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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 13 KB, 256x282, Screen Shot 2017-06-20 at 1.13.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2524585 No.2524585 [Reply] [Original]

Giving away some credits. http://crds.io

This is my wallet address: http://crdsexplorer.party/address/CUivjEpJFTd1JHowG31u9McBrZ3Pc3iP5R

Post your wallet address and i'll send you some credits.

>> No.2524669


>> No.2524707

says invalid Credits address

>> No.2524708



thank you op

>> No.2524742

sent u 12 CRDS


>> No.2524787

thx op

>> No.2524816

sent ;)


>> No.2524840

Really appreciate OP


>> No.2524842
File: 678 KB, 383x449, 1496991078781.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you senpai
bless your soul

>> No.2524849

Need some LTC OP do you have any? I think credits is going to be great.


>> No.2524868

sent ;)


>> No.2524875

Thanks OP, today you stopped sucking cocks and it's a great day.

>> No.2524937


Thanks op

>> No.2524957
File: 27 KB, 500x281, finding-nemo-seagulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent ;)


dubs gets 30 CRDS

>> No.2524970

Thanks OP!

>> No.2525015

sent ;)


>> No.2525024
File: 1.91 MB, 235x240, awyee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, thanks!!
It might be nothing to you, but have this piece of info - https://basicattentiontoken.org/bat-roadmap-1-0.html

made by the creator of javascript, and the presale sold out in 30 seconds. of course, maybe it's fucking nothing.

>> No.2525044

Why isn't this on any exchange? or is it?

>> No.2525045

Thanks a lot!

>> No.2525061
File: 136 KB, 2214x670, Screen Shot 2017-06-19 at 7.28.46 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice dubs. post your CRDS address and i'll send you 30 CRDS.

It's going to be listed on bittrex soon, and I hear it will start at 210,000 satoshi. ($5/coin roughly). The coin is just extremely new right now.

>> No.2525072

If I don't get any, this is a fake shitty coin


>> No.2525083

sent ;)


>> No.2525110


does this work?

>> No.2525117

anyways, did you guys get to the bottom of why there was an address with 99% of all the coins?
This coin is super scammy

>> No.2525123

got it,very generous, thanks again!

>> No.2525127

Installing wallet right now. Just don't leave without me.

>> No.2525130

There isn't one. There's one with ~50% of the coins and it's the community bounty fund, for websites, reddit CSS, guides, hosting, domain names etc

>> No.2525145

and why I'm finding credits all the time but then they don't come to my wallet?
I've gotten at least 6 messages, and no reward yet in my wallet

>> No.2525146


who cares if it's scammy? if it gets on bittrex it's free money. BUY LOW SELL HIGH NIGGER

>> No.2525162

sent ;)


>> No.2525173

Can I haz ? please?


>> No.2525175


Is everything supposed to say out of sync?

>> No.2525179


Much love

>> No.2525188

Thank you my friend. Just went ahead and installed the wallet. First time hearing about this, but will read up on it.


>> No.2525191

If anyone wants to buy enough CRDS to set up a masternode (500), message me on the slack channel. You can find the link to the slack on crds.io. Masternodes help run the network and process transactions, and they are rewarded CRDS as they run. They make around 600 per month last time I checked.

My name is "taylor_swift".

>> No.2525197

anyone has some of those nodes I can add?
my network just doesn't want to finish syncing

>> No.2525210


add about 10 IP's from this list: http://crdsexplorer.party/network

addnode=ip in your config file. 1 per line.

>> No.2525214


>> No.2525222

Thanks dude! I got em!

>> No.2525225

sent ;)


>> No.2525229


hit me up OP

also whats the basis of this coin?

>> No.2525230
File: 484 KB, 1200x1750, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a legend OP


>> No.2525234

sent ;)

you got 30 since dubs.


>> No.2525236
File: 482 KB, 1024x684, vatican_throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Received! Thanks. Will try and pass on the good deed when I end up with a shit ton of pre-exchange coins.

May we experience the great gains of 2017

>> No.2525250

Thanks so much, received my 12!

>> No.2525263

sent ;)


clicking on a lot of god damn store fronts, shits getting annoying. might pack it in soon

>> No.2525264

Been mining for 24 hours now with nothing to show for it, make my day OP :)


>> No.2525274

ok I made this:


now everyone can copy and paste it easily
send me more for being a good boy

>> No.2525281

sent ;)


>> No.2525288

to this address:

>> No.2525301
File: 30 KB, 284x303, 1424282297555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you even only gave me 1 coin you would add 10% to my portfolio

>> No.2525302

if someone else verifies that this helped them sync, ill send some coins your way

>> No.2525306


thanks based anon. also the wallet said I ined but I didnt receive my coin whats going on?

>> No.2525315

sent ;)


>> No.2525327

How is everyone doing mining ? I keep getting these notifications saying I've mined 10, only for it to vanish. Weird.

>> No.2525329

Aren't you the guy who got anons to mine this 95% pretty mined coin yesterday?

>> No.2525330

Its a pajeet scam coin.

>> No.2525331


>> No.2525332


>> No.2525335

how do i know which cpu to pick?

>> No.2525340

released 2 days ago dumbarse, just no shitty ICO

>> No.2525344

just pick the unsure option if you don't care

>> No.2525345

when downloading

>> No.2525354

why is the client taking so long to start up?

>> No.2525355

Its a copy paste of another coin with the copy paster giving themself a shitload of coins
This shit isnt getting on any exchanges

>> No.2525356

thx mate

>> No.2525364


>> No.2525368

Thanks OP!

>> No.2525371

Boy, it's taking too much to end syncing. Something must be wrong...

>> No.2525376

where can i find my adress in this app ?

>> No.2525378

did u add any nodes? it won't sync if u dont.

>> No.2525390

I did it. Trying your link, and even with the copypaste that some anon gave us.

>> No.2525391

same here

>> No.2525396

anyone know why I cant get the mined coins?

>> No.2525399

i don't think that list is properly formatted. I just use the command line and do addnode <IP>

>> No.2525405


got any other coin that's sort of new and without much difficulty for cpu mining?
with more hopes of being in an exchange

>> No.2525411

Legend :)

>> No.2525424

>>2506199 this thread, where everyone worked out half way through, that this is a scam coin

>> No.2525436

I am watching this and just looking to learn a little here. Just seeing all the action on this board is great entertainment.

I've just got an old macbook pro, don't know my cpu for the wallet. Could I choose the not listed/unsure option and still have a working wallet I could store some coins in? Does it matter?

>> No.2525437

still out of sync but here goes:

>> No.2525439

Thanks to anyone! I'll try to make it famous on multiple platforms

>> No.2525441

I tried this too. Nothing yet.

14 connections, but the load bar still stuck at "0 hours".

>> No.2525454

Thats what its copied from, no idea if its easy to mine

>> No.2525456

same with me
I'm guessing it's because the network is very small, and it's what gives all the mining errors (it says it mined correctly, but then nothing)

>> No.2525457

sent ;)


>> No.2525464

There was no actual proof of this. Most coins are shit anyway. If this is actually pumped then we could be in for money if it ever hits the exchanges. THERE IS HOPE.

>> No.2525466

:^) seriously though how are my mined coins getting swiped??


>> No.2525470


>> No.2525473


addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"
addnode "" "add"

>> No.2525482

sent ;)

u got dubs so 30 coins.


>> No.2525485

>There was no actual proof of this
but the proof is right there?

>> No.2525490

>go to tools
>debug console
Then input the above information there. I still don't know if its working though.

>> No.2525491

>addnode "" "add"
that's if you use it in the console
but then it won't work the next time you restart the wallet, the one I posted should work if you put it in the config file, and work every time

>> No.2525497

I've managed to mine ~80 credits but it says Recent transactions (out of sync).

Does that mean I didn't get the crds?

>> No.2525498

there's a good sized development team. we're getting mining pools soon, and if we get enough people on board we can get this on bittrex. it was forked from Dynamic, but people already know that and don't care.

>> No.2525501

I've read the posts and the threads, they were there last night. Quote me what is wrong? From what was posted?

>> No.2525513

Thank you for that. Will do this!

>> No.2525519

>mfw too lazy to download wallet
good guy OP, you will get good karma for this :)

>> No.2525549
File: 359 KB, 640x636, 1490868077022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2525600


>> No.2525619

CLSMiy86HoEsaARP5vrhonjUSiPbhArjy7 THanks!!! Looking forward to the new coin!

>> No.2525636

OP or anyone else here..can anyone explain what this coin is planning on doing? Can't find a website or real information about it

>> No.2525647


>> No.2525655

it can mix

>> No.2525706

There is something very wrong with the chain. The number of blocks is approaching 19000 and increasing at about 5 per second.

>> No.2525717


wait until it gets to 21545 or something. dev says it will fix when it reaches that block.

>> No.2525720


>> No.2525727

join the slack, the dev is there and he explained whats happening


>> No.2525754

God damn. I have no clue why my Wallet is now encrypted. Do I need to enter my passphrase to send stuff?

I never even set a passphrase. Anyone know what to do?

>> No.2525783

reset the program, then encrypt, you set one then dude.

>> No.2525807
File: 14 KB, 258x245, yWVbSmS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you it's working. Today is a good day.

>> No.2525839

how much you all mined so far? 1k here, started today

>> No.2525865

this is just a pnd scam dont buy faggots i warned you

>> No.2525876

dammit, I'm on 112 but my hash is 5-6k

>> No.2525878


Thank you OP

>> No.2525885

do you also get notifications quite often but only recieve coins some times?

>> No.2525889

yeah I get this, I don't know why its happening? Maybe someone can explain who is in the know.

>> No.2525902

Still stuck at sync. I think I am about to surrender.

>> No.2525966

gotta do the addnode thing, look up in the thread.

>> No.2525974

I already tried all the things mentioned in this thread.

>> No.2526006

Just reset the program because it stalled. >>2525473
did this, now the program wont open, FML

>> No.2526007


>> No.2526060

where do I get a wallet?

>> No.2526063

Can somebody just explain, or paste what the dev says here.

>> No.2526080

From the website.
The download links are there.

>> No.2526118


no android wallet? any cli version for linux?

>> No.2526138


There is a CLI version. No android right now.

>> No.2526154

How do we join the slack if we are not members of the slack?

>> No.2526176

Had to restart pc, add all the nodes

Forever synchronizing

>> No.2526198

There is an issue with the coin atm we are waiting for the DEV to fix for now we need people to stop mining.

>> No.2526206

Why not

>> No.2526228

That's a bitcoin address.

>> No.2526234


help please :)

./credits-cli getaddressesbyaccount "donations"
error: couldn't connect to server (-1 unknown)

>> No.2526242


>> No.2526245

Anon being anon

>> No.2526306

Try adding nodes from here:

>> No.2526334

>addnode "" "add"
>addnode "" "add"
>addnode "" "add"
>addnode "" "add"
>addnode "" "add"
>addnode "" "add"
>addnode "" "add"
>addnode "" "add"
>addnode "" "add"

I add this to a conf file or something?

>> No.2526356

mined for hours and did fine, it seems there is a problem is you restart the wallet, I've added the nodes but its just not syncing. I dunno what else to try. anyone got any ideas?

>> No.2526372

Or rather its synching for ages and not getting anywhere

>> No.2526385

lol the mining-difficulty is fucked and the chain will probably be rolled back. OP is laughing at all of you

>> No.2526386


cheer op

>> No.2526416

No, you put into the console or command line. You can ./credits-cli addnode "" "add".

>> No.2526418


thanks OP!

>> No.2526426

seems to be working, thanks for the help:

/credits-cli getaccountaddress "donations"

>> No.2526430

It's syncing but blocks are being generated too quickly. I think it is because the difficulty is messed up.

>> No.2526453


actually, I don't see a wallet file. where is this stored?

>> No.2526478

peers.dat in ~/.credits probably. I am on MacOs so I don't know.

>> No.2526507

doh, of course. thanks

>> No.2526537
File: 45 KB, 720x842, 1490353485458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, the coin it forked had the same problem.

Got 0 coins after like 14 hours of mining yesterday, wake up this morning, I have over 1500 in my wallet. If this isn't rolled back, the coin will be forever worthless (pretending it wasn't already).

>> No.2526607

Get an error when looking for my address on that site:


How to verify this is working as expected?

>> No.2526620

The block explorer isn't working, or it is on a different chain.

>> No.2526644

ok, so if someone sends me coin it should show up if I do

./credits-cli getreceivedbyaddress "Cca9X9GP6fzEDPfX8i6bsLyJryL4RLHD9C"

>> No.2526669


gib moni pls

>> No.2526672

I just sent you 8.66127220

>> No.2526676
File: 17 KB, 130x129, 1469004929597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got excited when I got a block, had a fuck ton in no time. Hop on the whole slack is just one big problem from pajeet copy paste dev.

My hopes and dreams of lambo shattered D:

>> No.2526692

So, what's going on in the slack. How do I get into it?

>> No.2526696


Cool, let me check

>> No.2526714

can I CPU mine this?

>> No.2526749

got it, thanks

>> No.2526756
File: 90 KB, 682x676, slack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just follow the link on the credits website.
I assume a good chunk of the people on there are on biz too.

Yes mining is cpu only, but the coin is pretty fucked right now. So theres almost no real reason to actually mine unless you like having money that will vanish.

>> No.2526760

got 120 from 24 hours of mining 5-6k hashrate

>> No.2526778

>coin is fucked

Can you elaborate? What does this mean, the 8.0 I have will now be worthless and anything I mine will be worthless going forward?

>> No.2526795

got a link to the cpu miner

>> No.2526809

I'm using the wallet that is at the CRDS website

>> No.2526813

Yeah, probably. They are talking about rolling back the chain. The difficulty is haywire and too many blocks are being generated.

>> No.2526824
File: 11 KB, 327x281, blockdifficulty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point today/yesterday the difficulty calculations on the blocks went to the gutter. That means that everyone who was mining had a chance to get coins that were otherwise meant to be reserved for the coming months.

>> No.2526827

You can only mine this on a CPU, that is the point of it I think.

>> No.2526893

Yeah i thought something was wrong, i got 60-70 coins in one hour. About 7am this morning british time.

>> No.2527011

Well, I'm up to 2500 CRDs now. The guys with big boy farms must've mined millions.

Never trust a Pajeet.

>> No.2527022
File: 127 KB, 780x863, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2527034


>> No.2527093
File: 13 KB, 418x359, 1482193274972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's really no way for him to salvage this situation, either. People have already been trading these coins for other currencies. Shit's permanently fucked.

Even if they fix the problem, all they can do is roll with the inflated numbers. I guess his 36-year timeline will become a 3.6 day timeline.

>> No.2527110

op fucked up

>> No.2527195

how and where were they traded?

>> No.2527250

so what I'm mining now is useless?
when can I mine something less useless?

>> No.2527256


>> No.2527274

Tons of trades between individuals on forums. Exchanges facilitate trades, but you can do it manually just like the people throwing out free coins in this thread, you know?

>> No.2527299

2000 CRDS for sale 0.25 dollar each someone interested?

>> No.2527321

they are worthless, they will be rolled back

>> No.2527772

is there a source for this?

>> No.2527830

his ass

>> No.2527836

mighty fine ass

>> No.2528697

Please sir - can I av some more? Or any?


>> No.2528785

I didnt get any yet.


>> No.2528861

Where can I buy this shit??

>> No.2528926

I selling oneing CRDS for £10ings. Maybe if you are wanting 100ings then I sell for £950ings. Good price in my country.

>> No.2528950
File: 68 KB, 600x450, cute cat hood ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>credits address
>picture of your arm or nipple with timestamp
and I will send you some CRDS

>> No.2528957


do u have a wallet address? It's not on any exchanges yet because it's so new. But it will be on bittrex in a couple weeks.

I can sell you some if you want. I'd recommend 500, so you can set up a masternode which lets you earn fees for processing transactions, and you can take out your 500 CRDS at any time too.

>> No.2528975

no, i drop price. 1 CRDS £9.5. Final offerings. have a nice good dayings

>> No.2528979

go away pajeet

>> No.2529022

I'll dl the wallet when I get home.

I'll also message you in the slack channel.

>> No.2529026

Thank you based OP


>> No.2529035
File: 1.40 MB, 360x260, tommy spaghetti.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also selling some if anyone wants them. I'll sell fully configured/managed masternodes with hosting for 1 year, 0.05 eth each, flat rate. Each one yields a steady ROI. This hasn't hit exchanges yet, so you have plenty of opportunity to "mine" with your masternode assuming this coin works out in the long run.

>> No.2529040

fucking wallet keeps on syncing: 12 seconds left, 0 seconds left, 10 seconds.....

What do

>> No.2529112

Mine took about 30 minutes to sync.

>> No.2529144

estimated time left to synced: it jumps from mere seconds to 9 hours and back.

>> No.2529163

yeah it does this, i don't know why. I did restart it a couple of times. Finally after about 30 minutes it went through ok.

>> No.2529187

Were you mining at that moment?

>> No.2529197

na, i think you've got to be synced om order to mine

>> No.2529210

Hell, even the NGR coin had more value lol.

>> No.2529236

desu at this stage, we can only hope everything gets fixed, and then goes up in price if it hits exchanges. I guess like everything, getting in early is key.

>> No.2529305
File: 21 KB, 1202x152, Screenshot_2017-06-19_08-16-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, but the devs are asking any random person to fill out the forms on bittrex on their behalf. They don't want to apply for it themselves. This is fucked.

>> No.2529320


>> No.2529393

they've crowdsourced basically everything so far
I was going to do it but we don't use passports here anymore in my state, just enhanced licenses

>> No.2529581

i have a crazy load of satoshis when i check the wallet "units to show the amount in"

>> No.2529856

Thanks in advance OP


>> No.2529958


>> No.2530257

Thanks OP been mining but wasnt lucky.

>> No.2530866


Thanks in advance OP

>> No.2531849


>> No.2531999

not a scam, but something went seriously wrong around block 2400. There is gonna be a rollback. we on block 60k now lulz

>> No.2532256

the scam is that the "developer" is a retard

>> No.2532304

Don't believe you, also would you like to buy some CRDS from me , dear sir?

maybe Ill sell them at $0.95 instead of the full $1. just for you sir. limited offer. Limited time.

>> No.2532325

the blockchain is basically broken, mining is 1000x easier than it should be

>> No.2532359

I know bro. I was trying to make light in a sad situation..

Games over.

>> No.2532368

Don't know, my wallet says that I got 30% if the networkhash... can't really believe it since I am getting almost every minute 10 crds...

Btw, I didn't read much into the tech can anyone enlighten me if it is something special?

>> No.2532393

nothing, the dev just cloned another coin, changed a few parameters, and fucked it up

>> No.2532416

But the problem has been spotted, and there should be an announcement in the next 6 hours. Apparently.

>> No.2532463

probably an apology for making people waste their time, and then closing up this shitcoin forever

>> No.2532551

Yeah, its been an interesting lesson, I'd never done mining before.

>> No.2532628

Thanks for getting me interested in mining op

>> No.2532921

hope you are still sending out coins! would be really nice to get some :)

>> No.2533007
File: 127 KB, 601x508, 1493391862001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Approaching 5k CRDs. I'll see you kids on the moon.

>> No.2533030


dude you need to join the slack.