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25337406 No.25337406 [Reply] [Original]

>65k govt job w/ pension
>10k salary jump each year
>20k net worth
>5k in etfs
>8k in crypto
>2k in cash and 3k in bank
>200 a month in etfs and 100 in BTC and 100 in ETH

>> No.25337431


>> No.25337462

Imagine the power of those thighs clamped down on your cock as that muscle pussy just sucks the cum right out of your cock

>> No.25337468

salary prob max out at 110-120k by 30 idk

>> No.25337475
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Exceptional for your age; way to go zoomer. You'll make it for sure, but ever think about getting into stocks?

>> No.25337491
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>> No.25337494

>5k in etf
go all in bitcoin retard

>> No.25337530

You would have if only it wasnt a larp

>> No.25337536

Nope. Kill yourself kike

>> No.25337544

desu i bought into apple and it moved like 2% in a week....after experiencing crypto, regular stocks seemed too slow for me

>> No.25337592

nah this is real lol.....i dont see the point of lying about my circumstances on an anonymous forum

>> No.25337616
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No. Only because of the government job. You already sound like you don't have to try anymore because of the guaranteed 10k pay bumps.

You'll settle into a life of mediocrity without ever being challenged. This will lead to you wasting all your assets on useless shit and needing to satisfy your lack of dopamine (from never having to try) with food/booze. Eventually you'll be overweight and die an early death and you're then ungrateful children will waste the rest of your assets.

Think I'm wrong? You're already seeking affirmation on an anonymous internet board. This is just the beginning. Fuck you.

>> No.25337662

idgi why so hostile lmao

But yeah ur right, the second i got this job i stopped trying. I was hungry af before. Looking for the next thing now though...wonder what it could be

>> No.25337677

Based. Tou should kill yourself you Israeli cock loving faggot OP

>> No.25337700

cant do it. still too many things to accomplish. plus i love myself

>> No.25337730

DCA friend. You wont regret it in 10+ years.

>> No.25337765

already DCA into btc and eth not enough?

>> No.25337877


Honestly just don't lose your drive and you'll be fine. You can build value doing something niche for the government, demand a higher salary by getting another offer, and they'll beg you to stay for any price. If you have drive you're already a big fish in a little pond. Good luck.

>> No.25337954

thanks man im constantly looking at different ways to make more money nowadays...just that my focus has shifted away from my career now that it's kinda on autopilot

Not sure if that is a good thing though. Been deep researching in crypto and starting a small etsy shop these days lol

>> No.25337991

I’d let that man suffocate me with her puss muscles

>> No.25338311

this is my biggest fear

>> No.25338362


I need to suck on em

>> No.25338380

A lot of projecting in this blog post, it's really obvious you think about your own suicide constantly. It's hilarious.

>> No.25339063

it is also one of my fears...although idk what to further challenge myself with. Lately life has just been somewhat depressing/pointless ever since the career has been on autopilot. Kind of like a "what now' scenario

>> No.25339343

Fellow government worker here. 0% effort required for my regular job and I will continue to get pay raises for literally just showing up. Consider this a position of security to jump into other riskier things on the side.
First, settle your government job into maximum cozy. In my previous Gov job for example, I was paid for 40 hours / week, but I only showed up for 12, and did maybe 15 minutes of actual work (per week). Achieved this through schedule collabs with my fellow slacker coworkers. At my current job I'm completely unsupervised and I set up a commercial internet PC in my office where I can day trade on the clock. Many such examples throughout the years.
Once you have that cozy dial set to max, use your abundant free time to dabble. I've messed around with e-commerce, car flipping, mobile apps, freelancing, industrial painting, pretty much everything for extra income. In any case, you don't have to do ANYTHING at all and you'll still get $65k, so why not spend the leftover cash on TSLA call options, or the riskiest meme you can think of.

>> No.25339460

really appreciate that advice....ur 100% right. Get hella cozy and do something risky with the money to make more money. I hear u. What's your thoughts on buying property though?

>> No.25340548
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I did buy property, a condo in 2017, which I rent out to family. Its kind of a hassle to be honest. Another perk of government (at least US) jobs is that you can easily transfer anywhere in the world. I've worked in Hawaii, Germany, Marshall Islands, all on the same government GS series. In that sense it is good to rent, do 3 year terms, experience the place you live until you get tired of it, and GTFO.

Speaking of risk, I also bought land and property in Russia...

>> No.25340763

might be a while before i can afford property...but ya i was wondering if it was a meme to do it lol

>> No.25341539

what gov job op?

>> No.25342264

Civil Eng cus im a retard

>> No.25342350

Quit being a bitch and invest more in BTC and ETH early. Unless you want to "make it" when you're 57. I made almost $200k from working this year and I invest $5000 a month.