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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 44 KB, 600x500, 2020root.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25327158 No.25327158 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf I just heard about Rootkit, but hot damn they are killing it.

Limited supply and it really is Defi 2.0

Badass website too- https://rootkit.finance/#/

>> No.25327220

their tokenomics is fucking amazing

>> No.25327407

shills fuck.. just look at BTC

>> No.25327469

their website is garbage it hardly works. also spends more time blogging than coding.

>> No.25327549

holy shit this ROOT chart is a thing of pure beauty

>> No.25327659

i got in at 5hundo HEHEHE

>> No.25327784

looks like Matrix Reloaded

>> No.25327840

an obvious regression in design and function

>> No.25328069
File: 49 KB, 634x423, photo_2020-12-24_15-16-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might want more bruh

>> No.25328636

something is working if the price rockets up like this upon launch

>> No.25328682

If I already have a rootkit installed on my PC am I just basically already mining root? How do I cash out?

>> No.25328720

you can exchange for ETH on Uniswap


>> No.25328872

This rootkit says I need to send bitcoin to a certain address to unlock my PC. How do I just claim the root tokens?

>> No.25328983

I would try them on twitter or telegram. TG probably the quickest reply....


>> No.25329126

altcoins suck dik!!!

>> No.25329191

slow pleb. your brain just can't comprehend these projects

>> No.25329222

>I would try them on twitter or telegram. TG probably the quickest reply....
I am going to try to install Malwarebytes as a google search says Malwarebytes can help remove rootkit tokens. I don't have enough bitcoin that they are asking for right now and just want to get the rootkit tokens off my computer and cash them in.

>> No.25329337
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, get-the-fook-out-of-here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL great feedback pajeet

>> No.25329411

good intro here:

>> No.25329454

>good intro here:
I clicked the link and now my computer says my hard drive is encrypted.

>> No.25329540


>> No.25329615

permanently locked liquidity pools are huge plus! and the token is yield farmable. versatile as fuck. with the supply and rising floor,, enjoy constant gains

>> No.25329724


>> No.25329773

not my kind of token, but definitely not a scam.. go see EOS if you want scam

>> No.25329796

ive always wanted to encrypt my computer, good thing Rootkit already thought of that.

>> No.25329900
File: 14 KB, 300x168, BULL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ROOT 5x coming. $1k now, $5k later. Enjoy!!

>> No.25330320

you wish chico- no motherfucking chance

>> No.25330583

uhh it will definitely happen, i dont think you get their tokenomics

>> No.25330645

look just gimme ETH and CHAINLINK--- fuck the other noise

>> No.25330699

this design is dope as hell. good job team!

>> No.25330963

faggots are shilling some horseshit

>> No.25331106
File: 36 KB, 400x560, hack_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poor soul, ROOT will outperform your entire basket of turd coins. enjoy lifelong regret. it will be a dose of daily pain

>> No.25331191

ethereum has so many issues it's unreal.. yes chainlink is legit and oracles are much needed

>> No.25331278

it's technically a monster. $2k easily very soon

>> No.25331451

Windows theme is my fave on their site. Fucking retro lolol

>> No.25331518

gives me vibes from the smash hit film Hackers

>> No.25331552

fucking faggot gtfoh. no one wants to carry a big bag of nothing

>> No.25331654
File: 140 KB, 736x736, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch your mouth dummy. we keep getting paid. you don't get paid.. or laid HAHAH

>> No.25331731

rootkit? more like scamkit. painful to read

>> No.25331910

you can do fucking everything with root- staking, farmings, etc and the token itself keeps appreciatingl... win-WIN

>> No.25332025

i'll dabble in some, but not going all in just yet

>> No.25332079

gah damn- supply very limited and floor rising. this price will pump and users keep joining the new DeFi 2.0

>> No.25332185
File: 69 KB, 548x796, matrix1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's unstoppable and the smartest team in crypto running the show. ever see those movies where a hacker is needed to accomplish a mission? they're very fucking important

>> No.25332283

don't do it! going quickly to 0 ... you have been warned

>> No.25332367

no fucking way lol you're missing out so i dont really care

>> No.25332452

yall too much, happy new year 4channer fux

>> No.25332524

adding ROOT as we speak. lets fucking GOOOOOO

>> No.25332603

im big in alts. this one is unique which i like. will look to add. maybe sell some ETH to get ROOT

>> No.25332635
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, root.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wise man right here. it will not disappoint

>> No.25332693

gimme your eth then fucker. ETH will be #1 in due time. bye bye bitch bitcoin

>> No.25332755

fuck em both. Polkadot projects are the key to the kingdom. just a fucking fact