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File: 4 KB, 300x168, grt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25309252 No.25309252 [Reply] [Original]

did i fuck up

>> No.25309275

You‘ll be probably be fine in the long run if you don’t panic sell when it dips again

>> No.25309284

yes, scam pump and dump coin

>> No.25309294

Just hold. Good luck fren

>> No.25309301

Dip when

>> No.25309305

Yes cause i will buy 200k but with the same amt of money you paid kek

>> No.25309333

i never sell at a loss. GRT looks like one of the most promising "new" projects i've seen all these years, idk how much of this if any is recency bias tho. i'm just not sure if the price has stabilized, if this is the bottom. either way i'm willing to hold this for years as it seems like a long term hold. i just wanted to finally have a stack as to not think of timing the bottom

>> No.25309344

Can happen anytime
Just trust in the product they have
Or buy some other coin
But this will get you some profit in a few weeks/months

>> No.25309351

this is unironically the easiest 10x in crypto rn to those who don't have paper hands. is there a way to filter out posts that include GRT on 4chan? I want to be able to set a 10x alert on my phone and forget about it, not having to worry about the shills or fud at the slightest price movement

>> No.25309357 [DELETED] 

yes yo did fag

>> No.25309360

Nah will be good. Give it some time.

>> No.25309378

GRT might be good for pump & dump but it's not a long hold coin, what's wrong with you all? It's literally an offchain software that does not require the token at all.

>> No.25309387

Use filters newfag
GRT | Graph

>> No.25309410

Absolutely based anon

Absolutely retarded anon

>> No.25309448

thanks. unironically not a newfag but never had the need to do that before

>> No.25309457

Just trying to help people not to waist their money on garbage. Explain why I'm wrong.

>> No.25309470

what coins do you like

>> No.25309474

How does $2000 sound?

>> No.25309491

help yourself first you useless pajeetnigger

>> No.25309526

I'm all in LINK but that doesn't matter. It's just that I have really no idea why does GRT need a coin, based on what I read on their website.

I'm not the one shilling something that I don't understand, nigger. Typos happen

>> No.25309534

if anyone explains to me why the token is needed if their supposed graph program is already used by many, I will buy 100k grt

>> No.25309594


How does $300000 sounds OP?

>> No.25309620

No, I won't spoonfeed you, because you either haven't even bothered to read the website, or you have serious reading comprehension issues, or you're a troll
The website explains what the token is for, learn to read and try to use your brain. It's not a hard concept and fairly straightforward compared to other tokens
Same applies to >>25309534

>> No.25309659

cuckbase literally gives you $5 of this shitcoin to answer your question. DYOR you useless nigger

>> No.25309664

Yes, it will drop to 10 cents at least

>> No.25309756

It's literally a hosted solution for querying ETH blockchain. The way they shove in GraphQL everywhere in their docs as if it matters is also fucking cringe to coders reading it / nefarious to non-coder investors who will buy some meme token.

Yes, PLEASE spoonfeed me.

>> No.25310059

>waist money on garbage
you need to go back
specifically to r/iam14andthisisdeep

>> No.25310116

you unironically fucked up, but you will learn and thats whats really important
hope for a big dip to around 10k btc so you can apply your knowledge in the coming years

>> No.25310139

Yes waist the money

>> No.25310145

Fine. Only retards will buy at this point after seeing your replies.

>> No.25310147

U did great OP

>> No.25310159

only if you sell it

>> No.25310161

Absolutely retard thinks btc will ever be 10k again

>> No.25310169

there's hundred of grt breadcrumbs in the archive
you're gonna cut yourself on that edge, as an actual dev i know you're not one and i know you'll never be a woman

>> No.25310216

Lying and shilling to unload your bags is ugly.

>> No.25310232

its not likely, just probable
you'd say the same about btc going to sub 4k in the 2017 rally

a 50/60% dip in the future would not be surprising before the next huge legs up, its crypto after all
just dont get tunnel vision

>> No.25310234

>GRT looks like one of the most promising "new" projects i've seen all these years
This but I don't know what the whole crypto scene is doing. Is everyone up their own ass/not doing jack shit? GRT should be in wide-spread use by now if any of these companies and devs are serious about crypto becoming anywhere close to standard, but that's just my guess. but like I said I don't actually know what anyone is doing right now

>> No.25310236

yes anon, shilling this here will cause buy orders worth millions of dollars so i can unload my bags

>> No.25310240

>The way they shove in GraphQL everywhere in their docs as if it matters
Alright, this is one tasty bait
Do you think that querying blockchain data in GraphQL compared to *insert any other actually working method here* is something that does not matter? Why is that?

>> No.25310251

yes, it absolutely could

>> No.25310266

always remember that nothing related to grt is priced in
the token has 0 utility
wait at least for the network to gain traction
then decide what to do
anyone doing anything other than that is shortsighted and has brown toiletpaper hands

>> No.25310268

Nah it's not gonna happen, gotta be some black swan event for it to be reality, otherwise it's just fantasy to think it would ever dip that low again

>> No.25310271

you really really REALLY overestimate the power of this board. get real

>> No.25310274

>t. how to prove your a retarded newfag who has zero idea what he's talking in 1 post
I think you're the one that has learning to do

>> No.25310302

Wtf is this token has no utility fud? Token is literally going to be used to buy the query data, and indexing that data is certainly not easy or effortless, thus a token will be used to reward the infrastructure in place in order to host and index that data

>> No.25310326

the token has no utility *today*, why does everyone here only know how to use one braincell on this board

>> No.25310329

>Do you think that querying blockchain data in GraphQL compared to *insert any other actually working method here* is something that does not matter? Why is that?
What? I am saying that they are making a big deal of using GraphQL when it's just a way to design your API. Their flashy website makes sure to push it on every page so that an incompetent investor thinks that it's something that matters and that is related to blochchain.

Meanwhile it's just a library/protocol designed by facebook to waste less network by only fetching stuff you actually need so that your wife's bulls profile page loads 100 msecs faster.

>> No.25310416

Oh now it changed to today, well today it still collects fees from 1 subgraph and there are thousands being integrated in to the network, so technically it has utility today

>> No.25310419

You don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Loading blockchain data right now is a mess.
GraphQL is literally the most scalable way to build an API because it's so simple to work with. If you were a web developer and ever used it you would understand why being able to use GraphQL to retrieve blockchain data is a big fucking deal. It's about it being easy to develop, maintain and scale.
I repeat, you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.25310445

the token does not fucking have utility right now
buying it and locking it is not "utility"
there is nothing fucking priced in because there is 0 fucking utility released on mainnet
get your head out your ass mate, i'm not fudding the coin
i'm literally saying you're retarded if you sell this before there is literally nothing live you fucking brainlet nigger

>> No.25310457

>buying it and locking it is not "utility"
What the hell do you mean with utility. This is the utility.

>> No.25310459

You know the word "has" refers to the present, right?
The token HAS no utility.

>> No.25310469

>GraphQL is literally the most scalable way to build an API because it's so simple to work with
Generic bazzword mess. What do you mean by scalable? Whether you use REST or GraphQL has no difference on how your backend scales.

You have no idea what you're talking about and you're a bad person for shilling your bags on people who are trying to make it.

>> No.25310569

>implying crypto in its current state has anything to do with utility
its all buzzwords you faggot, and it will be for years to come. this is still the most guaranteed 10x you can get

>> No.25310580

>Whether you use REST or GraphQL has no difference on how your backend scales.
It's scalable as in you're easily able to keep evolving your API without having to rewrite everything. The schema scales along with the complexity of the system that you're building.
It's not about performance, it's about complexity. Try to google "REST vs GraphQL" and give yourself an idea.
If you were a developer and happened to use both REST and GraphQL you would understand why it is a big deal.

>> No.25310595

So you didnt even read what I wrote, or didnt understand it, but it does have utility now, even thought it's marginal, it's going to have more utility in the future

>> No.25310607 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 300x533, 1607721191183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a pump and dump shitcoin, manipulated by this tranny discord
discord.gg slash 5Tq7qxkkRv
congraz, you are now a bag holders

>> No.25310613

Well fair, it's retarded to sell now that it's utility is not fully utilized :^)

>> No.25310667

Just what is the level of retardness of a person who truly believes this, guess they are in search of gullible people to dump their bags on their pnd

>> No.25310676

>this is still the most guaranteed 10x you can get
Based on what? So far I see an unnecessary token and a flashy website trying to convince retards to buy.

I'm a developer with a very wide range of expertise in different technologies. GraphQL is really not a big deal. If using it is their only selling point then it's garbage.

>> No.25310686


Just pajeets advertising their discord, nothing to see here

>> No.25310692

>GraphQL is really not a big deal. If using it is their only selling point then it's garbage.
Good thing you're able to sell and leave forever then

>> No.25310696

You're a dev and don't understand this? Guess anyone can be a dev nowdays

>> No.25310705
File: 49 KB, 900x900, fuseeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely. Get yourself a suicide stack of Fuse for when grt implodes and does a 0$

>> No.25310723

did you not read the first part of my post? based on the buzzwords you mongoloid

>> No.25310757
File: 25 KB, 345x259, 1580277948129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm down buddy

you have not disputed any of my claims, you're just randomly ad homing
>>t. how to prove your a retarded newfag who has zero idea what he's talking in 1 post
do you think millions of dollars are a lot of money?
do you think the market cant randomly take a swing in an entirely unpredictible direction based on nothing else but (even unsubstantiated) rumours?
absolute clown

>> No.25310787

>Good thing you're able to sell and leave forever then
good thing I never bought your shitcoin lol

buzzword product accompanied with shilling can get you a few pumps, but it's not a "guaranteed 10x"

Anyways, good luck!

>> No.25310809

>good thing I never bought your shitcoin lol
Good, now all you have to do is leave forever then

>> No.25310835

so that FUD about VC's tokens getting unlocked and them dumping on everyone turned out to be a load of bullshit correct?

>> No.25310848

I mean, you started off by saying he "unironically fucked up" without providing any reason, and then went on to say people are shilling on this thread to pump their bags. On a 44m mcap coin. I don't think more needs to be said

>> No.25310857

both of you are the worst kind of people in this board
doubling down on bullshit even when you've just been proved wrong just makes you look like a dumbass, even if you don't see it up in your delusional small brains

>> No.25310859
File: 39 KB, 600x600, 1609173692561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YFW they discover Nebulas and realize it's way ahead of other projects that are still in whitepaper stage or even some top 10 projects like Cardano.

3rd gen blockchain project.
- Search framework: check (Nebulas Rank)
- Independent, public blockchain: launched
- Interoperable sidechain of Ethereum: check (link.extdao.io)
- DeFi is launched and operational: check (swap.nextdao.io)
- Tokens: check (NAX, NAT, etc.)
- Safe staking with minimal risk for loss
- Mobile wallet going strong (NAS nano pro)
- Community contributions through proposals: check (>500 already while Cardano only has 10)
- Smart contracts: Live (15k of them on the main net)
- Developing on the platform: Easy for everybody (JavaScript)
- Marketing: Zero

Since it's an established project with working tech in place it's just waiting for a break out.


>> No.25310897

GraphQL isn't particularly new or exciting technology..
I used GraphQL in my coding bootcamp when I was making a simple news service API.
Are pajeets really shilling this as a selling point?

>> No.25310910

To my understanding everyone understands GRT finally completed the utility chain for crypto to be polished and widespread more, but no one seems to know why despite this the crypto scene isn't changing yet which makes GRT, LINK etc. look useless. Maybe companies are waiting for 2021?

>> No.25310925
File: 119 KB, 600x300, 1578314594484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never said people are shilling on this thread to pump their bags - i just said that said action could have an impact on the price (in theory)
44m mcap coin?
you mean the 440 million marketcap coin?
you mean the dilluted 7 billion marketcap coin?

>> No.25310945

Kek at faggots feeling entitled to a redpill on this. No, GraphQL is not the selling point, making unstructured blockchain data consumable is the selling point. Just fuck off from our comfy threads to PRQ or wherever.

>> No.25310989

No, from what I understand shit gets unlocked 6 months after network launch, so still a couple months away.

Oh jesus fucking christ.
YES, if you are developing a fucking BOOTCAMP APPLICATION it's not a big deal because you have simple data that barely changes. I would even say that using GraphQL is unnecessary complexity because it's so simple, and you're wasting more time just setting it up rather than slamming down a simple REST API and work from there.
However, if you were building a complex application with complex data structures and had to maintain it for years, if not decades, GraphQL is the only sane way to do it.

>> No.25310994

its not nearly the selling point, people just like to nitpick on dumb shit
there's no service out there that serves indexed blockchain data for apps to use, graphql or rest or whatever
the ones that do exist are centralized and wouldn't dream of handling the load grt handles, even grt centralized service went down several times before, which is why decentralized mainnet is big

>> No.25310996

Wtf are you even on? You're basically saying it's shit investment because it's not fully utilized? To my understanding investing in projects with the greatest potential is the best way, you just want to find any way possible to hate on this project moving the goal post on every post, then you proceed to attack personalities.

>> No.25311083

>using GraphQL is unnecessary complexity because it's so simple, and you're wasting more time just setting it up rather than slamming down a simple REST API and work from there.
as a dev i simply cannot understand how any of you are retarded enough to keep spouting this bullshit
if you're the receiver, it fucking DOES NOT matter what the api you're querying is using
nigger, every fucking api is a pain in the ass to implement, you're going to build wrappers around whatever the fuck they use, token auth, JWT, cookies, fucking binance needs you to send a signed message with a nonce and timestamp, you're an absolute nigger that has no idea what he's talking about
it DOES NOT FUCKING MATTER, any developer will just go along with it, set up their wrapper and use it, in fact from a tech perspective, graphql is by far one of the LEAST pain in the ass things to implement because as a receiver, you re-use the same code structure because graphql is served on the same endpoint and you only change the query body you send, yet you fucking NIGGERS just keep fucking typing absolute fucking shit, just shut the fuck up and stop larping as developers if you have no fucking clue what you're talking about

>> No.25311104

>You're basically saying it's shit investment because it's not fully utilized
learn to read, or bleach yourself, maybe your skin needs to get whiter to get it

>> No.25311114

>you mean the 440 million marketcap coin?
kek, typo missed a 0, which makes your argument of shilling on here to pump our bags even more retarded

>> No.25311115

Anon try to read my post before replying, thank you. And take a deep breath.

>> No.25311137

>so still a couple months away
there was an anon saying it was yesterday

>> No.25311155

Don't listen to anons, always DYOR. Search "GRT token distribution".

>> No.25311235


> coding bootcamp

opinion discarded

>> No.25311271



The absolute truth is that even by making it or not, most of the anons here will remain absolute retards without any competence whatsoever.

Educate yourselves for fucks sake

>> No.25311283
File: 1.10 MB, 976x1077, 1606687553707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My only reservation is that it's run by a Jew.

>> No.25311292

i literally quoted you dumbass
congrats, you're now also part of this list

>> No.25311296


Why is this going down over and over again day after day in a bullish market

t. Bagholder

>> No.25311353

I know you literally quoted me you fucking idiot, but you completely misread my post.
You quoted my
>using GraphQL is unnecessary complexity because it's so simple, and you're wasting more time just setting it up rather than slamming down a simple REST API and work from there.
This is meant in the context of a bootcamp application.
Add yourself to the list.

>> No.25311368
File: 2.89 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20201230_134632_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much whiter do I need to be?

>> No.25311385

Take regular profits

>> No.25311399

2 reasons
a) its a btc bull market, alts likely won't see any major gains until btc is finished pumping (could be months out)
b) to shake out weak and impatient hands. in the last bull market LINK was one of most shitty performing coins, barely moving while everything else was 10x'ing. dont expect to make major gains in a short period of time, its a formula to get rekt
If you're patient with this one you'll likely net a 10x due to the logo and buzzwords alone. I actually don't know shit about the project but I've been in crypto long enough to have a gauge of these sort of patterns. I suggest setting an alert on your phone for 10x and forgetting about it until then

>> No.25311529

There's someone setting up 4million GRT sell wall on binance every time it starts to pump, it just "magically" goes up when price increases several cents, definetly some price suppression going on

>> No.25311573

That's one giant thumb anon

>> No.25311594

exactly the opposite, im not saying theres no volume, im saying that you want to increase the price by making newfags fomo with unsubstantiated google of blockchain memes right into your bags

>> No.25311613

Yes I lift five times a week how could you tell?
Also from a family of blacksmiths so our hands are strong

>> No.25311631

i love lifting bagels

>> No.25311663

Good, strong hands always help when trading crypto

>> No.25311698

every web developer knows SQL. Every jock I was friends with in college is now writing code in SQL. it does matter. They could build subgraphs no problem despite being able to even install a GUI on their own.

>> No.25311821

If you have plenty of money to risk, then no you didn't fuck up.

>> No.25311970

you're trolling, right? SQL !== GraphQL

>> No.25312047

I agree sir! please kindly do not waist you money sir, buyed my scamcoin instead sir

>> No.25312108

that doesn't mean you can't take profit

>> No.25312133

>Bought 20k
>Curators got 200k for free
I will never not be smug over this.

>> No.25312145

What were requirements for being curator?

>> No.25312168

Not be a burger, that's it.

>> No.25312244

Jesus, I guess it was months ago if you wanted to apply?

>> No.25312271

lmaoing so hard right now

>> No.25312304

Jah, sry senpai

>> No.25312353

Look the amount of paid shills in here lmao.. GRT is a SCAM - STAY ALWAY FROM IT.

OP is a retarded

>> No.25312430

Keep in mind that GRT token pricing today is reflective of the entire max supply, not the supply in circulation. Investors just have to think of it this way. The utility of the token depends on this assumption.

>> No.25312450

>OP is a retarded
r u fucking trolling

>> No.25312500

functionally identical. zero learning curve for SQL champs. And i will continue to say so till this puppy hits $4.

>> No.25312504

Go to this post, i have a plan to pump it.

>> No.25312522

not 200k
33k for free upfront
rest will unlock over 4 years
first part unlocking until march

>> No.25312540

you're actually braindead

>> No.25312571

Jesus fucking christ dude, you couldn't be more wrong if you tried
I give up


Good job anon, you're rich for free, with strong hands built in. Kind of jelly right now.

>> No.25312674

Is it possible to stake grt with MM connected to my ledger ? An error is occuring when i'm trying to stake

>> No.25312675

its about narrative not truth. say it with me. If you can code in SQL, you can make a subGraph no problem. Its no harder than wordpress. Link will go to zero because SEC. Graph is the only oracle left. Graph will go to $50 eony.

>> No.25312727

Do not spread bullshit. Fuck off.

>> No.25312786

or what? you will tell people whats "real"? see how its self enforcing. By spreading narratively hooking bullshit people will actually learn why graph rocks. fuck it got you thinking about graph. maybe even created some emotions. which will only have you thinking harder about how graphQL is like exactly the same thing as mySQL so millions of people could make subgraphs no problem.

>> No.25312805


you'll remember this 4 words the rest of your life fucking retard

>> No.25312821

I can't decide whether you're smart or retarded.
Probably both.

>> No.25312881

Was GRT visible in your ledger after transferring it over? I was told that was not the case so I sent it straight to MM wallet.

>> No.25312882

its a fine line sometimes.

>> No.25312941

Drop in around 27:00 onward in the video to understand about GraphQL.This podcast was back in April 2019. Dual purpose Token utility is also discussed in this podcast.

>> No.25313505

I have over 1 million GRT and I want to kms

>> No.25313571

But why

>> No.25313662

GRT headed vertical ATM...

>> No.25313666

what's happening, I just bought 20 minutes ago why is it pumping this never happens to me

>> No.25313692

Hodl tightly, it’s a long play!

>> No.25313787

It ils but not in ledger live. Only in MM connected to ledger

>> No.25313858

You jinxed it. lol.

>> No.25313873

do yourself a favor and stop looking at 1m charts

>> No.25313935

All it does is tank.

>> No.25313962

memes don't make you money

>> No.25313994

You have no patience. This is a long term hold. If you need that money to chase pumps, sell half of that. 500k should serve you well in the coming years, regardless.

No. But good projects do.

>> No.25314029

Its fun for me. I'm off from work. I'm wildly profitable in crypto. No issue here. The only thing I'm looking for is dip opportunities to pile on more.

>> No.25314066

900 millions stacked.
Next week we will reach 1 billions, then what will happen ?

>> No.25314077


>> No.25314177

Well one has to pass time somehow. Can't say that's healthy, but you do you.

>> No.25314208


>> No.25314256


>> No.25314313

I don't think its a bad project but the fact that it got listed on several major exchanges all at once, pumped like 10x its starting price in a matter of days, and was implicated to be involved with pump and dump discord shenanigans really put a bad taste in my mouth. I don't think its a pajeet scam but it does set off my danger signals.

I bought at 20 cents, sold at 60 cents, and I'm probably just going to ignore its existence because I already made my money and don't need the headache.

>> No.25314363

I know what I'm going to be shilling in telegram now

>> No.25314369

Why wouldn't you buy back in now? You can always throw a couple moneys here and forget about it.
Plase buy bags sir.

>> No.25314479

Why would I? There's no point anymore. The entire reason to put money into altcoins is for the initial early pump. Holding an altcoin for the longterm thinking you're going to hold the next link/eth/btc/whatever is just gambling.

>> No.25314556

>The entire reason to put money into altcoins is for the initial early pump
>Holding an altcoin for the longterm thinking you're going to hold the next link/eth/btc/whatever is just gambling.
IMO chasing early pumps is more gambling than holding long term as that is more investing... Well, as long as it works for you.