

got in today

>> No.25335735

No. The US should stop trying to enforce it's retarded standards to the world. Now I can't use Tradestation.

>> No.25335738
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>> No.25335742

Mazzy Star!

>> No.25335754

What shit hole do you live in?

>> No.25335755

>try ETFs for longterm shit
Trash advice. We here on /smg/ are in it for a good time not a long time

>> No.25335791


>> No.25335799

>We are not investors here, we are GAMBLERS.

>> No.25335803

they are internationally agreed upon standards/rules. at least in 1st world countries

>> No.25335810

A based one, that lets me deposit 300€ every month without asking where it comes from.

>> No.25335843
File: 884 KB, 1170x1437, 53EF7BC0-0B5F-4BDA-94CE-0524BD92DE37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I’m not poor enough to to be living paycheck to paycheck, but not rich enough to just invest my capital.
You unironically need at minimum $500k to just live off investments huh bros? I guess I’ll wage for another 10 fucking years kill me.

>> No.25335850


>> No.25335856

International standards are cringe, how am I supposed to launder money then?

>> No.25335860

GHIV to $18 by January 20-22

>> No.25335883
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1607740254924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7 year high on CLF today

>> No.25335885

That is pretty based, I'm sure it's nicer than living in the Retarded States of Ameriniggers

>> No.25335888

I want to do unspeakable things to her.

>> No.25335897
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will mara go up pre market and dump eod tomorrow as well?

>> No.25335907
File: 890 KB, 1400x924, 1602529871804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight so something is definitely up. i'm bringing up again because the talks are happening again. all year long there was speculation about an imminent crash that's going to ravage the economy, and well all know we're in it now but we're not seeing the full effect of it just yet similar to '08-'09. suddenly, every mainstream outlet is denying the possibility of a crash and that we're actually going to start booming. what's going on?

>> No.25335908

Ok boys I’m ready to hold onto my clf calls and not bitch about the crabbing and dips. I’ve watching rich Jews talk about how shit takes forever

>> No.25335915

I primarily use the website, but the one time I used the mobile app it worked just fine for me.

>> No.25335918

Yeah but if you keep making decent gains, it accelerates. There's a snowball effect. 1% of 100,000 is 1000

>> No.25335920

it still happens. maybe contact a cartel member or your local drug dealer.
There was a thread yesterday about how to mitigate/avoid tax. hint: magic circle. probably not worth it unless you have min mid 6 figures

>> No.25335929

It's very based. Combined with XMR I've never actually paid any tax on my 20k crypto gains.

>> No.25335941
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I am terrified to invest at this point in time

>> No.25335942

500k can get you 50k per year in dividends if that's what you're talking about. Get into selling options for 1k per week and you can make 100k per year off that capital


>> No.25335951

Seems to be the current name of the game. Don't expect anything great on the last trading day of the year. I expect volume to be atrocious.

>> No.25335976
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>> No.25335979
File: 323 KB, 1400x1064, 1609199606582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stimuli keep propping up the economy. As long as Wall St. believes the government can inject stimulus money, the line goes up.
Actually, I was thinking about why we're not seeing massive cost inflation in consumer goods due to the stimuli, and I realized that we ARE seeing inflation, just look at the stock prices!

>> No.25336000

Alright boys serious question. We all know shitcoins are gonna collapse early next year, the question is how can we forsee this so we can dump RIOT, MARA and so on?

>> No.25336008

Scurred murrny murks nur murrny fren :D

>> No.25336020

but isn't that because our dollar is being devalued that its costing *more* to buy those stocks?

>> No.25336047

you dont even need XMR to 'not pay tax'. You can trade any crypto and not pay tax. Its up to you to report any transactions that incur tax ramifications, when it comes to crypto

>> No.25336053

Zero IQ post

>> No.25336054

How do I capitalize on tomorrow's raw volatility? As retardedly leveraged as you've got, please.

>> No.25336061

East Europe?

>> No.25336073

Yeah, we're seeing decrease in the buying power of the dollar but concentrated more in the stock market than the supermarket, where we've seen the effects of inflation historically.

>> No.25336098

Zero testicles post.

>> No.25336104
File: 178 KB, 811x1081, AC890769-CE38-4170-8067-13E427D05A5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $25k in equities and $35k in timberland. I make $100k salary from my wage slavery but live in a HCOL area.
I can reasonably save $20k a year granted I don’t loose my job for an extended period of time. So I expect to be a wage fag for at least the next 8 years.

I have been testing out selling options but with the bull market the past 3 months I basically just capped my gains selling calls 4 strikes out of the money that ultimately ended up itm

>> No.25336113

It cannot be foreseen

>> No.25336144

Dump everything before Chinese New Year. Vast majority of the world's hashing power comes from China and the line always dips for Chinese New Year. However in prior years there wasn't billions of dollars being printed out of thin air daily. The dip might not last that long.

>> No.25336157

hmm, alright. guess i gotta look into more because i'm not fully understanding this. i can easily say "ok got it" but i don't got it. can't get got you know?

>> No.25336171

Anon.. take profit on the way up and you can literally just sleep or jerk off to vtubers while not giving a fuck what the stocks does

>> No.25336213

This way I don't have to worry about leaving any paper trail if the retarded gov suddenly decides to tax everything retroactively.

Around that area.

>> No.25336273

>millions were fired
>cost inflation hike too
Imagine the butthurt

>> No.25336298

Can someone red pill me on RYCEY? Why should I dump my shekels?

>> No.25336323

Where does the money go in the next crash?

>> No.25336329

Just do it bro I’m risking my money and my life depends on it

>> No.25336333

Wall St. is pricing in inflation not seen yet in commodities (which is where inflation COMES from).
There are 3 possibilities. Commodities moon, stocks tank, or we enter the abyss of stagflation.

>> No.25336351

If I don't post again I will literally never remember to clear the name field.

>> No.25336376

> me for the last 9 months
> lose out on the greatest bull run of history
> finally buy in last week then everything tanks


>> No.25336380

those are not mutually exclusive. i think over pumped tech stocks tank and the money floods into commodities. honestly commodities have already begun poomping

>> No.25336399


Post pictures lol

>> No.25336422

Please let me know when you sell so I can buy

>> No.25336435

Since 2008-2009, inflation is seen in stock prices and in housing, this isn't new. What's new is they doubled up on the brrrr machine, and so far it seems like stocks are getting all that inflation. I haven't been following housing this year, but somehow I expect it to profit from it as well.
Then you'll have retards saying "hurrr stocks and housing are investments vectors, so of course inflation is not tracked on those, only goods you buy matter". I'll say to them fuck off, because buying a piece of a company is buying a good. It's no different than buying a pizza or an Ikea shelve.

>> No.25336483

Worst fucking recommendation I have ever seen

>> No.25336499
File: 100 KB, 1200x576, 1608662750118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shouldn't. GME

>> No.25336515

>80k/year cost of living
I don't ask WHY do you spend that much money, but HOW?

>> No.25336572

Why arent you in PMG?

>> No.25336590

Inflation in stock markets from QE printing is what leads to the income inequality at the root of the MAGAtard/Bernie Bro identitity. Inflation in real estate causes loss of purchasing power. Flat wages + little access to stock market + rise in housing costs = pain

>> No.25336608

living in commiefornia probably

>> No.25336617

>flat wages
so is that why states like california, new york, and other liberal states are raising the minimum wage to $15/hr?

>> No.25336618

HMMM it seems like an smg browser made that post shitting on posters with 4 digit folios. Im gonna hurt him! you dont give advice here! its not reddit!

>> No.25336632

Oligarchs and warlords unironically

>> No.25336642

>his way I don't have to worry about leaving any paper trail if the retarded gov suddenly decides to tax everything retroactively.
if your tax authority wants to fuck you they will. You have to get the fiat $ to XMR somehow. Then XMR to $(maybe btc,depending on what you want to do with the money). How do you plan to cash out?

>> No.25336658
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show net worth

>> No.25336666

> two highest cost of living states

>> No.25336703

No that's to save face for when they jack up all the prices anyways and say "see we told you raising wages would cause infaltion"

>> No.25336739

I bought a condo a year ago

Painted and cleaned

Made 50%

Housing is fucking exploding as well.

>> No.25336755

Higher cost of living mostly as a result of, you guessed it, housing/rental costs (among other things).
The number value of wages is going up but what you can purchase with those dollars has been the same for nearly 2 decades for much of Main St.

>> No.25336760
File: 468 KB, 2048x1536, 1603499566627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does ARKK to $90 by EOY 2021 sound?

>> No.25336770

Letting you all know CRM is going to jump to new heights when Q1 earnings report comes through

>> No.25336812

If you had said less about it I might have bought.

>> No.25336820

The government takes 20% of my income for everyone’s gibs.
I get about $6k after taxes.
My expenses are roughly $2k-2.5k
So I guess my savings is more like 3k ish a month. But my gf moved in recently and the girlfriend tax is real.

>> No.25336849

What's a decent commodities etf. Need something to break up my green energy and nasdaq holds

>> No.25336870
File: 29 KB, 550x200, 2020-12-30-patel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pajeet literally just blew my mind.

>> No.25336887

Thanks clf chad I’m the dude on twitch that asked for advice

>> No.25336901
File: 62 KB, 244x216, 1596301186352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so basically what you guys are telling me.... is that line goes up


>> No.25336902

I'm so sorry

>> No.25336918

How could a fund managed by cathy get bogged so hard?

>> No.25336946

Yea I am going to move to the Olympic peninsula. Bunch of ex military and borders the rainforest.

>> No.25336971

so after the lockout on PLTR ends should I just dump 50K into $50 Jan 2023 calls and wait
I don't see it being less than 80 by EoY and I figure anything extra is gravy

>> No.25336972



>> No.25336973

>fund managed by a woman

you tell me

>> No.25336977

Gross bro, come up to north snohoco

>> No.25336995

Already received my $600 stimulus, what do I buy smg

>> No.25336999

but she has mommy milkers

>> No.25337022

Yeah with fucking powdered milk inside

>> No.25337028

So...what calls should I buy tomorrow?

>> No.25337043

based milker trips

>> No.25337049

Ultimate goal is to build an off grid homestead on the border of northern Idaho. With starling I can just work and my gf can keep animals, grow flowers and bare my children.

>> No.25337081

as a poorfag with $5k to spend, what could go wrong with buying a qqq leap and selling moderately OTM weekly covered calls on it?

assuming stocks always go up for the next year.

>> No.25337100

We will most likely be neighbors. I can collect my pension in 15 years and the wife and I have the exact same plan.

>> No.25337147


>> No.25337158

The stock not going up next year

>> No.25337178

Posting from my phone. I go cash > xmr > use xmr in a non-kyc exchange to buy bitcoin in this case > sell bitcoin when it mooned > buy xmr > transfer to wallet > cash out. I always use profits from emigration and gifts from relatives outside the country as a cash source and haven't had a problem.

>> No.25337241

I can see mine pending but it won't clear until the 4th

>> No.25337248


>> No.25337318

Not a burger. This wouldn't work for them as they have to declare everything to the IRS I think, and a big money transfer would be suspicious and reported by all banks to the ZOG.

>> No.25337330


lets just assume stocks always go up, any other reason not to?

>> No.25337362

What’s the risk with tqqq? If you go down 60% it takes forever to climb out of that hole and you lose all that time?

>> No.25337364

Yo what leaps should I buy tomorrow? Someone tell me

>> No.25337378

The lines go up depending on how much people value different things, the supply and demand. As money is injected into the economy, the supply of money goes up, leading to an increase in the demand of different things. Demand for supermarket goods has not gone up much because the people spending stimulus money on basic goods are probably struggling already. The stock line is going up because people spending stimulus money on stocks are throwing even more money at stocks because now more people have money to buy those same stocks back from them. The companies stay solvent due to provisions in the stim bills that give them more free money, and also because people continue to spend due to the stim checks. Furthermore, the higher stock values go, the worse regular money looks, so people keep their money in the stock market, causing the line to go up even further. The only way it could crash would be if people thought that there wasn't gonna be enough consumer $ and gov bailouts to keep companies afloat, or if they found an even greater investment and all flooded to it (e.g. bitcoins)

>> No.25337387

It’s obviously complicated with beta delta iv strike price timing and shit I don’t know much about it

I wouldn’t do it after a ten year bull run but meh

>> No.25337389
File: 806 KB, 519x608, 1591477897356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to miss 2020 bros

>> No.25337395

What country? I'm pretty sure most of the developed world has those kind of laws, because avoiding taxes is the worst possible thing you can do in life

>> No.25337424

that's a parody account btw

>> No.25337455

you could buy tqqq and set stop losses if your concerned about a nasty drop

>> No.25337465

Not doxxing myself mr taxman. Somewhere in Easter Europe.

>> No.25337471

Just go 30%TMF 40%TQQQ and 30%SPLV

>> No.25337477

Yeah that’s why I’m thinking I’m trying to find the downside but I’m up 40% and it barely goes down if ever

>> No.25337499

I tracked your IP to estonia, the police are on their way

>> No.25337546

Dynamic IP, house not in my name, internet contract not in mine either. I am untraceable.

>> No.25337605

Read the writing on the wall brother, head east until you see Trump flags, even if you don't like him. Further east than Idaho. Forget padding a savings account that nets you .1% APR and buy some property and a firearm. If you can transition to WFH let them take the 10% salary cut, your bills will literally half, even with a leech cocksucker laying in your bed all day. My net worth is 8 figures and I live like a King on less than 1k a month. My land makes half your salary on autopilot. Equities are a very small piece of the puzzle, but my friend you are on the precipice as long as you make the right decisions. I know already that capital gains is going to be your #1 enemy with your income that high. And for fucks sake go further than Idaho, it's the easy choice for fleeing west coasters and it doesn't have the voter foundation of Texas so it will be lost within 5 years, if not already.

>> No.25337607

*teleports behind you* nice try, senpai

>> No.25337619


>> No.25337620

AMZN 4000

>> No.25337622

>that id

>> No.25337632

What if I buy nio calls tomorrow?

For like 50 for jan 8th or the 15th. Nio day is the 9th.

>> No.25337644

Is ARCT a buy now?

>> No.25337670

>behind me is is a 30m drop

*sweats internally*

>> No.25337707

of all the 3x leveraged etf's, TQQQ is as close to reliably consistent as you can get.

>> No.25337722

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.25337753

Either Ukraine, Russia, Albania, Serbia desu

>> No.25337771

How can we hope to compete when there’s hedge fund masters like asmr Paula out there shaking us out

>> No.25337776

Where are you posting from with a 30m drop, unironically?

>> No.25337807

>it's in there
Or is it?

My back is to my balcony.

>> No.25337815

yeah I've been getting my paychecks early as well, credit unions are based

>> No.25337829

Fucking baller, I'm gonna have a balcony someday

>> No.25337849
File: 2.37 MB, 4961x3508, nani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*Teleports behind you*

>> No.25337847

Is she shills something then just short.
Easy money

>> No.25337878

Good now im dead.

>> No.25337900

Facts got mine today too

>> No.25337935

Free from this mortal coil, back to the void.

>> No.25337961

i can masturbate thinking about gains now, have i ascended?

>> No.25337963



>> No.25337993

Nio is a huge risk I like to use moon

>> No.25338014

How come my gay ass credit union won't give it to me until the 4th? At least I get paid tomorrow instead of Friday because of New Years I guess

>> No.25338103

If you have to ask, you're too uneducated to use the information

>> No.25338106 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 241x251, 1605756396276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick question - what does it mean if an insider (in this case, founders of the company) "disposes" of about half their position for ZERO dollars?
the company has a very promising 6 months ahead.

>> No.25338129

Sell around or after January 20th merger vote

>> No.25338147

Welp that's when it was supposed to be released. But people called non stop and the decided to release the money. Or basically front the money til the treasury deposits the money. Which desu was probably am insane float. So I'm assuming smaller credit unions can't. Also alot of them only floated those accounts in good standing or those who have the money in accounts in case something happens and they needed to withdrawal it back

>> No.25338148

i have jan 15 calls.... should have bought farther out

>> No.25338152


Nobody is buying your bags faggot, smart money sold at $13.

>> No.25338178
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>> No.25338184
File: 44 KB, 207x403, C8E29AC29F3C4C24B4A6AB2ADF33CAC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my grandmother just asked me what ARKK is
On the other hand, she asked me what bitcoin was in July

>> No.25338196

Listen. Ive never bought options before. But I have 1.5k to gamble with, I was going to but aitx but I think options would be better.

>> No.25338198
File: 293 KB, 1021x697, UUUU-FUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what you said when I suggested to buy UUUU on the $2.50 dip as well :^)
You can always sell it and go further out - lot of activity in the March calls

>> No.25338212

Charity? I know the Walton kid dumped my FSLR a few months back by donating like half his holding

>> No.25338219

You can either swing trade it with stop loss to avoid most of the drawdown or cost average it.

>> No.25338221

Nio has made me close to 10k just from 2k just from holding stocks. I think options will be perfect for nio day to make a quick buck.

>> No.25338274
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>> No.25338289

>supporting china
You will be first to be death by firing squad anon

>> No.25338327

Probably pre holiday pump before the regularly scheduled dump
Not planning on selling anything anytime soon so just another day of boredom for me.

>> No.25338369

MARAbros......this share dillution is killing me......

>> No.25338374

What firing squads?

>> No.25338382

oh, maybe it's because I'm a poorfag then

>> No.25338407
File: 375 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20201230-221235_Fidelity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen fuck you. I dont give a fuck okay. I need to make it faster. This is not quick enough, now that I have some solid long term holds i will fuck around with 2k-5k with options. I need 100k by mid next year. Then 200k by end of next year. Thats the goal. And no stock is off limit

>> No.25338436
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>> No.25338439

>I’m up 500% I should buy calls

>> No.25338457
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Sorry for the late response just finished wageslaving

>> No.25338488

I'm still holding nio for my price target of 144 by 2022 sometime.

Rv calls have the potential to go ballistic especially when xxx day is coming , nio day battery day etc. Look at fucking tsla.

>> No.25338496
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>you need to hate China

>> No.25338498
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Imagine not getting into SRAC before January 14th

>> No.25338500
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>> No.25338501

Is he r-right b-bros?

>> No.25338510

God speed anon, I cant do it because im busy protecting your ass from commie forces, if you could at least spare me a thailand hooker when you make it ill be grateful

>> No.25338518

>volume to be atrocious
hopefully a good thing for us because whoever is selling stock at MARA is hopefully taking the day off and actually letting the fucking price rise

>> No.25338522

But the people at ours find outtttt only some people's was getting released and called and tossed a fit. So they released everyone's later in the day. T. My wife works at ours. Also kinda funny they released it first to the people who are better off and probably weren't as in need of the money.

>> No.25338525

scoops started a youtube channel?

>> No.25338530
File: 816 KB, 750x1334, 7EA691AB-A52F-4F10-8E65-D65A735F7DC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told you guys buy square

>> No.25338552

Oh fuck. I was just thinking about this the other day but I forgot. companies studying how to create edible artifical animal meat. That shit is going to blow up. I need some tickers

>> No.25338560

Because they are trying to become the world’s dominant superpower and they dont care if it takes 10 or 1000 years

>> No.25338562
File: 51 KB, 415x392, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking scared to look at DXY
How fucked are things out of 10 because I tuned out of the market for the past month.

>> No.25338580

Have a PT?

>> No.25338586

Will do anon, but they will be Russian hookers....or Ukraine, they will have the accent

>> No.25338584

I hope I'm still close to or in the big brain hours.

>> No.25338644
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If it takes 1000 years the I don't care. The world may even end before then lol.

>> No.25338649
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>> No.25338662
File: 52 KB, 1287x344, thedxygoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people sperging out for no fucking reason. zoom out you sub 80 iq retards. the dollar like everything else it goes up and down

>> No.25338715

I second this. The great reset talked all about less meat available I bet that shit would take off

>> No.25338727

It is very easy just scalp options with crayons 10 percent a day

>> No.25338736

I know DXY is closing in on the 20+ year lows. I'm more concerned at how steep of a drop it took recently.
Debt is building.

>> No.25338738

Weekly Peter Lynch clip:


>> No.25338748

Gme ohhhh mmyyy fffooookkiinnn gaaawwwddd iimmm goonnaaa


>> No.25338753
File: 30 KB, 360x450, seras.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVGR to 2$ end of 2021 if you're a doubter you're off the goop

>> No.25338767

>clown world kicks in
>value drops like a rock

>> No.25338780
File: 115 KB, 678x720, hjv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they allow Chinese investors to buy (nearly) everything they want abroad? Real estate, companies, etc. China is primarily a threat to all of our worthless governments, while at the same time a boon to my portfolio. And my portfolio, just like my 2D harem, is infinitely more valuable than any useless government.

>> No.25338795

It’s actually at very strong support here
Expect the dollar to crab for a bit, potential dead cat bounce (this is when you buy Bitcoin, comodities, tech cheapies)

Then Biden will flush it to the depths of hell before he starts bombing Syria

>> No.25338805

Yeah anon, and they are making progress with it.

Last time we talked about stuff like this it was uranium before gme mooned. And then sure enough a few months later uranium moons after crabbing forever.

I will not miss artifical meat. Anyone know some tickers?

>> No.25338838

Reminder not to buy anything today because its going to be the year end window dressing pump.

>> No.25338845

mnxxf. all in. do it and show proof

>> No.25338863

Why not invest in traditional meat?

Lower supply and the rich will eat it

Potential add to the Staci portfolio/thotfolio as all those cunts will demand “the real stuff”

>> No.25338888

There are no publicly traded lab grown meat companies but there are a couple of plant based meat companies such as BYND and TTCF. Personally whoever can make the taste exactly the same as real meat and is cheaper will be the real winner.

>> No.25338897

But will you be saying that when everything will belong to the ccp including your waifus? Will you be happy knowing that all of japanese animation is gone and the figments of your imagination cannot last through eternal slavery at the hands of the chinks that let you make monopoly money?

>> No.25338912

You mean short?
That shit sits on the shelves here in Cali.
Good fucking luck

>> No.25338960

No. The growth potential for companies creating for the masses is exponential at this point because it hasn't even started


>> No.25338965
File: 428 KB, 3840x2160, elaina_drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have great taste in 2D waifus, episodic 2020 animes, and investments!

>> No.25338969

Why don’t parents just put like 2000 in an etf when their kid is born? Are they fucking retarded?

>> No.25338982


Well its worth keeping an eye on.

>> No.25339016

I wonder approx. how much would that be in 30 years

>> No.25339020

Stop roleplaying that anything will happen, the west is literally bending over backwards for China as we speak.. our entire elite class is in bed with them. China becoming the most powerful is inevitable and every single person with the know-how should be making money on their rise

>> No.25339029

For a lot of humans for a lot of history, you spent "money" the moment you had it. Especially if everyone else in your tribe did.

>> No.25339034

I did the math and it’s fucking a lot if you wait until 30 with Berkshire

>> No.25339042

they are unironically. the fiscally responsible parents are all the rich people. mine never owned stocks squandered their entire inheritance (half a million in 1994) 90% of boomers and gen x are unequivocally fucking retards

>> No.25339057

yall talking about fake meats when all the fake meat tickers have exploded 200% in the last few weeks.

late to the party anons

>> No.25339060
File: 62 KB, 656x717, 1604109625790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awful.. I'm sorry your parents did something so boneheaded.

>> No.25339093
File: 259 KB, 1242x1230, 3892D6A8-1C8F-458F-B27B-F575493E5320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine did sorry you were born with retarded parents. Non inheritance fags btfo

>> No.25339098

Some people have suggested this. Give every child born in the country a $5k trust that they can only use for education, healthcare etc and at retirement age it will have grown enough to become a pension. US has a few tax-free investment vehicles that allows this
>Are they fucking retarded?
Yes. The typical middle class American household has $120k to $300k in annual income and has no savings, investments and lives paycheck to paycheck.

>> No.25339110

They will probably IPO. Also Singapore approved the sale of lab grown chicken so this is just the beginning.


>> No.25339119

there is some silver lining, my grandma is in good health and owns property in sf, my mom is not in good health and at this rate my grandma might outlive my mom before she pisses away $15 million in inheritance.

>> No.25339190

Well maybe instead of shilling OSMT you should have shilled those!

>> No.25339241
File: 434 KB, 1700x2200, a01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly, that's impossible as I've already claimed them.
>Will you be happy knowing that all of japanese animation is gone
Chinese companies are already investing in Japanese animation studios and manga. I'm not worried about it
>your imagination cannot last through eternal slavery at the hands of the chinks that let you make monopoly money?
What's the difference between this and the people who already rule over us?
Thanks anon, we're both going to make it

>> No.25339295

Why? You probably wouldn't invest in anything I am in anyways.

>> No.25339337

I mean I made a few hundred off BCRX and OMST. I just didn't think OSMT was going to go through so I got rid of it.

>6 more days

>> No.25339347

Warren Buffett's son received $90k in Berkshire Hathaway stock in the 70s and cashed it out early. It would have been worth $300M today

>> No.25339351

Look into EATS.CN

I will say, I was in, and I sold.

>> No.25339415

yea definately going to start a trust for my kid before he/she is born. put 10k in there and then let them get 1k a month after they turn 25

>> No.25339429
File: 21 KB, 354x395, 1592453147164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys i got 5k in gevo and 20k in uuuu. Can I please make some fucking gains?

>> No.25339446


>> No.25339451

I would of cashed it out early like a retard but yeah it could of got me a cheap car at 16 and then a stock portfolio at 20 and taught me about them

I guess 2000 was a lot of money back in the 90s too minimum wage was like 4 dollars

>> No.25339456

>parents had savings accounts for me and my sister they added to every month fro when we went to college
>got divorced in 2007 and spent all that money on lawyers
it's the thought that counts right....

>> No.25339459

VERY.CN is my best performer of 2020. Better tasting than BYND by LEAGUES. It's OTC on US exchanges.

>> No.25339479

Based. go all in on LKNCY is what I gathered from this post

>> No.25339800

I’ve got 1k in one for my son (8) that I’ll be contributing to consistently to help him out.