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File: 106 KB, 823x833, usd-EnI0qy_WEAEMn1K2020-12-29_yjEmqDjp6W4AISMcEjj_dVrWsAEnWXlINkasMgiopmGkkI8xmrloRxsGgxRpor3ePbTcriiopd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25300309 No.25300309 [Reply] [Original]

Meanwhile the true inflation is like 5-10%. Ignore the government reported CPI.


Find your nearest city, how much have prices really been going up?

>Los Angeles
>5 year average inflation: 12.1%

>> No.25300332

Good fuck muttmerica

>> No.25300379

>ID: gibs

>> No.25300394

It’s not Bitcoin going up, it's actually dollar going down.

>> No.25300407

Duh... Smart money is already in other assets newfag. Go pilfer your econ 101 shit elsewhere. Reddit is waiting. Think greece 2014, the lyra, etc... only trade forex if you got bigger balls than cryptards moron.

>> No.25300454

might as well start staking USDN on waves for 8% you can try to stay ahead of this thing if you insist on holding USD

>> No.25300474

Also, CPI does not include real estate or assets per >>25300407
Don't get it? Real estate and assets are outpacing salary increases (i.e. omg the middle class is shri.... gone).

>> No.25300539


>> No.25300550
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>> No.25300569

The dollar is going up against gold that means its going up
Probably what all this covid shit is about

>> No.25300591

glad I got plenty of mercury dimes

>> No.25300622

fud. no one cares about crypto buts and no one ever will. shit's been around since 2009 and it's accepted NOWHERE.

>> No.25300624

The economy is a ponzi scheme

its fucked, big time.

>> No.25300656
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>> No.25300672

OP literally does not even mention crypto once. Take your meds

>> No.25300751

>he holds dollars
Hahahahahahaha holy shit lads buy zerps while you can. You're not going to have to eorry anout toilet paper during the next lockdown if you hold all that usd.

>> No.25300876

This is a good wikipedia article to reference while you are looking at the DXY chart. It show the value of DXY every year since it's inception. All things considered 89-95 isn't that bad.. But yes I will agree that the purchasing power of the dollar is collapsing, but that's mostly due to insane inflation.


>> No.25300887


>> No.25300912

if it breaks that support nocoiners are fucked and everyone else is going to be atleast nigger rich for a while

>> No.25300941

its both my good sir

>> No.25300965

at least I will still be able to buy drugs online with bitcoin

>> No.25300966

Unless you mean LTC you need to leave.

>> No.25300994

i sold silver for 26bucks an ounce 6 months ago
oh and look at that silver is.... 26 bucks
buy crypto if you want gains
or guns and bullets if you truly believe in doomsday

>> No.25301145

my parents have all their life savings in their Bank accounts. what the fuck can I say to them if they're illiterate

>> No.25301170

Zoom out retard

>> No.25301196

No coiner here who invests strictly in traditional asset classes. What makes you think the feds aren’t going to make cryptocurrencies illegal at some point, especially if they begin to threaten the US dollar? Don’t give me this decentralized and anonymous bullshit. They have a million ways from Sunday to clamp down on whatever they want, tightly regulate, or outlaw whatever suits their fancy under the guise of children, national security, terrorism, etc. What makes you think they won’t treat cryptos like they do other illegal online content? Legit asking.

>> No.25301210

Show them the charts and tell them to get prepared

>> No.25301215


You're a fucking dipshit lol you think the USA is the only nation on earth? How old are you

>> No.25301261

I just wanted the blowjobs from formerly well to do housewives, is that too much to ask?

>> No.25301269

They may regulate it a little more.
But the more important question is how much risk are you taking by not buying now?

>> No.25301283

Lol you think the US dosent run shit ?

>> No.25301294

my parents have never invested anything and surprisingly they gave me some money to put into crypto for them
i think that pretty much everyone at this point understands what the situation is

>> No.25301295

Have you paid attention to anything over the past twenty years? What country are you going to move to so you can trade your shitcoins that are now outlawed in every major country with extradition treaties across the globe and/or the ability to sanction whoever the fuck they feel like. What value will those coins have if they are only legal tender in Zimbabwe?

>> No.25301303

it has been to 71 before it's not over by a long shot

>> No.25301321

because the jews created crypto
why would the jews ban their own investment?

>> No.25301322

Basic game theory.
The countries that restrict first lose to the countries that remain open (i.e. capital outflow).
And, that's not what is happening in the USA. First crypto chartered bank in Wyoming, banks can now custody in digital assets, big companies re now buying (MassMutual 100M, MicroStrategy 1B), big investors are buying (Paul Tudor Jones, etc.). The floodgate has been opened and now BTC USD price is in uncharted waters with open air.

>> No.25301346
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Buy Smeat

>> No.25301348

That’s a fair point. I’m not anti cryptos, but the sheer volume and number of coins out there, many of which turn out to be scams, kinda scares me. At least with traditional and/or hard assets I own the gold, real estate, share of Apple, etc. that’s my mentality, for what it’s worth.

>> No.25301371

>Makes nearly every crypto more worthless
Get your fucking economy in order americucks. I'm losing money. I soon can order with your shitty 3rd world currency cheaper on amazon with $50 delivery cost on a fucking electric razor or something.

>> No.25301383

>I own the gold, real estate, share of Apple
One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.25301392

BTC has faced 1000s of competitors.
It's market dominance is 70.4% and increasing:
Unfortunately, your mentality is wrong.
Bitcoin is now a brand, which took 10 years to create.

>> No.25301422

You assume rational actors will not get together to collude to do this simultaneously. The US, EU, China, etc wield a shit ton of power by being to control and manipulate their currencies. Without their ability to maintain that control, it puts significant pressure on both the legitimacy and longevity of SSID government. This is why, on a long enough timeline, I don’t see cryptos lasting unmolested by government.

>> No.25301448

True on the Apple share. I’m just thinking of it as something a bit more tangible since I can see an Apple store, hold an Apple product, etc.

>> No.25301458

what if i bought LTC instead

>> No.25301468

someone gets it
1 BTC = 1 BTC

>> No.25301476

>implying a non-backed fedcoin will mean fuck shit in a collapse situation that got them in thsat situation to begin with

You're gonna work for that mercury dime.

>> No.25301478

I’m legitimately not anti cryptos nor do I personally think it’s a “scam.” My concern is that when it starts competing against central banks, governments are going to impose serious and draconian measures against it that many people aren’t currently thinking about.

>> No.25301489

You incorrectly assume that the USA is not opening up more to bitcoin and digital assets. 2020: banks can custody, Fidelity digital assets, FDIC chartered bank in by Kraken Financial in Wyoming.
Don't get left behind and ignorant of what went wrong.

>> No.25301491

how are alphabet soup spookibois going to do their dirt without BTC or something like it?

>> No.25301499

by design. why do you think BTC is now a SoV instead a p2p currency?

>> No.25301532


>> No.25301539

Same as equities.

>> No.25301560

I gave you the inside dope:
Allocate appropriately and live with no regrets.
Or, choose the lacking knowledge and awareness route.

>> No.25301575

I hear what you’re saying about mainstream adoption. However, S&Ls were also mainstream until they blew up. Same goes for other mainstream products, as well.
I hope I come off as an idiot and someone here schools me, because this is what has kept me shoveling money into equities (which I think are extremely overpriced but still the only game in town at the moment) and not moving into cryptos. I actually want to see the error of my ways.

>> No.25301578

They'll take property with eminent domain first. The laws already exist and they don't have to get into a prisoner's dilemma with every other country on Earth like with crypto.

>> No.25301645

Not sure if you know this, but the government taxes crypto capital gains, so they get their bite on the profits.
And, I just schooled you. If this doesn't pique your interest more, then nothing will. Good luck.

>> No.25301699

see >>25301322
that's what "decentralized" means you mouth breathing retard. the only people America hurts by outlawing crypto is it's own innovation, tech, taxes, and citizens. They lose what foothold they have in the crypto markets, and that market takes off elsewhere in the world, which is where the wealth and innovation will flow too.

>> No.25301735

Bitcoin is too dangerous. If you were in the 1920s and tried to invest in bitcoin all your money would be gone because they had no computers.

>> No.25301749

Just because they tax it means nothing. Look at the tax forms. There is a section to declare your illegal income, since you are required to pay taxes on it, as well. So when you get popped selling drugs, the feds have additional charges to tack on, as well. The taxation of cryptocurrency is just another way to get a superseding indictment and/or some other way to get added in a database of crypto owners, added to the random audit pool, etc.

>> No.25301773

you could still use bitcoin without computers or electricity, but you'd need to do all the calculations and cryptography on paper... for centuries

>> No.25301878

>There is a section to declare your illegal income
This is that lacking awareness thing I mentioned...
The IRS taxes cryptocurrency as property. You use a 1099-B/1099-K.
I'm out.

>> No.25301891
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dxy history for reference

>> No.25301939

that is one hideous chart.

>> No.25301974

>zoom out!
>oh fuck, it's much worse

>> No.25302014

before electronic computers existed being a computer was a profession: mathematician.

>> No.25302090
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It's from a reuters eikon terminal, what's wrong with it?

>> No.25302150

I think he just means it looks hideous for the USD

>> No.25302185

Burgerland is truly fucked

>> No.25302219

There were literal "computer" title having workers in the past, but they were more like administrative assistants than mathematicians. Female and would just do menial arithmetic so the actual engineers and scientists wouldn't have to waste their own much more valuable time on it.

>> No.25302359
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usd go down, commodities go up.

>> No.25302369

Do I really just have to invest into something that's in a huge bubble and liable to pop to try and avoid getting fucked by inflation? Shit I feel like buying $100,000 worth of drugs and sitting on them is a better option than anything I can invest in now.

>> No.25302451

Buy silver, most underpriced asset galaxywide

>> No.25302563
File: 781 KB, 1758x1799, 7CA6DD2D-DE16-4DB9-AF32-015E7C9A8DBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't buy the dip at $22

>> No.25302601

Umm no actually sweetie they were the brains behind the operation and that's how black women headed the first moon mission fact checks sweetie ;)

Straight terms, resources do inversely well in crash scenarios; PM's especially, but to a similar extent raw materials like Lumber, Slate, Bricks etc.

>> No.25302773
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10 year yields. remember 0% interest rates is a blackhole which cannot be escaped.

>> No.25302821

>there was a point in histroy where you were just straight up given 116% of your savings because you had them
I was brought up for a society that doesn't exist any more.

>> No.25302837

And i bought my silver 10 months ago and i'm up +100%.
No our fault if you are a retard.

>> No.25302853

is this sude riding a penis

>> No.25302902

Never forget that the DXY only measures USD vs. other fiats.

Vs. other commodities it’s actually declining faster.

>> No.25302909

>Umm no actually sweetie they were the brains behind the operation and that's how black women headed the first moon mission fact checks sweetie
This, but unironically. Its well documented that black women put person kind in space.

>> No.25302923

can confirm we had those for a while in my country (eurocuck here) and once you get to 0 it's unironically over
next step is negative interest rates

>> No.25302930

BTW to find out how fast, just make your own price inflation index using your favorite grocery and other everyday items.

>> No.25302949

A shitty netflix mockumentary doesn't count for 'well documented', retard.

>> No.25302962

Nice, glad I didn't buy USDT
I'm now pegging currency health to the CHF

>> No.25302992

lower highs and lower lows

you can literally see the sellout of america

>> No.25303008

5Head post

>> No.25303111

Let's say hypothetically the US makes cryptocurrency illegal. What do you think China, Russia, etc. will do? Follow suit? Hell no, they will deregulate for the lulz alone and all of a sudden China becomes the defi hub of the world, with all the surveillance technology can provide. They are already on track to have the largest economy by 2028.
In reality the opposite is going to happen. China trying to launch a digital yuan to compete with the dollar means the US needs to step up their game or lose the biggest export we have. But wut do? Can't release a digital currency based on the usd because it's pretty much already digital and the majority of it is overseas. It would fuck the world economy worse than a digital yuan. So the only option the US has is to make as much room as possible for bitcoin and defi while trying to reduce the risk exposure of national institutions.

>> No.25303199
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>> No.25303211


>> No.25303220

China is the largest holder of USD denominated debt, there is literally nobody that wants to protect USD more than them.

>> No.25303230
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>China, who is already pissed off to high hell and back that Crypto is circumventing the social credit system and allowing dissenters to orgnise and gather funds; will deregulate Crypto
You are delusional; maybe Russia would if Putin had a chill pill that day, but the Chinese would jump so hard at the opportunity that they'd break the standing high jump record. Hell, Crypto's been a thorn in the side of every major financial institution in the world, the only out if a complete crash (which wold also floor anything fiat - like Crypto)
It's a lose-lose, Crypto-fag; the ride won't last forever.

>> No.25303253

China has not been the largest US debt hodler for years now (That is Japan).
Check your info.

>> No.25303258
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>Crashing this economy

>> No.25303314

t- I'm afraid to invest in gold because of the shear amount of metals out there...

>> No.25303397

I'm not talking about treasury debt, I'm talking all the debt that is denominated in USD. You think China's belt and road shit and lending they do in all the fucked 3rd world country is in yuan? they don't want that shit.

>> No.25303403

>usd go down, commodities go up.
>Lumber, Slate, Bricks
What's the best way for idiots to get into commodities? I started looking into it but am seeing a lot of scary tax shit and extra expenses with random volatility and futures trading.

>> No.25303415

>What's the best way for idiots to get into commodities?
Probably an ETF until you know what you're doing

>> No.25303448

Buy the big producers that pay dividends.

>> No.25303508

OK, I'm going all in on CORN and Exxon.

>> No.25303515

unironically zoom out a few years
then tell us why the dollar is STILL around?

>> No.25303532

>Meanwhile the true inflation is like 5-10%
Inflation is much higher than that anon. They don't account for food, energy and real estate percentage.

>> No.25303564

The scary thing is, is that none of this is talked about in the MSM. I have a feeling it will just crash one day and the average person will really have no warning

>> No.25303576
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>> No.25303596

There are no countries. They are all controlled by the same jewish banking cartel.

>> No.25303618

US is not a country.

>> No.25303633

>none of this is talked about in the MSM
Conservative news stations and commercials targeting the elderly constantly talk about USD collapsing to sell gold.

>> No.25303651

thats what im doing!

>> No.25303652

Spread it out a bit. For example if you liek oil also buy BP and RDS-A, Chevron etc.

>> No.25303676

I agree. The jews invade countries and kill anyone that goes against their banks. Why wouldn't they do the same to crypto?

>> No.25303745

Makes sense. Thanks.
Jews aren't omnipotent. It's pretty clear they have almost no leverage at all over China for example which is surpassing the US in just about every meaningful metric well past any point when the US could still get ahead of them.
And I think there are significant amounts of bitcoin holders in China.

>> No.25303760

Swede here. We've had negative interest rates for years.

>> No.25303776

China is owned by the Rotschilds. They wouldn't defy their masters.

>> No.25303809

I see you people have never seen the forex before

>> No.25303810

It would give China super majority control of the blockchain instantly.

>> No.25303814

>Boomers are dieing and leaving thier children the greatest transfer of wealth in history.

>better crash the dollar

Boomers really are hedonistic, egotistical scum of the earth.

>> No.25303836

>0% interest rates is a blackhole which cannot be escaped.
>once you get to 0 it's unironically over
Why don't interest rates ever go back up? Is it because they need zero or negative interest rates to keep people from sitting on money and doing nothing with it?

>> No.25303871

They control both China and the US. Therefore they don't care if power is moved from the latter to the former.

Who do you think financed the communist revolution in China? The same people who financed the Soviet revolution, and it's the same people who own the Fed.

>> No.25303881

>the largest communist party in existence is chinkland
>communism created by the jews
>i-it's not the jews I swear haha and china is totally doing better
it's like you deformed hook nose kikes don't even pretend you're not shills anymore
you cucks can't even speak on our economy because you're tiny as fuck with near 0 military or research expenses because we protect you faggots and invent everything
take your nigger spacing and go back

>> No.25303894

You're all faggots. The govs printing trillions a year and pushing for reparations, UBI, and student loan forgiveness on top of the hundred billions of corporate bailouts and your afraid of regulation. You're already priced out anyways so just accept your slavery like the good goys you are.

>> No.25303912

>So the only option
What do you think countries horde gold for? Jewelry?
Unless you're Canada I'm which case you have none

>> No.25303919

>Leaving any wealth for their children

They're all going to reverse mortgage their houses and give them straight back to the banks so they can live it up a few more years. This after inheriting a lifetime worth of assets from their parents.

>> No.25303954

suck on another foreskin rabbi
shower time soon

>> No.25304153

>>25303954 ?
Wasnt >>25303894 listing all the evil things the gov is already doing and planning to do, letting you know that they have declared themselves to be your enemy, completely illegitimate, and that their regulations will no longer be binding?

>> No.25304183

Aren’t those mostly scams though? They’re just trying to part impressionable boomers with their money I feel

>> No.25304223

Quick sell your old gold! It's old.

>> No.25304302

>They control both China and the US.
I really don't think so. If jews had China they'd have bailed on the US already. America is in such bad shape I don't see any reason for jews still hanging on right now except that they underestimated China and now they can't control them.
>Who do you think financed the communist revolution in China?
The people who financed the French Revolution got the guillotine because of the French Revolution. Being responsible for kicking off a political movement doesn't give you ownership over the fallout.
I'm criticizing jews, not complimenting them. I think they fucked up in a big way and have no leverage over China now. They made a really bad bet and should have shut China down back in the 60s when it was still possible. The US has no value when China can move in and eliminate the American monopoly over geopolitics and banking. When there are options other than USD and there's a country with more military power and way more production than the US that's pretty much the end of the US.

>> No.25304353

>Aren’t those mostly scams though?
At least some are, yeah.
>They’re just trying to part impressionable boomers with their money I feel
This is also definitely the motivation for dollar collapse / gold selling ads. Still though I bring it up because I think the general public has had plenty of advance notice about the possibility of USD collapse. I don't think that possibility is something only people on anime websites are in on.

>> No.25304385

>Do I really just have to invest into something that's in a huge bubble and liable to pop to try and avoid getting fucked by inflation?

Not to be an asshole or anything, but OF COURSE NOT, YOU IDIOT.

Cryptos are hardly the only commodity in the world. Arguably they barely even qualify as such, actually.

>physical precious metals
>mining shares
>other commodity shares
>real estate
>antiques and collectibles

>> No.25304407

>accept regulations and slavery goyim it's over
yeah that's a jew mate
congrats as reading that as a Whitepill it make them seethe I'm sure
you don't get communism without jews retard
the exact same people and families behind communism "last time" are still funding it
>The US has no value when China can move in and eliminate the American monopoly over geopolitics and banking
they can't do shit you stupid kike
All Authority in life is derived from violence
No country on Earth can even begin to fuck with the US military. The idea is laughable

>> No.25304431

Oh? Go and buy me silver for $26/oz, right now :)

>> No.25304446

if only we had some sort of digital cash that solved the double spending problem and was decentralized and globally accessible we could free ourseleves from the grip of central banks.

>> No.25304530

War is coming. The USA gotta make that monayyy.Somalia grab your ankles son.

>> No.25304541
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Can't find the chart but some bank recently did this analysis where they charted an interest rate of 4% as the peak for consumers' propensity to spend. Low enough to make saving "not worth it" but high enough that the people living off interest (retirees reliant on bonds) don't have to keep hoarding.

So the Fed or ECB or BoJ lower interest rates thinking it will get people to spend, which works from 6% to 5% and 5% to 4%. But below that, as they cut, retirees (and pensions and people in target date funds and...) save *more*, trying to match the interest income they're losing.

This causes inflation to slow even more, prompting the central bank NPCs (or looters, depending on your perspective) to cut more, worsening the cycle. That's why nobody escapes NIRP.

>> No.25304577

bullish for stocks

>> No.25304586

War is coming. The USA gotta make that monayyy! Somalia grab yoyr ankles son ooorah!

>> No.25304606

My family asks about bitcoin and they ask why they should own some and I realize I can't even begin to explain how bad things really are.

>> No.25304637

Have you tried just saying a quarter of all dollars in existence were printed this year?

Of course skipping over the whole monetary velocity thing and Federal reserve banks only using them to bid up asset prices (for now).

>> No.25304652

If the jews didn't own China, why are they letting them beat them? It's so easily to put China back to where it belongs (fix trade imbalances, stop their currency manipulation, their theft of our tech etc). But nobody puts a stop to it. Heck, just put sanctions on them and make it illegal to buy goods from China.

Since no Western nation is anti-China, it's easy to see that they both share the same master.

>> No.25304781

I did. I explained that the dollar losing 4% a year is a "good year" and that the government does not create money, banks to because they are allowed to loan 10 times the amount they hold, and the moment that fake loaned money enters another bank, that bank is allowed to run around and do the exact same thing.

I tried to tell them literally every spare dollar not needed for monthly expenses and a few months of being unemployed living expenses should be converted into some kind of asset immediately, because money is rotting.

"But Bitcoin is really expensive" says the boomer with 500k in Tesla stock.

>> No.25304827

Based and roaringpilled

>> No.25304886


>> No.25304903
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i want to fucking die

>> No.25304968

Wow it is only just now occurring to me that crypto is a great opportunity for intelligence agencies to create a comfy unregulated slush fund for all kid of fun cross-border arms deals

Crypto safe forever

>> No.25304969

For persuasion you want your message to be simpler. As simple as can be. Quarter of all dollars printed this year, you can buy tiny parts of a Bitcoin just like buying flakes of gold. Done.

But hey, if the boomer keeps boomering, could do a lot worse than the old TSLA. Even if Elon doesn't follow through on his Twitter meme about converting the company to BTC, TSLA's an equity asset, on an index, run by a CEO who's up on things (moving his California ops to Nevada and Texas). That won't get tanked.

>> No.25305024

I have no issue with owning Bitcoin. I have been trying to get my boomer dad into bitcoin since it was 10k. I have told him at least move 1% of his portfolio into bitcoin. I am not pushing it that much because he is riddled with pills and his brain marinates in fox news and cnbc all day.

>> No.25305151

Not anymore
Kikes and Chinks project more power

>> No.25305204

Fair enough. Sorry to hear about your Dad. Pharmaceuticals and cable news can be awful things.

>> No.25305235


>> No.25305282

Just invest in miners
Barely matters what minerals either. Uranium, PMs, lituium, rare earths. You name it. If it's a raw material necessary to keep your basic needs met, it's probably safe. The risk comes down to which miners or producers have their finances in order. Go read some nerds posting about commodities on their blogs and Twitters. Give it a smell test.

Be careful with oil, though. Some oil companies are in good shape and will be positioned to pivot to the new oil paradigm. Others have just taken on massive debt in order to continue their (unsustainable) extraction trajectory. Peak oil was real. It wasn't about running out of oil, it was about getting all the easy-to-find oil. The easy stuff is pretty much gone and what will be left is stuff that takes a lot of energy and technology to extract. The energy density and safety of oil is unparalleled, so the price per barrel will always go up, but some companies will not be able to extract efficiently and pay denbts

>> No.25305321

USD will never collapse. They will just use their military to fuck shit up.

>> No.25305932

This is (((god's chosen))) changing the language up again. Modern dictionaries even reflect the lie. The graphic equates inflation to a rise in prices.
Prices adjust to the expansion, price is a signaling mechanism.

>> No.25306156


Doesn't dxy just compare fiat vs fiat? Mostly USD vs EUR?

IMO, keep an eye on the dollar vs the rubble or renminbi.

>> No.25306336

Other currency don’t matter they will be forced to debase their currency otherwise the biggest consoomer nation i.e the U.S will have a hard time importing your products because they get relatively expensive.
Just look at AUD, they held strong during the pandemic but they now have conceded and debasing their currency as well, otherwise their exports will be crushed.

>> No.25306352
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>> No.25306355

the US could literally peg the USD to bitcoin tomorrow and save the fuckin day

>> No.25306385

>ramifi protocol solves this
based OP

>> No.25306388

Exactly, when you have negative interest rates, you have a contracting currency supply.

If hyperinflation was going to be an issue tomorrow, why do they still own a vast amount of US government debt?

>> No.25306394
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>> No.25306479
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>> No.25306590

What possible justification does the BLS make to exclude real estate from their CPI basket? It's fucking housing. Everyone has to have it, everyone spends money on it. It's gotten twice as expensive versus 10-20 years ago. How the fuck do they get away with ignoring the cost of putting a fucking roof over your head?

Makes me a bit livid, honestly. The manipulated is so in-your-face and unjustifiable it's bizarre that everyone isn't on the same page about how cooked the books are. As it is, you're immediately branded a tinfoil heretic if you question official CPI and inflation stats. "Oh, you're one of those shadowstats weirdos..." &etc

>> No.25306622

>10%. Ignore the government reported CPI.
what i dontt understand about CPI is that shit should get cheaper like food if were more efficient and productive.... it doesnt fairly weigh stuff i think. but it is a real figure i suppose.

>> No.25306628

One of these things can only be taxed once

>> No.25306702
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The Fed uses CPI without food, RE, energy etc. because they are trying to isolate the metric for just monetary inflation. They remove all those items because they are :
>fluctuate too much due to supply
>hard to trace back to monetary inflation
They need to remove food / gas because the prices are mainly caused by cost-push (supply side) inflation, as opposed to inflation caused by monetary expansion that the Fed are doing and trying to track.
So when you remove the cost-push inflationary stuff that we all have to buy, basically all thats left is memes and here is the actual chart.


The alternative economics sites that put 5%-10% inflation are right, but its inflation caused by
>tariffs on imports
>other compliance costs passed onto us
>saudi / russia oil fuckery
>too many immigrants flooding the housing market
>jews running education
>jews running health industry

all cost-push inflation except housing.

>> No.25306973

how does that work? does tha bank send you a payment every month for your. mortgage?

>> No.25307034

All currencies have to lose value together. Been like that since the 70s.

"100" means they are simply losing value at the same rate.

>> No.25307093

that gave me a chuckle

>> No.25307180


>> No.25307311

I guess we will see what happens if the government won’t let the economy cool down regularly
Eventually it’ll fix itself

>> No.25307575


>> No.25307582

>The dollar is going up against gold that means its going up
Anon, gold is being manipulated all to hell because gov’s need to keep its price low. Eventually their efforts in this regard will stop working when people realize the fiat scheme is coming to its inevitable end.

>> No.25307641
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>> No.25307674

>how does that work? does tha bank send you a payment every month for your. mortgage?
You just pay a little less as time goes by. Your principal owed is still going to be larger than the negative interest until your loan is paid off so they don't need to send you money.

>> No.25307692

this. they've been ruining the world for a century.

>> No.25307713 [DELETED] 

it's trash
shut up

>> No.25308526

imagine if you had just brought btc.

>> No.25309053
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>> No.25309066

Bitcoin is not rising, it's just the dollar falling lol

>> No.25310013

Based. Inflation is 20% where I am

>> No.25310210

my personal basket is deflationary right now. collectable guitars are getting cheaper, shopping list hasnt changed price since april, HOA dues went down (recent project finished), refinanced my mortage at 0%, gas is cheap, pirating games ($60>$0), and weed is getting cheaper. fucking strange times.

>> No.25310338

Nobody is going to use scuffed virtual usd.

>> No.25310772

I feel it in the air that normies are going to wake up one day with their fiat-denominated savings made worthless overnight through some monetary fuckery done by the central bankers.

Nobody can tell me with a straight face that whatever is going on right now is sustainable and I refuse to believe things are going back to normal. Unofficial inflation rates since 2008 have been at 10% and that was with the old-style QE. With the corona-meme this is going to accelerate and become tangible to normies, and that is when they get redpilled and start losing faith in government currencies. Then it is game over.

I'm a Swede and people here have no fucking idea of what is coming, people don't understand the link between the real estate bubble and the negative interest rate policy the Riksbank has been pursuing and as I said I suspect one day this entire ponzi is going to come crashing down very hard and very fast and people will get a severe reality check.

>> No.25310823

>this. they've been ruining the world for a century.
I'm pretty sure that was Germany. But if you disagree, you could pay US back for the Marshall plan that rebuilt Europe after the second time Euros couldn't manage their own affairs.

>> No.25310833

I guess with legalization weed should get cheaper. Mortgage at 0% is insane. They're basically giving it to you for free, but maybe they want you in debt. For the /G/r|e/a/t R/e|s/e/t they will offer debt forgiveness but you will have to sign your life over to them

>> No.25310862

now this is a remarkably stupid post

>> No.25310905

>purposely spreading disinformation about government spending
>saying the existence of more floating around creates inflation
>not the explicit act of spending the money on a good that's supply doesn't meet the demand
>never questioning private banks increasingly over-leveraging their collateralization based on fraction reserve lending, creating money from nothing
what a good goy

>> No.25311520
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>pay your student loans
Banker hands wrote this post.

>> No.25311570

this it blows my mind that people just go on like everything is normal
the massive crash in march this year shouldve been a warning what if they cant paper over the cracks in the financial system anymore? we had like 10% inflation on groceries here in one year and the centralbank says inflation is too low. the numbers are all fake this whole house of cards has to come down at some point.

>> No.25311644

jesus christ this chart is scary af btw
stupid mutts destroying the USD
im a yurofag who gets paid in dollarinos
I get like 500-600 euros less now than I got six months ago
this is ridiculous!
got a juiy 12% raise this year and its prety much all disappeared because of the exchange rates

>> No.25312303

Go to Reddit. Read COVID threads. These morons are 100 % convinced that "the economy" is a weird entity that doesn't affect them. They are convinced that the crash only affects evil landlords and Monopoly-looking motherfuckers.

Worse yet, they are convinced that "stimulus checks" are a perfect solution and won't have any ill-effects later.

>> No.25312359

>Go to Reddit. Read COVID threads
No. I'm good not having cancer, thank you very much

>> No.25312527

MFW I have $140k in savings in the bank because I wanted to put a huge downpayment on land and property out in the country and use the rest to live off of while I build up the land and pay a tiny mortgage.

MFW I have $40k in crypto as well and don't know when to pull the trigger on buying a property because everything is so up in the air now and I have a second kid on the way.

MFW I have no face.

I'm thinking of just dumping half my savings into crypto in preparation for the alt run cycle. Just don't know where....

>> No.25312578

Daily reminder 30% of ALL USD has been created in 2020.
Daily reminder US landlords can legally begin their evictions Jan 2021
Daily reminder Biden is now the US President (aka dog shit economy and more wars inc)

>> No.25312600

Housing in the US is about to crash, hold on for about 4 months.

>> No.25312624

That was my original thinking, but I also believe the inverse is true in that the housing market will remain stable because all of the foreign money will be propping it up. Think of all the crypto in the hands of chinks, buying up property worldwide.

>> No.25312672

is a weak dollar going to at least help exports?

>> No.25312923

The US has to manufacture something first. Some came back under Trump, now its going to be a mass exodus of companies under Biden. Think what NAFTA did to the US in the 90s, but even worse.

>> No.25312929

>I'm a Swede and people here have no fucking idea of what is coming, people don't understand the link between the real estate bubble and the negative interest rate policy the Riksbank has been pursuing and as I said I suspect one day this entire ponzi is going to come crashing down very hard and very fast and people will get a severe reality check.

I was just reading today about it and Japan has already been on this path since the 90's.


Housing was supposed to go down to a more natural value but they lower interests and bank moratoriums to stop loan defaults.

The amount of people taking out loans with low interest rates that cannot pay them once they rise is going to be troublesome.
At the same time they want people not to save money by raising the inflation.

I'm really starting to believe "The Great Reset" meme. They are incentivising people to take loans, then they will raise the interest rates, leave everyone in the dust except for mega corps and tech corps that need little capital to run.

Then UBI and circular economy to take the place of small businesses.

>> No.25313118

USD went up in the March crash when even Gold went down. If assets (this includes crypto, the correlation to stock was made obvious in March) crash, people are going to want cash.
We're still in the dead cat bounce from last March. The real crash is coming up, Trump can leave office claiming he made the economy great and Biden can blame the crisis on Trump's mismanagement, a narrative which his base will be all too happy to buy.

t. all cash and crypto until at least next summer.

>> No.25313139
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>mfw I use all my crypto gains to build a time machine, only to go back into the past and become instantly broke because computers haven't even been invented yet, let alone crypto

>> No.25313148

No one cares. Stop making this thread. Sage

>> No.25313164

How much will be able to be blocked by a Rep senate? Still, I expect a lot of shit going to China and wherever

>> No.25313244

It’s all so tiresome. FED will do some fuckery with their inflation data to tell normies that inflation is still only 2% per year. Follow the yellow brick road.

>> No.25313500

Real estate fag here
Nobody knows what will happen
What I do know is that over a third of mortgage forbearance loans HAVENT MADE A PAYMENT SINCE MAY https://www.corelogic.com/blog/2020/12/one-third-of-forbearance-loans-have-not-made-payment-since-may.aspx
But still, money printer goes brrrrrrrr
Will that keep assets like real estate high?
Nobody fucking knows
People are out of work and not paying on their homes, but EVEN IF they’re foreclosed on, that shit getting bought up quick
Supply is unprecedented in how low it is
Demand is crazy high
But money printer go brrrr

Nobody knows

>> No.25313512

I'm so confused. So is there going to be a crash of asset prices or a hyperinflation?

>> No.25313532

It’s going to 80 and below, isn’t it

>> No.25313556

Déflation until the plebs capitulate and sell. Then mega hyperinflation.

>> No.25313763

What's the cause for deflation in the beginning?

>> No.25313925

There was a conference recently with Jerome and the people in charge of other central banks in Europe and they spent their time talking about a digital federal reserve currency. It was ridiculous.

>> No.25313953

The asset crash will come first.

>> No.25313958


>> No.25313964
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ok, lets say the economy crash, where do people can move their assets and money?

>> No.25313976

Usually, sudden deleveraging. I don't think anything is textbook right now though and I am not expecting any major shifts to be textbook. Everything is extreme

>> No.25314014

It's called a tally stick. They used them for 700 years.

>> No.25315177
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real estate
(except all these are inflating out of control because the wealthy are flooding their fake money into them right now)

>> No.25315274

Unironicaly true

>> No.25315786

With BTC its both. Dollar disnt lose half its buying power kek

>> No.25315836

>owe 200k on house
>inflation causes yogurt to cost 200k and now my house is worth 2.5 billion
Whats even the fucking point
Moetgsge will be easy as heel to pay off though

>> No.25315848

I got $17k cash
$35k crypto
$40k stocks
$20k non depreciating car

Is this gonna make it?

>> No.25315893

>Japan has already been on this path since the 90's.
When would you say the equivalent of Japan's lost decade for the West started and most likely (if ever) end?

>> No.25315960

In that scenario, the house doesn't change in value, the fake currency does. You keep your asset.

>> No.25316024

Exactly. Better losd yp on debr boys, even a C with 20% interest might be worth maxing out now. Whats 50k of debt is 2 years? kek
Max out boys and by leveraged etf LEAPS.

>> No.25316054

Non depreciating car?
Thats not a thing
Unless its a classic and you dont drive it at all or much at all

>> No.25316123

Better than being stuck with the fiat tho

>> No.25316159
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>$20k non depreciating car

>> No.25316209

Plenty of them exist. A lot appreciate too. Mine is an 80k mile FD that is stock. Needs some body touch ups that I've been doing. Insurance isn't terrible, only issue with something like that, but I do drive it so get my money's worth.

>> No.25316276

>Nobody knows what will happen
I know exactly what will happen.
1) banks lose money
2) US Gov bails them out
3) banks buy their house back for a fraction of what they are worth
4) banks hold on to inventory and keep prices high since supply is so low
5) US tax payer takes it in the ass again

>> No.25316405
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now this is big brained

>> No.25316833

We all do, get back in line

>> No.25316875

Post-1945 Germany is the fuccboi of the USA.

>> No.25316917

the introduction of usury and its consequences has been a disaster for the human race

>> No.25316966

Unless of course
Instead of bail outs
There are bail ins

>> No.25317166

Have we started the fire?

>> No.25317186

Meanwhile gold and silver barely outpace inflation, in fact silver doesn’t, by far how is that possible?

>> No.25317258

Here comes the /poltard again.
China, Hongkong, Singapor, are controlled by the Li. And the Li are just the lackeys of the Capital.

>> No.25317278

this post can't be real, analysis can't be this advanced right?

>> No.25317336

I buy all of those things

>> No.25317351


>> No.25317404

Inflation doesn't mean shit if it's just rich boomer assets that are inflating. And they'll never inflate commodities (otherwise the money printer will stop printing).

>> No.25317466

Checked and this.
How anyone can keep their money in a bank account these days is unbelievable given the risk of bail-ins. It happens over and over: Argentina, Cyprus, Russia Turkey, Korea, Ecuador, etc.
Italy ALMOST did it 5 years ago.
Canada signed bail-ins into law 2 years ago
The UK is planning for bail ins
>BoE tells banks to find 4 billion pounds of 'bail-in' debt by 2022

Credit unions are a meme too because they keep your money in their accounts at these bail-in banks.

>> No.25317490

You pureblooded master race will have to handle your own finances for once now that German economics have ruined ours.

>> No.25317604

The entire PM market is poisoned with derivatives that FAR outnumber the actual physical ounces. Big players like JPM short the market and fuck over everyone else by triggering all the stop losses and scooping up the aftermath. This strategy backfired on them this year and they got fucked in the ass when silver exploded, their stockpile from Bear Stearns is now a lot smaller so they can't go around naked shorting anymore.

>> No.25317743

Getting into ETH for anything less than 750 is a steal, just dump your dollarz into ETH ffs BUY MY FUCKING BAG JUST DO IT DO IT

>> No.25318162

Isn't it a worthless measure then

What people care about is the price increases

>> No.25318280

>$20k non depreciating car
if you want to tell yourself that lmao

>> No.25318382

Since currencies have gone off the gold standard they are all just "currency", they don't represent stored economic value. They are just points you can use to get things you want and trying to save them up is never worth doing. Gotta buy things with them that build real wealth.

Should never have more than a few grand to cover emergency expenses in a bank account anyways

>> No.25319049

Its not for the people though, its for the Fed to gauge monetary inflation. They need to isolate the inflation caused solely by their monetary policies.

>> No.25319138

big brain post.

>> No.25319347
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Oh its back with a vengence. Don't yall read the economist? It might be a Rothschild news letter but then again its a fucking Rothschild news letter. They tend to hint everyone about big moves

>> No.25319348

My late 90s RV is unironically appreciating in value because I got it cheap. But these are unusual conditions for RVs

>> No.25319424

It's just another example for me, though, why "tried and true" boomer financial rules should be treated with suspicion and not blindly accepted

>> No.25319461

plenty of cars bottom out around $20k that hold their money, normally enthusiast cars.

>> No.25319473

top kek

>> No.25319484
File: 40 KB, 600x450, 1990-Winnebago-Lesharo-20ft-Class-B-RV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, yeah idk if that will last but who knows. Everything is so damn pricey these days

Side not, I always thought the lasharos looked cool, but im way too tall to ever consider one

>> No.25319499

Bicoin is a money transfer and laundering tool, nothing less or more. It may go up because people are buying in order to transfer money out of dollars and dollar denominated assets but eventually it will be back to zero because those running the scam will pull their liquidity and let stupid NEETS hold their bags for eternity.

>> No.25319505

No Jews have complete leverage over china, nice try at misdirection. Killself

>> No.25319540

lol, amerishit cope

>> No.25319584

It's both brah

>> No.25319706

It's this style. All in one, they're called. But mine is longer. I know I'll probably watch the price drop again but it's given me weird comfort that I have it available in storage... just in case

>> No.25319722

>governments are going to impose serious and draconian measures against it
They can try, but it won’t work. Too much smart money in it now, they’d rustle a lot big corp feathers trying to regulate this shit.

>> No.25319833

>They'll just be hurting themselves by doing it
You mean like how they hurt themselves by engaging in a debt based currency and essentially hollowing out their manufacturing base by making it a world reserve allowing extremely abusive monetary manipulation?

The only retard here is you who thinks the government will suddenly have a change of heart and do the right thing by choosing free markets by giving up its own monetary power gracefully.

Cryptofags will suffer immensely once the regulatory bodies get involved.

>> No.25319862

>They’d rustle a lot big corp feathers trying to
The cope is just unending, you could show a crypto NEET a signed, notarized letter from God stating crypto is a scam and they would blubber about muh store of value. It's such a perfect scam to lasso autistic it makes me wonder which three letter agency is behind it

>> No.25320176

the only thing chinks and kikes (and bongs) have in common is stabbing their allies in the back. chinks are in it for the zerg and noone else

>> No.25320210

What are the true implications of the dollar index declining? Doesn't this just mean the dollar is weaker in comparison to other currencies? I guess that would make imports more expensive?

>> No.25320232

More like usdt doing brrrrrrrrr

>> No.25320297

This is the scenario that isn't being factored in very well by zealots.
At the end of the day, there are 4 main asset classes; 1)Bonds 2)Equities, 3)Commodities, 4) Real Estate.
Bitcoin is a slush fund, and the fact the large Funds/Hedgies are 'parking' hordes of excess liquidity in there should be disconcerting. When the 'normal' asset classes become 'cheap', where is that 'excess' going to flow?
Since the end of October, there has been ~$300Bn in capital inflows. I find it difficult to believe that was mostly Ma'n'Pa piling in.
It's looking just like the derivatives setup in 2007-8. Except, this time, there is no government backstop for the 'demand' on this version of the MMFs which triggered the GFC.
If I was in the position of a 'lucky' BTC Gorillionaire, I'd be looking carefully at converting to hard assets right now. Although, paying attention to the options on BTC will probably be the 'alert' prior to LARGE moves.

>imports more expensive?
Yes, and EXPORTS cheaper.

>> No.25320913
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This is actually a good thing goy, don't worry! Here, take this $5 Doordash coupon and forget about everything!

>> No.25321043
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the chinks are taking over

>> No.25321111
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Yes, and Canada's first

>> No.25321169

the chinks bought all the leaf gold

>> No.25321199


>> No.25321200

>Your dollars will be worth nothing and you will be happy

>> No.25321263

post country

>> No.25321695

If it's a classic muscle car, or something there's a community of auto-autism behind (you'd be surprised at some), a car can hold it's value, or at least not deprecate at the rate something like a SUV or mini van would.

>> No.25321875
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Why did it go up so much in 2014/15? serious question.

>> No.25322091

>Jews hollow out America transferring fundamental economic backbone to SE Asia over decades
>Everyone tells them they are retarded and short sighted for doing so
>"Stupid Goyim don't understand finance"
>China now super power, don't have flimsy and manipulatable "human rights"
>Jews try to influence china
>Get shut down immediately
>America literally can't stop bitching about trans rights for long enough to even think about it

One can only hope

>> No.25322143

That was kind of the roll back of the recession where normies started buying again and home loans for non triple A buyers commenced again.

Only answer i can think of.

>> No.25322402

based naval poster

>> No.25322448

>the Roman Empire will never collapse
until they diluted the precious metals in their currency, oopsie

>> No.25322495

why? because they themselves are coiners. as such, you will never make it

BTC is already worth more than several countries, if gov't wanted to make it illegal, why haven't they yet?

>> No.25322544

absolutely retarded

decentralization in cryptocurrency is not reliant on physical location.

everything is in the cloud.

>> No.25322608

Sub-20 IQ take

>> No.25322610

>muh hardware, muh data center

use bittorrent technology

>> No.25322697

No money, no military, except in the event of a coup.

>> No.25322759


>> No.25322952

which currency do I sell the USD against right now


>> No.25323134
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>> No.25323274
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>> No.25323339

biggest brain post on /biz/ ever made

>> No.25323396
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Americans can you stop your gay diversity propaganda for one goddamn minute?
I'm so triggered that this mooned.

>> No.25323524
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>> No.25323542

time for ze great reset and cbdcs

>> No.25323584
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This company reeks of being a meme

>> No.25323732

The only choice was between causing mass inflation or letting businesses die and people lose their jobs and livelihood. If it was up to me, I'd have gone for the third "unspeakable" option and just kept the economy completely open and moving. Sure the rest of the world would give us shit for it, but I don't really care. I think this is what Trump wanted to do, but obviously there's many people who were very adamant about trying to slow down the virus. I think not crashing the USD is wayyy more important than saving 2m old people that were going to die in a few years anyways. The repercussions of this will be felt for decades.

>> No.25323751

There's nothing new on this, just stupid American Middle being aware of that. Time to learn to say ni hao

>> No.25323868

Large IQ take and correct.
The only thing that would be better is if the FED would have just sat on their hands and done nothing.
Mark to market and burn out all the inefficient businesses and asset bubbles.
It would be painful for a while....but we would’ve come out of it much stronger and zoomers and millennials could probably afford homes.

>> No.25323916

My immediate first idea was to only tell seniors to stay locked down. Why on earth would you lock down an entire society because old people might get sick? so stay home then, old people? wut? Nobody even said this idea out loud, apparently it's unthinkable.

>> No.25324573

Most people I know were saying this in person back in the spring when this shit first started. It's been so long now, I forgot we talked about the idea until you brought it up, lol. The fact that it was never even publicly considered puts the lie to the claim that it's really about public health at all.

>> No.25324652

Agreed. But on the plus side this will free up assets via inheritance.

>> No.25324764
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>> No.25326130


>> No.25326437

>Trump wanted
>comes out and tells money printers to keep brrrrrrrrring

>> No.25326628

I want cuckservatives to pay them with their taxes while I shitpost and stack sats.

>> No.25326671

people should get real skills and real jobs, that way we wouldn't have to cause 10% inflatin every year just to keep their BS jobs, services and BS businesses afloat, but hey someone's gotta feed all the call center drones