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File: 112 KB, 750x972, IMG_4733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2533028 No.2533028 [Reply] [Original]

>pic related

>> No.2533042

just goes to show.

>> No.2533046

what's your point OP

>> No.2533051


>> No.2533059

That 30 second $32m icos are bullshit

>> No.2533065

patientory. where you can put your medical info online!!!

she only raised money because coins are free fucking money.

her stock is in a freefall already

>> No.2533084

this is where you write off your losses. you need one of these each year.

>> No.2533087
File: 2.29 MB, 4179x6889, race medical school.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2533116
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>> No.2533117

we wuz devs n shiet

is Chrissa the next Vitalik? How can white bois even compete?

>> No.2533142
File: 75 KB, 256x256, 1496508938284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if she had done an eth ICO, she would have gotten 150 million worth of eth in 15 minutes

dumb negros, am i rite

>> No.2533155

but seriously make that money ho

>> No.2533179

whatever the fuck it is she's shilling, it doesn't apply to me

whites and non-whites live in different worlds

just like with Storj......I don't trust shitskins; they can't think longterm

>> No.2533201


>> No.2533212




doesn't that degree and academical background inspire you confidence?

>> No.2533226

Of course she has to do the one eye thing.

>> No.2533236


The golden rule in life that I will always follow:

never ever ever EVER trust a nigger with your money

>> No.2533246


>the one eye thing.


>> No.2533248

>we arent in a massive bubble

>> No.2533258

pretty much this. I would /myself if i had spent money on some nigger app that is stupid as fuck.

>> No.2533261

I think this just proves that whites are niggers compared to asians

in b4
>muh creativity
>muh dick
literally the same arguments niggers use against whites

>> No.2533272

Holy shit she really does have this degree. Can't believe it's not a meme

>> No.2533283
File: 168 KB, 640x574, eyeofhorus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes goyim.... it's just winking...

>> No.2533290
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>> No.2533311

numbers, proximity to resource, luck and cultural values do not negate the inherent potential of man.

you can become more enlightened once you stop being a racist.

>> No.2533324

Asians have better mathematical skills and IQ, but lack empathy which hurts in overall society building and fields like philosophy. Also they are actively discriminated against because you have millions of Chinese and Korean students funneling into the American system which skews the demographics.

>> No.2533347
File: 259 KB, 606x399, 1488151313077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick to the tangible evidence for their existence. Using the mass media bait as proof goes nowhere and just discredits the idea, as intended.

They played the same game in the 70's with satanic symbols. Just bait to get the christains back then riled up and making claims of a global conspiracy with bad evidence. Use the real evidence to claim a global conspiracy

>> No.2533393

Asian are only useful within white societies, wich value moral. When white societies are dead, homogenous asian society will just become war torn ant hills,
Asians are a good tool, sure, but they are unable to achieve anything great on their own.

>> No.2533395

>if she had done an eth ICO, she would have gotten 150 million worth of eth in 15 minutes

It was an eth ICO you moron

>> No.2533397
File: 41 KB, 500x667, dude weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fields like philosophy

>> No.2533410

>we wuz morality n shit

>> No.2533437


How many of you have a successful coin launch in multibillion dollar market and inroads in the industry and pilot programs?

Or are you average IQ? Be real.

>> No.2533456

Name a single societal advancement that was not pioneered by a white society.

>> No.2533465

Back in my youth I got burned so many times doing business with nigs.
Never again.

>> No.2533466
File: 126 KB, 399x388, pepe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2533491

Some men are genetically predisposed to achieve this "potential" (whatever you feel is potential). Humans arent created equal.

>> No.2533501

You don't honestly believe blacks on average are just as intellectually capable as whites.
You don't, I don't, no one does.
Some whites pretend to out of pity. Some blacks pretend to out of insecurity.
But everyone knows the truth.
5 minutes of research proves it overwhelmingly.

>> No.2533536

oh fuck off u stupid fag, question is what have YOU contributed to society instead of talking shit on an anonymous message board? answer is jack shit. go and stick a finger up your ass and continue sicking your dick.

>> No.2533538

>proximity to resource
intelligence is a resource?
(protip: africans are dumdums because they were so close to many plentiful resources, and no winter = no planning = no forebrain thinking required or selected for)
lol, luck is a continent full of food, animals, diamonds, and no harsh weather
>cultural values
you can take the nog out of the jungle, but you cannot take the jungle out of the nog

>> No.2533541

Asians are fine but you do realize that the ones we get in our American universities represent the top 1% of their countries right? They are not an accurate representation of the average Asian.

>> No.2533551

lol bootyblasted

captcha: close calle

>> No.2533556


get a life.

>> No.2533564

>not even trying to refute my point
willful ignorance is the worst kind of ignorance, anon

>> No.2533586


I really love being white

anyone who's white loves being white

anyone who's not white would rather be white

>> No.2533593
File: 38 KB, 480x350, arianagrande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether they're baiting or not... they're still doing it...

>> No.2533605


>> No.2533609
File: 167 KB, 800x1204, Clock_Tower_from_Su_Song's_Book_desmear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but they are unable to achieve anything great on their own.

During the 1000's when most Europeans were living in mud huts and taking 1 bath in their lifetime, the Chinese were building astronomical clocks, gunpowder weapons, and advanced engineering projects such as massive canals with water locks (something europeans didn't start building until hundreds of years later).

>> No.2533612

It took me so long to realize blacks know the truth, but fuck with white people because:
1. They find it funny
2. Whites are very empathetic
3. They make money from it
You can't sell BS forever. The science is clear, the final shoe to drop is the culture. It is changing. Obama was your zenith.

>> No.2533619


>> No.2533630

>Some men are genetically predisposed

Look, a moron cites genetics which he knows nothing about

>> No.2533640

Obama was only half a nigger.

>> No.2533643

chinks are smart as fuck, but usually they're only really happy when they're killing other chinks by the millions
see: mao

>> No.2533644

Nobody cares what your captcha was.

>> No.2533654

>zero experience in the insurance and medical industry
>provides no answers to questions that would demonstrate the viability of her shitcoin besides rambling bullshit

>> No.2533661

you obviously cared enough to post
now get this shit on pol

>> No.2533662

I will help purge the shitskins from Europe when the race war start in the near future.
That will be my contribution to the humanity: saving it.

>> No.2533673

exactly. he was the peak. half a nigger in office is half a nigger too much

>> No.2533700
File: 306 KB, 2048x1536, image3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem mad.

why are you upset?

is it because the market is down and you are emotionally tied to your investments ?

>> No.2533702
File: 43 KB, 600x600, 1476523440953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am heavily considering creating a scam coin of my own. I will make outrageous and nonsensical claims like "building a distributed network for interstellar time travel" and I fully expect that people will still throw millions of dollars at me anyways because people are fucking retarded.

I will have an Android app.

>> No.2533703

Saddest day of my life when be became president.

>> No.2533716
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>> No.2533730

fuck off thats a hypothetical answer

>> No.2533735

bad retort
sorry anon
saying the same lie over and over again does not make it true
again, try somewhere else

>> No.2533742

did you just say interstellar time travel coin anon? fuck it, sounds awesome!

>> No.2533748

That app is a scam....JSUT FUCKING LOL WHEN THESE ICOs are cashing out, Ethereum will plummet.

>> No.2533756


>> No.2533758


in all seriousness why are some many niggers creating coin companies now? Thisis like the 4th one this week

>> No.2533775

do you think she would allow fucking her face till she pukes?

>> No.2533777
File: 14 KB, 227x293, 540_293_resize_20130801_55d982526cb0eb31e08c2ece6c49018a_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fact is.

that "nigger"

just made 8 million dollars pursing a self motivated entreprenurial path in the meditech feild and you are here carrying on as a butt hurt racist losing your parents money through your vanguard index fund in the oncoming bear market

i don't have a horse in the race since i am all races.

wonder what your race might be?

>> No.2533815
File: 772 KB, 4160x5000, 1488665257884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will have a 4D tesseract chain that is self aware.

>> No.2533836

>fact is.
>that "nigger"
>just made 8 million dollars pursing a self motivated entreprenurial path in the meditech feild and you are here carrying on as a butt hurt racist losing your parents money through your vanguard index fund in the oncoming bear market
>i don't have a horse in the race since i am all races.
>wonder what your race might be?
Bc he system is rigged. Oh, look a nigger with an IQ of 115. That's so rare, we have to give her 6 000 000 million.

>> No.2533844

not even reading what I said
you're the one saying nigger
one good one does not justify the poor actions of the rest
goddamn you're projecting hard too
>i am all races
no wonder you're mad
now leave, reddit spacing

>> No.2533862
File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-do-not-envy-a-sinner-you-don-t-know-what-disaster-awaits-him-bible-281452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're /lit/erally turning green

>> No.2533888
File: 99 KB, 600x800, b18ced695cd6c8aa8562c0353101f1f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your'e so mad you forgot you're green text arrows. :)

im a "grey" btw, so i don't think u appreciate who you are raging against.

>> No.2533906

>just made 8 million dollars

Probably not a good assumption. I wouldn't be surprised if they're still in debt after expenses.

>> No.2533909

Bcuz, like (((them))), they realized it was easy money from us whitecucks.

Kinda like bank fees n shiiet.

>> No.2533912
File: 86 KB, 530x564, 599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back.to the hood, nigger faggot.

>> No.2533922

I'm mad that all this diversity and tolerance stemmed from beta cucks who can't fucking get laid

they told women to "rise up" because it's their right

but really, it's all just ploy to be surrounded with the opportunity to have sex

it's a trick

weak men are telling weak women whatever it is they wanna hear so maybe, eventually, one day, these weak women will go back to these weak men's apartments to "talk about world issues" ........but instead it turns into "have a beer or two or ten or a bottle of wine and shots"

liberals are lonely

liberalism is literally a dating scene

also, I LOVE the market being down! reinvested ALL of my profits!

>> No.2533964
File: 33 KB, 430x241, 1471415829077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and when you relax ?

you will still be solely responsible for your life and your actions, and your status before God.

thats actually good new.

i'm empowering you, "nigger faggot".

>> No.2534014
File: 34 KB, 474x296, mao_lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2534025

A nigger, even if he got money, is still a nigger. Why so many rich niggaz marry whites? Bc they don't want to be niggaz. Better be white and have 500 000 than a nigga and have 5 mill.

>> No.2534026


you have a safespace for this

>> No.2534038

>and your status before God


so you're one of those religious retards

it all makes sense now

>> No.2534046

everything greentexted as intended
also you're not even winning any sort of argument
are you not trying anymore?
now stop. this board is for making me money, and this isn't making me shit
shoo shoo

>> No.2534048

>also, I LOVE the market being down! reinvested ALL of my profits!

good for you for not trading in dangerous margin in a fundamentally uncertain bearish economic climate, just because "muh trump" btw.

some how i managed to switch all my investment bearish , on monday for some reason , so thats why i'm laughing so hard.

>> No.2534062

not even kidding
talking with chinese people at uni, they all consider mao a great guy, and that time period as the best

>> No.2534098
File: 955 KB, 1200x1801, d5c9b221d745014cf60e961ed9c88a0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no. i am not trying.
i am having a good time.

i have the freedom to do that.
i am in that position.

if you changed your attitude and priorities, you would get more value out of life.

money fluctuates in value day to day, so by your own admission your emotions and fulfilment are improperly invested

if u do want to argue with me, find something worth arguing about. im game.

it should be theistic in nature, and creatively deep, exploring the mind and motives of the Most High God.

>> No.2534131

You realize that blacks succeed only with a massive helping hand from whites.
everyone knows this.
Go cash in your affirmative action while it still exists.

>> No.2534176
File: 1.49 MB, 1536x1864, 033ba44019ad7d770a42377f06bbc090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not black.

>> No.2534470

Yet u act like one, nigger

>> No.2534480

>You realize that blacks succeed only with a massive helping hand from whites.

That massive helping hand dealt bitch slaps for several centuries

That massive helping hand is dealing bitch slaps to white communities across the USA today

If you happen to be born average or below intelligence today, expect nothing but bitch slaps for your whole life.

Problem for racists is that they have no way to sell this idea of bitch slapping poor and stupid people to smart people because smart people know bitch slapping said people will produce any good results.

So you got a whole lot of very stupid people who think by punishing people for being poor and of low IQ is the very best way to move society forward.

I'm all for genetic engineering and eugenics, which is a real solution. But how many racists are going to articulate that idea in a way that successfully persuades anyone? Protip: they won't. And that hand will keep bitch slapping their communities for the rest of their lives.

>> No.2534503

Not going to buy NGR 2.0

>> No.2534505


>> No.2534529

Where do I buy ChrissaCoins?

>> No.2534556
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, BIBLE-QUOTES-Proverbs-20-BIBLE-HD-WALLPAPERS-Proverbs-20_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would it make you happy or more mad if i told you i was a race of people you feel you are , through no work of your own, inherently superior to ?

>> No.2534560
File: 23 KB, 270x347, 1472080877104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That massive helping hand dealt bitch slaps for several centuries


Jews and blacks sold blacks into slavery.

Black slaves enjoyed a higher standard of living than their tribal peers back in Africa.

African Americans today enjoy a vastly improved standard of living compared to what they would have.

Blacks have been given free shit and preferential treatment for centuries.


>> No.2534579

And yet Charles Murray is a social outcast.

It's quite sad really...

>> No.2534585

Lmao stupid people are open about their racism because they're stupid.
Smart people are just as racist but can conceal it in the current PC climate.
If you only knew the private conversations that went on behind closed doors at major companies.

>> No.2534613
File: 874 KB, 1920x1080, because-strait-is-the-gate-and-narrow-is-the-way-which-leadth-unto-life-and-few-there-be-that-find-it-bible-quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing is concealed before God, but nice try ;)

>> No.2534630

being black is a distraction because someone's gonna always bring it up if you succeed or fucking fail.
You will obsess about pinning things on "blackness"
lol... it's a fucking curse.
We are the living metaphors of "darkness" simply because of how color effects our subconscious.

aka hardmode

>> No.2534640

Yeah ask James Watson how telling the truth goes

>> No.2534666

No one, especially not 4chan, believes that. Go find an echo chamber reddit nigger.

>> No.2534714
File: 46 KB, 379x399, vitalik2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd fuck her.

>> No.2534726

>asking permission

>> No.2534743

>something to applaud

>> No.2534777
File: 414 KB, 1920x1280, Ezekiel-23-19-bible-quote-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm not applauding that woman.
i'm just comparing her to you and trying to make you question your values, morals and lifestyle, as always .

seems like its working ;)

>> No.2534797

Since this thread is still gozing, refute this

>> No.2534879
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, holygodintimacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont advocate or invest in or even give a hot about shitcoins...

refute that.

>> No.2534910

That's probably how she celebrated her 14th birthday with Disney kikes, poor girl.

>> No.2534911

*hoot. lol.

>> No.2534958

Billions are being poured in your communities for 50 years and you barely achieved nothing of value. At least slaves had the decency to work for the hands down.