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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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25329882 No.25329882 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.25329987

truly a biz 2021 mascot contender.. anons should keep an eye on him.

>> No.25330079

what's the over-under on his self-deletion. Feb 2021?

>> No.25330105

who is this again

>> No.25330141


Funniest shit at 7:50

>> No.25330169


>> No.25330263

Why does every 4chan board find people in obscure videos driving around ranting in their cars?

>> No.25330285

>this is your average crypto redditor or biz poster

If you hold XRP or VET shitcoins you need to take a long look in the mirror.

>> No.25330354

sounded like he had a kid in his car in the latest video, sad!

>> No.25330472

he has a kid with autism. feelsbadman.jpg

he also had a stroke like 2 years ago. i feel for this dude on a deep level and i usually hate xrpfags because they refuse to have a normal conversation since they are full blown schizos but i feel like i could have a beer with this guy.

>> No.25330504

made me lol. Great delivery!

>> No.25330534

Would you suck his dick after too?

>> No.25330554
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>this is the average xrp holder

>> No.25330716

Should we donate btc and eth to him on the condition he can’t swap it out? Maybe some wbtc and weth in a smart contract?

>> No.25330816

ah come on dude, just watch a few of his videos, the guy obviously has some problems. if he was just some faggot i would give less than zero fucks but he's clearly not right. day dreams about becoming a millionaire with xrp. man it's really sad.

if i had more money i would consider giving him some for his kid. like "dude please save this for your kid" but im still waiting on alt season to take off, ill promise biz ill donate to this dude one day. i know you faggots don't care but i have a heart. meanwhile ill laugh at all the other xrpfags as they contemplate suicide in their little containment threads KEK

>> No.25330947

You sound like a nice guy, but it's a noted phenomenon that people frequently remark "he's a real nice guy" about obese vloggers such as boggie2988.. It's just a way of looking down on them... Most people are nice anon, at least superficially at first glance...

>> No.25330996

I can see that you already started.

>> No.25331071


>> No.25331080


I agree with you.Poor guy.Delusional as fuck but i still feel sorry for him.Hope he gets better.

>> No.25331128

will he be /our schizo/ for 2021?

>> No.25331196

these crypto car vloggers always end up roping.

>> No.25331301

classic bait response: don't put in more than you can afford to lose dude

>> No.25331322

haha it's like hearing someone biz post irl... It's intentional I'm sure, he over did it and it sounds like an act.

>> No.25331424

holy shit KEK

>puts the kids food money into shitcoins
>"it's not me who's irresponsible with my money, crypto is just a scam"

>> No.25331462

everybody that vlogs in their car is a psychopath

>> No.25331464

thanks for the laugh

>> No.25331532

if he didn't rope then, he's probably roping now that he swore of building his stack in 2018

>> No.25331676

>coinbase getting sued for continuing to sell xrp

i dont feel so good xrp bros


>> No.25331721

i think exchanges might ramp up the delisting. we might see delistings happen sooner than announced. 1st of jan maybe? holy fuck xrp is becoming an even bigger liability. kraken will 100% have to delist now to avoid lawsuits left and right from pissed off boomers.

>> No.25331734

what video does he freak out in

>> No.25331807



>> No.25331850



>> No.25331882

he doesn't
anon just uses an out-of-context screencap with some other meme text to frame the guy as a hysterical lunatic
XRP is shit but dishonest journalism is cringe

>> No.25331953

>mongolian basketweaving forum

>> No.25331959

lmao ded

>> No.25331965
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>> No.25331995

Based bizraeli

>> No.25332031

I think he already is

>> No.25332121

what a performance.

>> No.25332465


>> No.25332505

> fat
> dumb
> "cool dude" snapback with a sticker still attached

It all checks out

next I will learn he has a pitbull

>> No.25332550
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>> No.25332602

the glorious irony of that shirt.

>> No.25332605

>'i told you so' xrp shirt

>> No.25332626
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 1608577128633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one paycheck
What whiner. Didn't even max out 15 credit cards

>> No.25332648

think about how many people he's basically gloated to at work or in his personal life about his "investment"

>> No.25332726

LMFAO this is like a /biz/ larp gone right

>> No.25332758

Imagine convincing yourself, your kids, and your wife that you're gonna get rich off this garbage one day so it's okay that you've lost 50% of your money so far.

>> No.25332788

Meme potential if overwhelming
SEC will decide

>> No.25332796

>XRP family
>yo' boy

normie dumbass confirmed

>> No.25332829

tbf anyone who bought btc at 8k+ felt like that in march, but we did go back up

xrp is absolute dogshit though

>> No.25332886

Feel really bad for these guys. Sounds like he has a kid in the car, but crazy that screams like that

>> No.25332999

congrats on 29k my fellow non-shitcoin holders

>> No.25333221

moonfags are delusional

>> No.25333832

Holy shit I keked so hard

>> No.25334130

wow. I feel now bad for XRP hodlers. They trusted the management. They were fooled and their families will suffer.

>> No.25334517

because we're not normies, now go back to r eddit where you belong

>> No.25334783

thank you my good fellow. Top of the morning to ya. Hard to see you over that white picket fence you put in.

>> No.25335569

use a question mark when you type a question.

>> No.25335911

>ill promise biz ill donate to this dude one day
this dude is a textbook example of the kind of sucker that falls for ponzi schemes. he'll immediately spend anything you give him on XRP

>> No.25336075


>> No.25336112

i loved the emphasis on PAJEETS btw

>> No.25336173


I have never seen a man get jewed so hard he lost all sense of reality. Thanks.

>> No.25336243

youve never met a boomer?

>> No.25336266

This is why the SEC is taking action.
Protection of the consumer.
XRP is an unregistered security and Ripple has successfully targeted and exploited folks with an IQ lower than the average room temp.
You need to be an accredited investor to invest in an unregistered security, not a retail trader.

>> No.25336470

>You need to be an accredited investor to invest in an unregistered security
Fuck off kike you just want to take all the gains for yourself, retards should be allowed to expose themselves to risk if they want

>> No.25336775


Hilarious vid anon, sorry it didn't take off when you first uploaded. Gonna save this one for 2022